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20240421006 (1)




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The meeting is being held by the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska to discuss emergency management. They want to share information and gather input from the Tribe. They are using AI chatbots to assist with emergency planning and response. The goal is to gather information and ideas from tribal members and leaders. They have already received interest from other tribes and want to lead the way in utilizing this technology. They discuss different roles in emergency management, such as planners and law enforcement, and specific issues like flooding and fires. The chatbots can help with assessing incidents and establishing protocols. The tribal leaders want the chatbots to connect all the departments and ensure everyone is on the same page during emergencies. We'd like to get started. I know we said 11 o'clock. We planned for training time. I want to welcome you here. This meeting is under the authority of the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska. We're here to get some information and share some things with you, what we're doing. Some of you have been here, what we're trying to do with this emergency management stuff, and this is a continuation of that. What we really want to do is share with you what we've been doing and a chance to get some information back from the Tribe. Remember when we started this, we said it's going to be led by the Tribe in terms of how you wanted to do this. This is a continuation of that. It's vital that we get input from the Tribe, but we're going to get started. Allen indicated he was going to offer a prayer for us and pray for the food, and we'll go from there. Good morning. I think what we're asking you to say is a morning prayer for us and pray over that food. Hello, Wakanda. I ask that you watch over us today as we're here for our meeting. This is an emergency response here for our Tribe. We face many issues. I ask that you look down upon us and bless us. Bless everyone of us here. Bless those who make this food for us. Bless each one of our families in our homes. I ask that you watch over our Tribe. Bless the Tribe. Bless the elders and the veterans and the little ones. I ask that you deal with us today. Thank you for bringing us here safely. I ask that you return and take us back home again safely. Wherever we came from, the whole army, the military, whatever, I ask that you return us back safely. Again, thank you for today. Thank you for everything you're going to bring to us. I ask that you watch over us. I'm going to turn the time over to my colleagues over here, Dr. Tai and Dr. Chen, and give you an overview of what we're going to do today. Welcome. I really appreciate this opportunity to be here, especially with the blessing of the Tribal elder and leader, and also the blessing of Ag to be here. Today is very simple. I think it's really an opportunity to engage in a conversation and really seek your wisdom and also experiences on emergency management. Basically, we have three short conversations. The first one is really about your role in emergency management. Now I'll tap into a chat, thinking about the role you can play. You can even come in and talk about the role that you know, your friends and colleagues and other members of the Tribe that could play, so it can enrich this conversation. The second part is to think about the benefits that we want to create with this AI chatbot. The third part is that if we have opportunities to design this together, what kind of role you want to play. Anyway, I will have the cue, as you see, but I will invite all of you to come in and think about all these different ideas or experiences, either it's about yourself or someone you know. The more you can share, the more I will really appreciate your thoughts and comments. With that, we can probably get started. The other thing I'll ask is that we'll have the microphone here. Using this handheld mic, I'll ask you to pass the microphone around so that we can probably capture your wisdom here. The one thing I want to ask for your permission first is that this is really a project that we get from money, from federal government, so as part of that, we want to make sure that we protect your information. This is only for our note purposes, and then you guys can write them up. But I'll ask you, for your permission, whether we can record this for our own notes. Can we do that? Thank you, I appreciate it. With that, I want to give you this mic here, and we'll use the mic over there, and then we can start a conversation. The first thing is identifying what we see our role in terms of emergency management. I was talking to Chad, and there's a lot of things that the tribe needs to do. We need to do a mitigation plan, but we can't request any type of federal funding without a mitigation plan. I was talking to Chad, and this process that we're doing to really assist the tribe in doing that mitigation plan, because it's about gathering information from the community. That's the whole point of trying to develop this system here so that we can make it easier and provide opportunities for our community members to provide input for what's going on in the community regarding any type of emergencies that may require Chad's office to get involved in. I'm here to try to assist Chad and the tribe in gathering that information, and that's what we're here for, so that we can put something together that the tribe can utilize. Actually, this project has gotten quite a bit of interest from throughout the Indian country because this is where the Persia tribe, to my knowledge, that is trying to study and utilize this type of technology in the Indian country, but we really do have an opportunity to sort of lead the way in showing other tribes how to get this done. That's also why it's important that we get the input from the tribal leaders, tribal administrators, tribal members, elders, everybody that we can gather their information, what they see as what could be possible. My role here is to help make that happen, and I'm really excited about the potential that this has. Like I said, we've already been contacted by the National Congress of American Indians last October. They wanted us to present this information to them, and we did, and they told us that they're following