The speaker is discussing the importance of preaching and teaching to prepare people and create an atmosphere for God's work. They emphasize the need for revelation and understanding in order to receive from God. The speaker also mentions the upcoming release of God's glory in the ministry and the importance of discernment in a year of deception. They encourage a balance between spirituality and acquiring knowledge and understanding. Overall, the message is about being open to God's revelation and preparing oneself to receive from Him. You're listening to a message from Relentless Reading. We're going to be talking about the Great Physician, we're going to be speaking a lot about this and so there's going to be many aspects that we're going to begin to release to get us prepared. Now I want to bring to your attention that I want you to know that as we preach up here, that the purpose of the preaching, the purpose of us releasing the message and releasing even the focus that we know that God is leading us into, is so that you guys can be prepared and it starts creating the atmosphere of what God wants to begin to release in this place. Because what we're doing is we're cultivating what God wants to begin to start stewarding in this house. And so every time that we have a focus, it's because again, how do people know unless somebody preaches, right? How does somebody enter into these places unless somebody teaches? So preaching and teaching are two places that we begin to have a deeper understanding of how we can engage in what God wants to do. And in this specific house, there are many things that God wants to do. As we have begun our seven day fast as a corporate body, praying into the pillars of this house, like there are things that we are about that's going to begin to, the cap has been opened. We just now need to go after it, you know? So this healing, the great physician, the consuming fire, right? He reigns, like knowing how our God reigns and He is the God of all the universe and He is the God of all things and He is the God of gods, right? He is the highest of them all and there's nothing to compare to who He is. Knowing that in your life brings breakthrough in such a way that it just changes the dimension and changes the direction and changes the perspective in which how we see our God. And knowing that we have an all-consuming fire, God, a God who is a consuming fire begins to bring us into a new capacity and a new understanding of why it is very interesting that as we draw closer, it gets difficult. Or when we try to draw closer, we have a choice to make and we are always having to be in this place of dissonance where we're like, this is how we'd like to be, but this is how we are and it is revealed to us on how we must present ourselves to the King. And knowing that we can't present ourselves the way we want to, we have to present ourselves the way that He's expecting us to in order for us to move closer and closer into that place from glory to glory, right? So these things are how we begin to enter into His house and turn to His gates. All these are instructions for each and every one of us to move into what God is doing in our lives, to enter into what God is doing in our corporate body. So just know, if you can imagine with me for a second, and if you can see the atmospheres here, see when I go like this, it's because there's an atmosphere that's moving around in between space and time. God is releasing things and ordering things and preparing things, and there is a substance called faith. There is a substance called faith that as we begin to preach, teach, and demonstrate, this substance begins to actively begin to shift and move and manifest according to God's Word and way and will. So I want us to step into this place and know that everything that is released, everything that we step into, is for God to begin to manifest His presence, but also for you to receive everything that He's releasing. So you can also be open for what God is doing. There is going to be a time, oh man, here we go, there is going to be a time where God is going to release the glory in His presence so strong with this ministry that it doesn't even matter where we are, what house we're in, that when people begin to enter into this house, there will be quite a manifestation of God demonstrating who He is with no one's help. And so I want us to get prepared for what God will be doing in this house. I want your heart and your mind to get prepared for what He wants to release in you. Every time we struggle with understanding of how He does things, often times it's really because we still need revelation. We still need revelation of what that really means to us so that we can enter into what God is releasing or wanting us to receive. And often times because we don't have the revelation, we know it logically, we know it systematically, we understand the concept, but we're not sure how to receive it for ourselves. You see us or me here often, you see me like, ah, you know, I get into it not because I'm just passionate, but because I feel and see and experience everything that God is saying because God wants us to be a people who understands how to receive from Him, receive from Him because as we're receiving from Him, we begin to walk out what God wants us to walk into. So He wants us to encounter Him in a way that we begin to understand the strategy and the principles with revelation so that we can walk that out. Now that you understand that He is an all-consuming fire and that when we come to the altar that there is such sacrifice that needs to be brought to the table, now you know the technology in which brings you to God and brings