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Building Spiritual Capacity - Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Building Spiritual Capacity - Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

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The speaker expresses gratitude for those attending the meeting and emphasizes the importance of putting the teachings into practice. They share their personal experience of listening to a message multiple times and seeking guidance from God. The topic of the message is building spiritual capacity, which is seen as a balanced approach to understanding this concept. The speaker references Bible passages and highlights the hunger and desperation of God's servants in scripture. They explain that building capacity means increasing one's potential to hold and accommodate more of God's presence and power. They emphasize the need to expand oneself and build competency in order to grow spiritually. hallelujah we are going to continue our meeting first of all i want to appreciate as many of us that make a time to be here this evening you see one thing you are doing is that you keep encouraging me just the same way i encourage you with the word of god and this evening we'll be having a special time with god a wonderful moment with god and my prayer to god almighty has been that this teaching will impact your life and transform your life you see i always feel happy to find that that everything you have been taught here you put them into practice because that is the intention of every message i'm not just coming here to teach you without you practicing the teachings uh like on sunday we we had a very important teaching on the conquering the spirit of fear i tell you the truth that very day i put that message on replay i listened to that message up to five to six times just that day and even today uh wednesday i woke up very early and when i woke up i my heart was desiring to you know hear from god and i had to get one of our messages on wayward commitment towards god and that was how i listened to that message because why i was listening to that message that i felt a lot was giving me a message a topic for you this evening so that was how that message is what bet this message i'm about to share with you and that is why sometimes you have to just spend quality time with god in the secret place because we pastors sometimes want to teach you what we feel like is good but when we are in the secret place where when we are you know having time with god then the current teaching will be coming the bible says that when you hear the voice of the spirit when you hear the voice of god i think not your heart that means there's a word that comes for a season and as this word is coming to all this season the lord the spirit of god is beckoning on us our hearts and that is my prayer for every one of you that our heart will not be hardened but rather we will put every teaching into practice i don't know how many of my messages you have been listening i don't know how many you have shared with your friends but one of the best you can do for me is to listen and to share with others and they put them into practice and my prayer is that god will impact our hearts and bless us massively in jesus name so before we go this evening we'll be having a very moment time with god and we'll be discussing on what i title as um building spiritual capacity building spiritual capacity you see this teaching for some of us here that are um that are exposed some of us that you know we are we are literate when it comes to the internet you will discover that this teaching is a common topic everywhere if you go to the youtube and search about it you will see a lot of topics and teachers and ministers who have ministered on the same topic but the reason i'm bringing this topic is because is because i observed that whenever we are talking about uh spiritual capacity we always focus on just one dimension about it which i feel like is not accurate enough if if the spiritual uh capacity as a topic from scripture can be balanced are you with me now that we are going to produce better christians and that is why we are this topic is coming this topic is not coming as one of the best topic in order to correct other teachings no it's coming to balance every other message you have heard about a spiritual capacity so we'll be talking about building spiritual capacity let us go to the book of psalms chapter 42 verse 1 to verse 2 psalm 42 verse 1 to verse 2 psalm chapter 42 please let us open our bibles this is what study what study psalm 42 verse 1 and 2 psalm 42 verse 1 and verse 2 the bible says in verse 1 as the art if you use other translation you may see deer an animal called deer as the earth planted after the water books so planted my soul after thee oh god as the earth planted after the water books so planted my soul after thee oh god verse 2 my soul tested for god for the living god when shall i come and appear before god verse 3 my tears have been my meat day and night why they continually say unto me where is thy god as the deer planted after the water books so planted my soul after thee oh god that was with verse 7 verse 7 says deep call it unto deep at the noise of thy water spots all thy waves and thy pillows are gone over me as the deer planted after the water books so planted my soul after thee deep call it unto deep philippians chapter 3 philippians chapter 3 verse 10 to 14 philippians chapter 3 from verse 10 to verse 14 philippians 3 from verse 10 the bible says in verse 10 that i may know him that i may know him and the power of his resolution and the fellowship of his sovereign be made conforming conformable unto his death if by any means i