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Rideshare Podcast



Rideshare is a podcast about a journey. This is just an introduction about what this podcast will be about.

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The speaker is introducing their new podcast called "Share Ride" and explaining that they will be sharing their experiences as a ride-share driver and discussing various topics, including their journey as an immigrant in the US, the need for sharing knowledge within the African diaspora, and the common struggles faced by people from different cultures. They also mention the importance of financial education and touch on subjects like relationships, friendship, and the broader aspects of life. They emphasize that the podcast will focus on providing valuable insights rather than bragging about personal success or wealth. Hello everybody. Just to make it straightforward, this is my first time doing a podcast. And just to be frank, honest, it's not about just, hey, I want to just make a podcast for the sake of it. It has nothing to do with that. And the first thing, the reason why I want to call this podcast a share ride, because I'm driving, you know, one of those companies like Uber or Lyft or, you know, whatever you have in your city or in your country. So I'm a ride driver to one of those companies. And it's been quite an experience. I learn a lot from it. Meet different, interesting people, you know, on a daily basis. And some days here and there, you're going to just meet some, some nasty people. At the end of the day, I mean, that's how life is. Right? So, and I think that I just want to share my journey. I came to the U.S. about 15 years ago, just to further my education. But this podcast is not going to be just about my journey or my personal experience. It's about what I have known. And I want to share those with pretty much the maximum people possible. And I always tell to myself, if I was lucky enough to have someone to either just simple advice, not even to guide you or a mentor, but someone who can give you some simple advice about how the Western countries works, and specifically here in the U.S. But unfortunately, with the African diaspora, we just tend to isolate ourselves in our corners. You know, everybody is struggling on their own way. And they're not sharing their experience and their teaching. So you get to the point where you will learn some great stuff about, you know, the journey. But are we sharing those experiences with our youngsters? And I think we have been missing that a lot, either from our relationships with the family back home, the people we left behind, or, you know, our family, friends. I will say, you know, our financial well-being, social well-being. So those are some subjects, but that pretty much sometimes are kind of taboo that we don't talk about. And we all want to put a face that, hey, I got it right. You know, I'm very happy. I'm the happiest person in the world. But you're not. So I have some friends that I talk, you know, on stuff like this. And as the conversation is getting deeper and deeper, you come to find out that you are having the same struggles, you know. And then I think it's a boost to know that you are not alone, for whatever you're going, you know. But this podcast won't be just about an African guy, you know, talking to his African brothers or sisters. This also will be about the life we're living in right now, in general, as a human being. It doesn't matter if you are a Dutch or an Asian, you know, European, American, Indian, whatever, you know, across the board. At the end of the day, one thing I just come to find out is we are dealing pretty much with the same issues. You know, it can be different here and there, just some small details. But on a nutshell, we are all on the same boat. I mean, you can look at so many statistics, you know, about the youth, whatever they're going through in Europe, you know, it's almost the same either in Asia or in America. So this podcast, it will be about that, you know. And then here and there, we will throw out about our day. Hey, today I have this customer, I was given a ride with my ride-share car, and then this is what we talk about. And if I found that thing to be really interesting, I will come here and share that with you guys. And then hope that you will learn from it, too. And some days, I will bring some guests. If I believe that, you know, this will be a valuable guest to have and to introduce to you guys. I don't know. There might be some other podcasts that I looked around. I didn't see anything, you know. If there's someone out there who's doing the same thing or about to do the same, I have no issue having them here or even learning from them. Because I think, as I said earlier, this is a journey. And when we say it's a journey, you know, it comes with the ups and downs. So I'm really, really, really excited about this. You know, again, I'm not doing this for the fame or for the money or for whatever reason. It's just about helping out. Easy example, right? It doesn't matter if you are in Europe or here. I come to know that you can actually be a multi-millionaire through your 401k if you live in the U.S. So now, if you live in Europe, you might have some pensions, you know, that you contribute for every paycheck. You know, you contribute towards your retirement. And then you kind of invest 5%, 10%, 15% of your paycheck, of your salary, you know, invested to some companies through your pension. You know, here in the U.S., it's called a 401k. I really come to find out recently. It's not recently. I mean, I know about 401k because I've been here for a while. But you can actually be a multi-millionaire if you start early, if you're a 401k. You know, and I learned