you closer to the Lord and brings you to a place of encounter with Him because as we know now that as we build that altar and we go through that seven-day concentration and we begin to have fire on the altar and we have sacrifice, we know that God hears us. We know that God hears us. So doubt should no longer be in the equation anymore because you have done the principles, you stepped out the patterns, and you're walking out the principles of God in which God will respond to the way that He's requesting you to come before Him. So having this revelation, now you can boldly come before Him in the principles in which He revealed to you so you can begin to encounter Him in the way that He said He will encounter you. So I'm setting up the table because there is a God that we serve. Actually, it is the God that we serve and He is the God that we serve, but it's our God that we serve who is the Great Physician. And so today, all that was not my message, that was the Lord. All of this is the Lord, but technically the Lord, I believe He just wants, He wants us to kind of really get into an understanding so that we know how to be a receiving people rather than utilizing just our knowledge, which in one sense is good because how do we defend the Word? How do we judge the Word? How do we judge our encounter without having the concepts or the principles or the logical order in how God does things so that we can properly judge and weigh what is of God? So we do need our mind to filter and process the things of God, but it also requires us to be trustworthy to receive what He's saying. You know, God tells us, my goodness Lord, keep on going. You know, God tells us that He will never give us something we never ask. He will never give us something that we never asked for. So for us to ask God for revelation, He's going to give us revelation and He's going to give us understanding. We ask God to speak to us, He's going to speak to us, but what blocks us is the fact that we utilize certain things to perceive God according to our own perception and according to our own understanding and how we think He's supposed to reveal Himself to us and then we come into a place where we're like, God, we don't hear you because you're only focused in on receiving God in the way that you think He's supposed to reveal Himself. So understanding the concepts and principles of God is good, but also being open to the different dimensions of which He wants to reveal Himself is also good. Does anybody feel their faith rising at this moment? Alright, because I just, again, a lot of this has to deal with God building our faith to receive from Him. Building our faith so that the doorway may begin to open up and the atmosphere that God may begin to minister in this house in a mighty way. And I'm very, very clear, and it's just because it's like my heart and the way that God built Prophet Angie and I, it's just that we understand the importance of the Word of God, but we understand the importance of also learning to be in a place of revelation. And we need both. We need the balance of both, of spending quality time being spiritual, but also being able to acquire the knowledge and the understanding and understand how to defend your faith and understand with revelation what it is you're talking about, what it is that you're saying, because you can say a lot of things that are spiritual, but they may never be according to the Word. And so, what I want to say this, it's just because that will go into what the year is going to end up becoming, but we need to be aware, we need to be alert. Prophet Angie even released that word that this will be a year and that we definitely have to have discernment on and really get to understand how to operate in real discernment because there's such deception that's out there and there's such spirits that are out there that basically will mimic the Spirit of God or mimic the work of the Lord and mimic God, an angel being released, but not really being the angel of the Lord. And there's so much confusion because everybody wants to be spiritual, but nobody really wants to really spend time with the Lord and really spend time in His Word and begin to cause their minds to be prepared for how God wants to really reveal Himself. There's no way that we actually discern. Yes, help us. Help us. This was not my message today, but this is what the Lord is saying. This is what the Lord is really pressing upon our hearts because, again, He wants you to receive. He wants you to receive. He wants you to receive. There are some times where God wants you to receive in different dimensions, and one dimension that God wants you to receive by building the Spirit of your mind. Building the Spirit of your mind where He says, do not be conformed to the patterns and the customs of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can attest all things, and test it to be approved to know that it is of His Word, and I'm paraphrasing that last piece, but you know that it's of the Lord. We must replace our logic and our understanding of the world, not saying that we can't use principles like business and the way things function, structures of things, but to understand that there are structures and systems in heaven that we can get from His Word that we begin to start learning and growing in so that we can be transformed so that we can begin to take notice of those things, and that we can live and operate in that way. And so that's what the Lord wants us to begin to be transformed, and that's the one way that the Lord begins to bring healing to our lives, is because He wants our minds to be transformed. Sometimes we can't receive from the Lord because we are