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cover of Setting Down a Glass of Water
Setting Down a Glass of Water

Setting Down a Glass of Water


The audio begins with the unmistakable sound of a glass being filled with water, reflecting the clear, crisp nature of the liquid. The pouring sound is soft, yet distinct, painting a vivid image of a transparent glass being gradually filled with cool, refreshing water. As the pouring continues, the level of water rises, the sound grows slightly louder, more pronounced. The listener can almost sense the water's coolness, its purity. The sound is soothing, tranquil, creating a sense of calm and serenity. Then, there's a slight pause, a moment of silence, before the faint but identifiable sound of the glass being set down gently on a surface. The sound is brief, delicate, indicating a careful, unhurried action. It concludes the audio, leaving behind a sense of completion, of something done with care and precision. Overall, the audio creates an imagery of a simple, everyday act, yet performed with mindfulness and attention to detail.

Sound Effectswaterglassliquid

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