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podcast anglais

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DAX speaks about the oppression faced by minorities in the US and the need for change. He pays tribute to victims of police violence and calls for unity among all races to fight racism. He believes racism is a learned behavior and can be unlearned. DAX also mentions the need for regulation and reconstruction of relationships between communities divided by racism. He emphasizes that saying "Black lives matter" does not diminish the value of other lives but highlights the unique treatment of black lives. He recalls the innocence of childhood when racial differences didn't matter, showing that racism is learned over time. This is what happens when the people you've oppressed demand change in the country they've built, but which you've ignored and denied. To begin, DAX reminds the US that the United States was built on the label of minorities, particularly African and American, and criticizes the ignorance of denial of contribution. These words are for Sandra Bland, George Floyd, and all the families in which police violence has occurred and destroyed. Moreover, he pays tribute to the victims of police violence, highlighting the devastating impact on the family and community. Black, white, Asian, it doesn't matter because we can't avoid it, so let's all together join hands and yes, let's be outraged about people who believe that racism makes sense in a country that was built on minority slave labor. In addition, DAX calls for unity among all races to fight racism, recalling that the country was built by oppressed minorities. As you can see, no one is born as racist, it's something that can be learned. Furthermore, he thinks that racism is a learned behavior, not an innate one, and that it can therefore be unlearned. I think it's time we replied all the bodies with youth. In conclusion, DAX speaks about regulation and the reconstruction of relationships between communities divided by racism. I know Martin Luther King, but man, that doesn't mean I can't have dreams. Similarly, he refers to Martin Luther King Jr. to the fact that every individual can dream and work for a better future regardless of their status. Black lives matter, that should not make you angry or scream. All lives matter because we're not treated that same way. Additionally, DAX explains that saying black lives matter doesn't mean that other lives don't count, but highlights the unique treatment of black lives. I remember when we were kids, we didn't see any notion of color. We'd play in kindergarten and I'd tell you my brother. To illustrate, he works to innocence of childhood when racial differences didn't matter, showing that racism is a behavior learned over time.

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