trapped. We still have bondage in our mind. We still have strongholds in our mind that affects us from receiving the fullness of what God wants to say. We still have the echoes of our past, the voices of our mothers and our fathers and people who have tried to destroy us, which came from the destroyer himself, who has utilized them to try to destroy what God is building in you, and you're still hearing the voices and the echoes of those demonic strongholds that are trying to hold you back from actually entering in to what God wants to release in your heart and in your mind. So God is wanting us to be ready and prepared that we have a transformed mind so that we can have a transformed life, and that we can receive all of what God and what heaven has in store to release over us. The other aspect of this is that God does miracle signs and wonders and healings. So this is where God begins to now want to just bless us, and part of that is also just receiving from the Lord, receiving His gift, His free gift, His redemptive gift, giving you the access to who He is and giving you the access of what He has died for, and that we can access heaven now. We can access heaven now in our lives, that our bodies can be restored, our bones can be restored, our blood vessels can be restored, body parts can miraculously come and appear. Oh man, I'm going to say this, this is going to sound weird. Oh man, I'm going to say this and this sounds weird. Man, Lord Father, this is hard for me to say because it's an interesting thing. I am coming to an awareness that God is going to begin to release miracles, and the way He's going to release miracles, oh my gosh, okay, I'm like nervous to say this because it's intense for me. What God is going to begin to release is that people who have had, people who have had their body parts transformed into what they are not supposed to be, God is going to miraculously cause their body parts to be restored. And it's wild because I believe that's what His miracles are going to start to look like, that people who have lost, people who have taken away, I'm being wise about my words, but things that have been taken from humanity is going to be restored, and miraculously things will grow. And I really believe that this is the work that God wants to bring as people enter into a place of repentance. So God is up to many and beautiful things and how He wants to restore His people. Man, Lord, you are really pushing, you're pushing me, more Lord, more Lord, keep it going, keep it going, taking me out of my comfort zone, come on. But that's what He wants to do, He wants to bring us into a place that we are so uncomfortable that God wants to release miraculous things and even bizarre encounters because He wants to show Himself true in a way that the world has not seen Him before and they have lost, they have lost encounter with God, they have lost reverence for God, and I just even declare that that fear of the Lord will be restored in the house of God, and He will begin to release the fire and the fear of the Lord, and it's going to be coming, and it's coming now, and this is what's going to cause a transformation in the people of God. And people in that particular place will begin to repent, and in their time of repentance He will restore them. Alright Lord. And this is the moment where God says what He shares in secret, He will reveal in public. And so this is what He's revealing in secret to me, and He's now having me release it in public. So funny, I'm having this conversation with the Lord and I'm like, really, you want me to do it? Really? Okay, okay, okay. Alright, here we go. I'm jumping in Lord, I'm jumping in. Because what it's going to cause is it's going to cause an uproar, and not in a way that's like, that people are going to be, you know, like uproars are uproars, and I'm not trying to say war of any sense, but spiritually there's just going to be some things going on, and so it's just going to cause, people are going to not be sure what to do with it. They're not going to be sure what to do with it. But amen. But amen. So I release that type of miracle in this house in the name of Jesus. Alright, so I'm just going to go, keep on going with where the Lord is leading at this moment, because I just kind of, I'm totally out of what I was going to say. And so, you know, as we're going into this place of the great position, be prepared for how God wants to release things in our lives. And I'm even going to come to a place where I'm going to boldly even just say that at some point next year, I want to do a miracle place, you know, where we can begin to pray healing over people, and just, you know, start walking in that space. And so even after this particular space here, I really believe that the Lord wants us to frequently operate in healing, frequently operate where miracles can begin to start manifesting. So I'm preparing you guys ahead of time to be prepared in your heart and your mind that there's going to be people that you're going to want to bring in so they can receive healing as well. And it may not be a Sunday service, it most likely will be a special service that we begin to just enjoy the time of the Lord and begin to now release prophetically and release the healing power of Christ and begin to bring people into the knowledge of Christ, bring people to a place of repentance. And so just be prepared that this is what we're going to most likely do. I haven't made a date yet, but when I make a date, I'll let you know. Okay, that is what we're going to do. So I'm excited about that because one, it's to let people know that freedom is in this house, right? Freedom is in this house. And freedom, as we say, as