In the audio titled "End of the Show," the listener is transported to a tranquil evening setting. As the night blankets the world in darkness, the atmosphere is laced with a sense of serenity and peace. The audio begins with the soft rustle of linen, a soothing sound that instantly conjures images of comfort and relaxation. Gradually, the gentle creak of an old wooden window (OWI) is introduced, painting a vivid picture of a quiet bedroom bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. This sound, coupled with the distant hooting of an owl, signifies the arrival of bedtime and enhances the overall calming ambiance. As the audio progresses, listeners can perceive the distinct sound of curtains closing. This serves as a metaphorical 'curtain call' to the day's performance, signaling the 'end of the show.' The sound of curtains sliding on their rods, their soft swish against each other, echoes in the quiet room, guiding listeners towards a peaceful