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Nothing to say, yet
The main idea of this information is the importance of fellowship with the Holy Spirit in daily living. Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit and was anointed with Holy Spirit and power. Believers cannot do much in God or enjoy Christianity without the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is equal to God the Father and God the Son. The Holy Spirit teaches us about Jesus and makes the Word of God come alive. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit is necessary for spiritual consistency, a fruitful Christian life, and experiencing the joy of the Lord. Communion with the Holy Spirit is a way to experience the reality of the Holy Ghost. Intimacy with the Holy Spirit involves constant interaction and communication. Topic again. Yes, fellowship with the Holy Spirit. One reason why I have to come and teach you about how you can have fellowship with the Holy Spirit is because of the importance of it on your daily living. Jesus talked much about the Holy Spirit. And while Jesus was on earth, we saw that Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit. At the baptism of Jesus, we saw that when John the Baptist anointed Jesus, the Holy Spirit came to rest upon him. And Jesus was in power of the Holy Spirit. And when Paul was speaking about that, he said, how God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and with power. Who went about doing good? So, it was a revelation in the book of Acts chapter 10 verse 38 that gave us understanding that the Holy Ghost that came upon Jesus was what made Jesus to be anointed with Holy Ghost and what? And power. So, Jesus depended on the Holy Ghost. The ministry of Jesus was so supernatural through the power and the involvement of the Holy Ghost. Jesus didn't commit sin because he had the Holy Ghost power. So, Jesus never committed sin for what? Because he never depended on himself as a human. As a human, he depended on the Holy Ghost. So, this is to tell us as believers that we cannot do so much in God without the Holy Ghost. This is to challenge us as believers that there is no way you can enjoy Christianity without the Holy Ghost. You cannot enjoy Christianity. You will be tired of Christianity. You will be living a fake life without the Holy Ghost. It is the Holy Ghost that gives us strength to serve God. Somebody that knew me when I was preaching 2009, 9, 10. After many years later he saw me, I was still preaching. And he told me, he said, ah ah. He said, you see they carry this Bible. Are you still carrying this Bible you have been carrying for years? Because there were people that started with me too and eventually they stopped. And I try to make known to everybody that it is not my power. It is not by my strength that I am able to carry a Bible for the past 10 years. That it is because of the empowerment of the Holy Ghost. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit is the secret of spiritual consistency. Fellowship with the Holy Ghost is the secret of you living a fruitful Christian life. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit is the secret of always experiencing the joy of the Lord. The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. But it will never be your strength until the Holy Ghost has become an important personality that you should fellowship with every day. So when I talk about fellowship with the Holy Spirit, I am not talking about a fellowship that you do once in a day. That means once in a month or once in a week. I am talking about something you should do every day to keep yourself going in Christianity. Christianity is not a religion. If Christianity were to be a religion, there would not be need of us who are seen to become like Jesus. If Christianity is just ordinary mere religion, there would not be any commandment to walk in the Spirit. So for you to intentionally walk in the Spirit, you need to daily have fellowship with who? With the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is the third person of Godhead. We have the God the Father, we have what again? God the Son and we have what again? God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost is the third person of God the Spirit. God the Father is not greater than the Holy Ghost. God the Son who is Jesus Christ is not greater than the Holy Ghost. They are co-equal. They are co-equal. Jesus is not greater than the Father. The Father is not greater than Jesus. Jesus is not greater than the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is not greater than Jesus. The Holy Ghost is not greater than the Father and the Father is not greater than Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And this Holy Ghost is a separate person. Jesus is a person. Holy Ghost is a person. The Father is a what? Person. They are three persons. So Jesus is not the Father. Jesus is not the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a person like Jesus. It is a co-equality of the three of them that we call the Godhead. In the Old Testament it was the Father that was taking real expression. In the New Testament Jesus was the one revealed in our dispensation. The Holy Ghost is the one taking over the administration. But these three personalities