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cover of The Power of Prayer
The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



Prayer, faith, Encouragement, Family, Inspirational Music

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The transcription is a message about the importance of seeking God and praying. It emphasizes that God is the source of life, healing, and well-being, and encourages listeners to devote time to reading and meditating on His Word. It also highlights the power of prayer and the need to pray for one another. The message concludes with a prayer for forgiveness, healing, and restoration, and an invitation to reach out for prayer or encouragement. Come, all who are thirsty, those whom are poor, weak, you are hungry for so much more. Why spend what you don't have when what you need is free? God saying, listen child, come hunt me. The hunger that we all have within our innermost man can only be satisfied by an encounter with the living God. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him. That's what the Bible says. For he that comes to God must believe that He is. Yes, we know that God is sovereign. Why? Because He has all authority and power. It all belongs to Him. God is light and in Him there is no darkness. God is the giver of life, healing and well-being. He is the source of inner peace, strength and stability. He is our protector. He is our deliverer. He is faithful and He provides for our needs. He is our very present help in the time of trouble. He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. God wants us to seek His face. I challenge you to offer to the Lord your best. Devote quality time and effort to read and meditate on His Word. This is the key to abundant life, spiritual maturity, peace of mind, stability, strength and courage to walk in victory. We all need that, right? Amen. So with great expectation, position yourself and listen to the voice of the indwelling Holy Spirit. I promise He will reveal truth, clarity and revelation of Scripture as well as the plan God has for your life. So I encourage you to continue to pray without ceasing. That Scripture is found in 1 Thessalonians 5 and 17. Pray until you receive a word from the Lord. Pray until you are saved, those who need salvation. Pray until you are healed, those who need healing. Pray until you are delivered. Delivered. God can deliver. He will set you free. The life changing power of God in your life will grow grace, faith, love, patience, joy and courage to live a lifestyle pleasing to God. I challenge you to let your light shine and welcome the Spirit as you make a difference in the world that we live in. Oh, what a relief it is to pour out our hearts to our Father in prayer. He is truly compassionate and He cares about our troubles, concerns and stresses in life. Yes, God really cares. Family and friends, I encourage you to release your heavy load to the Lord by faith and prayer. Trust Him as you stand on His promises. Give Him praise with a heart of thanksgiving. And watch God work on your behalf. Yes, our prayers are powerful and effective. The Bible also instructs us to sincerely pray for one another. In Matthew 18 and 19 it says, If two of you agree on earth with about anything in prayer, our Father in heaven hears and He answers. So there is power in unity. Take the time and opportunity to pray and intercede for one another. God sends healing, strength, divine protection and help when we least expect it. Truly, God is the giver of new life, hope, peace and wholeness, full of love, grace and forgiveness toward one and all who believe and believe. This is the beauty and power of prayer. It's good for our children. It's good for our families and the now and generations to come. And oh yes, it's good to pray for our pastors and ministers, evangelists and missionaries, teachers and those who are sold out for the sake of the gospel or on the front line in spiritual warfare. Without hesitation, continue to pray for their renewed strength, clarity of purpose, much needed resources, dedicated workers, open doors of opportunity, godly wisdom, discernment, protection, encourage and courage to stand for truth and righteousness as well as boldness to stand against work of wickedness and darkness. We fervently pray for our nation's humanitarian crisis, opioid crisis, mental health crisis, public health crisis, sex trafficking crisis, as well as the crisis in our government. The list goes on and on. Yes, we have much to pray for. At this moment, we just look up to the Lord right now. Oh God, forgive our iniquities, heal our land, restore our joy, increase our faith. Help us to seek your face and turn from our wicked ways. Yes to your will, oh Lord, and yes to your way. We love you, Lord. We thank you for your love and for your faithfulness. We thank you for being in the family of God. Thank you, Lord. Amen. Hi. Hope you enjoyed this episode of New Generation Christian Family Matters and music by Christina Donor. We would love to hear from you. If you need prayer or encouragement or if you just have something to say, we will respond. God bless you.

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