us. It's an important project, so I'm here to help, and my colleagues are here to help, and we want to provide all the support that we can to make this a really good project for our people. Anyone else want to know what your role is in emergency management? I can help with that. Where I fall into this category, probably the planner. We have our tribal emergency response person here, and our EPA emergency response person as well here. I fall into the category of just the planner to help write that grant that keeps our emergency response person on board. We have a lot of issues here, and getting with the AI, because that is starting to affect everyone across the country, and everyone wants to know more about it, including myself. So I'm glad that you're here today. I'm glad that you guys were able to make it, and I'm glad that I was able to be here today because I want to find out a little bit more about this and what we can do to utilize this chat box, because it will be very instrumental to us when we start coming up with emergency response EPA emergency response bills, floods, fires, whatever you may have, and for us to be prepared for that when that does happen. So that's why I'm here today. Also, Tim, your role depends on the disaster, but also would be to make sure we're following EPA rules. You know what I mean? Just trying to make sure you'd probably be one of the main ones. Besides me, that would be helping with that. So it depends on the planning, for sure. You mentioned there's an issue. Have you identified specific issues that you're looking to identify and get help with? Oh yeah, like flooding. Yeah, flooding. Usually on the floodwaters that we see, there's debris. And that debris can be contaminated on the Missouri River especially, and it gets into certain areas. We have a youth center, I think it's called, shelter. They're down there, and they're going to have a garden and there's going to be people and kids and horses down there, and if that floodwater reaches up that way it can contaminate that area that way. So we're kind of concerned about that. As well as fires. What happens after a fire? We've cleaned up all the grass and stuff and now we're looking at mud. But we don't want to replace it. And as well as spills. We have a lot of traffic running through our registration, not only on the highway but also on the rail line that runs through our registration. As well as pipeline. One pipeline that runs through here. So we're interested in what some of those things are going to support issues. Very good, thank you. Ramsey, we're looking for what you perceive your role is in emergency management and how you think that maybe some of the chatbots, artificial intelligence chatbots will help you in your role. That's a good question. The role for law enforcement may be the first one we'd be able to assess the incident. I think we'd be the front line and then from that standpoint, we'd be able to dish out whatever resources we need to our emergency manager, fire any other additional aid. National Guard EIA regarding wildland firefighting things like that. When it comes to emergency management, I believe we'd be the front line first one there. We'd be able to assess the situation. So regarding AI and stuff AI would be able to actually help us out that way establish protocols, things like that. Do you want to give us your name and your title? Oh, sorry. My name is Randy Griffin. I'm the chief of police for Omaha Nation Northwestern. Hello. My role as a tribal leader I like to see that chatbots connect all the managers of the casino law enforcement the fire department everybody that I see a lot of these young people that get a group chat on their phones have a group chat with a certain number of their friends what we can do now with this chatbot I see it like a group chat we're going to be the first ones there Paul Hill's not going to come anymore by himself Decatur's not going to come we've got to take care of ourselves so we can get everybody on the same page the minute we need them we'll be good be vital, save lives save property so it needs to be done and my role as a leader is I'm there I'm going to get it done without the people that do this Randy, he says everybody you guys don't care I'll take care of it Hello everyone my name's Jacob Henry I'm the Brownfield Program Specialist for the Omaha tribe emergency management falls under 10 different job descriptions I guess I would probably be more of like a planer Tim kind of covered a lot of it especially concerns to like environmental emergencies like trains derailments or spills and stuff like that just making sure that the management and clean up is all by federal environmental regulations and stuff like that and I think the AI chatbot could be a really good tool just because it might provide perspective that we might not think of on our own yeah Good afternoon everyone Brad Allison CEO for the Blackbird Band Corporation oversee both the 1977 casino and Blackbird Band Casino here just through experience and stuff we're kind of one of the first responders here we're out here and a little cornfield to fill the dreams so the AI would actually assist in getting that word out to us quicker as far as the last flood that we had in 2016 I was out traveling and I was on a flight actually at the airport in San Diego and I get a call what are you going to do about the flood at the casinos nobody had alerted us to anything it was quite unusual that situation but yeah I think that it would definitely assist in getting the information out to us a lot quicker I've been participating in the webinars as far as the weather services been issued and stuff and that is definitely a lot of helpful information useful information has been provided there so I see that as similar to what the AI chatbot there would be similar to that so I think it would definitely be a plus to the overall operation of the MoMA training anything you'd like to add to that I got one right here the thing with the chatbot it's great because I can put in ICS forms in there for me and it would be easier to fill out and also I'm by myself so it's hard to assess damage throughout the whole area so it would be easier if somebody could take a picture like Brad something happened out here you can take a picture of the damage and then put it in the chatbox and send it to me so I can understand what was going on