Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the importance of personal revival from dead works in Christianity. They emphasize that God is holy and righteous, and when we come before Him with sacrifices or service, He evaluates their holiness and righteousness. They highlight that many Christians and ministers have become weak and lost their commitment to God because they do not pay attention to their relationship with Him. The speaker encourages self-examination and diligence in maintaining a strong faith. They stress the need to seek the Lord while He may be found and forsake both the visible and hidden sins. They also point out the danger of being religious in appearance but distant from God in the heart. The speaker calls for personal revival from dead works to live a life that reflects the nature and character of God. your life will be touched in the name of jesus so i will be discussing with you the topic which i titled as personal reviver from dead works personal reviver from what from dead work uh one thing you must understand is that the god we are dealing with is a holy god is a righteous god is a god that is also called the god of judgment that means he always judge things he always evaluates things and anytime you come to appear before him and you are coming with a sacrifice maybe the sacrifice of your life or the sacrifice of service what the lord does is that he asks to judge that sacrifice to see if the sacrifice you are bringing to him they are holy and righteous in his sight so god is not just any our god no he has a standard so every time we come before the presence of god we are coming with fear and trembling and with faith in rendering our sacrifice and offerings to him and the reason we are talking about personal reviver is that there is a great falling going on already those that began in the spirit are already continuing now in the flesh and those that began in the spirit are already leaving the location of the spirits we are in the last days and the bible talks about the last days and many christians are becoming weak in serving god many believers are changing their commitment many christian workers are changing their commitments and many ministers are changing their commitment they are believers that were once prayerful for the lord and after a few years later they have lost everything they have lost the fire they have lost the seal they have lost the commitment because they never pay attention to their work with god let me say this to you in our working with god we should be endeavor to pay attention you might be in the spirit in the morning you might be in the spirit last year but if you are not diligent to pay attention to carefully observe your life and to carry out a consistent self-examination you will fall because this christianity is not just anyhow in other religion you don't need to shake your life in many other religions just try to do the good you can do if what they have to value works good works above you know their work with god or their life before god but in christianity we have to be so careful to know if we are still in the faith the bible says we should examine ourselves to know if we are still in the faith because in christianity a man might have left the faith yet he's still on the pulpit a woman might have left the faith yet he's still functioning in the house of god and that is why in christianity we become so careful to know that we are still in the track so many are still in the race but they're not what in the track again still in the race and not what in the track so for some of us that are watching this uh olympic uh the runners over there you see that everyone has to maintain the track at which they are running to meet their reward so you can't run on another person's track but in christianity many of us have left our track we have jumped into the opposite we have been disqualified although we are still running we have been disqualified by god although we are still what we are still running so because they don't take time to examine their life and that is why this program is coming that you shouldn't just be working for god but you should have a time to sit down and have a an introspection of your life to know if you are truly running the race but the apostle says he said let me not run in vain let me not run in vain that he might win many to christ and him himself might see the common a castaway so poor the apostle was still careful and that is as christian we should have a time like this as ministers as workers we should have a time to check our life again yes we have been working for god for many months we have been working for god we have been having wonderful services in the house of god but the problem is have we sit down are we sitting down to ask ourselves that this work i am doing am i sure that i have a good record before god because we can be busy and yet we are useless in the sight of god we are busy in the house of god but actually useless in the works in the sight of god so we are talking about a revival from dead works so that you will not just be a christian who profess to be a christian but you will be one that is living the very life of god you will be one that has the very nature and the character of what of god you will be one that has the spirit of god in your heart not just a christian a nominal christian a nominal christian worker a nominal christian minister but someone who is so careful to know that his name is in the book of life we are not workers we are not ministers we are not christians because we want to become celebrity so we have many celebrating christians they're not here to know their record before god we can do everything to appear good and nice before man but what is ever seen about us we can do everything to appear relevant before men but what is ever seen about us in this world it is not difficult it is not hard praise the lord for you to become relevant by association you can become relevant by association you can become popular that is not a big deal the big deal is before god who are you so there is need for us to talk about personal revival from dead works personal revival from works from dead works let us go to the book of isaiah 55 i read from verse 6 to verse 7 isaiah chapter 55 from verse 6 to verse 7 isaiah 55 the bible in verse 6 i'm waiting for you are you there verse 6 seek ye the lord while he may be found holy upon him while it is near let the wicked forsake his way and the ungracious man is taught and let him return unto me the lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our god for he will abundantly pardon this is the word of god giving us encouragement seek ye the lord while he may be found don't just get busy seek ye the lord while he may be found because there will be a time where god will not be found everyone that died in sin and have gone to the world beyond in hell they seek the lord daily they