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Excellent Spirit for 2024- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Excellent Spirit for 2024- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



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In this information, it is emphasized that as Christians entering the new year, it is important to have an excellent spirit. Many people enter the new year with negative spirits such as depression, fear, and dwelling on past mistakes. To enter the new year successfully, it is necessary to let go of past mistakes and fears. It is also important to settle any issues with others and not carry the spirit of offense, anger, or malice into the new year. Having an excellent spirit means having knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Excellence is about excelling in a specific area or goal, and it is a gift that comes from God. To have an excellent spirit, it is important to have a clear vision and purpose for the new year. Seeking an excellent spirit will make a person exceptional and unique. people that made them to become different and unique in their generation and as christians we are not just going into the new year just like that we are going into the new year with an excellent spirit there is a need for us to cry to the lord and say lord this year i'm about to enter give me the spirit to enter into this year praise the lord there are people that enter like most of us every new year we enter we enter into the year with different things some people enter with the spirit of depression some people enter the new year with mediocrity and complacency some people enter the new year with the spirit of fear the fear of the unknown what am i going to achieve in this new year how am i sure that i'm going to become great in this new year so people enter the new year with the spirit of dwelling in past mistakes they dwell in their past mistakes they allow past mistakes and failure to take to take hold of their future when you want to enter the new year you must let go past mistakes if you want to enter the new year you must let go past fears the things that hurt you in the past put them aside the mistakes you made in the past when you are pursuing success there is tendency for you to make several mistakes but the ability for you to put those things aside and to take oath on god and say lord i believe in the covenant of the word of god that is what makes you to become unique for the new year some people enter the new year with the spirit of godlessness this year they live a life of sin next year they will enter into the new year with the life of sin this year they live a life of frustration next year they are about to enter the year with the life of frustration in order for us to benefit for the new year we must be intentional to let go every form of evil spirit wrong spirit so some people enter the new year with the spirit of oaths and offenses spirit of malice spirit of unforgiveness and that is why between now to december 31st try to settle with everybody you have issues with praise god try to settle with them everyone that you have problem with everyone that you have misunderstanding with everyone that you have issues with try to settle with them you are about to enter the new year call this person meet that your neighbor and settle with your neighbor meet that man and settle with that man meet your wife and settle with your wife meet your husband and settle with your husband meet your family and settle with them meet your in-laws and settle with them meet your friends and settle with them we shouldn't enter the new year with the spirit of offenses we shouldn't enter the new year with the spirit of anger we shouldn't enter the new year with the spirit of malice there is just one spirit that you need to enter the new year with it is called an excellent spirit praise the lord in proverbs chapter 17 verse 27 proverbs chapter 17 verse 27 i read verse 27 are we there is an excellent spirit he that acknowledged spirit is world our common idiom says that an empty drum make the loudest what noise most especially in life circumstances people that are really matter they don't threaten much they hardly threaten people that really what matter most most times are the ones that are even very gentle until you allow them to bring their true color that is where you will know that they have battalion somewhere that they can call to come and deal with you but the empty drum make noise the bible says that he that has knowledge spirit is world because when you have knowledge you will know how to use your word when you have knowledge you will know when to speak and when not to speak when you have knowledge you will know how to answer question because you must understand that every word that comes out of your mouth is what gives a description or a summary of the kind of person you are praise the lord so when you are standing before great people and you talk anyhow you are going to talk in a way that will degrade you so a man full of knowledge becomes so careful on how his paint is what how he uses his word how she used what award and this is how it goes but when there is no knowledge you open your mouth anyhow you speak to people anyhow sometimes the people you are speaking with in that marketplace some of them are company workers some of their people that matters in society but when they observe that inside that box inside the transit that you keep insulting everybody and abusing everybody you can be locking door against yourself so an excellent spirit is required that a man should be able to tame his tongue so he that has knowledge spirit is what and he said that a man of understanding is of what is of what excellent spirit we say one of the greatest one of the greatest virtue you should constantly seek for is knowledge understanding and wisdom understanding makes you to be able to see in the perspective of other people without understanding there will