they work together as one. So sometimes we only focus on Jesus and we do not understand that the Holy Ghost is a person. And Jesus said I am going to send a comforter who will come in my name and he shall teach you all things. So the Holy Ghost is the only personality that can teach us about Jesus more. Anyone we do here in the church we are trying to teach you from the teaching of the Holy Ghost. But it is the Holy Ghost that can give you a full comprehension of the personality of Christ. Because one of the ways the Holy Ghost teaches a man is to make you to experience the teaching. So who got you born again? I clap for Sister Comfort. You are not clapping. It is the Holy Spirit that got you born again. It is not Jesus. Because who? The Holy Ghost. Jesus has paid the price for sins. It is the Holy Ghost that makes you to experience the power of the price that Jesus paid. Jesus died for your sins. But the Holy Ghost makes you to experience the forgiveness of your sins that Jesus died for. So the Holy Ghost is what made the Word of God to become alive. If the Holy Ghost is not in expression, the Word of God will become a dead book. So when we pray for the sick and the sick becomes healed through the name of Jesus, the Holy Ghost is the one that actually healed that person. The Holy Ghost comes to be a witness of the Word of God. It comes to be a witness of Jesus. It comes to prove to you that Jesus is God. That is the work of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is coming to prove to man that Jesus is what? That Jesus is God. But now we are talking about fellowship with the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 13. I want someone to read for me. Where is the microphone? 2 Corinthians 13. Read verse 14 for me. Let Sister Comfort read for me. 2 Corinthians 13 verse 14. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost. The grace of who? The Lord Jesus Christ. In the book of John chapter 1, the Bible says that the law was given through Moses but grace and truth came from Jesus. So the grace of Jesus. So where does grace come from? From who? From Jesus. So grace comes from who? From Jesus. Love of the Father for God so loved the world that he gave Jesus. And what does it talk about the Holy Spirit? The communion of the Holy Ghost. What is the meaning of communion? Fellowship. Praise the Lord. And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. God bless you. You can have your seat. Now where we read it has given us revelation that the Holy Ghost is very much interested in communion. That one of the best ways you can experience the reality of the Holy Ghost is through communion. One of the ways you can experience the reality of the Holy Ghost is through fellowship. If not, the Holy Ghost will not be real to you. If not, you will not be able to enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the presence of God. Jesus is the image of God. The Holy Ghost is what? Is the presence of God. So when we say Holy Ghost come and have your way, but when we say Jesus have your way, we are inviting the presence of the Holy Ghost to come and reveal the presence of Jesus to us. So when we talk about fellowship, fellowship is otherwise known as kolonia. The word kolonia is from a Greek word which means sharing together. The word kolonia which is also a word fellowship also means intimacy. Praise the Lord. Intimacy. Sorry I want to ask you a question. What is the difference between intimacy and closeness? To me, closeness is knowing someone. Intimacy is just like gathering together. It is a gathering. Intimacy is having interaction and communication with someone you are close to. If I am to score you all over 10, I will give you 6 out of 10. Let me hear from my wife. Praise the Lord. When you are close to someone it means that you have a little understanding or knowledge about the person. That is being close. You don't know the entire thing about the person. But when we talk about intimacy, it means that both of you are so close that you know the in-depth of the person. You know the in and out. You can predict the person. Okay, praise the Lord. I will score you 8 out of 10. I know Sister Comfort is already getting the information. Let me ask Sister Comfort. Let me ask our sister behind. Let the sisters help us today. Sister Comfort, what is closeness and what is intimacy? Intimacy is when you are close to someone. What is closeness? When you are intimate with someone. What is closeness? Okay, because of time, let me help us out. I wish the rain is not really distracting all our other brothers to come. Okay, let me say something. Closeness is also called nearness. Near. To be near. And this is all about position. When I say be close, it is all about what? Position. When I say position, it is the distance at which you are near to that person. That is what is called closeness. Now let us explain it in the area of relationship. To be close to someone is to be familiar with the person. To be what? Familiar with the person. Now what is intimacy? Brother Ade and Sister Comfort, praise the Lord. By reason of being a pastor over Brother Ade, I am close to Brother Ade and my wife. But I am not intimate with Brother Ade. Who is intimate? It is the wife. Now, intimacy is in the level of information you