in our pillars is freedom is inner healing and deliverance, right? Inner healing and deliverance. But some of that is also miraculous signs and wonders, right? Miraculous signs and wonders that God wants to release in this house. I keep on looking at this and I don't know where I'm going anymore. And so I just wanted to say that God is wanting us to know how important. See, He knows, that's how I can get in. He knows, He knows everything about you and He wants you to come into an agreement with Him and recognize how important you are because He knows everything that exists. In a cosmic kind of setting, in Psalms 147 it says, He counts the numbers of the stars. He gives names to all of them. So He not only knows the heavens, He counted every single star that exists. And He's given them every single name. Now that's in the physical. Now there are stars that are called angels as well. And so therefore, their names are also named out and He knows every single one of them. So God knows cosmically everything that exists. And everything that exists, He has given it a name and He knows every single part of it. And then in Luke 15, 4 through 5 it says, What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does he leave the ninety-nine in the open pastures and goes after the one which is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on the shoulders and rejoices. So what I want to say is that as He knows the name of all the stars of the heavens and He knows how to count them, that He's even concerned about the one sheep that has gone against the ninety-nine. The ninety-nine that is okay and well, but the one that walks away, that is the one that He wants to reach out to. So it is important that you know that He knows everything and He knows everything about you. So He is concerned about every single name and every single star. And He's concerned about every single sheep and even the one that leaves. But He's also concerned with every single one of you as well. And it also says in Luke 5, 17, He says, I tell you that in the same way there will be more joy in heaven over the one sinner who repents than over the ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. So there is rejoicing when that one person that He can account for now, the one person that He joyfully puts upon His shoulders and carries you and carries each and every person into the place of health and back into the pastures in which where you belong. That is what God is bringing you into. So He pays attention to every flock He has and He keeps account of every single one. And so know that that is how He knows everything about you. He knows everything about you. You are so important that the book of Luke says, Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered. That you are so important to God that He took the time to count every single hair follicle that is on your body. Every single hair follicle, He has it tagged and knows each one and knows how each one of them grow. He knows each one of them. I mean, think about that. I don't even know how many hair follicles I have. But it's so important. You are so important. His people are so important to Him that He knows every single hair follicle that exists on your body. I'm just going a little deeper with that. He said the hair on your head though. So God is not like the world and neglects its body. His body is very important to Him. Romans 6.13 says, I do not go on offering members of your body. Don't go on offering members of your body to sin as instruments of wickedness. But offer yourselves to God in a decisive act. As those alive, raised from the dead to a new life and your members, all of your abilities sanctified, set apart as instruments of righteousness yield to God. So God does not want us to cause our members to be in places it should not be in because He knows, one, it is important for us to be able to give these members up to Him. You are so important. You are so important that He does not want any member of your body given up to sin because it causes Him to be far away from you in those areas of your life. Ephesians 5.23, For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is head of the church, Himself being the Savior of the body. So He is the head of the body. So God is the head of the body. He knows His body just as we are to know our wives' and our husbands' body. He knows our body. God saves and redeems the body to Himself. And you become joined to Him as part of His body. And when you become part of His body, He takes care of His body. His body is important. He cares for it. And that's why we must care for our body. Because we are demonstrating how we care just as He cares. Jesus said, And Jesus answered and said to them, It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. Luke 5.31 So the body can get sick and the Lord is the one who heals and brings Healness. There's no word, Healness. I keep on hearing Healness. But it's not Healness. He brings health and heals the body. He was the first surgeon that ever existed. He was the first surgeon that started the first operation on the earth. In Genesis 2.21.22 it says, So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and he slept. And then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. So He closed up the flesh at the place that He took out the rib. The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man and brought her to the man. So the Lord did His first surgery when He took a piece of Adam, opened him up and pulled the DNA out of him and created his equal. So God knows your body. And He knows how to create from your body. He knows how to restore your body. Because it is His body. And His body He wants to be