might attain unto the resolution of the dead not as though i had already attained neither were already perfect but i follow after if that i may apprehend that for which also i am apprehended of christ jesus brethren i can't look myself to have apprehended but this one thing i do for getting those things which are behind and wishing forth unto those things which are before verse 14 i press towards the mark for the price of the eye calling of god in christ jesus my intention of reading these two bible passages is to create in your heart the awareness of hunger and the desperation of god's servants in scripture towards god we have these men in scripture recorded in the bible and how they sought the face of the lord everything on how they encounter god was revealed you know in our modern time not every great man of god would tell you what was or what is the secret behind their depth in god but the lord has given us opportunity to see into the life of these men of god in scripture beginning from the person of anoak noah and every one of them we saw that they had a consistent work with god and we see that we can see that as they sought the face of the lord so also they encountered god we are talking about building spiritual capacity because you see it is god's desire that every of his child are you with me now they grow in their capacity with god god is very much interested that we build our spiritual capacity and i'm going to tell you or explain to you what is the meaning of capacity so when we talk about capacity capacity means like from the dictionary it means the potential or the suitability for holding for storing of accommodating the potential for holding something the potential for storing something and the potential for accommodating something let me use for example you want to pour a water you want to put a water inside a cage you want to put a water inside a bottle inside a cup according to the capacity of that cup the dimension of that cup so also the same water will be poured inside we have one liter cup for example one liter cup you cannot pour two liter two liters of water inside a liter cup are you with me now you cannot pour 10 liters of water inside a five liter cup so also we as christians your capacity depends on how much of god will be revealed to you your capacity depends on how much of god you will carry so when we are talking about building capacity we are talking about a way it's like i'm motivating you i am pushing you to expand yourself so that much of god can be in you are you with me now so i am trying to encourage you that you should expand yourself so that much of god can be in you so if for example now you are a one liter gallon i am trying to tell you that you need to shift from being a one liter gallon to becoming a 10 liter gallon because if you are just one liter gallon it means that it is one liter of god that you can accommodate so when we talk about capacity we're talking about the potential or the suitability for holding something how much of god can you host and can you hold in you your capacity determines the amount of god's supernatural power in you your capacity also determines the amount of god that will be in you so i want to see yourself as a vessel because the bible describes us as vessels they say in a great earth there are vessels now each of those each of the vessels they have different capacity there are some vessels that can only accommodate you know just a few oil and there are other vessels that can accommodate more than 10 liters of oil we are telling you i am trying to charge you this evening that there is a need for you to build your capacity so that you can accommodate much of god are you getting me now so i want giving you a clarity on what is capacity i want to also let you know that capacity means competency capacity also means what competency so when we talk about building capacity we are also talking about building competency and it's very important you understand please i don't want distraction i just want every one of you to understand what i'm trying to say because your understanding matters on how you what is this message if you don't understand something you won't be able to what is it you won't be able to apply it amen so your capacity means your competency so anytime we talk about building capacity we are also talking about building competency so if capacity means competency then the formula for building capacity is also the same formula for building competency in the secular world every employer seek for competent employees every employer seek for competent employees even in the church now in the church we are not only examining your availability we are not only examining your spirituality even though we know that these virtues are very very important we also examine your competency so you can be spiritual and not be competent so even in the church today the church employs the church allows only those who are competent together with spirituality not like in those days whereby whether you cannot beat the drone whether you cannot play the keyboard as long as you are will just allow you to go and play anything you like to play now we try to marry spirituality with competency and i want to say this that every true spiritual believer will be competent in an area of life are you with me now so competency is very very crucial so anytime we talk about capacity we're also talking about competency so what is competency competency means possession of sufficient knowledge and skill possession of sufficient knowledge or skill now let us come back to the topic building spiritual capacity so what is spiritual capacity spiritual capacity is growth in spiritual knowledge i put it in three ways spiritual capacity is