Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is excited about the upcoming changes in their work. They have decided to remove their books from online stores and do a rebranding. They have been traveling and studying a lot, and this has prompted them to make their books better match their current level. They emphasize the importance of taking action and implementing what is learned from books. They share a personal experience about reading a book and immediately taking action based on what they learned. They encourage listeners to be intentional about their reading habits and to make time for implementing what they learn. They mention rewriting 17 books and wanting readers to feel transformed after reading them. They express excitement about the upcoming journey with their books. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn yn gweithio'n fawr iawn. Mae wedi bod yn amser fawr iawn ers i fi fod yma ar y podcast. Fe wnaethon i fynd i ffwrdd, sydd wedi digwydd i fod yn ffwrdd fawr iawn, ond rwy'n dod yn ôl, ac yn unrhyw ffordd, rydym yn mynd i fynd i mewn i sefydliad newydd anhygoel yma ar y podcast. Rydw i wedi mynd i mewn i sefydliad newydd anhygoel yma ar y podcast. Rydw i wedi mynd i mewn i sefydliad newydd anhygoel yma ar y podcast. Rydw i wedi mynd i mewn i sefydliad newydd anhygoel yma ar y podcast. Rydw i wedi mynd i mewn i sefydliad newydd anhygoel yma ar y podcast. Rydw i wedi mynd i mewn i sefydliad newydd anhygoel yma ar y podcast. Rydw i wedi mynd i mewn i sefydliad newydd anhygoel yma ar y podcast. I'm feeling so freaking good about it. I'm feeling so freaking good about it. You can probably tell just from the sound of my voice. You can probably tell just from the sound of my voice. I have missed being here with you all, and I'm excited for what's to come as we wind down 2023 and kick off 2024. I have missed being here with you all, and I'm excited for what's to come as we wind down 2023 and kick off 2024. I have missed being here with you all, and I'm excited for what's to come as we wind down 2023 and kick off 2024. I have missed being here with you all, and I'm excited for what's to come as we wind down 2023 and kick off 2024. I have missed being here with you all, and I'm excited for what's to come as we wind down 2023 and kick off 2024. and kick off 2024. So, what has been happening in my world that has prompted me to record this series is, I have actually decided to remove all of my books that I have written from Amazon and all of the online stores and spaces that they are, and do a full rebrand, but also with the rebrand, just going through all of my manuscripts and just completely up-leveling them. I feel like this year was such a powerful year of growth for me, and there were so many lessons that really have reshaped the way I think about some things, and maybe not even reshaped the way I think about them, because I don't feel differently about my teachings and the lessons I've learned, but I feel like I can explain them better. I feel like there's a whole new depth to them. So, over the last year, I have been traveling like crazy. Some of you may know that I got married, I'm now Sarah Bouldrey, and I have been spending a lot of time studying. I can't even tell you how many books I've read this last year, how many podcast episodes I've listened to, and how many courses that I have created from that, and it just felt like such an aligned action to go back into all of my books and just really make them match the level that I feel I am at. So, I wanted to shed some light this morning on what it's really been like for me to just dive into this process of deeper education. I think we can all listen to a podcast or an audiobook, pick up a book and read it on a lazy Sunday afternoon, and walk away feeling like, wow, what incredible information I just absorbed into my brain. The thing that I've noticed with myself and in and around my community is that the action and the activity of doing the inspired work tends to fall at the wayside. And so, sometimes we'll say like, hey, I've got an hour, I'm going to sit down and read this book. And, you know, maybe you've got this really amazing personal development book in your hands, but where's the scheduled space to actually implement the work? It's not enough to just feel inspired unless that inspiration causes you to take action. But we really want to just carve out time of like, what did I learn and where will I apply that? So, I've told this story many, many times when I teach some of my classes. I once picked up a book, I cannot remember the title of it for the love of me. Once I remember it, I'm going to link it in the show notes for you. But I literally got to the first paragraph of the book. I read the first paragraph and instantly it popped into my mind that, oh yeah, I need to check in with so-and-so. I was working on a project and it just popped into my mind that like, hey, I need to check in with so-and-so. And so, you know what? I stopped reading the book, I got up, I went to my computer and I did that action. So, this book gave me like the whereabouts in my brain. I guess I'm not really saying that right, but I'm sure you know what I mean. It prompted my brain to go like, hey, this reminds you of that thing, you better get on that. And I took it as a signal that the book was leading me in the right direction. And after I checked in with that person, I went back to the book and I read a couple more paragraphs. And then it was talking about habits and like your 20-year planning. And so, I thought, okay, like this just prompted me like, hey, I should journal about where I want to be in 20 years. So, guess what? I stopped. I opened my journal and I spent 20 minutes journaling about where I wanted to be in 20 years. And then I went back and I picked up the book and I read a little bit more. I'd given myself like an hour to read that day. I tried to give myself hour reading blocks and I don't ever set an intention of like, oh, I'm going to read this many pages or this many chapters. It's just like, I'm going to let the book guide me into action. And so, if those were the only two things I ever got from that book, yay, me, right? I have taken action on what I learned. Now, I did get through the entire book. I do remember that. I remember working many, many late nights. It was like during COVID and I was working in the hospital. And I remember many, many late nights when I had like 15 minute breaks, which was pretty much all we got, like grabbing the book and reading it to just