be wrong judgment without understanding you will not be able to be patient with people so the word understanding means you see from their own perspective you judging matter from their own perspective if you have not experienced what they are going through you have no right to understand it you won't be able to understand them you can only be able to understand it by putting yourself in their shoe praise the lord so he said that itself is an excellent spirit remember we are talking about excellent spirit for 2024 so when we talk about the word excellence what is the meaning of the word excellence excellence is the is a state of excelling or being exceptionally good about something you are excelling in that area and you are exceptionally good you are what exceptionally good it is also called to be extreme meritorious that means you are your your your uniqueness does not have comparison you are too good you are what too good you are like the greatest of all like they will say in the football setting praise the lord you don't have you don't have competitor you are too good that is possible you can be unique you can be good in your life you can be good in your purpose you can be good in that in that area of career it's an excellent spirit it makes you to be so good that people talk about you for you to have an excellent spirit it's not more of you in as much reading is good it is special for you to be sincere in your integrity because the word lacked trust today and what they are looking they are looking for truthful people and one of the way you can excel in life is to be truthful to men because this word lacked truthful people praise the lord so to be excellent is for you to be extremely unique you are so unique you are so you are so valuable that your prize cannot be compared with any you are too good that people cannot you don't have competitor anything you are doing you are always excelling it's possible for every one of us to have it's a spirit it's called an excellent what spirit to have an excellent spirit is to have a virtue or a gifting that comes from only from god so when we are talking about excellence is it possible for you to be excellent in all areas of life of course no you can't be excellent that is why last week i was teaching you the importance of vision the importance of what vision if you shake you when nigeria carry at their academic uh levels or plans is quite different from the china in china this little boy has already discovered purpose it is going to be an engineer as young as this boy is i'm talking about people here is already building technological projects praise the lord so they start awakening their appetite from early age that's what they do in china as young as they are they will start awakening their appetite since they want to be an engineer or electronic engineer or electrician praise the lord they will start awakening that desire in the children in order for them to remain focused on that thing they want to become it is energy where you go to kindergarten go to nursery school go to primary school and everything you teach none of them is pointing your destiny are we together but in other countries like in china as young as they are they are already carving them to become unique the excellent spirit is found on a particular line of life you can't be excellent in all areas no there must be a unique area where you are set apart and that is important for our 2024 that we are about to enter the new year what are we going to be focused towards when there is divided attention we can't be excellent you want to do this you want to do this you want to you will you will at the end of it or you achieve nothing among them so excellent spirit is expressed towards a particular career towards a particular goal a particular vision this is what i want to become next year this is what i will keep developing myself towards praise the lord and all these things i told you last week sunday so when we talk about a man with an excellent spirit we are saying that that man has a gift that is very unique an excellent gifting that man has a virtue in him that is excellent it is not the man per se that is excellent it is a gifting that makes the man to become what excellent he narrows himself into that line of calling hallelujah and that is God's will for us for next year that as we are entering next year first of all we have already discovered our purpose our vision our vision you can't be using the same formula and be expecting different results last 10 years we use that formula till this last year we use that formula and it produces nothing there must be a change of formula and we must cry to God Lord give me an excellent spirit give me what an excellent spirit so it's a gift this gift comes from God when you ask God for that gift and he give you that gift you become what an excellent exceptional person an exceptional person when i was in the campus i happen to join the deeper life campus fellowship i discovered that one of the things they teach us as a campus fellowship for you to be a campus president or any of the schools you must be someone that is exceptional in your department it was it was it was a challenge to us so when i became a president i discovered that in order schools universities and colleges other president that were like me if you hear that result you'll be hearing first class praise the Lord upper and i told myself that it will not be good that in my own class in my own uh institution i become the holy president that doesn't have good so there was a there was a a a challenge that made me to start living exceptional life extremely because of i want to represent my school so we were made known as deeper lifers we were known that in order for us to be able to attract more school for evangelism that you don't need to push yet we have more members is that every one of us must keep what reading and becoming best and to this work because if you are best in your department at the best