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Pat Whalen 5-4-24 The Godhead

Pat Whalen 5-4-24 The Godhead


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The speaker discusses the topic of the Trinity, acknowledging that the word itself is not mentioned in the Bible. However, the speaker believes that the concept of the Trinity is present in the Bible. The speaker mentions that some people have left the church because they could not accept the idea that the Holy Spirit is God. The speaker also shares a conversation with an Islamic girl who questioned the idea of three gods in Christianity. The speaker acknowledges that understanding God is a mystery and that his ways are beyond human comprehension. The speaker emphasizes the importance of studying the scriptures and being guided by the Holy Spirit. Various Bible verses are mentioned to support the belief in the Trinity, including references to God as plural and the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit being one. The speaker also discusses the divinity of Jesus and the mystery of God becoming man. The speaker encourages further reflection on these ideas. All right, happy Sabbath everyone. You know, there's always a method to my madness. There's a reason why I chose this topic. It's called the Trinity. And you say, the Trinity? Trinity's not in the Bible. It's not. The word Trinity is not in the Bible. But you know what? Neither is rapture. But we know what that means, right? Because the concept is in the Bible. The principle is in the Bible. I believe they mentioned Godhead in the Bible, okay? But you know, Bible is not in the Bible. The word Bible is not in the Bible. So it doesn't mean we should avoid it, right? No, it doesn't. So the Trinity, tri, means three. The triunal, God, okay? And there's a lot, several reasons why I chose this topic. I have some good friends recently who just left the church because they can't accept that the Holy Spirit is God. They can't accept that. So they left the church. And now they're roaming around out there. I don't know what they're doing. Anyway, and I heard something online. A street pastor, a Christian street pastor, was doing a good job, by the way. And some Islamic girl just really let him have it, said, no, wait, who, who's God? Who's your God? I said, well, Jesus is their God. Well, what about God? What about the Holy Spirit? No, you really have three gods, don't you? You have many gods. You see, A, she didn't understand what I'm about to present. And I got to admit, I don't understand, okay? But I know what the Bible says. I know what the Bible says about it. So I'm going to talk very little and give a lot of scriptures. And hopefully we'll walk out of here a little wiser about what the Bible says about God the Father, and God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And and I will admit, it, it's a, it's one of the many mysteries in the Bible. There, there are many mysteries in the Bible. I can point some out, and I might here in a little bit. But that is, to many people, it's one of the mysteries in the Bible. But it shouldn't be a mystery. And I do want to add this, that even though it's a mystery, hopefully I can shed some light on this mystery, all right? And allow me to read what the Bible says about understanding God, first of all. And, you know, you can turn with me, or just listen, because, you know, I'm going to try to turn as quick as I can. And just as soon as I get there, I'm going to read the scripture and move on. But Isaiah 50, 55, 8 and 9. It says, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. You know, it's almost comical to think that we can understand the Lord. It is, if you really think about it. I mean, we have his Word, right? But we're talking about not only the God of the Bible, not only our God, but the God of the universe. Now, you know how massive the universe is. It's possibly endless, right? Who can even think that we could have just an inkling of what that God, our God, is thinking, okay? Thank God we do have his Word. Don't get me wrong on that. Well, let me shed some light on that. In Psalm 145, and I'm going to read verse 3. In Psalm 145, verse 3, it reads like this. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised. And his greatness is unsearchable. See that? His greatness is unsearchable. Well, let me continue, though. Let me continue. You know, think about that a minute. How much can we know about God in 80 years? I mean, we can try, and we should, and I'd like to, but think about that. And, you know, think about this. We're going to be in heaven for eternity, and I'm going to think that maybe we still won't fully understand God, because the Bible says he's unsearchable. All right? Well, look. Who's in heaven? One-third of the angels left with Satan. Did they understand God? I'm guessing they did not. You see that? Or they never would have left. Okay? So for us to think we know so much, we have to be careful. The only way we can do that is by studying the Scriptures with a prayerful heart, and to be guided by God, the Holy Spirit. Okay? Let's look at this. Romans 11.33. Romans 11.33. You know, like I say, when I get there, I'm going