Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
A man is calling for help and providing his address, stating that something happened and he needs medical attention. He is agitated and mentions being in pain and having headaches. The operator tries to gather more information and asks for his apartment number, but the man insists he lives in a townhouse. The operator confirms the address and informs the sheriff's office to send help. The man also mentions his neighbor being involved in the incident but is unable to provide details about his appearance. The call ends with the operator assuring that someone will come to assist him. Hi, what's the address that we need to come to? Pardon me? Your address, sir? 4220 Winford, Texas Avenue and Rio Grande. I'm sorry, it's 4220, 4220 Winford? 4220. 4220, 4220 Winford, sir? Yes. Okay, and what's going on there? This shit happened yesterday and you motherfuckers trying to put my ass in jail. It's not understanding what's going on. Okay, do you need medical attention? Yes. What is wrong? I don't know. I ain't no goddamn doctor. Okay, sir, I'm trying to help you. Well, help me, send me somebody here. What the hell, what's the holdup? Sir, are you feeling pain? What is the problem? I'm crazy as hell. S.O., do you need us? I don't know what I need. S.O., are you on the line? Yes, we are. Do you need us to go with you? He said somebody hit him. He has heart failure. I ain't have my goddamn medicine this morning. I ain't got no medicine. I went to the fucking hospital and the doctor got mad because I told him that white boys used to fuck my mama a long time ago. Sir, are you in pain somewhere or what is it? Yes, I got headaches in my leg and everything. I've been in a fucking fight. So you want the paramedics to come and check you, correct? That's what I thought you were getting. What the hell is going on? Sir, you need to calm down and talk to me. I am trying to help you and I'm trying to send the paramedics, but I need to understand what the problem is. I don't know what the problem is. Okay, but you're feeling head pain, is that correct? Yes, I've been injured. I've been hit on the head and everything else. How else do a mother fucker be a father? When did that happen? Yesterday. Damn. My head is hurting. Are you going to sit in my head or are you going to fuck around on the phone? Sir, I have no problem sending you help, okay? The paramedics will come and they'll check you. How old are you? I'm 62 years old. I retired from Don McCracken. Okay, and are you in Millennium Point Apartments? Yes. What apartment number are you in? What's going on down there, ma'am? Sir, I am trying to help you. What apartment number are you in? My head is hurting. Can you tell me what apartment number you're in? What? What apartment number are you in? I ain't no goddamn apartment. Are you in Millennium Point Apartments? Motherfucker, what's wrong with your ass? How much schooling have you had? Sir, are you in Millennium Point Apartments? I told you that. Okay, what apartment number are you in? What apartment number are you in? I ain't no goddamn apartment. It's a townhouse. Okay, and what kind of medical history do you have, sir? I don't know. Let them check it out. I ain't no fuckin' doctor. I ain't no nurse either. Okay. You can use my address if you want to know. What's your name? I'm Reverend O'Dowd. And what's the phone number that you're calling from? I don't know what it is. I gave you a goddamn address. That's enough. Is your phone number 407-883-5636? Well, if you know the fuckin' number, why are you asking me? Because I need to confirm it with you, sir. Alright, you got it. Do you not have an apartment number? I ain't got no goddamn... I don't live in no goddamn apartment. I live in a townhouse, motherfucker. Okay. S.O.? Yeah, we're coming in. Sir, do you have a townhouse number? 4220, motherfucker. Okay. S.O., we definitely need you to go with us. We're on our way. Okay. I'll let them know. Sir, stay on the phone with the sheriff's office, okay? Do you need to talk to him, S.O.? I'm gonna try. Okay. Thank you. Sir? Hello? Yes. The guy that hit you, is he still there? Yeah, yeah. He lives over here, right across the run-of-the-dope house right next door to me. Is he black or Hispanic? I don't know what color he is. You call him what you want to call him. What does he look to you? I don't know. He looks like one of Jesus' children. He looks like what? One of Jesus' children. Okay. What's his skin color? I don't know. I don't see no color. Do you know what color clothes he's wearing? I don't know, motherfucker, in the house. Okay, so we'll have somebody come to you, okay? Alright. Goodbye. Alright.