growth in spiritual knowledge spiritual wisdom and spiritual services growth expansion enlargement in spiritual knowledge spiritual wisdom and spiritual world services so please just just keep following me so if we are spiritually if if we are building spiritual capacity it will reflect in these three areas of our life as a christian i'm speaking now as christian in the body of christ to the church to the believer if you are building spiritual capacity it will reflect in these three areas of your life number one it will reflect in knowledge number two it will reflect in wisdom the number three it will reflect in services i'm going to break this down because i discovered that in our time our uh we talk so much about the service it's not bad it's good but i think there's much more and that is why god is bringing this message to to bring the balance are you getting me now so when we talk about building spiritual capacity it must reflect in these three areas of the believer's life number one in the area of knowledge number two in the area of wisdom and then number three in the area of services so let us go to number one knowledge now this knowledge i'm talking about there are two kinds of knowledge when it comes to spirituality with god there are two kinds of knowledge when it comes to spirituality with god these two kinds of knowledge are okay are you with me they're very very okay number one is the mental knowledge about god the mental knowledge about god this mental knowledge about god is not bad it can bring you to the number two for example now in the book of second timothy chapter 15 verse 15 god was speaking to timothy he said for from his child thou has known the holy scripture which was able to bring the unto salvation the knowledge that timothy had about god from age from childhood was a mental knowledge was a theoretical knowledge a knowledge that was taught to him by his late mother and by his mother his family so from a child timothy had a mental knowledge about god which was able to bring him onto salvation which was able to bring him onto the second path so if we want to build spiritual capacity mental knowledge is the most mental knowledge about god so when we talk about mental knowledge we're talking about knowledge that you came about god through reading through studying of the scripture through reading through studying of the scripture and through meditation mental knowledge about god so don't just think about um the i'm going to go to number two but before i mention number two don't just think about the number two mental knowledge is very very important it is not every time there will be number two but there should be every time about number one are you getting me now which is what mental knowledge about god pick your bible pick good christian commentaries good uh study bibles and study mentally about god study god scripturally yes that is mental knowledge you again need to know god mentally we go to school of geology today to get mental knowledge about god the number two is the revelatory knowledge about god the revelatory knowledge about god so the revelatory knowledge about god is knowing god through divine revelations knowing god through a cantus this is where god decides to manifest himself to you so you know god by divine revelations but let me say this to you if you don't have mental knowledge about god even there are spiritual revelations divine encounter to you from god you won't be able to rightly interpret it are you getting me now that is why mental knowledge is good it is the mental knowledge and the scripture that make us to be able to examine and to judge every other external you know encounter we have about god or about supernatural beings because sometimes the devil can manifest himself like an angel of life or as an angel of light if you don't have mental knowledge about the scripture i mean you don't store the bible in your memory you don't know the bible then you are going to you know be deceived by the devil so if we are going to build spiritual capacity or if we are building spiritual capacity is going to reflect on the amount of knowledge we have about god a match of the mental and the revelatory knowledge about god please listen carefully so if you are going to know god if my sister here will know god if my brother there will know god that is going to reflect on your knowledge about god so when somebody is building a spiritual capacity one of the things you will see about that person is that that person has mental knowledge about god he's a student of the bible he reads the bible he knows the bible then he acts like a man from the bible also he knows god by revelation he has he has several encounters about god and may i say this to you sometimes it is the mental studying of the scripture that always introduces us to the revelatory knowledge about god that many times is when i'm reading my bible i is from the mental studying of the bible that i that the scripture will be open to me the samis is it open my eyes that i may behold wondrous things out of your word it is from the reading of the word that we start beholding through the reading the written word on the scripture we start seeing more than that page we start seeing more than that verse we start seeing more than that chapter so when we are building spiritual capacity is going to reflect about what our knowledge so building spiritual capacity goes with systematic and revelatory studying of god's word the reason i'm saying this to you is because there's only one dimension of spiritual capacity we always emphasize and it's making us to become christians we are practicing christianity you know manitoushan you only eat one kind of meal are you with me so it will be developed