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The main idea of the transcription is that fathers play a crucial role in setting examples and creating boundaries in life. Landmarks and traditions are important for maintaining order and avoiding negative consequences. Obedience to God's word is essential for receiving blessings. was born, the examples of godly living, character building, skill development, life structure, how to handle decisions of life from the parents. And when the child begins to communicate, he begins to communicate the examples he has seen. The apostles said what our eyes have seen, what our hands have held. So what you see matters a lot. So fathers are instruments of creating landmark principles that make life to work. Also in Proverbs 23 verse 10, the Bible says do not remove the ancient landmark, neither enter into the fields of the fatherless. So we see here that when landmarks are in place, there will not be issues of taking advantage of somebody else. Landmarks are used in those olden days to create boundaries, to create limits, limits on what belongs to you. The field exists now. There are several lands. For example, the land on which this church is built, there is another person's property after our own. There is a landmark that separates our own portions of land from their own. Let's say there is no fence. There is also a measurement demarcation, blocks or beacons that are put in place. When somebody now comes and removes our beacon and shifts it forward so that it can gain more space, then that fellow is removing the landmark of somebody else. Now the Bible now tells us, for example, another word for landmark, for ancient landmark is borders or boundaries, borders or boundaries. WB 19 verse 14, WB 19 verse 14 says we shall not remove your neighbor's landmark. So everybody has landmarks for our life, for properties, for inheritances. So you must not remove. What can make you remove the landmark of somebody else? Greed. Greed or you feel you have power over that fellow and you want to take advantage of the person, of your neighbor's landmark, which the men of old have set in your inheritance, which you will inherit in the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess. This was specifically again addressing the sons of Israel, that when you get to your promised land, everybody will have their portion. Stay within your portion. Don't take advantage of the other fellow in being able to outshine the fellow by taking what does not belong to you and adding it to your own. WB 27 verse 17, because it is the one who moves his neighbor's landmark, it tells us don't remove the landmark of your neighbor. Why? If you do so, there is a natural cost that comes on anybody who takes advantage of the fellow next to him or her. There is a natural cost. Cost is the one who moves his neighbor's landmark and all the people shall say Amen. So it has been sealed. That's why some people find themselves operating under costs and they wonder how it comes. Some feel because I have power, I can use it to take advantage of anybody around me. No. No. It doesn't happen that way. It doesn't happen that way. I had the story of somebody who got involved in an accident and had serious issues and the fellow was taken to the hospital, treated, but died. And they said the fellow is somebody who has drivers, but decided to drive himself. Why? He was taking another man's wife to a hotel. To a hotel. Leaving on the way to go to Ibana with another man's wife to commit adultery. Accident on the road, lost in Spaniard court. How can a person who lost in Spaniard court be able to commit adultery again? The wife of another man in carriage also lost her two legs because of adultery. That is moving landmarks. That is moving landmarks. The wife of somebody else who decided somebody else's property is who you are interested in. You have your own wife that is solidly exclusively your own. The one that is somebody else's exclusive is the one you are now interested in. That brings a natural cause. You are not safe. You are not covered. You are not covered. That is why I pity any man who takes advantage of the next person to him because I have power. Because I have money more than him. I can take his property. I can take what belongs to him. There is a natural cause. And when the cause happens, it takes effect. Nothing stops it from happening. Even God is angry at the fellow who takes the landmark of his neighbor. God is angry. Let me tell your neighbor, be satisfied with what God gives you. The Bible says godliness is satisfaction in great gain. In great gain. Osiris chapter 5 verse number 10. The princes of Judah are like those who remove a landmark. I will pour out my wrath on them like water. These are princes who now take advantage of those who are lesser than them in authority. What he does, he says I will pour my wrath on them like water. Pour my wrath on them like water. So that is the issue now. There are also godly traditions. There are landmarks that you and I must keep to in order to be able to live secure, live safe and live in abundance in life. 1 Corinthians 11 verse 2. Now I say, now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as I delivered them unto you. There are godly traditions, godly cultures, godly patterns of life that are for your own safety and preservation. One way to look at norms, cultures that are positive is what safety does it provide? What beauty of character does it provide? Anyone that has to do with corruption and makes you do indecent things, then those are negative cultures that you must run from. