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seun ogundele



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This is a phone menu system where the caller is given options to select different departments or speak to an agent. The caller can press 1 for customer service, 2 for sales, 3 for locations and hours, and 0 to speak to an agent at any time. The system apologizes for any trouble and offers the option to return to the previous menu or hang up. Welcome. Thank you for calling. Let's get you to the right place. For customer service, please press 1. For sales, please press 2. For locations and hours, please press 3. To speak to an agent at any time during this call, please press 0 or stay on the line. So sorry we're having trouble. Help us route your call. If you have another request, return to the previous menu by pressing 1. Otherwise, hang up anytime and we look forward to serving you again. Chat at you later.

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