have or you know about a person. And you can never have deeper information about a person until there is communication. That is why you talk about interaction. So in intimacy, interaction is a constant experience. You keep interacting with one another. Why closeness? There may not be communication. Are you getting me? For example, you can have a housemaid, someone that is a housemaid in your house. That does not mean that the housemaid is talking to you every time. But by observation, the housemaid has learned a little thing about you. Am I right? Now what the Holy Ghost wants, what we call fellowship, is not just ordinary nearness. It is not just ordinary nearness. It is not closeness. It is intimacy. And that is why we call fellowship sharing together. It is the ability for you to have a constant life of communication with the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost communicating to you. You receive the ministration of the Spirit to your spirit while you keep communicating to the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a person that desires your communication. That is what we call intimacy. So not every believer is intimate with God. Some can be close to Him, but not everyone is intimate. For you to be close to God, what is required is, Cleanse your eyes, O sinners. Purify your hearts, O double-minded. Be afflicted and mourn. Let your laughter be turned to mourning. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord. And He shall lift you up. That is James chapter 4 verse 8. Is it drawn near to me? And I will draw near to you. So for you to be close to God, what is required is repentance. To be close to God, what is required is what? But for you to be intimate with God, what is required is interaction, is fellowship. To be close to God, all that you desire, all that is required is the forgiveness of God. It is for you to repent from sin. The moment you repent from sin and you turn away from unrighteousness, you are close to God. Are you with me? But for you to be intimate with God, it requires consistent fellowship. It requires consistent intimacy. A place of sharing together. A place of sharing together. Sharing your pain with God and God sharing His pain with you. And that is what the Holy Ghost wants from us. That we keep sharing our burdens with the Holy Ghost. We keep sharing our discouragement with the Holy Ghost. And Him sharing His burden with us. And telling us that, ah, my son, Emmanuel, do you know that in this community, Agbede, it is only a few people that walk with me. Emmanuel, I am not pleased with the lifestyle of this community. This is the Holy Ghost telling you His burden. It is called the sharing together. So the Holy Ghost cannot tell you what is disturbing Him until you are intimate with Him. There are certain information that a wife can never tell their pastor. Two of us. But they say they are husband. Two of us. Because of the level of intimacy. And intimacy is in level. It is in level. Some people intimacy is in that place. Some people are here. Some people are here. Some people are here. While some people are very close to the Holy Ghost. At any frequency they pick the voice of God immediately. Christianity is very sweet when it is done with consistent intimacy with the Holy Spirit. You will be tired of Christianity if you don't build intimacy with the Holy Ghost. You will be tired of coming to church. You will be tired of praying. You will pray to them and not be able to pray to God. You will think that you need to drag the Holy Ghost down. No. No. You know sometimes we pray that the presence of God should come down. The presence of God does not come down. We are the ones that enter the presence. Are you with me now? So the presence in the Old Testament can come down. Now the presence is with us. You say I will enter the presence of God with thanksgiving what? In my heart. I will enter the presence of God with thanksgiving. So you are the ones that enter into His presence. You don't call the presence down. The presence does not enter you. You enter the presence. And the presence of the Holy Ghost, the presence of God is the Holy Ghost. He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High God shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Who is the shadow of the Almighty? The Holy Ghost. The name of the Lord is a strong thrower where the rashers run into. And they are saved. Who is that? The Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is being described across Scripture. Revealing the importance of the presence of the Holy Ghost. Without the Spirit of God your salvation is not genuine. He that is born of the Spirit is the Spirit. A time has come we say to Jesus Christ that we shall worship God in spirit and in truth. You see for they that worship God must worship Him in what? In spirit and in truth. In the Old Testament it was few people that had the Holy Ghost in their lives. And the Holy Ghost does not come into them. It comes upon them in the Old Testament. So whenever the Holy Ghost comes upon something. Something will just rise up and glorify its energy. And after that the Holy Ghost will leave him. And when the Holy Ghost leaves you can see something running after the life. But in the New Testament the Holy Ghost does not just come