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 15. 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 15. Therefore brethren stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught whether by word or our epistle. 2 Thessalonians 3 verse 6. But we command you brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you withdraw from every brother who works disorderly and not according to the tradition which he received from us. So one way to also know Christians, brothers and sisters that you can work with, partner with is are they keeping to godly cultures and traditions and patterns of life. It is meaningful. Any life without order, any life without godly principles will never have peace. It will always be disorderly, full of errors, full of shame and disgrace and multiples of failure. Now we now ask, how do I maintain this? How am I able to carry on this? In this world, how do I do it? I will not be worldly, I will not be of the world even though I am in the world as we are told in John 17 verse 14 to 18. How do I connect with people in the world and yet not have friendship with the world? According to James chapter 4 verse number 4. How do I enjoy everyday life? How do I enjoy everyday life and still protect myself so as not to love the world? According to 1 John chapter 2 verse 15 to 17. The key principles there that make this possible that you can be in the world and not be worldly. You can be friendly and not be corrupt. You can pattern, you can do business with other persons and not be like them in ungodly ways is transformation. He who is transformed has a different nature and the culture of heaven begins to flow inside of him or her to transform. He who is saved, he who knows God and accepts God as. That is why Jesus in saving you is not just your saviour, he becomes your Lord. Your Lord in the sense that the culture of my life, I Lord it over you and by accepting me, you willingly submit to the Lordship of Christ and to his pattern and way of life. I pray for you and I today, may we see this, hold on to it and run with it in the name of Jesus. Your Amen can be better than that. Your Amen can be better than that. And one way to understand this major principle is to be somebody who is given to the word of God. This is a principle of a landmark. The word of God is a standard. The word of God is not relative. The word of God is absolute. God's word is absolute in all dimensions. All dimensions. All dimensions. John 17, 17, sanctify them by your truth. Your word is truth. So each word of God you hold on to, you practice, you are deepening your sanctification level. You are deepening your transformational level. I pray for you this morning. May the word of God be supreme in all areas of your life in the name of Jesus. Your Amen can be better than that. Your Amen can be better than that. And when we talk of sustaining a landmark, one word that helps you to invite the scripture in your life is the word obedience. Obedience. Obedience. If you keep to God's word, if you obey God's word, then the blessings in God's word are automatic in your life and that is where most of us struggle. What did the devil attack when he went to Eden? Obedience. The obedience of Adam and Eve. That is what he went after. When he was tempting Jesus, the three levels of temptation, he was attacking his obedience to God to get him to disobey God. Once the devil can get you to disobey God, then he knows he has gotten you to miss the blessings of God. By obedience, you maintain the flow of grace of God, the flow of his mercy, the flow of his power, the flow of his riches, the flow of his wealth, the flow of his blessings on your life. And by the obedience, you are shifted away from the contact of the flow of God's blessings upon your life, including his covering and preservation. They are a function that responds to obedience. The best of blessings, true blessings respond to obedient life. You have started fasting. Fasting is to checkmate you and put you under the lifestyle of Christ and make you obedient. And that is negative. I pray this morning that may we begin to intensify our desire to be persons, sons and daughters who are glad to always obey God in the name of Jesus. Your amen can be better than that. Deuteronomy 6 verse 1 says, And these words which I command you this day shall be in your heart. When it is in your heart, it will be in your life. And these are the commandments, the