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Im 8 years sober, this is a MUST for my morning routine in recovery

Im 8 years sober, this is a MUST for my morning routine in recovery

Rethink Recovery



I give tons of credit to this exercise for the success I've had in my sober journey. This technique has been proven to increase clarity for what kind of sober woman you want to be, and increase mindfulness so you can live the alcohol-free lifestyle of your dreams!

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The speaker discusses the importance of setting oneself up for a positive and productive day by practicing gratitude and self-care in the morning. They emphasize the power of mindset and affirmations in shaping one's outlook and emotions. The speaker also suggests the "halt method" for managing emotions and meeting basic needs before addressing any challenges. Making the bed and drinking water are additional habits recommended for a successful start to the day. The speaker highlights the benefits of these practices in maintaining sobriety and overall well-being. They encourage listeners to incorporate these exercises into their morning routine for a better tomorrow. Hello, sober souls. This is episode 1 of Rethink Recovery podcast. I show the level of your sober superpowers Tap into the abundance of happiness your life has to offer and live your recovery on your terms I'm Sarah your sober host and I'm so happy you're here. Let's get started So I can remember about as far back as middle school being a night owl. I've tried to switch it up and Get up a little earlier because I love the energy of an early morning But it just doesn't feel like who I am going to bed You know before 2 a.m So after so many years, I've really accepted that I get most of my stuff done at night And my work energy is at its highest at night up until about 2 a.m So I try to set myself up for success and work around my schedule Whatever time I wake up though, I make sure to set myself up for a day that I expect to be good, right? So for me this starts the night before even if it's 2 4 a.m By the time I actually end up going to bed Nothing major I do Typically wash my face brush my teeth, etc. But for me the growth starts and ends with my mindset So the process when I go into bed I spend a few minutes of gratitude Reflecting back on the day and appreciating a few things. I've experienced throughout the day Once you start to do this, you'll begin to see and focus on the good that your life is bringing to you Another great way to do this is to pop off a rampage of gratitude for everything that comes to mind, right? shoelaces my cats my lights TV Coffee toothpaste Whatever comes to mind even if it sounds wild just be thankful and save them to yourself as you start to fall asleep, I definitely believe that you can go to sleep choosing the mindset you want to wake up with as You begin to doze off and after you felt your gratitude for the day begin to picture your day tomorrow Nothing specific nothing that needs to be accomplished just feel gratitude and excitement For what the day has to bring? When I wake up, I allow myself about 15 minutes Nothing drastic, but before I get out of bed I connect my mind and body by recognizing the space I take up with my presence, right? Just lying there in the peace of the morning when everything is still It's like when you're standing next to the ocean or a mountain and it makes you recognize that your problems are not as big as They seem in comparison to such a big world. It's a really nice way to keep your ego in check It's it's funny for me and my family. We live in Florida, right? We're not originally from here But when the Rockets go off I can see them from my balcony and there's probably about three Shuttles that I can see a month. There's probably 30 that go off I'm sure but I can see about three and you can see him so great from my balcony Every time I am in such ah of what I'm experiencing The shuttles are so powerful and bright yet seeing them in such a huge sky Makes them so tiny in comparison This feeling is what I visualize my problems being small in comparison to life and Makes me feel a little more at ease about what I'm going through at the time and a little more at ease about tackling my issues as I lay on the bed a little longer. I give myself permission to do nothing for a few minutes Just feel and be grateful for my cozy bed I take nice breaths while I do this and I begin to say about three to five things. I'm grateful for And if you're someone that wakes up with chronic pain or the days that you have really really bad thoughts right from the jump Just sit with these feelings for a moment Acknowledge your feelings be open to what they are trying to tell you and send them off with gratitude Thank you Thoughts and feelings for serving your purpose, but you can go now From there move on to your next feeling of gratitude This will help train your mind to focus on all the good things throughout your day. I Wake up feeling very crabby and anxious sometimes Especially if I've only gotten a few hours of sleep I pretty much started a business so I could rearrange my schedule around my sleep schedule So after I've done my rampage of gratitude and if I'm still feeling really prickly and edgy After I've gotten out of the bed, I go to the bathroom Sometimes the laundry room because no one goes in there But I'll talk to myself and remind myself. I have the control over how the morning will turn out I have control over my own feelings Even if I'm exhausted or my 18 year old that does something to piss me off. I can still control my feelings I tell myself it's okay It's okay that I have these feelings, but let's hold off until our basic needs have been met This is the time. I look at the halt method I'm sure most of you have heard of it, but it's a great great tool to use For so many different circumstances in life when you're needing to reevaluate Especially at the very beginning of your recovery. Be sure to look at the halt method. It stands for hungry angry lonely and tired Get yourself something to eat drink your coffee Don't address any big issues until you've gotten more rest and met all of your needs That way you have clarity about your emotions in order to Re-evaluate how you can come back to them and handle them. For myself I also like to say a little prayer or affirmation just for a little extra guidance So sometimes I wake up around my period surprisingly super emotional Easily frustrated and ready to cry over many many things So I add an extra little pep talk to myself I just do the same thing as I mentioned before but I put my hands on my heart because usually at that time it's Palpitating out of control. Anyways, and I tell myself it's okay. Reel it in. I got your back Reassure yourself you're there. You're there to value and love yourself and that you will be okay Next say something nice to yourself in the mirror. I don't say things that don't feel genuine to me So I think what you say should be personal to you and just leave you feeling valued and loved at whatever point you're at in your Life, so for me, I say things like you're doing really good with life. Thank you so much for being sober I'm happy to be in recovery You're doing so good not drinking. I'm a really good person I do good things for others Every day, I'm getting better and better. I Can do hard things all these things I believe and feel good about I usually just do one or so usually not more than that and Sit with myself in the mirror for a few seconds with that thought Just to show myself a little extra love. I say something nice about how I look right then Usually I haven't even brushed my teeth at this point. So it's just an extra way to show myself grace Appreciating myself as I am before I do anything to fix myself up Lastly guys, I highly suggest making your bed I heard an interview a few years back with a Navy SEAL who said his best advice is to make your bed every day Because then if you accomplish nothing throughout the day you at least accomplished one thing you can be proud of I've made my bed every day since. It really does make a difference Nothing huge, but it's something in your control that you can guarantee yourself success in every day I like to go a little further since I don't drink near enough for a human being I like to use this time to chug a big glass of water So there you go 15 minutes tops and you see we can accomplish so much by setting ourselves up to focus on the good life has to offer Strengthen our ability to control our emotions and wake up not only hangover free But excited to start the rest of your day Because you chose to invest a small amount of time that will give big big results towards a happier you Okay, let's recap all the things that we can accomplish in the morning to set ourselves up to stay sane and sober throughout the day We worked on our mental health, right? By acknowledging speaking love to our thoughts We boosted confidence and self-love with mere affirmations and self praise We took care of our bodies by drinking some water And we took care of our physical world by making our bed Look at how much we can accomplish guys in such little time It feels really good to do these things in the morning just 10 to 15 minutes Feeling accomplished right from the jump Start to incorporate these exercises That way you can set yourself up for a better tomorrow You'll start to show up with better energy And once you start to see the value in yourself the world around you will change for the good All right guys, that's all for today Thank you so much for listening Please comment and let me know what you think of this show and what you would like to hear more of I? Want this to be a community of super? sober

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