never find god because god is not in hell even though his omnipresence he does not reside in hell so seek ye the lord while he may be found and call upon him while he is near and the bible said let the wicked forsake his ways and the ungracious man is taught there are two things there are the ways of sin and the thought of sin the ways of sins are the ones you you you demonstrate physically that everybody see that is the way of sin the one you do that everybody can say okay you are doing this one sister you are doing that one pastor you are doing this one glorify you are doing that one sister brother that one you do that everybody can see it's called the ways of sin but the bible didn't stop there he said and the thought of sin he said forsake the thought of sin these are the things that the eyes of men cannot see the evil thoughts the thought the lustful thoughts the lustful imagination the ungodly desire the unworshipped affection the motive the bad and wicked motive the selfish interest the ones that the eyes of men cannot see the bible said the ones that eyes of men cannot see the one that men men are limited to know is it forsake that one also this petition seek ye the lord while he may be found call upon him while is what is near by the grace of god god is still nearer to us he's still nearer to forgive us he's still nearer to us to to pardon us and to draw us back and that is why he called for this program so we are not just here because we just want to be here today is saturday there's program in every churches in every church but you see god doesn't want to just come tomorrow and then we are doing programs doing services when we are having issues with him like father and son we should be able to acknowledge and say god i've been busy i've been busy in the work so so to say that i i am not even conscious of the fact that i have sinned against you we have been so busy with the work of god that we have lost consciousness of the fact that he is such a person we are carried away with the work of god that we have forgotten that this christianity is for a personal relationship so we have people that don't have time for him again but in the public they have time for his work personal revival from death let us go to the book of matthew chapter 15 verse 8 matthew chapter 15 verse 8 matthew chapter 15 verse 8 if what they let us say amen okay matthew 15 verse 8 the bible says in verse 8 these people draw it near unto me with what their mouth and honor it me with their lips but their heart is far from me these people draw near to me with what their mouth in prayers they up they appear to be closer to god in singing they appear to be closer to god in testimonies they appear to be closer to god these people draw near to me with their mouths but jesus is saying that their heart was far from him it's a contradiction how could they must be closer to god and the heart is farther away from god and this is the situation such people need revival because we are going to look at the meaning of dead works we are going to conceive that what is the meaning of dead works because anything that makes you to carry out a service a function to god when you see issues with god god is not happy with you yet you are busy in the work of god it's a dead walk so they draw near to him with their mouth they are they are so lazy they are so careless to consider their hearts no we can put anything in our hearts we can store up anything in our hearts we can store up offense we can store up bitterness we can store up jealousy we can store up envy it doesn't matter as long we are still praying as long as people wishing as long as they're doing the work of god it doesn't matter that is the christianity we are practicing today i don't care christianity where people are far from god but their mouth are closer to god praise the lord so at such a time what we need is personal words reviver we need god to revive us again from these dead works we need god to revive us again from this word dead works we need him to draw us closer to himself again so when we talk about dead works the word dead works actually was used twice in the bible just in two places you will find that in hebrews chapter 8 verse chapter 6 verse 1 and also you will find that in hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 so we are going to consider what is dead works and how then can we receive personal reviver again what is dead works and how then can we receive personal reviver again so when we talk about dead works number one i put it in three forms number one dead works according to the context of my message means doing the work of righteousness but not working with god doing the work of what of righteousness but not working with god what do i mean by the work of righteousness charity is the work of righteousness coming to church is the work of righteousness praying and reading your bible is the work of righteousness showing you know physical love like giving to the needy giving scholarship to the poor all these are the works of righteousness but you see you may not have personal work with god so you wake up in the morning you don't know that there is god somewhere to have intimacy with you wake up in the morning you don't know that there is god somewhere to acknowledge you do not know god personally but you know the good works of god you can do the works of righteousness but you do not have working with god number two dead works means doing the work of righteousness without the spirit of righteousness in in in us doing the work of righteousness without what the spirit of righteousness in what in us we are doing the work of righteousness but we do not have the spirit of righteousness we call it legalism legalism is keeping to a strict rules or rules and regulation but you do not have the spirit of god behind you you can tell yourself that i will not commit fornication again that does not make you a righteous person in spite of god you are rational according to the law but not according to the spirit so jesus met a young rich ruler and the rich ruler was asking jesus master what must i do to inherit eternal life and what did god say what did jesus say to him he said he was quoting the law to him and he said all this law of moses have i kept for my youth so it was not number one worshiping any other gods the ten laws of moses the ten commandments it was keeping the ten commandments so jesus now said okay you know what we are going to do sell all your all your properties and give to the needy and the bible said he became so good for you do you know why he was doing the work of righteousness without what the spirit of righteousness and that is what many of us are doing so when when god has to put an instruction that goes against our decision we plan against god we get angry against god we say lord i never made you lord over my life i just acknowledge you generally as a lord not that you have