Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
recording and channel sending command what the fuck okay wait okay so we're recording okay and then start recording and gaming only you can see this okay jump to DM what is that okay this is how I download it I will record up to six hours I will stop recording in six hours from now this recording will expire in seven days from now the audio can be downloaded even while I'm still recording okay so we still can't connect that to our game for some reason all right let's turn the game on yeah it just says unavailable on console you ready? I wish we like could find a way of like yeah bro, I got a fat heat you are uh calling you calling turn on the recording turn on the recording yeah no so remind me to download the recording when we get off so I can have it wait if we can't record our if we can't where record our gaming what are we gonna put it in the background so people watch it just random game clips I guess what do you think is that his parents I guess oh it looks like a stream that's the stupidest shit ever I'm at stupidest watch my language now what's wrong with you you hey hey I just heard ma'am thank you please be nicer what why did you just shoot a zombie wait yeah but uh why did you start the wrong game little pendeja no no no did you just call me a beaner I cannot say that I cannot say that that's gonna get us banned oh yeah we can't say places that we're at like we don't want people knowing where we live because that's kind of creepy yeah and I don't want to edit that out I don't want to have to edit out where we live and um if we want to talk shit about people we'll use fake names okay we'll use fake names just in case just in case he's not a very popular person so people might know who I am I still don't have a gun yeah for a minute I thought we were playing the other game oh cool chess these are actual zombies bro I feel like this way is faster to get fucking souls cuz I it's like each crate almost good job sorry you bet I know you get to work you see that's another thing that we're gonna have to keep a topic no one and we can't talk about the game if they can't see it like themes like each episode will be the same this ain't gonna be an episode yeah this ain't gonna be episode this is gonna be training see how it goes and then yeah mommy cuz I want to record it though and just see if it works mommy I just killed an actual person and my game froze thank you let's get the fuck out of there for a minute this guy was just AFK yeah I wonder if I can find them on the map and just ping them for you well it shows me the orange thingies on the mount Kira Kira it was meant to be I looked on the ground and it was my SMG that I always use my game I'm getting shot at oh I'm getting chased good job I'll do this one what you can look I'm going upstairs with you you can see what oh yeah it's correct oh my god I just killed a zombie and a soldier did you see that did you see that so how does this work I lie back or you you have to answer the question so you're a zombie now I haven't died yet they don't need me so wait so for the first episode of the podcast on discord should I should I introduce them to the joke so this girl's walking to school right and he finds this piece of paper on the ground he said yeah so he's like three he can't read dude that's what we need to do that no that Kira Kira that that's what we got to do the first episode I introduced the joke hear me out hear me out no interrupt I go so this kid was walking to school right and you should and you just you do the all you do the oh my god no shut up don't say the joke stop that that's so stupid blah blah blah right and then I don't say it and then we go episode after episode after episode just making like a little side jokes like the kid was walking nope shut up and then like whenever we end this shit the final episode the final episode I tell the joke what do you think bro how could we forget the kid was walking to school right he finds these paper on the ground he gave this to the teacher teacher sent to the print phone where the note that yes ma'am porn can you not jump in water oh no you can't we're out of bitches in bro oh I see one I see one I see one this is a zombie I'm gonna cry it's not oh my god it is that dinner yeah I can't fight you I know oh you can jump along here yeah you can get sold from what oh yeah that's why I think it's easier on this camera I'm already at 12 bro I feel like you'd like the aliens vs. predator yeah yeah have you ever seen the movie aliens vs. predators what have you ever seen predator with Arnold Schwarzenegger okay have you ever seen aliens with a Sigourney Weaver okay then have you seen aliens vs. predators okay it it's basically that the game it's so perfect because you get to play as a marine there's a whole campaign as a marine you get to play as an alien there's a whole campaign as being an alien and you get to play as a predator and there's a whole campaign of being a predator that came out you know what I mean oh the Mexican joke yeah bro Keontae show me this video and like this quote stuck with me they was had dementia cuz they forgot who the fuck I am I don't play that honky-tonk shit what the butt boy what do we do oh my god oh you know you can jump in the air Wow topic of the day topic of the day just a human oh my god is no what the fuck was that how the fuck did a bear get in the Disney world it was an inside job it was someone's last day of work because they knew they're getting fired up they saw that bear and they're like hey come here come here buddy come here buddy and they that that's probably gonna be the cocaine bear to sequel they're probably gonna say the bear was on cocaine and then we're gonna have a Disney movie about a bear being on cocaine and Disney it's gonna fight Winnie the Pooh in a cage match are you speaking to me now yeah about time you fucking watch me I meant freaking watch me I can't see that you have to be professional no okay you're like you're like Amy Amy Schumer oh my god human human yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I need three more though uh-huh what the fuck do you mean what the fuck oh god damn it god damn it I can make that I can make that I can make that I can make that I can make that I can't go up the zip line because I'm a dumby yes I can make that oh my god I actually can yes yeah yeah yeah it's your boy anyone more it's your boy anyone more it's your boy anyone what the fuck oh I wanted to grab the souls I'm happy but I'm sad oh wait here we go I have it oh wait give me give me give me give me I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a comedian oh I got them all wait I just died I didn't die here bro that's not fun I need you to shoot my gun damn oh oh wait there's a few oh wait there's two wait wait oh I'm back I'm back there was four of them you see that you're still dead so why aren't you watching so why aren't you watching me oh so why aren't you watching me I gotta fight zombies now bro that's low-key hard okay I'm dead again okay I'm gonna try and download what we have recorded so far while we're recording so and see how it goes after this game because it's almost are they bringing the old fortnite map back dude if they do I might play fortnite again no like that's the map like okay we play it for the nostalgia but really we want to play it for the for the memories for being hype that it was a snow day I just stole this dude shit and you get to uh and uh you get to play well like anything hurricane um and you get to play fortnite with your buddies only got one oh there's a shit ton of souls right behind me can you need them good shit no I don't need them that's what I was saying I like that it's free all right download this link will take you to blah blah blah are you sure you want to okay so it's taking me to another link we did oh shoot what did I get survivor bro again okay recording expires in six days delete recording downloads multi-chart what is this downloading in the Odyssey project format I don't know what that but it's downloading okay it's downloading on my computer now so that means I'm gonna need to get my USB here let me change the name so I know what it is did I not level up oh no I didn't what do you mean again yeah okay so when I click on it it just shows me a bunch of code what what the fuck do I gotta copy and paste it somewhere I forgot how to paste oh my god oh I can't even do that okay wait maybe it's the way I download can I do these let's try let's try flack whatever that is yeah how do you have a longer recording than me not this though yeah well yeah it's just pulling up those codes what the what the flip that's the hippie tooltip you this one that's why I was like this was PNG you bro what the fuck like excuse my potty mouth but what the fuck I download one and it's just our fucking profile pictures what the fuck delete recording delete fuck it we're going to try the other website you did I do it right did it stop wait no I'm scared did it stop yeah I don't know if it's talking or not no I mean the Craig I can't see in the server no yeah this is listening to your conversations I said stop oh wait what was that oh wait whoa I'm so confused yeah I type dash and it's giving me these menu things yeah look in the chat oh here we go