here before I came over here so that is beneficial yeah and then great we learned so much and appreciate your input and the next one is that we can even imagine more so Dr. Tai here is going to do a quick demo and you can see that what is possible alright hi everybody so really nice to see everyone again so we'll be working on this project for a while so our team got some progress so now you see we have a chatbot we call it Tribal LLM LLM is like large language model it's most like popular we are using a similar model to try to understand the tribal culture and to see how we can provide information to the members and we try to put some data including the social media and embed it here so here is some quick demo if you want to know about our tribe preserve the heritage this is the responses they will give to you and the user will be able to continue to ask him more questions so this is an advanced version compared to I think 2 years ago when we invite you to UFO campus we have a phone call you can make a phone call to report like an emergency report and at that time you can only answer some predefined questions but now you can answer any questions so we would like to see how we can make this better and so if you want to report a flood like a tornado how this tool can be useful for you so let's try to ask him one question can you do pictures yet? yes one of the findings we learned is that people like to just take a photo and then we can have a report including in the report and our team is working on that now it's still only textual data we are now working on monthly models so now you can just use it one phone take a photo and we can embed it into your report I think it will be much easier for all the citizens all the committee members to report so that's the progress so far sorry, any questions? anyone want to have any questions? I'm more like a technical guy so if you are interested more about technology stuff I will be happy to answer any questions will it be like an app? type of thing yes so you can use a link and then you can use this we can share it with you showing us it's ok we just started we are asking everybody to identify their role with the tribe and how they see themselves fitting in with designing this chat bot let them know what your title is what you do how you think it can help you and what you want to see out of it what roles are you identifying? I'm the director of the realty and land management so from what I understand we were designated as first responders at one time I don't know if that's still true but we would use this in problem planning for our all the documents we create are for the tribal council so we would use this in many ways we have notices we have surveys that we are going to be doing data that we are going to be collecting so this is very very interesting this is something we can use and more importantly we are interested in drone technology for our land management purposes we are also interested in lidar technology because my monitors they also are cultural surveyors as well they have been certified in that and from what I understand we are the only tribal program that has monitors with that specific training so I kind of want to build on that training and use that technology which I think this really ties into that because it involves GIS it involves all of those other tools required to implement this so our office we are ready to learn and we are ready to use as soon as we are able I want to ask a question about land management so you mentioned about AI and drone could you provide one use case example what kind of thing you think AI can help you well the drone would be for documentation of our area our land base the AI part is what I still need to learn because we are always getting questions maybe we can answer general questions from our office because we get asked the same question all the time is there land available that type of stuff so those if we can incorporate some type of response in there until we can get some type of information or update out to whoever would need it so we are really the monitors are really into the technology side of it you mentioned drones and we just put in for another national science foundation grant the public meeting was on that one it's on wind the effects of wind and how it damages and how you can use it for other purposes I think if we get the planning grant the tribe will essentially get GIS mapping over the entire organization that's one of the things they would get out of this planning grant and a weather station as well that would be awesome because I would love to use that in our office because I do have the arts GIS training it's been a long time since I used it but I'm familiar with it so if we get that grant it would be an important resource for that planning grant and that would be a wonderful resource for me in our department so the relationship is very symbionic I guess I really at this test site it interests me so much so I now I need to get them training on the things they need to use those instruments I think we're supposed to know sometime in the fall whether we get that the submission is August or September by the end of September we should know we'll be in touch Ed is on the team we're all on the team thank you for the opportunity do you have any other conversations we can talk about yeah do you think oh yeah she's a big fan of GIS she does she does that that's the GIS you said it right yeah can I add a comment I do we have that back in the 90's that we used to see that training would be very useful along our railroad site because maybe a possible failure of something coming through and you may have an accident yeah but then that training it was an idea of what we're going to face as in bleaching to our drinking water it was there we've got sandy soil we've got clay you know that GIS program our program was really good we went through that with the school I believe at the time USPK offered that to us here back in the day and I think that would be a really good refresher course to go through we could have that I believe that GIS would be very helpful with all of our programs our programs as well you know what you did you volunteered yourself laughter that's why you don't talk laughter be careful when you grab that mic I guess I want to do I apologize give you an idea of what my role is we talk about a lot of things here other than