statutes and the judgments which the Lord your God commanded to teach you that you might do them in the land where you go to possess. Go to verse 6. Verse 6 says, And these words which I command you this day shall be in your heart. When the word of God is in your heart, it will be in your life. It is only practicable, reflectible when it is in your heart. Merely quoting does not put it in your heart. The first point of call, where the word of God wants to set is not your mouth, it is your heart. That is why you can take the word of God into your heart without speaking out. Amen? Amen? You can. But actually the speaking out of God's word is when it comes from your heart and it comes from your heart through your mouth, then the power of God flows through it. So somebody is not a child of God by merely speaking God's word. He is only a child of God when the word of God is in his heart. When it is in your heart, you will not struggle to reflect it in your life. You will not struggle. That is why the principle of believing God's word and meditating on it sinks you deeply into your heart. And then the power to obey comes from there. I pray this morning that this will be your task and something you will long for on daily basis in the name of Jesus. When it is in your heart, then verse 7 of Talmud chapter 6 says, and thou shalt teach them. So you are not permitted to speak God's word, to instruct it, it is not in your heart. You will teach them. When it is in your heart, then you teach it with your heart. That is why you are now teaching to somebody, there is now a connectivity. There will be connectivity, heart to heart. From the heart of God, God's word came to your own heart, from your heart to other people's hearts. And then it sinks into their life. Teach them to your children. Of course, children look for examples of what you are teaching in your life before they imbibe it. The Lord will bless us in the name of Jesus. Now when God's word is in your heart, then you know, I say, what are the ancient landmarks I must maintain? Number one, the ancient landmark of repentance, conversion and regeneration. The ancient landmark of conversion, repentance and regeneration. Acts chapter 3 verse number 19, repent therefore and be converted, and that your sins may be blotted out, so that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord to you. So feelings of refreshing answers to repentance. So the key thing is, as you said, your salvation must be true and genuine. When you struggle with living a holy life, God is simply telling you, check, check two things. One, check for salvation or check whether you are baptized again. It is a red light. When sin is very easy for you to practice then, and you say, ah, why my family is easy to sin? No, but I am a child of God. The confirmation that you are a child of God is that you are saved. The fact is that you are saved is righteousness. But when sin is common, then check, are you actually saved? John 3, 3 to 5, John 3, 3 to 5, Jesus answered and said unto them, most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. So you must always maintain the ancient landmark of salvation. Number two, the ancient landmark of love, peace and holiness. The ancient landmark of love, peace and holiness. Luke chapter 1, Luke chapter 1 verses 74 and 75 says, to grant us that we being delivered from the hand of our enemies, may I serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life. Hebrews chapter 12, verse number 14, Hebrews 12, 14 says, pursue peace with all people and holiness, without which no man will see the Lord. So you need unity, you need peace, you need love and holiness to relate with God and to also relate with men and be able to provide justice and true brotherly love. Number three, you need to maintain the ancient landmark of purity in marriage. Purity in marriage, purity in marriage. So many people will still be alive if they were not doubling in the path of purity in marriage. The moment you begin to task after another man's husband, another man's wife, you are signing your death warrants. The Bible says the pleasure of sin is but for a moment. It's for a moment. Pleasure is what drove that man to buy fuel, one thousand plus per litre, leave Akure, to go to a hotel in Badon, to go and want to commit adultery. The pleasure is going, that he has made money for, he couldn't do it. The devil wants you to sin. Once he knows you are in sin, he knows you are not covert. What did the devil say to God concerning Job? I can't attack him because you have secured him. Remove the... and why did he attack him? He attacked him to see whether he can curse God. He walked through the rice. The rice came and said, curse God and die. And love is just for us. Shall we receive good from God and not taste evil from time to time? And then he said, even if he slays me, that was Job talking, I will still serve him. His friends came and said, doubted his righteousness because of his talent. Yes, it was when he prayed for them. The