blood over my life it shouldn't be like that so a dead work is any works that doesn't carry the spirit back in anything you do for god not by the grace of god and not by the spirit of god is a dead work anything you do you can grow your church and your church will eventually become a dead work because the method you use in growing that church was not by the by the spirit and not by the world you grew your church by using business strategies you use canna strategies to grow the church not by the spirit not by the world you are not teaching the word of god the spirit of god is not there yet he's growing and we say we are doing the work of god but when you appear before god on judgment day he will call your work dead works because everybody under you none of them are keeping to the word of god none of their names are in the book of life they are dead works and let me say this to all that ministers pastors you can end up becoming a failure in this before god if i pastor a church and at the end of my life no no member of my church no member no name of any members of my church is in the book of life is a dead work it make it means i walked in what in pain so if your names are not in the book of life i'm working in vain it's called dead works nobody what is dead works dead works means doing the work of god or the work of righteousness but lacking the approver and the acceptance of god you are doing the work of god but you lack what the approver and the acceptance of what of god what you are doing god does not approve it the program you organized it god was even against it god was disturbing you not to continue but you just have to do because they are people you felt like would like it so anything you do outside the approval of god and anything you do in disobedience and anything you do in disobedience to god is dead works hallelujah anything you do in disobedience to god is what is dead works so the christ of revival is not a negative experience if we know that our life have been full of dead works then it's not bad for us to come together and say okay let us use this day to cry to the lord that we need what personal reviver so the cry for personal reviver is not a negative experience and we shouldn't be shy to acknowledge the fact that it is needed today in our lives and in our churches my desire is to see all christian workers in this territory coming together crying to god for mercy if all the workers the christian workers of god in this territory can return back to god and cry for reviver there will be revival in the land so when we know that we need revival we shouldn't be shy to approach god and say god for we have sinned against you that your faith has turned away from us we do not sense your presence again it has been long ago when the spirit of revival was on you you could wake up in the night and start praying there is two things tearing up the prayer you couldn't just stop the more you pray the more you want to pray the more you want to pray the more you want to pray there was a machine the machine of the spirit in you pushing you to pray more but now it's not like that again one will become sleeping christian and the other one will become sleeping christian and the other one will become sleeping christian and the other one will become sleeping christian but now it's not like that again what will become sleeping christians is a sign we need reviver and we shouldn't be shy to cry for reviver a pastor should put off every title he has that he has as appellation to his name put this behind and go to god and say lord revive me again when we have lost touch with god we should be able to ask god for reviver we shouldn't cover it up with works and and molar works and activities it's not there it's not there because we don't deal with it the devil will deal with us where there is lack of revival the devil will prevail over the work of god so we need reviver my prayer to my prayer for every one of us here god will revive us it will not just be a message as we are going back home the spirit of god will accompany us as we are going back home chastising us correcting us and reconnecting us that is my prayer there's something we have lost so reviver is the only solution to a people who have lost the presence of god the only solution read the book of joel you will see what god was telling them he said the priest for the priest everybody should come to the altar and all the portion of the other christ led by people oh god because when there is no reviver the presence of god is not there because many of us want to keep the work of god going we have thrown the work of god from spirit grieving to intellectualism hallelujah yes we have told the work of god from spirit what spirit grieving to what intellectualism intellectualism you know what we do by that or what i mean by that instead of us to go and seek god on what to do you know what we do we come together and put ideas together and they don't just take this to work so we try to push out the spirit of god it's not in the plants again we say what do you go to school to study come come with that knowledge you didn't study again bring your knowledge and we use canon knowledge and can understand it to interpret spiritual things so we do not see need you know when we start using this kind of understanding and kind of knowledge we start seeing that we can do with that what the holy spirit because the last time we use our kind of knowledge and understanding and use it for that program the church will jump back and we say what is then the need for us to be seeking the face of god we can be doing it like that so we push out the holy ghost from the equation and it becomes analyzing and intellectualism so we need revival you know what everybody start doing they start using their knowledge and their field of study to interpret what is what is and the spirit of god is just standing somewhere looking at you looking at the church looking at the christian workers it's not like in those days where they call with us we have to seek the face of god to know the next song to sing you know what we now start doing we start looking for what song is trending now the bible says if you read the book of sam as well the book of abel he said when the spirit of god is speaking he said i've been not your heart as it was in what the witness he said when you hear the voice of the spirit having what not your heart it means that many times the spirit of god will speak to you in a way that you will not like so much to say that if you are not careful you will add in your heart as you know i don't think your suggestion is good or the spirit so we do not seem need to seek the face of god as christian workers choristers do not get their songs from god again do not get their songs from god again we are beginning to value the voices of the people more than the life of the people so even the singer the gospel singer even though he's