the water you know back in the first flood here I believe it wasn't with us at the time but the first flood here this was an actual casino we had an impact here on our drinking water system I remember the manager at the time was calling me what do we do about our wellhead what do we do about our septic waste system over here how do we protect this and at the time we had no protection our sealing for our water system but now we have drafted an emergency response plan and we worked with UTA diligently to get our corrals protected we've got seals around our wellhead now to prevent contamination to our drinking water we have a process now in case another flood comes and we don't have it but you know those are things that he has he has a very valuable document that I still have and I read that because I know somewhere down the line in the future what we'll be ready for that's the emergency response plan that we have here at BC that Brad has drafted up and that's been approved by UTA so we're prepared for our drinking water that's something we've never talked about securing our drinking water our aquifer and that our program will be a very good thing to begin with that gives us ideas for down the road later so those are my comments I think those will be very useful to you somewhere down the line thank you can I ask for your official capacity Robert Warner I'm actually the tribal water quality specialist I kind of went back to what I did 15 years ago and I'm kind of researching that again so hopefully we're going to be back to where we were and we're on our way right now Jim and I have a strong team here and federal level is down now so I'm looking forward to a really good future thank you very much I'm the leader of this team coming from UNO so in my capacity I really want to recognize your contribution thank you I think I'm hearing a lot of good things about what the tribe has and what we do a lot of resources and I think the value of this project will hopefully bring all those resources together for the implementation of this technology so that we can share and see what others are doing and how we can get training that we need or implement various other types of technology so this has been a good opportunity to find out what everyone is doing we need to keep this going and gather that information so that we can put this all together so that everybody knows where everybody else is at what we are doing what resources we have we can address issues of land management water management flood management to keep our community safe so this has been a good experience I think we need to hear from other tribal leaders and administrators as well to let us know what resources they have so we can get that in the future and take it back to other members of the team to let them know that this is an important project and we need their input it would be great to hear from housing from roads from all the other organizations that we have to bring it all together and that's vital in terms of putting the technology together what we're going to do we're going to get everyone here trained on GIS and we also I'm grateful for the aircraft we received that so we're going to have air, water, all that we're going to have most of the areas covered environmentally we're also going to for the environmental justice grant and get more funding in there to not only get us trained on GIS but get the plotter and everything else we need to do all that stuff costs money so we need to do that we need to have everything in order before we can ask for all that information and we're so glad that we can be part of it I can see there's a lot of assets in this community here a lot of nation here just by visiting to what you have said I think I know that we are here so let's get to the second conversation we started already I'll ask Ed to lead a couple of things to talk about we talked about this we talked about possibilities we also know that based on what we learned across the country there are a couple of things we can use that for as we demonstrated before we can use that to prepare for upcoming natural disasters people can say is a storm coming, tornado coming when is it going to hit us the second one is that a lot of times federal government as all you know requires a lot of paperwork but you can make sure that you get the reverse so this chatbot can also collect that information for example there's some damage here you can use that to get public assistance or do individual assistance as a way to gather the information so wouldn't we all chat all the time we provide the infrastructure for chat to gather that information I can see that to be used by other departments as well maybe it's an all-in-one data collection mechanism and also I think what we should prioritize when we recover and then maybe step 1, 2, 3 get the right information disseminate that information so people know what's the plan and then also maybe that's a way that if you want to get a hold of chat here's my digital assistance maybe that person will answer some of the standard questions but more challenging ones and will take a chat and take over so you think about all these different possibilities and also leaders can use that to maybe answer some of the standard questions or handle some of the more complex questions so just try to kind of help us so here are some examples we learned people have been using that before but we invite you to say which one makes more sense or your new idea please I think we discussed a lot of the benefits that this could help us with in terms of documentation reporting communication at least what I've heard is that we have those we know what those issues are we just need to figure out how we can organize those in this type of technology so that we can share and communicate better from my perspective I've heard a lot of the issues that you've talked about and how we can address those but if you have anything else that you can think of please let us know and with that I think I don't I'm really cognizant of people's time here maybe we'll go into the third conversation and this is one really the next step so it's really about what kind of role people can play to kind of together we can really design that's useful for you for your department for the tribal nation all together and then from what we learned that there's four different roles that we have here that people can play