into a man a someone that has manitoushan are you getting me now now the lord is giving us understanding that when it comes to building spiritual capacity number one knowledge you will see that such a person that is building spiritual capacity has knowledge about the bible the number two has revelatory knowledge about god are you following now the number two is wisdom wisdom so when someone is building spiritual capacity you are going to see it in the display of wisdom so wisdom in this context means the application of the word of god you cannot claim to be building spiritual capacity and you cannot apply the word of god the application the application of the word of god is not in your life no you are not building capacity so we'll talk about building spiritual capacity that will make us competent that will make us useful for god to you know to for us to be able to accommodate god then there'll be what wisdom by application of the word of god so when we talk about wisdom it also means obedience obeying the word of god is wisdom the bible said the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom are you with me now so when you decide to apply the scripture when you decide to obey the scripture when you decide to engage the scripture you are what you are becoming wise my son timothy from thy sharp form from from chive thou has known the holy scripture which has been able to make thee wise unto salvation make thee wise unto salvation so the application of the scripture makes you wise wise obeying the scripture makes you wise so when someone is building spiritual capacity you see it in the application of the scripture you will see that such a person will become obedient because you can never build spiritual capacity without passing the passage of obedience to scripture so everything god has documented that and everything revealed to you must be obeyed obeying and applying the knowledge of god is called wisdom obeying and applying the knowledge of god is wisdom let me use for example the bible says god reveals so much about sin that sin would destroy a man and then you decided to keep yourself up from sin and eventually you die and get to heaven when you go to heaven you'll be welcome as a wise man as a wise servant now what made you wise because you obey the scripture to run away from sin what made joseph wise because he ran away from potiphar's wife applying the scripture obeying the scripture is wisdom so sometimes when they say this person has a wisdom this person is a wise person he's just simply applying the book of wisdom the knowledge of god is wisdom and that is why he appeared to be wise before great people before many persons so when you have decided to obey the scripture obey the knowledge of god that you have gotten from the scripture or that has come to you through revelation that you are a wise person so when we talk about building capacity it also reflects in the area of the wisdom of god in you you know what to say according to scripture you know how to act according to scripture you know what to do according to scripture and you obey it so building spiritual capacity entails the obedience and the application of revealed knowledge about god the obedience and the application of revealed knowledge about god when i say revealed knowledge about god at times where god would manifest himself to you dimensionally you ask you have strong supernatural encounter with god and that register the dimension of god in your heart and maybe from that encounter god gave you an instructor what to do sometimes it can be a commitment to be doing and the moment you start applying that revealed truth that came to you through encounter you start seeing results in your life you are building capacity by so doing that so when we talk about building spiritual capacity it's not something that's just entirely focused on just one thing because in our modern days our emphasis has gone to the area of prayer so if you want to build spiritual capacity you need to pray if you are not able to pray for long it's a sign you have not yet built capacity and i want to say that that is not correct you can pray for long and say before we see you have not yet built a capacity that can host god but meanwhile i'm not discouraging the act of praying for long i'm only saying that much more than that there are things to do so someone that is growing in capacities or someone that is building spiritual capacity must be able to give himself to the word of god you must know the scripture that is number one you must have mental knowledge of the bible memorize the scripture memorize verses meditate on scripture that you must have revelatory encounters with god then number two there must be display of wisdom that is the application of the knowledge you have gotten from studying the application of the knowledge you have gotten by revelation the number three is services so someone that is building capacity it will also reflect in services this is the way i explain the services here services in this context means number one a life of personal fellowship to god when someone is building capacity it reflects number one in knowledge number two in his wisdom the number three in services and i said services number one is in his personal fellowship life with god when someone is building spiritual capacity it will reflect in his personal fellowship life with god so this involves building a habit and a life of commitment to god are you with me building a habit and a life of commitment with god through prayers through the word and through meditation so when someone is building spiritual capacity you see that this person have a strong fellowship life with god you cannot use spiritual capacity without the area of