devil did that to see whether he can have hatred alone towards his friends. Then he can go to God and say, see before you, he has hatred towards his friends. Yet, this man did not vie love. Why? Because he had purity. He had the ancient landmark of love, peace and unity towards others. And that is why marriage is that place where God shares the nature and the principles of unity to God the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Unusual dimension of unity. He now said in Genesis, Therefore said the man, leave his father and mother and click with one flesh. Unity. Is that not so? He said to the man, love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. Are you listening to me? That no matter what, love in marriage must be continuous and sustained. You have to practice it by fire, by force. Love in marriage is not based on feeling. Feeling doesn't drive anything in divinity. It doesn't drive it. I don't feel like loving her. We don't walk by flesh. We walk by our inner being. Are you listening to me this morning? You must maintain it. See, marriage works in sustenance. Each party involved are made of their mind. I will love you more than you love me. Only in the place of love are you expected to compete with your spouse. Husband say to your wife, I will love you more than you love me. Wife say to your husband, I will love you more than you love me. You can compete in love for God so loved the world. Be the man and say, I will love you and give by all. But when you begin to compare and blame, then there is a question mark on your love. That is why no woman can submit without the power of love. Hello? No woman. So both husband and wife have the power of love to relate in marriage. And don't forget, love covers multitude of wrongs. He knows we are weak. He said the woman is a weaker version. The man is a weak version. So it is a weak man and a weak woman that are married. Another word for weakness is immaturity. Is everybody listening to me? If each man is 100% perfect, God will do it in a way that no man will need a woman to be able to procreate. No man will need a woman to be able to procreate. Two of us are insufficient of ourselves. That is why we need each other. That is why you need God in your middle because only God is strong. Are you listening to me? Are you listening to me? Can I get a couple, please? I need a couple. I need a couple. Husband and wife. Please come with your wife. Please let me appreciate them as they come. Come upstairs here. Bro Lunin, please come. Let me show you something that we are missing at times. Mama, please stay. Put a little space but face the church. The Bible says deal with her as a weaker version. If God sees the world weaker for her, then he is weak. That is why God looked at him and said, I will make a helper suitable for you. If he is not weak, why give to him a helper? It is a weak man that needs help. Is everybody listening to me? So he is weak. She is weaker. Now how can a weak man help a weaker woman? Is it possible? Is it possible? That was why when God was, how better God had made her. The Bible says God, hold her hand, brought her. He didn't send her. Follow me. He didn't send her. He brought her. He was there. It was when he saw God, he was able to see because when God was making her, he was not conscious. It was through God, he realized this is now the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh. He saw it through the revelation of God. Are you listening to me? He saw through God to see that this is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh. And as long as they both carried God in their middle, they didn't see. So the fact is, the day Satan came, where was God? Is somebody following me? Is somebody following me? Where was God? Before that time, when God came to the garden, God does not say, Adam where are you? It was seeing that made God to say, Adam where are you? The person is listening. Why was the woman close to the fruit God said they should not eat? The moment she took a decision to go and look at that tree, the presence of God departed. And God was waiting to see what they would do without my help. Are you listening to me this morning? So the four started before, they had excused God out of their presence. You can do it without him. So that day, where was God when she was digging and where was he? That was after she ate it, that would say she took it and gave it to him. She went to meet him where he is. And impurity entered their marriage. Now because impurity entered their marriage, God now came and said woman, your neighbour will be hurt. And said to the man, before when God made the garden, he told him, till the ground. That was the word he used. But after the sin, he now said, toil. Are you following me? Because they have moved the ancient landmark, the consequences will follow. Please take care of yourself, God bless you. The consequences will follow. So you need to keep the ancient landmark at all costs. That is all God wants you to do. Just keep it. Hebrews 