in their different capacities so that's why we're trying to understand because once you can identify a role when we come in we'll say, hey, can you play this role and work with us because we need your help to make it useful for you and that's the whole idea so now we want to get more specific about this so we're asking this more specific question so think about this just look at what's on the screen what is the role that you in your official capacity we talk about all the benefits for this Omaha tribal community tribal nation here and then I can kind of start with but I'll probably ask Dr. Chai he's a national expert here so he came up with the idea that we can be facilitators designers, developers and stakeholders maybe Dr. Chai will help us yeah, so the methodology we're using here is just like always I think we need to learn from you because I know technology pretty well I know how to build a system but I don't know the issue so this is one of the methodology we follow so if you can think about if you can play a certain role like here, the first one the second one, co-design designer, you can be a designer just tell me based on your observations what's the issue that we probably can address, right? and when you share and we have different roles people can contribute and that's the way we can come up with a consensus and I know what we should go ahead to make the tool even better and most importantly, it can be useful for you so we just want to learn how you feel about this so if you can think about one of each role I know you probably don't know how to build a system but that's fine, think about if you are such a role, and what do you imagine that the job as your goal will work at this point I will invite every single one of you to speak and just think about you're not limited by this so these are the standard categories that we know, but these are the material for you to think about but you can just speak your mind if I were to come in what's the best way for me to come in for the benefit of the entire community as I look at the four different roles the facilitator I think for me I think that's something all of us can do I talked about letting others know about what we're trying to do and inviting them to participate in this and letting them know what this project is about so the first one is the facilitator is helping to communicate and that's something I think all of us have the capacity to do if you think that your primary role that hey I really know a lot of people I can talk to them and tell them how important this is and so if you think that that is something that is your best strength, you can identify that, hey I can really let people know and get involved in this project and keep people updated that's a vital role that needs to be filled. The other one is the designer and some of us have the ability to listen to thoughts and say we should do this we can do this with this we can generate reports we can look at how this can help water management so the co-designer if you think your strength is taking those thoughts and putting them into action how can we do that? If you think that is your primary strength and role please let us know because we need those types of people to play that role because it's putting all these thoughts together into action and then there's the designing or the development those are the things that we can we have our national experts not necessarily to help with program needs but to say what we need it for we need it to generate a report or grant writing we need to do budgets we need to put together pictures for GIS purposes how can we do that and how that's going to benefit our program so if you think you're good at that in terms of your mind works in helping to develop all this thing we can relay it to our team to put that together in the chat box that's a very vital role as well. The other one is the stakeholder someone who just shares their knowledge and I think all of us can do that and that's the importance of being a stakeholder it's letting them know what our shared experiences are about floods or fires or weather we just went through that last week and we're dealing with that on a constant basis how can we improve or use it to help us with those types of events that's really what we're trying to do is how do you see your role, your strength where did you fit in and you need to let us know that because like I said I heard a lot of great resources here and we need to utilize those in putting this together you need to identify to us where you want to be in this process. It may be multiple places and I'm really good at communicating letting people know but I also can put those thoughts into actions. So if you and we get this back to others in the chat let them know what role do they want to play in it. That's going to help us put this together. So I don't know if you want to let us know or write it down somewhere or think about what your thought is in terms of what role you want to play. I'd probably be all for it. Obviously I'm not a good facilitator because I didn't let people know soon enough. But I also have this very different meeting so that's why that's important. I would most likely be forgive me again if it's cheaper than one issue I would be a stakeholder I would be specifically doing my expertise. I have 10 years on the road experience. I've seen a lot of accidents disasters things of that in my 10 years working. But I also had great teachers officers before me that had a lot of experience and passed their wisdom down to me. So I feel like I'd be more or less a stakeholder. Probably a full design facilitator as well because I'd be able to let them know like our process when it comes to that and then any other things that people may need like the community this and that stage things other things of that sort when we call on the radio or ask for other resources that we can utilize. Oh, I would say I would say stakeholder just because if we have an emergency we'd be able to assist and we'd probably know who to call for example we have this Fort Calhoun nuclear power site down here at the decommissioned facility and we have a we have a we have a nuclear power site down here at decommissioned they're moving stuff out and occasionally they run through our reservation I've recently been chatting with NRC and I'm on a list now to let us know when they're going to come through