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Documents released by the Naples Secret Service confirm that Prospero's exile from Milan was orchestrated by Antonio and Naples. Milan's corrupt government and Antonio's thirst for power are at the root of the conflict. Naples has controlled Antonio's actions, leading to corruption and oppression in Milan. Antonio's leadership has been disastrous, causing food shortages and neglecting the city's infrastructure. Many progressive leaders have disappeared, instilling fear in the population. Accountability is needed to prevent further kidnappings and a harsh dictatorship. Action must be taken to avoid being controlled by the government and facing dire consequences. The podcast ends with a sarcastic remark about Shakespeare. And welcome back to Insert Podcast Name Here, where we have some crazy news from Milan. Very recently, documents were released detailing the exile of Prospero. These documents were provided by the Naples Secret Service. So, it's official now. Prospero was indeed exiled. His disappearance exactly nine years ago today was said to have been because of terrorists operating outside the country, sparking a five-year military campaign that proved unsuccessful at anything other than putting more money into the military. It seems like it was Naples working with Antonio that caused the exile. So, why did Milan even go to war? Milan's government is corrupt. The entire time, it was an inside job, and Antonio has gained so much power from it. Something needs to change. Antonio's play for power was obvious even before the exile. But I wonder about Naples' involvement in the event. Antonio wanted to keep Milan under his control, so it seems risky to rely on Naples so much, given that Naples has been fighting for control of Milan for a long time. Antonio has been pretending to be the most powerful figure in Milan, but after whatever deal they made, the Naples government has controlled everything Antonio does. This just adds to the corruption throughout Naples that has been experienced since Prospero's disappearance. Antonio has made only bad decisions as a leader, starting with working with Naples. Alonso, the king of Naples, almost at once worked to stop the food shortages his own people were facing, but by taking all the food from Milan, which caused a famine. The military from Naples has taken control over much of Milan to enforce the new rules that came from this alliance, posting guards and checkpoints at every entrance, being unafraid to use violence, and stealing from already poor citizens. Antonio's Milan, even without Naples' involvement, has proven to be terrible and falling to pieces. The roads have gone unmaintained as Antonio and his government redirect tax money into the military instead of the upkeep of the city. There is no longer doubt that Antonio called for Prospero's disappearance, so that he could have absolute control of Milan and made an alliance with Naples to do so. Prospero's abduction wasn't the only one that night, either. Many of Milan's most progressive and left-wing leaders suddenly disappeared with no sign of their return. I had an old friend who disappeared in Milan, and this is true for many people. So many people are scared to even leave their homes. Milan has been scared for a long time after that eventful night. Will the kidnapped victims be returned? Would Antonio prove himself a worthy leader? And would Naples forgive the long history of war? So far, it seems like the answer to all those questions is no. Antonio and the Naples government need to be held accountable for the kidnappings and the harsh dictatorship that is rising in Milan. If no one acts, nothing will change, and similar events will happen again without consequence. The government is going to kidnap all of us if we don't act. How many have already disappeared? Where have they gone? I suspect we won't ever find some of them, but I imagine they're being tortured right this second. Either that, or they got sent to a little island with a bunch of little magical people. Honestly, who can tell in this economy? That's why we need to rise up against the government before they send us all off to an island in the middle of nowhere where fairies serve us. What drug did you take? And that's all for today's podcast. Catch us next week when we talk about how Shakespeare can go suck it.

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