to read it. 11.33 reads like this. Oh, the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out? You see that? They're past finding out. Well, don't throw your arms up and then say, okay, there's no use. All right? Because I know you have a heart for the Lord, just as I do. You want to know. You want to know what God knows, or expects of us, and thinks. Right? Just like if you want, you want to know what your best friend thinks. You want to know what to expect of them, and what they expect of you. It's the same. It's the same way. Let's look at Job. Job. The oldest book in the Bible, right? Job 26.14. Job 26.14. Indeed, these are the mere edges of his ways. And how small a whisper we hear of him, but the thunder of his power, who can understand? You know what? I will take a fragment of a whisper of God. I'll take it. If that's all I'm going to get, I'll take it. So, you know, let's just see what the Bible says. Okay? And let's just pause to pray. Lord, I just thank you for your word. I just thank you for your son and your Holy Spirit. Lord, I just thank you, God, that you lead us and direct us. And I pray that you do that right now, in the understanding of this. And we ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. Okay. Matthew 28.19. Jesus knows what he's talking about when he said, go baptize them in the name of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I mean, he knew what he was talking about, right? Yes. We have to take him at his word. We have to take him at his word. You know, after all, you're being baptized into the name of the God of the Bible, the God of the universe. That's who you're being baptized into, the God of the universe, the God of the Bible. And with that, let's look at Genesis 1.26. 1.26. Here's what it says. Then God said, and that word is Elohim in the Hebrew, God, Elohim. And then God said, let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. You know what? That word Elohim is 2,700 times. No, I got that wrong. Yeah, no, I got that right. 2,700 times in the Bible, mostly in the Old Testament. I think there's a couple in the New. Mostly in the Old Testament. And it's just the word for God. And you know what it is? It's the plural word for God. Did you know that? It's the plural word for God. Us. Our. Elohim. It's the plural word for God. You know, let's look at this. 1 John 5.7. 1 John 5. And verse seven reads like this. For there are three that bear witness in heaven, the father, the word, we know that's Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. Now, see, that's the mystery for most. And it is kind of a mystery, I'll admit. But I think we can get a clear picture just by reading scriptures like that, can't we? Can we get a clear picture? I think so. You know, well, let me read something else first. John 17. John 17, the book of John. Now, we know that's Jesus' prayer for himself, for you, for everyone. OK, that's Jesus praying here. OK, and in his prayer, here's what he says. John 17, 20 and 21. Jesus said, I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in me through their word. That they may be one as you, Father, are one in me and I in you. I lost my spot. Oh, that they may be one in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. OK? All right, let's keep going. Let's keep going. You know, I would like to, I'm not going to talk about God being, the Father being God, because I think 99.5% of Christendom believes that, right? Right? But there are a lot, some of Christendom that has a problem with Jesus being equal to God and the Holy Spirit. Do you know, we know it's a famous denomination, I won't mention them, but they believe that Jesus is not God in any way that he was born. When the Bible says he's the Alpha and the Omega, right? But they believe he was born, OK? And they also believe that the Holy Spirit is just a spirit, not an entity, OK, that you can relate to. All right, it's just a spirit. And I think when these people, because my friends are not the only ones, I see it online, there are many Adventists going to that movement of that Jesus was created and that the Holy Spirit is just a spirit, OK? And I want to say, well, why don't you go join that church? Because that's what they believe. You're in the wrong church. That's what they believe, OK? But I think the Bible teaches us the truth, all right? So let's just go to Jesus. Is Jesus fully God? Well, let's just find out. Let's just find out. Matthew 1, 23. Of course, this is about the birth of Jesus when he came to the earth, right, or about to come to this earth, right? And here's what it says, Matthew 1, 23. It says, Behold, the virgin shall be with a child, that's Mary, shall be with a child, that's Jesus, and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which is translated God with us. Pretty clear in my mind what that means, OK? Now, I'll just say this. This is a mystery. This is another one of the mysteries. How can God come down and become a man? It happened. It happened. I think most of us know some of the reasons why. I'm not going to go into it. But the interesting part is that God became man, and a creature, a created of God, the devil, launched a war against his