fuel my brain with something different than everything that was happening around me. I did get through the entire book. And I do remember coming up with an entire list of things in my phone, those late nights at work of like, oh yeah, you know, you need to update this document or, oh yeah, that's a really good reminder that you're not taking good enough care in your morning routine. Like I was doing a subpar morning routine. And so, then I would schedule out time to do the actions and activities. And so, I really want to encourage you that as the books come back out, and there's going to be a really amazing way that these books are relaunched, I'm not going to tell you just yet. But when the books come back out, for those of you who up level into the, you know, 2.0 kind of version of the book, I want you to think about what is my reading habit, right? If I'm reading a personal development book or a business development book, the intention is to learn something new that we can apply, right? This is why we buy these books, because we want to change in that area where we don't know how to grow in that area. So, if all we do is read the book and go like, wow, I read this book and it was really amazing, we've sort of missed the point. So, as you know, I always love on my podcast giving little assignments, and you will never get the teacher out of me. I am just an educator by heart. I don't even know I'm doing it sometimes, but the little assignment that I just want to share is, what is your reading routine, right? Or rather, what do you want your reading routine to be? Maybe you already have an incredible one, and so this is just like a great reminder. If you don't, like, where is the space in your house that feels the best for you to cozy up with a book or a podcast? Or maybe it's that you really love driving in your car, and so you're listening to the podcast in your car, like, spritz some essential oils, or, you know, got in the habit of making voice notes, preferably after you park the car. We always want to encourage you to be safe, like, don't do anything that Sarah says is not safe, that's a no-no, but how will you go into the next book that you read or finish off the current book that you're reading with more intentionality? And that's really the focal point that I want you to just hone in on. How will you be more intentional with this practice? So I just wanted to do a real quick, short check-in on this. I've been thinking a lot about my own reading habits, my own practice, especially as I've been rewriting 17 books. I always got to add a new project to my plate, but I love it. So, you know, as I've been going through this process, I've been really thinking about, like, how do I want readers to absorb this? How do I want them to feel after they've read this book? Do I want them to feel inspired, or do I want them to be able to say, like, hell yeah, I just got through 52 pages of this, and look at all the different things that have transformed in me and in my life, whether it's taking on new mindset strategies or creating new rituals for yourself or doing your social media a little different. There's Hooded for Money, Flow, and Fame is one of my favorite books I've ever written, and it's like the do's and don'ts of social media. I'm so into that book, and I love all of the new components that I've added to it. If you read the book before, I know I've got so much feedback on that one. It's just, I didn't even know I had more amazingness to write about that, but turns out I did. So, toot my horn a little bit there, but I'm just, I'm so excited for this next journey of the books that I created, how they're going to show up in the world, how they will take you from just inspiration and knowledge into action and activity. So, what is the way you want to use books? Like, are you reading them just for downtime? Are you reading them because you genuinely need support and help and work in a certain area? Are you reading it because somebody told you this is a good book? Well, why did they tell you it was a good book? Like, what did they get from it that was so amazing, and can you maybe get the same thing from it, or do you want to try to get something different out of it, right? Another really great thing that I love doing is I love to write in my books. Yes, I like to deface them, but they're all my own books, so, you know, I can do that. I love just writing on the pages when I read it, like, pausing to go do this. And then later on when I go pick up the book again, I do definitely read books over and over and over. It's just this amazing, like, display of all the incredible actions and activities that I took the first time I read it. And then the second time I read it, I grab a different color pen, and I go do it again. And, you know, it's just so interesting to look back and go, like, wow, every time I read this, I got so many different things. And, like, where was I at this space in my life? And, like, I wonder why that prompted me to kind of do that. And sometimes it's even, I wonder why I didn't just take action on that before. Like, why did I need to read this page to get up and go do that thing? So, anyways, I'm getting on a little tangent here. Yeah, so keeping it somewhat short and sweet, I did go off a little more than I planned, but the new series is coming out in January, and the program is actually called The Library. So I'm going to do a whole podcast episode on that because it's just such an incredible way to launch it, and there's so many golden nuggets in there on launching. Like, a different and unique program. So you can watch for the books in January. I will link in the show notes the early registration page for any of you who are just curious and want to learn a little bit about, like, what the heck did she do here? And, yeah, share with me, you know, tag me in it, share with me what your reading journey is, what you're reading right now, what you're taking from it. I always love to hear that stuff, and I always love a good book. So if you're reading anything fabulous, please DM me or just tag me in a picture of it and let me know on the socials. My social links are in the comment section below, and it was so great just getting on here, having a little ramble. I forgot how much I love this. I hope you all have been doing amazing, and I have so much to unpack for you in 2024. So make sure you subscribe to the podcast, and let's just have some freaking fun while we wind down the year. So have an amazing day, and I will check in next week.