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Not all of it was removed. Many different dust samples were analyzed by scientists all over the world, and what they concluded put the final nail in the coffin of the official story for me. We touched on thermite earlier, but we're going to look into it more deeply for reasons you'll soon understand. Thermite is a chemical mixture, usually of metal oxide and aluminum powder, with several variations. It's often used in fireworks, underwater welding, and military weapons. It can also be used to cut steel beams. When thermite is detonated, it leaves traces of itself in the debris, like perfectly round microscopic spheres of iron and unexploded thermite itself, both of which were found in the ground zero dust. The fact that explosive residue was found in the dust didn't surprise me, at least not by now. I already knew in my heart it was a controlled demolition. What rocked me was the type of thermite found. You see, it was a special type of thermite, called nanothermite, and it meant that the odds that the hijackers could have done this dropped to near zero. My belief system kept taking more hits, which we'll discuss in a bit. For now, though, let's have the experts walk us through the basics. In three different samples from three independent researchers, the R.J. Lee Company, the USGS, and Dr. Stephen Jones's work, all three separately found these microspheres. As much as six percent of the World Trade Center's dust consisted of tiny, previously molten iron spheres. You cannot get a perfectly round sphere of metal from the building tearing apart. The only way you can get that is by starting with a molten, a molten liquid. Then the hydrostatic pressure will create the perfectly round sphere as it solidifies. So what produced all that molten iron? Well, it has in it the chemical evidence of a special incendiary, which is thermite, a high-tech incendiary used to cut through steel like a hot knife through metal. These spheres have iron, aluminum, fluorine, manganese, very unusual elements associated only with thermite, and there's small chips of unignited thermite as well. Even though the cleanup and removal of the ground zero evidence began within hours of the attacks, not all of it was removed. Many different dust samples were analyzed by scientists all over the world, and what they concluded put the final nail in the coffin of the official lie for me.

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