sleeping in fornication it doesn't matter as long as he's in any person we need him no so we do not shake the life of believers again and we do not shake our life again we do not shake our life again so into intellectualism canalizing have replaced the spirit giving oh god has mercy so we do not shake the life of believers again and we do not shake our life again we do not shake our life again canalizing have replaced the spirit giving oh god has mercy if we are falling victim lord have mercy that is that the lord has not spoken yet we are moving where are you moving to have you forgotten how we started that the spirit of god must speak first before we do anything now we are the one wanting to do something and suggesting it to who to the spirit of god so we are the one that wants to do what we want to do something and we bring it to god and say god this is what we want to do approve it not in the not like in those days whereby if god does not speak we will remain there until he what speaks even though it appears everything is crumbly there will be no moving because we know that until baba speak until god speaks there is nothing we can do though we are coming up we are we are inventing other idea human ideas to pull down god's divine leading and that's how many of us are going into marriage and that's how many of us are going into business and that's how many of us are pursuing career you know what you came to you just came as well somebody came to suggest to you that don't you think you should do it you don't go back to god and say god until you give me your final decision i don't think i will make an inch of step find out why our lives are going through pain we cannot boldly say it was god that asked me to do this find out for the past three years can you boldly say that every decision you made for the past three years till now you can boldly say that it was god that asked you to do it because god is not in the equation again so we cannot say that it is god asking us you said it's your life i'm asking we are ministers here go back and ask yourself as a worker everything i'm doing can i say it is god asking me to do it is it not sad that if we are to evaluate ourselves we will say that this thing i'm doing it was not god it's not sad to hear that that we can come up and say the program we organized the pastor we said to be plain it was not god that asked me it was not god even leading me i felt it was good and i and i went into it it is sad my sheep hear my voice and i know them jesus knows you as you know his voice they say my sheep hear my voice and i what i know them he knows you as much as you know is what his voice if you do not know the voice of god he do not know you for his sheep we hear and follow so there is a call for personal revival because intellectuality has replaced the place of seeking the place of god intellectualism has replaced dependence on god you see we do not depend on god again as i'm so surprised how come we are doing things very fast because it was not very fast before before we have to wait to hear what we say before we do it i'm still surprised that we will say we want to do something and within a few days we get an answer not that an answer from god what we think it was good and we just implement it so gradually we are becoming independent of whom of god god will revive us again and every church in this territory god will revive every church in this land so we start doing the work of god based on carnal interest and that is why you hear many absurd experiences among pastors because every pastor is not doing ministry based on carnal worth interest selfish selfish interest what will be my profit in this that is the thought of everybody we need revival so before we go this evening we'll talk about when do we need revival and over here i listed just 10 10 things here or 10 situation that will suggest to us when we need revival so when do we need what revival number one when we are no longer interested in obeying god when we are no longer what interested in obeying god you do not find interest you read the bible when you open your bible and read your bible you know that this thing this thing god say god is saying do not do it you know from the bible but you do not find interest to do it it's a sign we need what revival when you do not find interest to do the commandment of god you need revival number two when we can we can't easily forgive one another it's a sign we need revival now look up here we're not i'm not sharing this as a a general experience or a congregational examination as i'm saying this personally examine your life don't examine the life of another person praise the lord so you examine your life when you cannot easily forgive it's a sign it's not look it's not an insult it's just a sign a symptom that you are spiritually sick it's just suggesting to you that for you not to be able to easily forgive you need what revival that is what is happening if you just discovered that somebody offended you and you are finding it hard to forgive that person it's not we're not trying to um uh to talk you down or insult you or to abuse you know what we are saying we are saying that for you not to be able to forgive is a sign already that you are spiritually not healthy so what do you need you need revival go back to god and ask god for what revival you discover that something can stay in your heart something can stay in your mind for long even though you are not victim you cannot even apologize to the person that offended you you see let me tell you in this christian journey there are many times we apologize to the person that what offended you they will never see that they offended you because always right so you will always be the one keep apologizing keep looking for peace keep looking for peace you may look as you may appear like a fool at that time but i tell you your experience with 10 times greater than their experiences because the way you are following is called the way of the cross when you carry your cross it represents shame so how could somebody offend you and yet the person never he never see that he has offended you you have to be the one to apologize to that person that is taking your cross and follow christ jesus if any man will be my disciple let him take up his cross and what and follow me that is taking up of the cross because you are innocent it was a person that offended you but because you are a christian a spiritual christian you have to follow peace with that person so when we can't easily forgive it's already a sign that we need personal revival um when we are now indulging in secret scenes but maybe to say not just secrecy let me also say secret secret and public scene when we start seeing ourselves indulging a little kissing a little touching behind the closed door somewhere else you can go into fornication into adultery you hide it from your pastor when they are not secret scene