creator. That's a mystery in heaven. That's a mystery to me. I think it is. And one, one, Jesus, is lowering himself to become a man, and one is trying to elevate himself to become God. You see the difference there? Pretty interesting contrast. Think about that. Think about it. OK, let's go to Hebrews 1. Hebrews 1 and Hebrews 1, 2, and then I'll do verse 10, too, and they're right across in my Bible. But Hebrews 1, 2 says this, Hasn't these days and these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, through whom also his Son made the worlds? Who made the worlds? Jesus. Jesus did. And then let's just go to 10. You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth. Lord laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. So Jesus is our God. He's our Savior. He's our Lord. Capital L. Capital O. Capital R. Capital D. That's Jesus. OK? You know, Thomas, the doubter, Thomas, you can find this story in John 20, 26-29. You're familiar with it. But anyway, he, he didn't believe, he doubted that Jesus showed up to the other disciples after he'd rose from the grave. And when he came, when Jesus came in the room, and there was Thomas, he asked him to come over to him. And he told him, hey, put your hands in my hands. It's me, Thomas. And Thomas said what? He said, my Lord, my Lord. He knew. He knew. You know, the first commandment, the Bible says that we are to only worship God, right? We're to only worship God, no other gods. No other gods. Well, let's look at a few verses here. What about 1-1, Genesis 1-1? God said, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now there's a lot in that sentence. Who? God. When? In the beginning. What? The heaven and the earth. Okay, the heavens and the earth. And it's interesting because we can go to John, the book of John, and you're very familiar with this, but I'm going to read it. And you know what? I have to say this. You know, my motivation for even speaking about this, because I figure everyone knows this stuff, or 99% of it, or whatever. Okay? So why am I talking about it? Well, I feel that, A, we're going to witness for him. We're going to witness for him. We better know who him is, right? Because there are people in other denominations that don't believe exactly this. I play pickleball with one. He goes to the church that doesn't believe this. And he believes in God faithfully. And he wants to talk to me all the time because he knows I believe in God. And he wants to talk about God, but he doesn't believe that Jesus, he believes that Jesus was created, that he's born, and he believes that the Holy Spirit's just a spirit. Okay? But all the other truths are, most of the other truths line up with us, because that's why he comes and talks to me. And he even makes comment about other pickleball players who are professed Christians that don't believe in all this stuff that him and I believe in that's in the Bible, like death, stuff like that. Okay? And my point is, we can, I witnessed to him. I told him, I said, you know, I gotta let you know, brother. I said, I do believe that God, the Father, and God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit, are working as one. You know, and he kind of listened, walked away, happy, I mean, content. But so you're going to run into these people. That's my point. So I always say, you better have your guns loaded. Right? Seriously. I mean, what's going to happen if this Islamic girl comes up to you and say, you worship three gods? What are you going to say? You're going to say what the Bible backs up. Okay? That's what you're going to say. So that's why I'm talking about this. And I don't want you to be like my dear friends who just left the church, because they couldn't accept it. What did you have on your mind there? Yeah, I have no problem. Well, you know, I was, I just read, he, Genesis 1.1, in the beginning, God created heaven. So let's go to John 1, John 1, 1 through 3. Okay? Reads like this. In the beginning, same thing, was the Word. We know who the Word is. It's Jesus. But he was there in the beginning, Jesus. And the Word was with God. He was there in the beginning with God. And the Word was God. What? Just follow me. He was in the beginning with God. All things are made through him. And without him, nothing was made that was made. So I don't have a problem with this. I think the Bible is clear. Okay? It's still a mystery, but I think the Bible is clear. All right? How about Ephesians 3.9? Let's try that one out. Ephesians 3.9. My Bible reads like this. And to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery. See? John's even saying it's a mystery, right? Or did I say John? I meant Paul. Paul. And to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things through Jesus Christ. Let's look at Isaiah 43. Isaiah 43. Okay. Isaiah 43.11. It reads like this. I, even I, am the Lord. And besides me, there's no Savior. That's what it says. Now, follow me on this. Jude 25. You know that little book before Revelation? Jude 25 with no chapters, right? So it's just Jude 25. It says this. To God, our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. He's talking about Jesus Christ. Okay. So don't be confused. I hope you're getting this and not being confused. Let's keep going. So 1 John 4.14. It's just right back there. 