upon us. The Holy Ghost first comes into us. And He said yea at the temple of the Holy Ghost. Know ye not that your bodies are the temple of God. And that is why the judgment for the New Testament believers. Will be more severe, more tough than the judgment for the Old Testament. Because in the Old Testament the Holy Ghost was so scarce for them to carry. And it always come upon them not into them. But in the New Testament we have the Holy Ghost in us. We have the Holy Ghost in us. And He said in 1 Corinthians 3 verse 16. He said whosoever defile the temple of the Lord shall the Lord destroy. So in the Old Testament it was never a commandment. That I should not lust. With the Ten Commandments He said thou shall not convert thy wives. Thou shall not convert other men's wives. That means conversion is an expression. It is like a lust that was practicalized. As long as you did not do what is in your mind you are not converted. But in the New Testament Jesus said whosoever looked at a woman. And lust after that woman has committed what? Adultery, sin already in his heart. But in the Old Testament I can look at somebody and think evil about that person. It is not a sin. But when the New Testament came Jesus the Holy Ghost came to bring the original template of God. The Holy Ghost came to carry out a function that was the original order of God. That is why Jesus paid by the Spirit. He said I say unto you he that hated his brother in his heart shall be in danger of a fire. That means we don't need to hate them by action. He said as long as you have hate in your heart. If you die in that state you will be sent to hell. With people who have hate in their heart and they killed another person. So Jesus said that the one that looked at a woman. And lust after that woman in his heart. Shall go to the same hell fire. The same place of judgment for the one that not only looked but he committed the sin. Because of the Holy Ghost in our hearts. The first thing that believers must be conscious of. Is at that very moment you gave your life to Christ. God gave you his Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God comes to reside inside of you. And it is the Spirit of God that tells you that you have not read your Bible today. It is the Spirit of God that tells you that you have not prayed today. It is the Spirit of God that tells you that the way you spoke to that person is not good. You should go back to apologize. It is the Spirit of God that tells you that that sin you are covering up you should go and open. And when the Holy Ghost keeps talking to you. And obedience is not your response to him. You distance him from you. You come to the point whereby he cannot communicate to you again. And that is why one of the greatest form of worship. As long as it comes to the Holy Ghost. One of the greatest way we worship the Holy Ghost is through obedience. It is through what? Obedience. It is not through singing. No, it is not through singing. People don't know that obedience is worship. The thing that when we talk about worship is when you come to the church and you sing. Or you are at home and you sing songs. No, the greatest form of worship that we carry out to God is obedience. Anytime we obey God it is as if we kneel down worshiping him. And that is why obedience is better than what? Sacrifice. Hallelujah. The Holy Spirit. Every believer, every one of us here must encircle that lifestyle. Of deliberately having fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit like I said is the third person of the garden. He is God. And he is the one responsible for bringing the word of God unto manifestation. So how do we have fellowship with the Holy Spirit? Number one. How do we have fellowship with the Holy Spirit? Number one is worshiping. Number one is what? Worshiping. In this context when I say worshiping I mean singing. Do you know that believers do not have the habit of singing? Most believers. Anytime they want to pray you know what they do? In Jesus name. Maybe they want to pray at home. In Jesus name. Father I thank you. Oh Lord. Amen. Holy Ghost fire. Holy Ghost. They don't have the ability to worship. They don't have the lifestyle of worship through song. They don't know that one of the ways you have fellowship with the Holy Spirit is by singing of worship songs. By you singing worship songs. Holy Spirit. God's welcome in. You are acknowledging his presence. Worship can be done through singing. And worship can be done through words. Lord I thank you. After you have finished singing. Sometimes the singing itself brings a kind of atmosphere that positions you to ask and it shall be answered. It is not every time you ask that it shall be what? There are some atmospheres you build. And the only thing you have to do after building that atmosphere is to ask. There are times I worship God and I pray. And I feel an heaviness in my room. A kind of presence as if I stretch my hand and would touch God. And what I do at that time. I don't keep praying. I will start commanding. The moment I discover that my atmosphere. Maybe I am using my bedroom. That my bedroom is saturated. That there is a kind of presence there. That my whole body is shaking. I begin to cry. I can't even explain what is happening. I just know that the atmosphere has