going on secret scene you are living in secret scene lying deception 419 flawed and the pastor is not aware people are not aware but god is aware and you see yourself you were not like that before but gradually you are seeing yourself committing behind the clothes of committing sin in faraway places it's a sign you need to revive her it means you should separate some days to go and meet god i said god tell me oh god revive me again hallelujah that's what god is telling us you are indulging in sin masturbation holography stealing nobody knows you are the one that collected the money you stole from the office stole from the office you collected the the company properties under your house when we come to your house we'll be seeing company shares company wardrobe company gifts because it was stolen and the same brother will even bring company company uh let me say company shares i say it's called official shares i will put it in the pastor's quarter or the pastor position and we say oh god we bless his brother a stolen property is becoming what a secret sinner when when we start becoming we are seeming like you are committing sin you are living in sin and it doesn't quit our heart again there is a need for personal world revival you can go into sin you don't feel sad you can just lie i say people lie before pastor they lie in the house of god and you don't feel scared no no no no no it's a sign that you need what revival forget every other thing i'll be doing for god we come back to god something's wrong somewhere people lie they lie in marriage that they have never known their nakedness a innocent pastor will join them together together with you inside already in the womb because the person is pregnant i'm talking about among pastors pastors daughters pastors help daughters workers in the house of god in the house of god these people are doing it and there is no quitting in the arts there is no conviction in the arts it's a sign they need revival they have gone away they have seen the ways but out of what the track well we cannot do a solution again you collected somebody's property you are the one that collected it collected it nobody knows that you are the one you see you have confessed something to god that is good we thank jesus go and open up to the offenders tell them that you were the one that collected that thing tell them that it never went as you said it it nobody came to you know some people when the company sent them or when when they are when they are working they send a message maybe they they gave them use a lot of money they will plan with people until you just come out bracket me at the front and collect the money i will tell them that i i experienced i'm robust am i right christians and now you are born again you are yelling the word of god what what does bible expect you to do go back to them and say oh god the money was i collected the money i just planned with those people to come and attack us but i was behind the plan you don't just say i've confessed my sin to god and shut up like that it doesn't happen like that it doesn't happen like that so when these things are not our consciousness and not in our consciousness we need revival the churches need the revival in africa look at people coming up with strange teachings that once you are born again once people ever saved irrespective of the life you are living they are encouraging iniquity and iniquity we are bound and the love that many ask for god we watch good look about this happening up in nigeria people people love our skin coat i was on social media where i saw a lady's comment that she's very confused now about church that she doesn't go to church again because she will hear this song from this pastor this person said that she will take you to him she will turn up and sit on what i respected the pastor and that is why you should have a pastor you should have what say a pastor if you have many pastors you'll be confused have a pastor that god when god knows that this is your pastor he will be using him to be talking to you but god is even confused about he doesn't know who to send to talk to you because you have many pastors and the lady was confused because she had many pastors so when she listened to pastor a pastor here we push it like this she listened to pastor b pastor b is pushing it like this she says she's confused and she put it there i'm not i said i stopped going to churches now do you know that there are people that are leaving christianity to islam they are leaving christianity now they say the bible is contradicting that when you read this place in the bible you say one thing and bible is contradicted that's what they are saying and our ministers are confused why would they be pushing different messages i'm not serving jesus today let me go and follow muhammad because the bible is not needed you know what they are doing in intellectualism the pastor just needed to be intelligent that is all he needs and they will do some uh what i call partition so he went to school with bsu or master and he knows how to dress with packaging then he opened church confused if he has no relationship with god he has no message from god every pastor god has called into into the ministry to start the work of the ministry god give them message so what message are they running with that is why they are confused before i entered into the ministry he showed me the cross and he told me that this shall be called janshi and that i should be pushing the crucified christ and that is why you see the motor of this ministry promoting christ in what every act he didn't he didn't tell me to push technology is christ and him crucified we need reviver because people already are not confusing themselves and confusing the ignorant ones may god help us i say may god help us when do we need personal reviver number four when we find it hard to love one another when we find it hard to love one another if we did what personal reviver you cannot love your neighbor you find it difficult to love your what your neighbor if it's fine you need what personal revival number five when personal prevailing prayer has become things of the past you don't have a personal prayer altar again you have you have it before not now so if i ask you when i should pray for 30 minutes many of us have failed god because not that you didn't pray for 30 minutes in church i'm talking about praying for 30 minutes as a single person a christian so there is no prayer altar whenever you feel so weak you feel so tired to do that or you feel so discouraged to do that you need personal words revival number six when we have lost the passion for the word of god when we have lost the passion for the studying of the word of god the studying of the word of god before you have so many books that you wrote your commentaries of the things you understood about the passages of the bible verse by verse everything you understood