Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Willie Lohman, a guest on a show, discusses his strained relationship with his son, Biff. Biff announces he is moving out and cutting off all communication. Willie feels devastated and blames himself for Biff's unhappiness. Willie tells Biff to hang himself, and Biff reacts angrily. They argue, but Willie eventually realizes that Biff truly loves him. Willie then believes he is the failure and decides to kill himself in order to provide for his family through life insurance. The host expresses sympathy and gratitude for Willie sharing his story. Hey guys, my name is Ruben Benzikin and welcome back to impactful interactions Today on the show we have a very special guest with us. Mr. Willie Lohman. Willie's gonna be providing us with some insight Regarding his interaction with Beth. Hey Willie Hey Ruben Good to be here Pleasure's all mine. Thank you for taking the time to come come on the show So do you want to start by giving us some context as to your relationship with this? Sure Well, this is one of my two sons When he was younger he was full of joy and potential Sometime later on we had a little falling out which was my own fault ever since then Our relationship has never been the same. All right, and this interaction we're talking about this happened at your house, correct? Yes Myself and this along with my beautiful wife Linda and my other son happy and all gathered in the kitchen It was then When bit and Linda told me that Biff would be moving out and cutting off all communication with myself All right, and how did you feel when you heard that your son your own blood didn't want a single thing to do with you It devastated me I felt he was doing out of spite since he blamed me for the life he ended up having I made this feeling known and that's when he blew up on me And what a bit have to say when this interaction happened He told me that everything that was spoken about in the house was a lie He said that he never got anywhere in life from anybody. He spoke out about spoke about how he was Meaningless I told him he truly felt that way Then he should hang himself Oh, all right. And and how did he how to react when you made that remark? well Say he was angry would be an understatement He yelled at me and told me a story about how today when he was out He came to our realization that he doesn't want to lead this type of conversation He came to our realization that he doesn't want to lead this type of life How he realized that everything he wants is out there waiting for him the minute he realized who he is And what was your reaction when he said that? I told him that the door of his life is wide open That he was special. He got angry and said that he was a dime a dozen And so was I it was at this moment that I felt as if I had failed my own son I had failed in making him realize that he was truly special the only duty I had in this world as a father I had failed in doing So after he made that comment you had a heartfelt conversation with him I assume No, I was uh too embarrassed to admit my fault Instead I projected my disappointment in myself and told him he was absolutely wrong That I was willie lohman and that he was biff lohman And that we were anything but a dime a dozen He said I was never anything but a hard-working dumber who landed in the ash can like all the rest of them That he is the one dollar an hour a buck an hour He said he was not bringing home any prizes anymore and I was to stop waiting for him to bring them home So when your son said this, what did what did you do? I tried to leave but he grabbed me before I could go. He yelled at me. I'm nothing. I'm nothing pop Can you understand that there's no fighting anymore? I'm just what I am. That's all after that He broke down began to cry and held on to me I was shocked All this time. I believed that he hated me that everything he did was out of spite But in the end, I realized that he truly loved me. He always did And how did it make you feel knowing that your son truly loved you It brought me to a realization that he was not doing everything out of spite but out of love And although I originally believed that he was a failure. I then realized that I was in fact the failure That I had failed to provide for my family failed to raise my son It was at this point that I knew What had to be done? And and what exactly was that? I had to kill myself My whole life. I believed that what I was doing in the best interest of my family But now I realized that I had failed And the only way to make up for all the mistakes that I have ever made was to cash in on my life insurance policy So I could provide for my family I realized in that moment that I was worth more dead than alive Wow, that's an impactful story I'm, sorry, you felt that way Well, thank you for sharing your experience with us today Unfortunately, we are out of time But we're ever so grateful for you taking the time out of your day to share that with the world This truly was an impactful interaction. I'm your host Ruben Benzikin and we'll see you next time