The audio begins with a chilling, ominous tone, setting the stage for the title "System Malfunction." Suddenly, the sound of digital glitches and distortions resonate, sparking an image of a complex machine or software failing to function properly. The mechanical hums and whirrs give way to a series of alarming beeps, further reinforcing the sense of an impending system failure. The audio shifts, introducing scattered samples of distorted, almost unintelligible voices that echo as if within a vast technological void. This is interspersed with a wave-like undercurrent of sound, a pulsating rhythm that ebbs and flows, adding depth to the crisis atmosphere. As the soundscape progresses, the intensity and frequency of the glitch effects increase, creating a sense of urgency and panic. The wave-like undertones rise and fall, mimicking the unpredictable fluctuations of a malfunctioning system. The audio ends on a cliffhanger, leaving the listener in suspense and uncertainty, effectivel