13 verse 4, Hebrews 13 verse 4, the marriage is honourable in all. If you know what kind of honour that God puts on marriage, it is all round honour. Marriage is honourable in all. God designed marriage as a covering. Covering for our weaknesses, perversions of our life. It is a marriage that whatever garbage you are coming from left and right as woman and wife, when you get into marriage, because it is now only matrimony, it seals off all those indifferences and courtesies. So it is now an aberration. When you now come into marriage, you have somebody to have sex with, you have somebody to show yourself to, you have somebody to magnify to the full, it is now somebody says, property, now I want to go and look at it. Because of shifting landmark, you speak over that fellow's life. It will speak. Are you listening to me brethren? We are fasting this time around. We need to take note of these things so that there are blessings that comes naturally. If you only have to pray always before you get any blessing, something is wrong with your Christian life. Obedience is a key instrument of blessings. It is a key instrument of blessings. Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. I pray this morning that the Lord will touch our hearts, touch our life and touch our home in the name of Jesus Christ. I like every husband to go back home today and do everything possible to seal up and cover up every loophole. Let your wife satisfy you. Can he satisfy you? No matter the sagging of the dress, let it satisfy you. You say the woman is ugly, you uncle, how don't you hate her? Amen. Amen. Besides, if your prick is what is controlling you, you have no sense. You have no sense. Meet your leg by the flesh. If you have no control over that is your third leg, that is what moves you, then something is wrong with that. There is no way such life will not be full of waste and bannoning. That is number one. Number three, right? Number four, the ancient landmark of unity, unity among brethren. John 17, 21, John 10, 16, Ephesians chapter 4, verse 3. Dwell in love with fellow brothers. Number five, the ancient landmark of obedience to God and approved authority. Obedience to your family, obedience to your parents. Children, when you obey God, obey your parents, there are natural blessings that come. One of them is that you will live long. When you see some children, some young adults, some youth who lack respect for their parents, who dishonor their parents, their life is always cut short. It is always cut short. The father and mother that gave birth to you, carried you for nine months, tutored you, developed you up, you are now earning a little bit to cover. You can't associate with them in public. They can't come to your house. You can't introduce your parents to anybody because they are looking somehow. They are in the village, you are now in the city, you are in a two-bedroom apartment that you borrowed, that you are renting and then you are feeling big, your parents can't come around, check it out. Write down their names. They are always, they die young. It is a natural cause. And then, the pastors that God has put above you, approved authorities. When you keep the instructions of your life, it helps you a lot. Somebody said to me, do not go there. Just ensure you obey your parents and obey. Because many a times, the blessings of parents on your life, settles destinies. The blessings, the pronouncement of your father in the Lord, your pastor like me over your life, settles destinies. There are yokes I have seen broken by nearly just three, even among you who did not believe that that yoke can be broken. But because it is a covering of their past over their life, when you believe your prophet over your life, what they say comes to pass. Now, God does not allow the word, the blessings of parents to fall to the ground. He also does not allow the blessings of your pastor pronouncement to fall to the ground. He does not. Especially that pastor who loves you and carries you here. That is why at times, when I see anyone I carry here, trying to hurt me, I pray that God, please have mercy, have mercy, have mercy. I pray for mercy seriously. Because the consequences will come. I remember one time somewhere, one time like that, it is honoured me, I prayed, but God still dealt with him. He thank God, he came to his senses, he came back, I had to pray for him again. Because I don't have any pleasure in the death of anyone. God will help us in the name of Jesus. That's number 5, right? Number 6, this is a landmark of praying and fasting. Isaiah 58, 3-7 tells us the kind of fasting that God expects from us. Isaiah 58, 3-7 tells us the kind of fasting that God expects from us. Isaiah 58, 3-7 tells us the kind of fasting that God expects from us. Isaiah 58, 3-7 tells us the kind of fasting that God expects from us. Isaiah 58, 3-7 tells us the kind of fasting that God expects from us. Isaiah 58, 3-7 tells us the kind of fasting that God expects from us. This is the purpose of fasting