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The speaker recently watched a new movie called Twisters and loved it. They saw it in a theater with Screen X, which has screens on the wall covered with fabric. The speaker thinks it would look better if the screens were curved. The movie is about a girl trying to save the world by stopping tornadoes. The speaker recommends seeing it, especially on Screen X. Hey guys, and this is MoviePods, and um, I would just like to say that I have recently saw, um, a movie called Twisters, and it's a brand new one, there was an old version of it, and it was, and I hadn't seen that one, but the new one, spot on, perfect, I loved it, and I saw that Screen X, and Screen X is where there's screens on the wall but they're covered with fabric, so it's not as good on the sides, and it's powered by AI, um, and it's, it's not like a curve, because it's on the wall, it's attached to the wall, but if they made it a curve, it would look a lot better, because it like, like if a car was coming on there, it will just, the car will bend in half and then come on the screen, and it's a lot about a girl who is trying to save the world by stopping tornadoes, and it's really good, you should go see it, try it on Screen X, but if you can't, just see it, it's a really good movie, have a good day.

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