you were writing it in the book where are those books today that your first love that the first love that the bible says you should return back to so now you do not even read your bible again because there is no interest you read it is derived now we are not reading verses for conscious sake we are reading what verses you that could finish three chapters in the bible a day now because of for conscious sake and because you are a minister and because you are a worker you just read just uh maybe three verses for conscious what let it be at all that you open the bible you are not far from revival you need revival it's just for you to find time and meet god and that is why we have a program like this that god should what revive us again number seven when there is no quiet time with god in our lives again when there is no quiet time with god in our lives again there is no quiet time with god you wake up in the morning the first thing you pick is your phone you go to whatsapp to look who sent you messages not like in those days no bible no breakfast no scripture no sleep no supper those commitment will put at our doorpost at our bedside no bible no breakfast no bible no browsing so as long as you have not opened the bible you have no right to browse and to take a breakfast as long as you have not read your bible in the evening or in the night you have no right to sleep you have no right to take your supper so no scripture no supper no sleeping and when we're doing those things it kept us now some of us it's what the commitment we had those days that is what we are still carrying till now and if we don't go back to the fire again we'll burn out so wake up in the morning there is no time for god if there is no time for personal quiet time with god there won't be time for family devotion for some of us that are married here or even you that are living with your parents if you don't have personal quiet time with god you will not have time for personal devotion you see it is the quiet time you do before everybody wakes up that makes you to be consistent in family works devotion because if you do not have quiet personal quiet time with god you will sleep over and all the family will wake up at eight eight o'clock 8 a.m and then you will just bundle yourself and go to work but start your personal quiet time that is why the secret if you want if you want family devotion to begin in your home first build your personal quiet time is the secret it when i was living with my parents then before i got married that was what i was doing i woke up by three at my time we got the five by five i go to wake them up we'll do our family devotion for five to six six i pick up my bag i've gone to work and that was what i was doing it helped me so i knew that some of them were so tired to wake up because they never had that struggle i struggle to wake up before i had my personal quiet time has already given me power to do what the family devotion because in your private you first of all struggle with sleep and when you are able to conquer sleep and have your personal quiet time your your body is already woken up so there will be no there will be no weakness to do family devotion so we cannot talk about so we cannot talk about consistency in family devotion if we don't talk about the importance of individual quiet time with god amen so when we have lost our quiet time is a sign we need personal reviver number eight when our hearts are becoming add to the piercing word of god we no longer tremble at powerful messages again amen when was the last time you wept because the messages that was coming from god was at piercing when was the last time you were listening to songs reviving songs and you burst into into into into crying you know the last time you cried was because there was no food at home the other last time you cried was because landlord was knocking at the door telling you to pay your house rent you have never cried because you are spiritually good all your crying everyone has measured it they discover that 90% of the time you cried are based on material reasons the only one percent that you cried was because they talk about hell and you were scared and dropped of tears just fell from your eyes and that was the last time i said praise the lord but that you will be playing song reviving songs and you begin to remember those days you were in the spirits i said lord i've gone too far you are not just crying but you are crying it a crying unto repentance the bible say for godly sorrow what get repentance your heart was broken say lord look at this song touching my heart this was not the way i began christianity what has happened to me what has happened to me i know some of you will say but it was since it shouldn't started coming but we didn't have time for god what about uh the the mother of john westling susannah westling that had about twelve children how how how did she do it some of us will say well because of the job that came my brother i've worked before i tell you the truth anything you are passionate after nothing nobody can stop you nobody you can be in the place of work you are you are compassionate prayer jesus said for the of god has consumed me that's what jesus said the zeal of the of god of the eyes of god has what consumed me when the zeal of god has consumed you i'm telling you anywhere you find yourself you will host the presence of god all those silly excuses were given is that there are excuses better from the flesh poor they are supposed to say i can do all things through what christ has strengthened me it's because i've got to the job i know we close from work late and that is why i cannot pray like before again our fathers of food that the ee at the bully that the wf they were still lecturers when they started the reviver they were still what lecturers what are you talking about that you are too busy that is why there is no fire in your life put that to it's a lie it's a lie i don't know whether you saw you have seen that guy on facebook in a social young guy a soldier guy that always play keyboard and sing and it's something i do thank you for the sunday song i said i post i post one on my facebook and the one that was a few months ago this man to shall be given to the church once again for the church to arise a soldier there are people that keep away evil in the battlefield you are the ones who don't have time and that is why god cannot take you beyond what you see he asked abraham what do you see he said look i can't be stars because to the extent of your sight that is where you will be if you see just here you will be here when other people see far ahead and we go far praise the lord so when there is no revival we come up with excuses like that our heart becomes hardy the word of god does not penetrate us again when the ministers of god come to teach us the world why others are crying and repenting you are your eyes are so right and