healthy and whole. And interestingly, in personal experience, I want to share a story. And just kind of share that the Lord as a physician, who knows how to do surgery well, what we have to keep in mind is how many times do you see people go to surgeons, doctors, therapists, all these people that are in the medical field, who they go to for assistance and health, and they try to go in telling the doctor what they should be doing for them. They go in with pre-diagnosed research and telling the doctor, I know my symptoms. I know my problems. Here, fix what I know is wrong with me. That's what's wrong with me. That's what's wrong with me. Think about it. How are you going to the physician for the help that you need and saying that you already had the answer, now you do it for me. So it's interesting to me that often times the way that we ask for help from a physician is to tell him how to fix me. There was a prophecy there. So I do hear the Lord say, stop telling me how to fix you. Stop telling me how. How to begin to operate in your life. Stop telling me how I am to do the work that I know to do that gives you health and wealth. So I share that because we all can come into an understanding that we all have some level of desire to kind of understand what it is that we need and then we ask for it, right? As you know that as somebody who does diagnosis, as I'm in the medical field doing diagnosing, one of the things that people don't realize is that there are more things that you don't pay attention to that you may see in a medical MD and the website and you read all the symptoms but you have no clue that actually there may be more than one symptom that is in action or just because you have one or two symptoms that is not necessarily the requirement for what is actually causing mental health issues at times. Often times it's just it may seem like it but it may be associated to another. What people don't realize is you need to take time to follow the patterns over time to acknowledge what the real issue is. Over time it reveals itself. And that sometimes for me, going into the mental health aspect, it's something that reveals over time and sometimes you know immediately. But in the medical field it's the same thing. As a doctor, the doctor still has to go through his diagnosing process to identify what are the potential places and he has to go through this cross-examination as well as examine your body to coincide what is the symptoms that are parallel with the situation that's going on in your life which takes a strategic diagnostic process that God has often given them the capacity to do. So, now that I've shared all of that and said it in that capacity, God doesn't need to spend a lot of time figuring out what's wrong with you. God does not have to take a lot of time to realize what you need in order for you to get healthy. But one thing He does know is He knows that in order for you to be able to walk better sometimes you need to be delivered from a demon. Sometimes in order for you to walk well He has to walk you through some psychological fractures that have been in your heart and your mind so therefore you no longer walk in the same path that you used to because of your hurt. So you're asking God to transform you but what's going on is that God is really having you come through a process because He can't give you the justice that you deserve until your mind is restored so that you can keep what He releases. So allow the great physician to do the work that He said that He will do over your life and allow Him to do the work that He said He's going to do and the way He's going to do it and when He requests and requires for you to do something I encourage you to do it because it is part of the treatment plan that God has for you. His treatment for you is to be healthy all over. Physical, mental, emotional, logical, physiological. There's all different aspects that He wants to restore and sometimes we just want it when we want it and we say, God this is my problem fix it so I can be happy and I can enjoy it. We all do it, I've done it I still sometimes do it but all I'm saying is that God is challenging us He wants us to receive Him the way He needs us to receive Him so He can restore us the way we've been asking. Psalms 193, 13-18 That's like a big word right there, right? For you have formed me you have formed my inward parts sorry about that you have formed my inward parts you woven me in my womb my mother's womb I will give thanks to you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made wonderful are your works and my soul knows it very well my frame was not hidden from you I'll say it again my frame, my structure, who I am everything about me and in me is not hidden from you when I was made in secret and skillfully and skillfully and skillfully wrote in the depths of the earth your eyes have seen my unformed substance and in your book were all written the days that were ordained for me so there was books that were already ordained about who you are and everything about you when as yet there was not one of them how precious also are your thoughts to me, oh God how vast is the sum of them if I should count them then they would outnumber the sand when I awaken, I am still with you and so the Lord wants you to know how he knows every aspect of who you are he has formed you in your mother's womb he has known, he's breathed he's breathed the breath in you before you came out of your mother's womb and he has formed you strategically to be who you are so just know that God wants you to be restored and to be healthy and he wants you to become what he has called you to become so whatever you need and you need the physician