This audio, titled "Cracking Egg 12," begins with the distinct crunch sound as the shell of the egg meets a hard surface. This is followed by the splitting, breaking sound as the egg's shell gives way. It's a sharp, clear crack that resonates briefly before making way for the next set of sounds. The peel of the broken shell comes next. It's a slightly softer, yet still discernible sound, akin to the tearing of a thin, brittle paper. There's an almost squishy noise that follows, as the egg's insides - the white and yolk - spill out. This sound is more muffled, but still vividly rich, a clear contrast to the earlier breaking of the shell. The audio wraps up with an almost gory, moist sound that is reminiscent of the egg's internal contents fully leaving the confines of the shell and landing onto a surface below. It's a final, satisfying sound that signals the end of the egg