service so this service is service towards god how do you carry out services towards god the bible says in the book of roman chapter 1 verse chapter 12 verse 1 i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that they present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is reasonable service so what is the reasonable service is the service we carry out first to god just the way you carry out service to men you carry out service first to god so the service we carry out first to god involves prayer life studying on the scripture and meditation these three things prayer studying meditation so when someone is giving capacity you don't only see knowledge you don't only see the display of wisdom you also see the area of service and the services i defined it into two parts i said number one is the area of personal fellowship life with god so anybody that is building spiritual capacity you often see the person have a strong personal fellowship life with god the personal fellowship life with god involves the prayer life that is where prayer comes in so you observe that most times when we are teaching on spiritual capacity we only talk about the area of prayer no prayer is just one of the areas and prayer is found under service are you with me now what are the three let us list them number one is what knowledge number two wisdom number three services under services we have number one um personal fellowship life which which is the prayer and what the studying of the bible and the meditation the number two is a life of spiritual responsibility a life of spiritual responsibility to god that's under service services a life of spiritual responsibility to god so this involves participation in kingdom advancement participation in kingdom advancement either through preaching teaching giving or heart reaches either through preaching teaching giving or in actresses so when you say you are building spiritual capacity it will also reflect in your services towards god and also your services towards man carrying out spiritual responsibility for god so there's no i you are building spiritual capacity you don't want to pass the area of preaching the gospel to other natures you don't want to pass the area of teaching the god wishing and evangelizing you know to evangelizing and bringing people to the kingdom one of the ways you build you build spiritual capacity is by engaging in service it makes you too quick to to build your spiritual world capacity pushing teaching giving giving your time giving your talent giving your treasure it's one of the ways you build spiritual capacity when someone is building spiritual capacity you find that the person is a giver is a pusher is a teacher is a giver not only giving money giving time keeping your talent if you are not giving time and you are not giving talent then you are not giving at all then you're not giving money when by the grace of god many years ago when i was still young in christ and i needed to grow spiritually to build my capacity because a cancer comes at certain levels if you are still accommodating just one liter of god you will not have the same result with a person that is accommodating 10 liters of god 100 liters of god so deep collect onto deep it add depth how deep you are in god the depth you are in god that determines how god responds to you deep collect onto deep so if you are not deep in god if you are shallow in god god will respond to you in a shallow way deep collect onto deep um because the depths you have about god determine the response of god to yours to you and the results you will have in god so when you about when it comes to beauty spiritual capacity you should be able to examine the place of knowledge seek for knowledge about god the number two wisdom apply the knowledge the number three is what services carry out responsibility have a strong personal order have a strong prayer order have a strong spiritual life a personal fellowship like this personal fellowship is different from congregational fellowship personally you are committed consistent towards that and then you carry out activities and services in the house of god can be use your talent use your treasure which is your money and they use your time to serve god when you are doing this you are building spiritual capacity and these are things you will find in any man or woman building spiritual capacity in god so building spiritual capacity building spiritual capacity is god's desire and interest for every of his children and every of god's child or every of god's children who is building or growing in capacity must have reflected must have it reflected in these areas of your life you cannot cling to the beauty spiritual capacity and it doesn't touch the area of knowledge you have to pounce after knowledge you have to seek for knowledge i know how many books i have in my bookshelves i know how many books i have written by great men of god dean bond wash my knee leonard ravine hill men that have encountered god i read the bible i have coconuts i have commentaries i read i study the scripture at the same time i study men god have used to document revealed truths you must seek for knowledge you cannot be building capacity and you put knowledge aside then over to wisdom wisdom you must be wise according to scripture scriptural guidelines you should be able to apply scripture you should be able to know what to do at this situation because you are built capacity or you are building capacity so knowledge wisdom and services let me close with this i don't want to spend much time with you to the into this service tools for building spiritual capacity i have to simply simplify it so that when you are going back home you will know these tools because i