allow him to work out the way that he wants to work out in your life do not tell the physician how to fix you allow him to fix you because he's the physician don't go strong arming God do it this way, this is first and even as he says how he heals and how he gives promises he said to the Israelites the promise comes little by little because if he gives it to you too really quickly it will be taken over the wild will take over you will not be able to really control or you will not be able to manage what he wants to release over you because you have to learn how to manage the little and as he expands it you're able to manage the much so if he gives you the healing now there's some healing that God wants to release but if he gives it to you you will never return you will never return because you got what you wanted but you never got the revelation of who he was because people want what they want but they don't want to do what is needed and so the Lord is now bringing us into this place and so again I know that I'm speaking very strongly and I know that the Lord said a lot of things too beforehand but what I am doing is I'm setting the stage to get us prepared to receive how God wants to release his glory and his healing the great physician will begin to walk in this room the great physician will begin to do surgery in this room and just know that surgery has consequences for those who have had there's a lot of ladies in here so those who have had this thing happen I forgot the name of it but C-section, thank you you can't do anything some women are super women and they can just get up out of that and just walk around like nothing ever happened you know, it's like oh, you just had that oh my gosh, how are you doing that but it messes your just the abdominal muscles itself stop you from moving you can't be flexible in the sense that you can't sit up you can't move to the side because it all requires your abdominal muscles and now you're just sitting in bed waiting for everybody to help you and that's frustrating because you like to take charge at times, I'm sure but what happens is it becomes frustrating because you're reliant on so when you go through healing you're going to need to rely you're going to need to remember that there are people that care and love you and know that some surgery is going to be a process and some surgery is not going to feel good some pruning is not going to be that great but it's for your own good we have to stop things from growing so things have to be cut right, but then you know that there's going to be some repercussions from that and know that you're still going to feel raw at times when you get delivered from the demons there are sometimes there are raw moments in your life and you're carrying some rawness you're like, there's still more there's still more like yes, there is still more there's lots of demons sometimes that come out of people and it comes, over time it starts coming out because God wants to bring you through victory if he took all of it out you would have no idea who you are seriously, because a lot of it is associated to the doctrines and belief systems so when those things get eradicated out of our lives so quickly what happens is that we can't think properly because a lot of our thoughts were associated to what was embedded in our life and so, just even that alone can be difficult you're like, wait a minute I worship the Lord I have to relearn how to enter into his glory so that whole time that I've been encountering this euphoric experience it was demonically led it was like it was a manipulation to get me to feel like I'm somewhere when in reality it was to stop me from truly entering that's a serious like, that got quiet for a second there but seriously because that's the reality of what's happening so now, yes what do you have to do? you have to relearn how to enter in the presence of God because the whole time you thought you were doing it and it's not that you weren't it's just that there was some blockage that blocked you from fully engaging in a space and it will feel odd and it will feel weird so allow yourself to walk through restoration the way God wants to let you walk through it and if it's a mindset shift it's a mindset shift oh my goodness I couldn't say the word and if it is a physical healing let it be a physical healing if it restores your body here's the biggest thing that becomes difficult is that you actually continuously declare what the Lord had released over you I've healed people not me the Lord has healed people through me let me rephrase that healing has been released over people that one sounds better healing has been released over people and what happens is they will be healed here and once they walk out they get back into their situation again because what happens is that some of it is because there's things that they don't want to let go so God restores them but when they go back they go back to maybe their cynicalness or they go back to their ways of thinking or behaving or just kind of going back and the enemy says that wasn't real you know what maybe oh I do feel it or oh I feel it you know and then it causes you to lose what God wants to give you and then you end up believing in the report of the enemy than believing in the report of God so these are just kind of things I'm just throwing that out there so that as you begin to start seeing these things happen or you start encountering these things within your own body and your own mind just know that the Lord got your back listen He knows every part of your body He knows all the things that you need allow Him to do the surgery that is needed thank you for listening stay tuned for more