and prayer. Today is day 2 of fasting. How many of you are fasting? Let me ask your neighbour, hope you are fasting. Let me ask your neighbour, hope you are fasting. Today being Sunday, may God show you mercy. Amen, Amen. You can die. I was actually praying that all of us, me and you, we have an agreement, we will do 21 days continuous. You only take water. It's possible. It's possible. Somebody was told to fast, he said, he went out one day, he put him in cell for 7 days, no food, no water. When he came out of prison cell, he began to fast, continuous fast. But don't wait for that time. Amen. That will never happen to you in Jesus name. Fasting humbles you. Fasting turns your attention to God. Fasting helps you to focus on God. Fasting takes away your strength on yourself and reminds you that God can help you. It also helps you to pray better. Fasting purifies you because it weakens your mouth from talking anyhow. You will lack strength from talking anyhow and then you gather strength to be able to pray. Number 6, is that number 5 or 6? The number 7, the ancient landmark of meeting and fellowshipping with God and the saints. Make it a point of view that this year I will be constant in church. Hebrews 10 verse number 25, not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together as is in the manner of some, but exalting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching. I want to see this large number, midweek service, Bible study. Don't be a Sunday Sunday messing alone. You have that capacity. If you take it serious that I will not miss Bible study on Wednesday, you will be here. This fasting period now, Daddy has said we must meet daily to pray for one hour. Make up your mind that these 100 days I have an appointment with God for one hour. And this Wednesday we will be having our communion service to strengthen our prayer life and our work with God. So fasting is needful. It is a blessing for our life. It trains you to be alert to the voice of God over your life and it also helps you to easily get divine instructions and divine guidance over your life. That's number what? That's number what? Number 7. Number 8. The ancient landmark of faithfulness in payment of your tithe and offering. Faithfulness in payment of your tithe and offering. Some people's offering has not changed for the past 15 years. Amen. The least amount you use for the tithe card is how much per day? Some people a thousand, some people 500. The least amount you spend on entertaining yourself at times goes into thousands. But when you get to church, the same person giving God 50 Naira. Is that the value of your God? Amen. Say to your neighbor, let your offering be born again. Now to the issue of tithe. Our concern is this. Who asks you to pay tithe? God. Obey God. Who tells you not to pay tithe? Man. Disobey that man. When you pay it, who is blessed? You. Who pays it? Not the fellow who tells you don't pay. Number 3. Test God. The Bible says, prove me. Why don't you prove God first? Now, but I know one thing. When you are in tithe and you are telling God, my strength is not my own, I leverage on your strength. Number 2. You bring a covering of God over your investment and your blessings. Number 3. You move the hand of God to rebuke the devourers for you. Devourers that you cannot undo in life and they are everywhere. You move the hand of God to cover up for you and rebuke them for you. Number 4. You move the hand of God to bless you even in the times when you are in need and your work cannot cover. God's blessings cover it. Number 5. The voices of the devil at any point in time is silenced. Number 6. Fervor speaks to regularly somebody who pays his tithe and his offering. And then your prayers are not blocked. The Lord God Almighty will help us in the name of Jesus. Let me ask your neighbor, are you a faithful tither? Tell him, I offer him today. Be faithful. Just 10%. There are several people who have gone beyond 10%. Just 10%. You struggle with it. Start paying now and the Lord will bless you in the name of Jesus. You don't need to wait till Sunday before you pay the tithe. You have the church account with you. As you get your profit of your business, it will be transformed to probably 10% of it. As you earn your salary, maybe by two weeks or at the end of the month, pay it. You can even give a standing order to your bank. This certain amount of my salary goes into this particular church account as it comes in. And don't wait until after you have spent all money, you now check what is left. Ah, I can't do it till God understands. Yes, He does. He understands. When the brothers also come, He understands that they need to come your way. Amen. The Lord will bless you also in the name of Jesus. Your Amen should be louder than that. Your Amen should be louder than that. I give you two more, the ancient landmark of sacrificial service. Serve God. By now, some of you should be in the choir, not sitting down there. You should be in the ushering unit. You should be among the