changed. The next time we start asking. Lord I lift up this thing. Give me this thing. Lord give the church this thing. Lord give the artist this thing. I will start asking God. Because there is an atmosphere you ask. And immediately you receive results. Because when the presence of God has come. Go and read the Old Testament. When the presence comes upon the temple. What they do is that they will start presenting, supplicating for the Israelites. The presence of God. Worshipping. If you can't sing. Put a song through your phone. Or put it to the speaker. And make the atmosphere. Don't bind the devil. Forget the devil first. Binding the devil is not worship. It is warfare. It is not worship. And just start singing. Start singing. Start singing. I just want to be where you are. Dwelling in your presence. You see. You make that song. Because as you are worshipping your spiritual and body. They are intertwining with the song. You become unconscious of the environment you are. That is fellowship. So one of the ways you have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Is an intentional worship. Lord I worship your name. You are my strength. When I am weak. Praise the Lord. And then you lift up worship song. And then you talk to the Lord. Lord I lift up your name. Without you I am nothing. Who am I without you? For all things were consisted of you. All things were created of you. I was created by you. Without you. How would you expect me to survive without you? You are my Udugu. You are the great I am that I am. You are the reason of my existence. How would I be able to obey my husband without you? You are the secret of my submission to my husband. You are the secret of me loving my wife. You are the secret why people gather for service today. I worship you. Without you we will fail. Without you there is no new year. Without you there is no 2024. You are the reason I sit today. Without you I can do nothing. I bow before you. I worship you. You are my consolation. Without you I will keep crying. For you are the joy of my life. You call names. You have to understand. That there is a level. When you start calling names. Ah the atmosphere will change. The atmosphere will change. There is a level. There is a level. When you start calling his name. He is a king. Every king admires poetics. He calls me on. And you call poetics to him. You worship him. The Holy Spirit. You are not just the third person among the gods. You are God yourself. You are the one that made the word of God. To become reality. When God said let there be light. It was you that moved upon the faces of the deep. And when God said let there be light. Holy Spirit I love you. Express your love. Express your love. 30 minutes you are still thanking him. You are still worshipping him. I bow down. We go into worship. Worshipping the Holy Ghost in their dialect. Without you there is no job. Without you there is no promotion in my place of work. Without you I would not sell markets today. Ah Baba. You are the owner of my shop. You are the owner of my business. You are the one that can bring customers. Who am I without you? You are great God. There is a way you worship this God. He will bless you without asking. One of the ways you worship the Holy Ghost. One of the ways you have fellowship with the Holy Ghost. Is by worship. Believers don't know the act of worship. No but true. Fervent praying. Fervent praying. You have fervent prayer life. One of the ways. You have fellowship with the Holy Ghost. Is to keep a fervent life. A fervent prayer life. How do you have a fervent prayer life? Sometimes. The reason believers don't pray. Is because they don't know what to pray at every moment. Write down the 10 things. You want God to do for you. Number 1 to number 5. Your family. Number 1 to number 3. Your family. Number 4 to number 6. Yourself. Number 7 to number 10. The church. And then you start talking to God. Lord Holy Spirit. I want to be like you. I need the fruits of the Spirit. That is fervent prayer. You have. Most times it is expected. That you pray in tongues. Praying in tongues. Is building a possibility. In an atmosphere. Where you dwell. You must understand. If you can speak in tongues. Pray in tongues. Pray in tongues. Lift up the voice in tongues. And start blasting in tongues. If you have not received the Holy Ghost. It may be. In that worship. Or in that prayer time. That the Holy Spirit will come upon you. I remember when I received the Holy Ghost. Oh I can't forget that day. It is one of the best days of my life. Over more than 2,000 people. If I am not mistaken. We all gather in the temple of God. A very big program. At Abuja. When the Holy Ghost came upon me. Oh. I can never forget that day. The atmosphere became changed. The Spirit came upon me. The freshness of the Spirit. The fire of the anointing. The power that enables a man to pray. The moment it rested upon me. On the 10th of March. That particular year. It was one of the best days. I have never experienced God like that before. My life. Became a testament of possibility. My life. Became a testament that God exists. It was that shift. That happened to me that year. That the Holy Ghost did to me. That is still sustaining me till today. The baptism. The baptism. The baptism of the Spirit. It is