know that you are hungry for god you are tasting for god but here i have written down you are tasting for god but here i have written down nine tools if you can apply these nine tools of building spiritual capacity you will build you will build you will build you will build spiritual capacity so what are the nine tools number one is the tool of hunger and taste anybody that will use the usual capacity must have hunger and taste for god must have hunger and taste for god as the deer panted after the water books so panted my soul after thee if you will build spiritual capacity hunger and taste is a must if you don't have it in your life go and pray about it and go and pray for it ask god to give you hunger and taste for him ask god to give it to you blessed are they that hunger and taste after righteousness for they shall be filled for they shall be filled if you don't have hunger and taste for god you cannot use spiritual capacity so one of the tools needed for the building of spiritual capacity is the tool of hunger and taste number two is the tool of commitment and consistency number two the tool of commitment and what consistency you must have commitment david said i will never set anything defiled before my eyes you must have commitment commitment to god your personal commitment to god then your personal commitment to the church where you are serving commitment you are so soon at certain time you will not be on social media if you want to be online you are excavating the bible you are making research about the bible about god about morality about your study you must have personal disciplines and commitment commitment in the area of your quiet time consistently when you will be having quiet with god you see this issue of building capacity with a building spiritual capacity it's not for you to go and pray for seven hours ten hours 24 hours and you do that just in a year after that once in a year after that once you'll waste life and you can't write anything good about it you don't build capacity like that you can decide to be praying one hour daily or 30 minutes eh but when you make that a commitment when you make that a commitment and you do the other tools i'm going to list out now and you do the other tools i'm going to list out now then you will see yourself you will be able to post much of god in your life you'll be able to carry the weight of god's glory in your life so there must be commitment commitment to the word of god commitment to reading the scripture commitment commitment of having a topical study once a week yes you read your bible every day but after reading your bible there is once in a day when you have a topical study of the bible you pick a topic and you you have a systematic study of that topic you want to know god you want to know the scripture are you following now when you are doing that you are doing that are you following now when you are doing that you are building capacity i'm telling you you are building capacity then i i said commitment and what consistency most of us the problem with us the reason we cannot build capacity is that we start it and stop easily after one week we stop after two days we stop when there is nobody watching us we stop when you can make that a consistent commitment a consistent lifestyle you will see results you will see results consistency is very very paramount but the devil will fight you the devil will make sure that you may start it you may start your commitment but the devil will stop you from continuing that commitment then number three is the tool of great prayer life great prayer life if you are going to build spiritual capacity you must have a fervent prayer life a fervent praying with that season praying always with all prayers and supplications that is Ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 praying all time praying always build a strong prayer life for a new convert we can suggest 30 minutes to one hour and you should be praying every day every every every day but if you want to go deeper build a life of prayer sometimes pray without even looking at the time just spend time know that you spend a time whereby your spirit will bear witness that you are faithful and you will be able to possess that spirit of prayer and you will be able to possess that spirit of prayer and you will be able to possess that spirit of prayer know that you spend a time whereby your spirit will bear witness that you have spent quality time with God today it may not be on the how long the time it may be on how much was invested in that time in the place of prayer so if you are going to build spiritual capacity you must have a a fervent praying life unfortunately it is a fervent praying life that will emphasize much and more than every other truth i listed here so you see somebody that prays so much but he doesn't he lack the bible he lack knowledge of the bible he prays so much he doesn't have commitment because he's not consistent the number four is the tool of great studying of God's word the studying of the bible you see every man God is using today every man or woman that God is using they they have a great hunger for the word you must be able to have great hunger for the word studying the scripture verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book from back to the front from front to the back excavating revelations excavating mysteries excavating truth from the scripture you must have that thing to study the bible if you have lost the spirit within the bible you have lost the tool for building spiritual capacity if you cannot study the bible you know these things i'm listing they must all be done together if you must build capacity so if you're not reading your bible and you are praying you have