you are here but your mind is not here you know what i'm thinking about you are thinking about something outside this court we are talking about because your heart is not hurting and that is why you cannot listen to our audio messages again before when you listen to our audio messages you fell down you were weeping now you do not have interest because they cannot penetrate your heart has become rock rocky nothing at all shit can penetrate it again but the sledgehammer of the lord will break it to this moment i said the sledgehammer of god will break every stonish heart our heart will become the heart of flesh in the name of jesus number nine what we've seen nothing wrong in loving the world or we start seeing nothing wrong in what loving the world so we are not gradually loving the world and we do not see anything bad in loving what the world is a sign we need personal revival so we listen to worldly music you know the way the devil is doing it now but some of us are on tiktok and some of us that are using the wheel what you are looking for is good but the music at the background is worldly to the point whereby you are even thinking that let people not people ask house let them not start thinking that you are listening to the music because that is what you are listening to is the video that is educated you are watching so the devil has bought you know this new modern release from anna in our houses you don't need to go and buy their tape they're already in your house because they attach them with relevant information so when you are looking for information to read the music are playing at the background and you sometimes are conscious that the music is playing they are not in your head you are reading you are doing what not yet anytime we come you start singing what's the word people will be surprised how come were you able to learn the music no she didn't sit down to learn the music it was the consistent hearing of that you see what so why you do not see anything bad in worldliness worldliness in music worldliness in dressing and adornments allow me to dress you i want to do i beg i beg i beg you don't see your respect this was not have you observed that in your innocence that was when you encountered god more because now we claim to be more wiser and exposed we are becoming far away from god you know why when the eyes of ata was open that was when they were far from god something has opened your eyes not the true knowledge the serpentine knowledge regarding us in jesus name we will not love this world neither the things that are in the world the last of it on which is number 10 when we have lost passion for evangelism when we have what lost passion for what evangelism if you start with a personal reviver you cannot just go out for evangelism you have lost the passion you have lost this field you have lost the commitment look up here if you want to be fire for in evangelism make it personal decision say personal decision sit down at home buy a book i say from today i will be good going out it may not be that you will just wake up and say i want to go out it may be that you are going out to market you will put one person before you bought a vehicle that will take you to the marketplace then the book is for you to write their name and their phone numbers the people you push to you are praying for them the next day you visit them at least in visit them like twice at least twice and win them to god praise the lord when you make it a personal commitment nobody will discourage you discouragement always come to expose us when you are discouraging me that you don't have the stamina before you were doing it because there was possibility now some discouragement is coming you will not just wait but when it is personal commitment you don't need to wait for anybody so when we go through 365 days and the numbers of days we go out for evangelism not to turn 365 days not to 10 times in the year you are not a christian what pain jesus doesn't pain you you are only a caricature what christian so every believer that lost trust with god and lost the fire of god allowed three things every believer that lost trust with god and lost the fire of god they allowed what three things so any believer you see that is no longer burning for god again three things happen to that believer any christian you see any worker you see any minister you see that is no longer burning for god again that person allowed three things number one they break their consecration they break what they break what let it be loud and clear their consecration am i right what is consecration the things that keep you holy the things that keep you what holy the decision that keeps you holy so your consecration is what enforces your holiness your consecration enforces what your holiness example of consecration i will never set my eyes on anything defiled another way of consecration anything nine o'clock eight o'clock 8 p.m i will never go beyond whatsapp or i will never go online again it's a consecration you can call a commitment but their consecration to guide you because the more you spend time on those phones the more your holiness is defiled before you look you can't go again i will never allow 24 hours i will never keep offense in my heart in my heart more than three hours it's personal consecration so when somebody offends you at most three hours you have at the end of three hours you go to meet the person say i want to see you and you say what happened you say please i'm not happy with you i just have to tell you my mind but because i'm a christian that's why i'm here to settle with you but if these consecrations you take them away another question is i'll be waking up by 2 a.m to pray every day i must wake up what 2 a.m if you know you will be waking up by 2 a.m you'll be sleeping early that is consecration another consecration i will never keep friends or friendship with the world so when the people around you who are your friends so-called friends they are smokers they're gamblers they're womanizers they're drunkards you don't have relationship with them you cannot keep sinners as your inner friends no do not unequal you together with who unbelievers this is a question your consecration can also be i will never miss church service when i gave my letter of question we're counting it i don't think you can't eat now but either way what counting so there was a day my younger sister i and my younger sister will do take note of that so there was a day i i missed no i i missed we went to work in the church we left the headquarters we went to one of the branches to go and work in the morning and in that quarter which was the church i was attending the branch i was attending they they had a program when they finished that this thing we were to recreate that from a far place coming to the church before we reached there that close i said hey i have missed church and that was i missed church