1 John 4.14 reads like this. And we have seen and testified that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. Jesus is the Savior of the world. Jesus is God. The Bible makes no distinction. You see that? That's what I'm trying to point out. Makes no distinction. Nor should we. Nor should we. You know, one Savior, Elohim. One Savior, Elohim, God is our Savior. Jesus is our Savior. And the only way to reconcile this is that Jesus and God are working as one. You can't separate them. They're working as one. Elohim, the plural for God. Elohim, get used to that. I know there's El in there and that's the singular, but that's not mentioned nearly as many times. And that's just El. And there's Elohim. Let's look at John 5.17 and 18. John 5.17 and 18. I hope you're getting this. Reads like this. But Jesus answered them, My Father has been working until now, and I have been working. Therefore, the Jews sought all the more to kill him, because he not only broke the Sabbath, but he also said that God was his Father, making him equal with God. I mean, how dare him do that, right? That's what they thought. And they wanted to stone him for that, because he was equal with God. Okay? All right. How about John 10.30? 10.30. John 10.30. John 10.30 reads like this. Jesus said, I and my Father are one. Now, I got to admit, I don't fully understand that. I don't. It's a mystery. But the Bible says it, and I have faith to believe that that is true. That that is true. Okay? Because, you know, you're not going to be given everything. You got to have some faith. You got to have some faith. John 14.9. John 14.9. Jesus said to him, Have I been with you? He's talking to Philip. He says, Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known me, Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father. So how can you say, Show us the Father? We are one. We work in unison. We are one. And remember, this is the God of the universe, of the universe. And we may be, the problem may be, because we're thinking with these little finite minds of ours. I know some people think they're pretty smart. They do. Some people are pretty smart. But they're not anywhere on the level to understand God. Not even close. Not even close. You know, the summation is this about Jesus as God. Let's look at John 17. Just keep turning there. 17.5. 17.5. And it's Jesus speaking, and he says, And now, O Father, glorify me together with yourself, with the glory which I had with you before the world was. Amen. OK, listen. Jesus laid aside his glory to come to the earth. If he came with all his glory, you wouldn't even be able to look at him. All right? But he laid it aside to come to the earth for us, to save us, us sorry individuals. And the perfect existence he shared with the Father before that, the perfect existence he shared with the Father before that, before he came and lived amongst us and became Emmanuel. And he was received after death and risen. He was received back into glory with all his glory. And he is again glorified at the right hand of the Father. He is 100 percent God. He's 100 percent God. This, this, I'm stopping here. I'm going to the Holy Spirit. This is the tip of the iceberg. You know what I mean? There is so much in the Bible on this topic. Just search it out. Search it out. I ask myself, how can these poor people, these friends of mine, somehow get sidetracked on this? Well, we know. It's the devil. He knows his time is short and he's doing everything he can to bring people down, even good people. Right? All right. What about the Holy Spirit? What about the Holy Spirit? Let's look at Matthew 1.20. Matthew 1.20. There again, back at the birth of Jesus, right? Yeah, 1.20. It reads like this. But while he thought about these things, this is Joseph. Joseph and Mary. This is Joseph. But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary, your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And the whole time I've been, I would never have said the Holy Spirit. I always say it's conceived of God. But it's one and the same is my point. It says right there, conceived of the Holy Spirit. Okay. So Acts 5.3 and 4. Acts 5.3 and 4. Acts 5.3 and 4. You're probably saying, why are you talking about this? We already know this. Listen, I told you why. People don't believe this. People calling the name of Jesus don't believe this. And people in our denomination are starting to go for this strange belief. I call it a strange belief. Let's look at Acts 5.3 and 4. But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men, but to God. Right? In the same two verses, he's saying you lied to the Holy Spirit, you lied to God. All right? He had no distinction there. John 16.13. John 16.13. Reads like this. However, when he, he, oh, I gotta, I gotta say this. Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit 15 times as he. Not as the, not as it, as he. That should be pretty interesting right there. I think it is. And here's one of them. Here's one of them. John 16.13. However, Jesus says, when he, the Spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears, he will speak. And he will tell you things to come. You know what? I just made this up. You know, Jesus, the way, the truth and the life. Well, the way is God. The truth we just read is the Holy Spirit. And the life is the life through Jesus. He came down here and died for us. It's in his life. So there's the way, the truth and the life. Let's see. What about people who say they're led? Have you heard this? Oh, I'm led by the Spirit. I'm led by the Spirit. And I always want to ask them, what Spirit are you led by? Okay. Let me just tell you a story. Steve might have to help me on this. When I was, I don't know how many years ago, my mom was turning 75 and her sister, our Aunt Margaret was turning 90. I think we had a big family get-together at the DuPont Pavilion. Remember that, Steve? Okay. So me and my family came up from Kansas. And my brother-in-law, Gary, bless his heart, he's dead, was being talked about as being this big Christian man. Because he found the church in the open door. And he all of a sudden was led by the Spirit. Right? And so I heard about this. So I cited up to him. Hey Gary, how's it going? You know, and I started talking to him about the Bible. About the Bible. And like Sabbath and stuff like that. I wanted to see what he knew about it. Since he's supposed to be this man of God all of a sudden, I want to know what he knows. And he says, oh no, I don't go by, I don't go by the Bible. I was like, really? He says, no, I'm led by the Spirit. He says, I wake up in the morning, this is exactly what he says, I wake up in the morning and the Spirit guides me. He says, I don't need the Bible. And I thought, wow. And I'm thinking to myself, what Spirit is going to guide you tomorrow? You know? Pretty scary. I think that's pretty scary ground to stand on, don't you? To be led by a Spirit. All right. Bless his heart. Yeah, what were you going to say, Kevin? Different Spirit. That's my point. It's a different Spirit. It could be, a Spirit could be anything. You've seen it. If you're online, you know. You see all these comments. You see people, they say, oh, I'm spiritual. I'm spiritual. What does that mean? They know nothing about the Bible. They really don't? Because I've had conversations with them. Oh, good. You're spiritual. Really good. Well, let's talk about that. They're spiritual. They're floating up here. That's what they think. That you don't need all this. Jesus? Why do you want to pigeonhole me to Jesus? I'm beyond that. I'm spiritual. You see? I don't know. That always rubs me the wrong way when people say that. I'm spiritual. Because I've asked someone, I say, oh, are you a Christian? Oh, no, I'm spiritual though. I'm like, okay, you're spiritual though. What does that mean? I don't know. I don't know. So, my point is, if you're truly led by the Spirit, the Bible and the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, would not conflict with each other. They would not conflict with each other. Okay? The Bible and the Spirit are one. Holy men, the Bible says, in 2 Peter, holy men wrote the Bible. Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. This is getting to be a slam dunk, isn't it? Okay. John 16, 8. 16, 8. And when he has come, he will convict the world of sin. Talking about the Holy Spirit coming. And when he has come, he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. Oh, I thought those were Jesus' duties. They are and they were. It's also the Holy Spirit's duties. Let's try this. Oh, here we go. Matthew 12, 32. Matthew 12, 32. Okay, it reads like this. Anyone, this is Jesus speaking, anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age, Jesus is speaking 2,000 years ago, either in this age or in the age to come, which is now. All right? Of course, you don't want to speak against Jesus either. But when Jesus was on earth, he was mostly man. He was part man. So that's what he's telling them. He's saying, look, don't, you speak bad against me, don't speak bad against the Holy Spirit. Because that will not be forgiven. Okay? Don't grieve away the Holy Spirit, is what the Bible says. Do not grieve away the Holy Spirit. You know, just in conclusion, I'm going to wrap this up right now. In conclusion, there are three defined, equal, eternal persons that are involved in our creation and redemption. Okay? God, the Father. He so loved the world that he sent Jesus. Jesus so loved the world and us that he sent the Holy Spirit. Love. You see that? Love, love, love. Sent the Holy Spirit. Why? So that, because he loves us. That's the bottom line. But so we won't be lost, but that we will be saved. So with that, let's pray. Let's pray. Lord, this mystery is a little clear, I think. But there are other mysteries in the Bible we know. And we look forward to the day when we can ask you some of these questions and get a real resounding answer, Lord. But for now, Lord, we have faith that you, God, you care for us. You love us so much. You've not left us alone. You've not left us to flail here. But you are with us always. And we thank you for that, Lord. We're just so thankful. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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