missed it everything must be done together if everything is done together that is when capacity will be enlarged are you with me now so you must have a great studying of God's word number five the tool of prompt obedience to God's word and the spirit leading the tool of great of prompt obedience when you read the bible and the lord reveals something to you and he wants you to do that thing do it immediately if it is repentance repent immediately if it is confession confess immediately make sure to do that thing promptly if it is something you need to apply in your business in your family in your career apply it immediately prompt obedience is one of the ways you build spiritual capacity prompt obedience to the spirit leading and to the word of God because at times whereby reading the bible God will come and correct you from pages of the scripture or God will come and send you a message or God will want to carry out an activity maybe be a fasting life of fasting so you you obey promptly to God's to God's word and to the spirit leading and you are doing this you are building spiritual capacity remember I told you that spiritual capacity means the amount of you that can hold God the amount of you that can hold God but you can see the amount of you that can host God into your body carrying the weight of God's glory on you so you must give yourself to prompt obedience to God's word and the spirit leading many years ago when I gave my life to Christ this was what happened to me nobody became deeper in God unconsciously salvation is free but to know God is pride there are prices attached to it yes you must sacrifice everything about you to know everything about God you must sacrifice everything about you to know everything about God and I remember those days when I gave my life to God at the new convert and I was a growing Christian then I'm still growing by God's grace I discovered that there were many prompt messages from God to me among many of them were we are the one of me going to open up to people I stole their properties from restitution my pastor was preaching in the church that evening and before the end of the message where I was the Lord was speaking to me go and I was a new convert there go and settle with this message go and open up and at the end of the message I ran out from the church I didn't wait for anybody I ran out from the church left my assemblies and I ran straight to go and meet that man it was the shame of my of my community then the shame of my community and I opened up to him everything that was missing around his premises I was part of those stealing from his from the neighborhood prompt obedience and there were prompt obedience of me giving money to people to people including lecturers including people of higher rank the spirit of God would come and beckon on me to give money to give message to people messages to people prompt obedience the time that the spirit of God would minister to me to undergo I was still a new convert 60 days fasting 40 days fasting to drop in my spirit and my only response to God is Lord I will do it as a new convert understand and if you will know God it comes with price due to spiritual capacity prompt obedience is must if not you are deceiving yourself the number six is the tool of mentorship or discipleship let me use the word discipleship but mentorship is majorly used for you know the secular let me use the word the scriptural word discipleship you can build spiritual capacity by undergoing discipleship come under a under a leader by the grace of God we have pastoral and many of them and many of my daughters in the Lord you know about some of them came to me just three years ago and the things I introduced them to as beauty so that they are even if God even take them away from the church to another church anywhere they go to they'll be highly valued because of the degree and the depth of their capacity that was you know I stretched many of them some of you are just coming you are just new millennial so for me sorry for me using that word I stretched them with fasting and prayer we're praying for hours we could pray from 10 from 9 from 10 we're running off prayer by three not once almost every day like no I was stretching their their bowels I will spend quality time reading the bible most of them they they they were addicted to my message I don't know that I'm still doing that you know like teaching like this they will put it on that until they see the teaching playing out in their life playing in their life one of my son in the Lord uh in a Bible was telling me that uh he went and was searching for my messages on telegram and the message he got one of the messages he got the next day the spirit of God was beckoning on me that I should listen to the message and share it to every one of them so when I send it to him he said he just finished listening to the message yesterday he listened to the message twice yesterday and when I send it to him he listened to it again twice again the next day that is it come under discipleship let someone that knows God train you it will not be easy but it's enlarging your your bowels it's enlarging your your capacity let someone that knows God train you most of the people that don't know God are the one telling us what to do someone that I've never encountered is telling you that you are serving God too much someone that you know that this person does not have God resort in his life is telling you that you are serving God too much and then you are listening to that person at this point fathers that have gone far in Christ are telling us that we are extreme we can list even though we will not obey what they are saying we will list it because they have depth they have of knowing