services in my church once that year because that time we're taking we're boasting of the person that can attend all such meetings for the year without missing anyone we're boasting about it then so one of your consecration is that i will always be punctual to church and i must always be in church meeting no matter what what you must not be made a pastor a minister a worker before that becomes a commitment it should be a commitment because you are a christian it's unfortunate that it's only pastors and workers that are more committed because we don't tell the people the truth that this heaven is for everybody should i see evangelism only for the workers evangelism only for the pastor because we do not tell them and because there is no reviver let there be revival old women will start pushing on the street that is what revival can do amen so they break their consecration let me ask you now that you are spiritually cold sit down go there if you have a book if you don't have a book you must you can remember what were you you were doing those things that made you to be fearful like i do ask myself i said what are those things i was doing or what are those things that i will i was doing uh five years ago ten years ago that made me to encounter the angels i was telling my companions what was i doing that period that made me to receive the audible calling of the audible voice what was i doing that people why do i ask myself because it was it is what you are doing when you encounter god that you need to keep what doing to keep the presence that came this the thing that attracted god is what we keep god you can't be prayerful those days and because of it you have a contact with god and now you say that it is not necessary to pray my brother you will lose the encounter you will lose it you can't begin the spirit and end up in the flesh i say it doesn't matter the angel will come like that it will come there is a posture you took in the spirit that attracted the spirit of divine to you go back to that posture when was the last time you saw an accurate vision that when you stood up and say i had a dream exactly according to your dream it happened what state were you at that time the time that you could hear the voice of god what were you doing what was the mission of your life if you were praying every night then go back to it again it is the things you did that was a counter is what you still need to do to bring a counter and these things are not far away from what i'm teaching you now may god help us in jesus name number two they allowed their commitment to cease they allowed their what their commitments to to cease they allowed their commitment to cease they don't have commitment again that ceased so the commitment they had towards god towards the work of god all those things have ceased they don't do it again commitment to prayer commitment you you you had a personal prayer i pray by 12 i pray by this time i pray by this time three times a day or four times a day even if it is 20 20 minutes i pray but those commitments have gone you see when the bible say return back to your first love this is what the bible is talking about go back to the commitment you have before you don't set new ones you don't realize setting new ones you will not come up with i'll be going on dry fasting four times a week my god i'll leave that one go back to those simple ones you set before those simple ones will take you far the ones of i will wake up every morning to observe my prayer time it's a must i'll be fasting twice a week every so and do day in your personal because some of you like doing this congregation is our sister let us do our commitment like this the day sister disappoint you feel before you look you go back to the world because the sister itself is comfortable in flesh it should be personal praise the lord should be personal the last of it all they allow the flesh to prevail over the spirit they allow what the flesh to prevail over what over the spirit they allow their flesh to prevail over the spirit of god in them so they start walking in the flesh the last part we are closing now how to obtain revival number one it begins it begins with distress with sin how to obtain revival personal revival it begins with what distress with sin you can call it dissatisfaction you are no longer satisfied with what you are doing that sinful life you are living it doesn't please you again it doesn't bring peace to you it doesn't bring joy to you again amen you are no longer satisfied with it again dissatisfaction with sin it's like you know you are you are so much staying the state of coldness you have stayed in that state for so long that you yourself you are even tired of that state so number one you have to be tired of it you are tired of prayerlessness you you know you have not been praying and you are tired of it you know that there is no joy since you stopped praying you have not been acting like before again and you are tired of that state so number one you must be tired of the sin if you need personal revival number one you must be tired of sin in the book of 85 from verse 4 they say without our revival segate that your people may rejoice they were not rejoicing again they were tired they were weary in that scene number two you must desire to return back to god you must desire to what return back to god number three there must be genuine repentance there must be genuine repentance then number four you must return back to your first work return it back to your first work when i say return it back to your first work your first work then means the consecration you once had and the commitments you once have return back to them the consecration you once have and the commitments you once have then the last of it all as we close is obeying the word of god obeying what obeying what the word of god take i'm going to obey the word of god what's number one again distress with sin what's number two desire to return back to god what's number three genuine repentance what is number four return it to the first work then what's number five obeying the word of god shall we stand up on our feet as we go to the lord in prayers we have heard the word of god but as as ministers we must cry to the lord and say lord revive me again lord revive me again open your mouth and begin to talk to the lord ask the lord to revive you it should be a prayer it should be a heart cry lord i know i have gone far away from you lord i know i have departed from your ways lord i know i have left the path of righteousness revive me again open your mouth and begin to talk to the lord ask the lord to revive you ask him to revive you again say lord revive me by your spirit open your mouth and begin to talk to the lord ask him to revive you we need revival revive my christian life as a minister as a worker revive my christian life ask him to revive you open your mouth and begin to talk to the lord