the reservation but if they come through the reservation and there is an accident we can go out there and actually contain it but we can actually set up perimeters and we know who to call to get people to come out and actually do decontamination of that site so I would definitely say stakeholder Can you email me when they come through please? Can you email me when they come through? I don't know either We're on that list now or add me to the list I think I think I might fall under a little bit of all of them especially I guess I guess I'm not sure about what you mean by design process is that like can get in the AI to give you the information that you want I suppose because one thing I think would be really useful for it would be like Chad gave me an emergency response binder like this thick it's just full of it could you upload that to the bot so that way say something were to happen and me and Chad weren't in the office could someone else that doesn't know put them in the binder they could go in because we fed the binder to the chatbot and the chatbot could learn it and give it to other people I think it would be a good way to communicate ideas to people that might not necessarily know already so I think that yeah that's a brilliant idea brilliant idea that's exactly a good idea we wanted I don't know yet I don't know yet that's about all I can say right now I need to we're still planning in our office and putting things organizing but I do know we will be utilizing this in some way we just have general information that everyone likes to access so if we're able to incorporate some of that in there because some of that is probably used in their emergency management efforts might not be first and foremost at this point I would probably just be a stakeholder with my limited expertise and experience I noticed these young guys are like oh yeah I got ready to take the lead on this we talked about that last time about this technology we were like where's my phone and this I think can you open up this opportunity here is that we have this kind of survey you can bring it back to your people in your office and then they have a chance to share their thoughts with us after this meeting or any time in the next two or three weeks and we have this survey ready and we'll ask Ed to distribute this so it's a mechanism that we can collect more voices and ideas that the community can come together for that that's actually what I was going to comment about as far as getting this out to the people that are sitting here so we can review it too and add to this as far as again as far as resources definitely but as far as co-designers there's a lot of resources that I do have available to you I don't invent nothing I may modify some things like Robert was talking to you I don't write these things I find it already written I modify it to our needs it makes it a hell of a lot easier than trying to write a whole new manual so I think that would be where the co-designers yeah that's probably where I fit but if we could get that distributed to everybody that's here participating in this you know we can actually start looking a little deeper into what expectations and stuff are can you also be a designer hmm you have all the land oh okay you got volunteers or you can send one of your guys to be a designer because you got all the a lot of hands and all that stuff most of us know where it is but it's also nice to know somebody else over here too? over here too? they're just here for the food they showed up right at noon I'll put them to work hahahaha yeah I think that that's really a good way to move to the very last one and know that the food are there but it's less than five minutes I promise only like five questions and then the other thing is that we'll send the link out and then you can also use this opportunity to engage people in your respective offices yeah so you can try it out and know it's kind of short and sweet and then if that mission accomplished then we can enjoy food when you send me that link do you want me to send it to everybody or just the directors everybody I'll send it out to Greg Greg can send it to me he's going to send it to me so just send it to me and send it to me so you want everybody that has a tribal email to have that yeah if you didn't take it if you're not doing it now I'll have it send it to Tracy send it to me and I'll just hit all I'll say it's Carl T send it to Tracy yeah we just figured it out she just had a email Tracy knows you yeah because you sent it to Greg Greg's going to send it to me send it out you can tag him don't send it out to somebody I don't want to send it to everybody send it to my I don't want to send it to everybody you got to have your picture Alan click on the link you have to start and then you have to what else because you're going to you guys are so cute that's good thank you I want to share a word of gratitude we're grateful for your help and also I'm grateful for the blessing of our ancestors I'm kind of on a tradition that we really pay a lot of respect to our ancestors well food's over there when you're ready to go we'll make sure that this gets sent out to everybody else or if you already have it Brad you're going to send it to your people we'll make sure it gets sent out one way or the other but we appreciate your time and like I said there's a lot of great things that I've heard today that we can accomplish with this everything put together I think we can put together a pretty good program to help us coordinate our resources lunch is on Brad today that's what he said right Brad I'm the co-sponsor he'll be on my corner I'll keep that in mind I'll put it out to people everybody says this I know there's a little point that we're going to go to yeah don't have to mess with this I couldn't make it it's a charger but we had to change the battery part way through it just wasn't charging that way but other than that it worked great Yvonne told me that that would be great I'll mess with it more because at first it just wasn't plugged in but then even after I plugged it in it just wasn't charging so maybe it was just so it could be that I can't figure it out but yeah I saw that it was just so short that we I guess in here actually we probably could have it'll work you're not in the directory? exactly is that choppy? no I'm not in there oh

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