sanitation team. You should be in the prayer warrior. You are gifted. Use your skills and your gift to serve God. Use it to serve God and see God move His blessings on other areas of your life. And I know for sure that if you can do this, you will see the hands of God blessing you more and more in the name of Jesus. And lastly, the ancient landmark of hard work. Diligence. Diligence. Diligence. This year, make up your mind, I will be diligent. I will be diligent. You are an employer of labor. You are an employee. Don't let your work suffer. You know what you are employed to do. Do it faithfully. Do it dutifully. Do it for the hours you are meant to work on a daily basis. And see God reward you. You never can tell. By your landmark service, you are creating the platform and the energy and the grace that when you start your own business, you will repeat in the life of the people that you will employ. And so shall it be for us in the name of Jesus. So if you imbibe these basic landmark principles as part of your life on a daily basis, I assure you that this year 2025 will be a bumper year of abundance for your life. Shower eyes on our feet. Lift up our two hands to God and say, Father, help me to keep these ancient landmarks. Can you pray in the name of Jesus? Lord, help me to keep these ancient landmarks. Help me not to default again. Everywhere I have been failing, I receive grace for obedience. I receive grace for obedience. I receive grace for obedience. I receive grace for obedience. I receive grace for obedience. I receive grace for obedience. Can you pray? Lord, everywhere I have been failing, Lord God Almighty, from now on I will serve you better. The work I have been running for in serving you in this church, Lord, I will get committed to the workforce. I will join the choir unit. I will join prayer unit. I will join the unit you want me to join, Lord God Almighty. I will give more than ever before. I will be faithful in my tithes this year. I will be faithful in my offering. Lord, I will be faithful in sponsoring your building that is ongoing. Lord God Almighty, this year I will do far more for you than ever before. Thank you, righteous Father. I would like you to please close your eyes. In Jesus' mighty name, we will pray. Please close your eyes. You are saying this morning, Lord, I am sorry for my pattern of life. I want to rededicate my life to you. I would love to pray with you. Can you raise your right hand wherever you are? You are saying, Lord, I am sorry. I rededicate my life to you this morning. Please raise your hand as I pray for you. Lift it up where you are. Lord, I pray for all these whose sons and daughters at their hands are lifted. Lord, every sin that they are confessing, every negative pattern of life, Lord God Almighty, let the yoke of sinfulness be broken in the name of Jesus. The enabling grace for holy living, for consistent righteousness, Lord God Almighty, please give to them in the name of Jesus. From today, the grace to walk in perfection of holiness, righteousness, and imbibe the word of God that you have heard rests upon you in the name of Jesus. Thank you, righteous Father. Blessed be your holy name. In Jesus' mighty name, we are praying. A living and a better amen. Choir, please come up. We want to quickly do a thanksgiving. Our children want to thank God before they resume school. They are here today. They want to thank God. And please, I would like you to thank God on their life. In the workers' meeting this morning, I was just thanking God for several things. The schools our children attend, many of them eat in school. We don't know who cooks the food, yet God preserves them. The kaken apep you hired to take them from your home to school, along with the kuka body loading one. The bike man that carries them did not floor them on the expressway. There are several things to thank God for over our children's lives. Children's teachers, please direct them now to dance forward and then let's thank God for the life of our children. And after that, we will go into the general thanksgiving. And before we close, before we say the benediction, all January celebrants will cut your cake. Your cake is available. Now, let's cut the cake first so that you can be able to share it. Please bring it forward. All those of us who are born in the month of January, please come forward and cut your cake. Nigerians were not able to cut last Sunday. Please stand up and come forward quickly. Bring the cake, bring the cake. January celebrants, please come forward. You are born in January. Your wedding anniversary is in January. Please come. I'm sorry your cake was not available last Sunday, but your cake is available today. Amen. Wow, wow, wow, wow. Please come. Let's come quickly. All January celebrants. Everyone, please take the picture. Use your phone to snap that. Glory to God. Let's appreciate God in your life as you come forward. Let's clap, let's clap. Glory to God in your life.

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