this through watching so many videos on financial, you know, education on, you know, some platform, YouTube, you know, and stuff like that. So I was talking to one of the guy I used to work before. He's, I think, 22 now. And I talked to him, hey, you can actually make it, you know, just working here, making whatever you're making right now. You know, you can actually be pretty independent, you know, by the time you retire. And I told him, you know, with the 401k. And that's something as an immigrant, you know, it doesn't matter, African, whatever, coming to the U.S., sometimes we don't have those information early on. Because if I had that information when I first came here in this country, I would be way ahead compared to where I am today. It's not too late, you know, but time is working against you pretty much. You know, the older you get, you know, the more challenging it is for you. But if you're younger, you come to the U.S. at the age of 20, 25, whatever, even 30, you know, you can make it. So that's one thing I learned from it. Plus, just having different friends here and there, you know, I met different people. I've been working for the last five years with interesting people, you know, that can pretty much help me with the journey. Also, the other thing is, I learned from, you know, a ride-share driver. If you have different cultures, different people with different backgrounds, very interesting stuff. And then one thing I come to find out is, we all have the same struggles, pretty much really similar when it comes to family, friends. I bet you, if you are, you know, a migrant, I don't like that name. I think now it's more politicized, but we don't want to go there. But as someone who just traveled and living in a different country, one thing I come to find out is, your relationship with your family is going to change for the worse or for the better, but it won't be the same. Your friendship, you will lose a lot of friends, you know. So that's one thing I lived it, and I know, you know, so many people told me the exact same thing. You know, your relationship, either you are married, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever, is going to go through some challenges. That's one thing, too, we will talk about, you know, in this podcast. So at this point, I'm just talking about, you know, those type of subject, you know. The financial is very important to me, you know. The financial aspect is very important to me, but I don't want to be those channels that talks about, you know, hey, I'm a big believer in crypto. I love it. I have, for the last, you know, I mean, seven years, I've been learning, learning, and learning, and it's amazing, you know, how you can change your life through crypto. But we won't be here every day talking about this is the new play, this is the hot, you know, crypto project to get into. We're not going to go there. And we're just going to keep it simple, really, really simple, you know, just about investing. Also, I read some books about investing, you know, just about stocks, how stocks works, how to buy, you know, how to pretty much secure a financial future with that, you know. And then we will talk about, you know, life, life in general. We will talk about the stuff you pretty much people don't talk about, you know, about, we will talk about death, talk about living, friendships, work, your career, you know, school, education, family, kids. It's endless, to be honest. You know, it's really endless. And I won't be here, I won't be the guy. And that's one thing I really found out about so many people, either via their podcast or YouTube, it's just you are kind of rubbing it against the other people. You're like, I was a multi-millionaire when I was 15. This is how I made it. So, okay, good for you. Now what? You know, that's when you say I'm not the same. I've never been a fan of those type of, you know, people, hey, I'm a multi-millionaire, I'm a multi-billionaire, whatever it is, you know. And then here I am now. Now I'm entitled, you know, I'm kind of, I'm approved, you know, to give you guys advice about finances or life. No, this won't be about that. You know, this won't be just about money. Because I was just, I just read a quote from Bob Marley the other day that said that so many people are so poor, they are so poor, P-O-O-R, that the only thing they have is money. I was like, wow, this is big. This is big. This is big. And we all can pinpoint some people. Now we can say, yep, this person is just like that. You know, and I think life is way more than just finances or material. And one of my best quotes from one of the philosophers, Descartes, is, you know, I think therefore I am. The discourse, you know, in French it's a discourse that I met out. I think therefore I am. And I ponder upon that nowadays it's not about I think therefore I am. Now it's I have, therefore I am. Your level in society is determined, you know, by how much you have, how much you accumulate. It has nothing to do with, you know, what's in your brain and, you know, who you are in a society, how good of a husband you are, or a wife, or a single mom, single dad, how great of a friend you are. You know, those are the things we tend to neglect in this society nowadays. And, you know, just to keep it short, I don't want to go over, you know, long with this. So just to keep it short, in a nutshell, this is the reason why I want to do this podcast. And I hope and I pray that we, even me, we all are going to learn from this and we're going to grow together. Because if we all grow together, we're all going to win together. Thank you for tuning in. I'm really excited about this and I can't wait to talk about you again next time. Thank you.

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