In this audio clip titled "Astonished_05", the initial soundscape sets an atmosphere of an adventurous game or a sci-fi film. The audio opens with an unexpected ground-shake that echoes through the soundscape, suggesting the approach of something colossally large. The steady rumble of the ground intensifies, punctuated by the listeners' astonished gasps and exclamations as they try to comprehend the scale of what's approaching. Suddenly, there's a pause, a moment of suspenseful silence, creating a sense of anticipation. Then, there's a dramatic shift in the audio, indicating a possible attack from the colossal entity. The sound of energy being released, possibly from some advanced science-fictional weapon, fills the audio, followed by a heavy thud, as if something massive has landed nearby or struck the earth with incredible force. The audio ends with the sound of the ground-shake slowly fading, leaving the listener in the aftermath of the attack, their heart pounding with