in the place of fellowship. With the Holy Ghost. That you can be baptized. And suddenly. There will be a quake of the Spirit. Where the Holy Ghost will drop His Spirit upon you. And you see yourself. You start praying in tongues. It was not premeditated tongues. When I began to pray in tongues. The first tongue that I was conscious. I speak. Was Awusa. The first tongue I ever speak. I was speaking the Awusa language. That I don't know how to speak. I wanted to control myself. Oh! I wanted to control myself. But I couldn't. If I still let me open my mouth to worship God. In the crowd. Of ministers of God that were there. Every time I open my mouth. My tongue will start rolling. If I want to just say Father I worship you. For me to say Father I worship you. I will be speaking Awusa. My atmosphere became changed. As I said. I was in that crowd of believers. Yet I was not with them. The worship of the Holy Spirit. It's an intentional thing. And that is why you see. Every true believer. Always find time to be alone with God. You must not just be. Always available where people are. You must always find time. To be alone with who? With God. So that you can have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. What can you do with that in? Give a prayer time. Keep a prayer watch. Intercede. It's an opportunity to build your life. Number three. There must be quality time with the Word of God. To have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. You must have quality time. With the Word of God. There is a teaching. That only the Holy Spirit will give to you. That as you are reading the Bible. Oh. From deep within you. From deep down within you. A passion. That keeps you studying the Bible. Just one chapter that you are reading. One hour has gone. Because the more you open chapter one. The more you are seeing chapter inside that chapter. The more you are reading verse one. The more you are seeing a verse inside that verse. On that verse. The more you meditate. The more it goes deeper. And then you are reading. Just Genesis chapter one verse one. Has kept you for 15 minutes. Holy chapter one. Because there is a fellowship with the Holy Spirit. That brings a consciousness. Of you seeing. The true picture. Of what is documented on the pages. And then. As you are reading the Bible. You begin to understand. Yes you have read Genesis chapter one verse one. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. But now you are reading it. You are seeing a new picture. From that scripture. You are seeing a new. A new thing. A new. Every morning. That is called fellowship with the Holy Spirit. You are reading the Bible. You are seeing something. It is not you are reading every time. You are reading every time. But this time you are reading with the Holy Ghost. You are reading in fellowship with the Holy Ghost. So he is the one beside you. He is the one telling you. That Genesis chapter one verse one. That in the beginning. God created heaven and earth. He is the one explaining to you. The beginning of heaven and earth. He is the one teaching you. Tip by tip. Because that is called the fellowship of the Holy Ghost. And then begins to teach you. While you are reading the Bible. While you are studying the Bible. Immediately you start crying. Immediately you start praying. And then he takes you back to Psalm 119. And he takes you to verse nine. Wherein shall a young man cleanse his ways. And then you are reading. Wherein shall a young man live a pure life. And he says by taking heed. Gear unto thy word. And you come to verse 11. Thy word have I heeded in my heart. That I may not sin against God. Immediately you are caught up with that. Thy word have I heeded in my heart. That I may not sin against you. And you come to realize. That the secret of living above sin. Is that the word of Christ. Is that the word of Christ. Must dwell in you. Wishly. Just like what Paul said. Colossians chapter 3 verse 16. Let this word of Christ dwell in you wishly. Why should the word of God dwell in you wishly? The word. W O R O D What is the meaning of word? If Buddha Imanuels speak the word. Where is Buddha Imanuels speaking from? He is speaking from his mind. Am I right? What you think that you speak of. Do not see that. The word of God. That means this word of God. Is the mind of what? God. It is the mind of God that is being expressed. And then you look at it. And the Bible said. Let this mind be in you. Which was also in Christ Jesus. Wow. Let this mind be in you. Which was also in Christ Jesus. How can the mind of Christ be in me? Let this mind be in you. When the word of Christ dwells in you wishly. And then you begin to gain understanding. And you begin to understand that sin is an enemy. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Fellowship with who? The Holy Spirit. Number four. Is obedience. Obedience. Obedience is also. A part of fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Before we close. Let us talk about the benefit. Of fellowshiping with the Holy Spirit. The benefit. Of fellowshiping with the Holy Spirit. Number one is. Constant infilling with fresh anointing. Constant what? Infilling with what? Fresh anointing. Look up here. You retire. Oh you retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire. You retire.