God are you with me now the people that have even I've never known God that will be stopping you from building capacity so that you can be like them so that you can be like them so the tool of discipleship is one of the tools that God often use to build our capacity who are you submitting to who is your discipler that is discipling you who are you reporting yourself to who is watching over you are you not saying you have been how you have been struggling there is no one instructing you again you need mentorship you have you need discipleship then number seven is the tool of fellowship with other friends if you be if you build spiritual capacity you must belong to a church church an isolating believer cannot build capacity christianity is not meant to be practicing to be it's not meant to be practiced in isolation so that's why God said you are the light of the world so a light must be seen must be seen am i right so God is telling us that we have to belong to a church when you belong to a church a community of believers it helps in building your spiritual capacity beside the messages you'll be hearing from the altar because any church you belong to the angel of that church meaning the pastor over that church is becomes a mouthpiece that God will be using to be talking to you occasionally if not almost every time so there are times you are going to fast and pray about a thing you will not hear from God but when you come to the church to sit down you will hear God's servant talking to you directly about it because you are known to be that place God knows that that is where you always hear from him not not church prostitutes that are moving from church to church have a church you are committed to whether there are not much you know but be committed there you will build capacity so anyone that have built capacity in God find out that they are coming from the church they're not coming from outside the church build spiritual capacity the number eight is the tool of temple service the tool of temple service or temple services don't just belong to a church take responsibility there you can be an usher you can be a prayer warrior you can be uh Sunday school teacher but make sure you are doing something the house of those that do something in the eyes of God often build their spiritual capacities more than those that just come to sit down you cannot build capacity as a sitting there griffin be doing something you may be going out for evangelism let your responsibility be going out bringing souls to the church do something for the kingdom that is how you build spiritual capacity do something for the kingdom do something for the kingdom do something for the kingdom inside your church where you are take responsibility don't say you don't have time you have time for for many other things except building your capacity do something for the kingdom then the last one we are going to wind up with because of time is the tool of overcoming sin daily if you are going to build spiritual capacity then make up your mind that you will not yield to temptation many of our brethren you know they often fall into sin you see that they are fire food they are consistent they are consecrated after some time their fire goes down when they are building capacity something will just come and interrupt them be certain thing deal with the besettings you take decision i'll be overcoming this thought of sin i'll be overcoming this particular thing one of the ways you build spiritual capacity is overcoming sin daily they didn't tell you tell you this one they say you should pray much because this is what i'm hearing everywhere pray much pray much you have been praying much you're not overcoming sin you don't think that you need to overcome sin there are people saying that sin cannot take them to hell because they have tried to overcome for so many years and keep conquering them they come up with a theory nobody can live above sin sin cannot take you to hell unfortunately if you want to build capacity make sure that i touch the area of holiness the area of purity the lord has spoken to us he has given us a clear message on how we can build spiritual capacity i tell you the truth if you can follow these nine tools i list i listed and the other three if you go back if i get this message this message on that record listen to it over and over and over again until you are acquainted to this acquainted with these nine tools and apply them when you make decision to apply them you will see yourself you know in a dimension with god a prayer to god almighty is that every one of us will encounter god will every one of us will encounter god a prayer to god almighty is that his spirit will rest upon our hearts there will be burden for god hunger for god tasting for god the spirit of the lord come and keep us in the place of enlargement we will grow spiritually we will enlarge we will build capacity open your mouth and begin to talk to the lord shall we stand up on our feet go to the lord in prayer and talk to the lord and say father help me help me to apply these nine tools help me to use these nine tools you don't just pray and say father help me to to enlarge capacity no he has given us responsibility to do these are the nine tools ask for grace to apply to you know to apply the teachings and the knowledge about these nine tools lord give me grace open your mouth begin to talk to the lord that should be a prayer every one of us should start praying there should be no distraction let us go to the lord in prayers talk to the lord lord help me help me to build capacity help me give me grace to apply these nine nine tools open your mouth and begin to talk to the lord

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