this other one is best this other one is best in every department when you come to church with the crowd following you because you are exceptional and when they ask you what is the secret of you being exceptional when you say jesus they will want to know who jesus so even in our place of work we must be intentional in what we do so that we can be exceptional it is possible you can ask god for a gift him he will give you that gift that gives you an excellent word spirit are we following are we following in james chapter 1 verse 17 it says every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comment down from the father of light with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning every good and perfect gift coming from god you can ask god and that is why i believe that there is nothing impossible with god i believe so much that there is nothing possible with god i believe that praise the lord there was a church i was a man was sharing testimony and that was the first time i discovered i i just heard about uh what they call word of knowledge is it word of knowledge or word of wisdom what gives a man the ability to do something he didn't learn that man that man needed a job so they gave him a job to be working in a ship the ship will be traveling to different country it will be among the cook in the ship praise the lord so it was collected as a chief cook i think they have chief cook am i right we have that position ship cook yes it was collected as a ship cook it doesn't know how to cook those food international country so when they collected it for the job then they called him the wife man called him it's okay um since we collected you now you are now you are traveling with us to different country you are the one cooking for us to go out of our traveling he said okay they began to request for meal in avenue the man came to share testimony he said when they said they're want to eat this he had never had that name once in his life that we asked for that food it's one of the surprising thing because when he was sharing the testimony the whole church was so even me i was carried away i was shaking shivering can god do this or this man is lying is this thing true what is he was not lying he was actually walking there he said when he entered the the kitchen to cook they have all the material there he will just hear a voice a voice will tell him pick this they will pick that one they will put it on that one say pick that one that was i will prepare the meal and serve this white people then we eat it and we start celebrating him he doesn't know the name he doesn't have the recipe he doesn't know how to cook it that was his first time he can only cook a goose soup of nigerian meal he doesn't know international meal and that was how he survived for so many years working there that is an excellent spirit it brings a sense of uniqueness it can make you to do a walk in a special way are we together you are doing ordinary work in an extraordinary way and that's what you are doing is what is opening another door for you it's called an excellent spirit it makes you to be so unique in how you do things god will give us a spirit in jesus name so we're going to look at a man who had a spirit whom god gave that spirit and what was it the reward of it daniel chapter 5 daniel chapter 5 verse 12 daniel chapter 5 verse 12 are we there are we there daniel chapter 5 if you are there say amen if you are not here with your bible if you are not here with bible just say hallelujah praise the lord daniel chapter 5 verse 12 excellent spirit and knowledge and what understanding interpreting of what dreams and showing of hard sentences and dissolving of doubt were found in the same daniel whom the king baptist now let daniel be called and he will show the interpretation so the kings were looking for a man with an excellent spirit and daniel was the one choosing as a man with excellent spirit if you read chapter 2 chapter 1 chapter 2 you will discover that god gave daniel an excellent spirit that made daniel to be 10 times better than his equal so while we are preparing for the new year one of the things we should keep asking god is lord give me an excellent what spirit that will make me to be 10 times better than my equal give me an excellent spirit in this business give me an excellent spirit in this career that would make me to be 10 times better than my equal that will make me to be 10 10 times better than my competitor the world is competing there are people that want to do the same business you are doing there are people doing the same job you are doing in order for you to excel every one of them you need the spirit of an excellent an excellent spirit to come upon you that spirit is what makes you to be 10 times better than your competitor that though they are doing the same business with you yet everybody loves to patronize you jesus had an excellent spirit and even the king king king erod said he said i have never found any man like him there is no man like jesus even the king in jesus they said that there is no man like jesus imagine you say i find no fault in him he's an excellent man and that is why every one of us crave after jesus we want to be like him because his life was so unique and so compelling we must daily cry to the lord and say lord give us excellent spirit that would be our portion in jesus name an excellent spirit is what makes a believer to be unique in life and purpose 2024 is not just a year i have seen different prophecy online people are saying that 2024 will be a very tough year men of god are giving prophecy that next day will be difficult here all the years have always been difficult am i right the problem is not the prophecy the problem is your planning your preparation for the year jesus never told us that as we are coming to the end of the year that everything will be good everything will be bad but in order for you to survive during a time that you need to have this excellent spirit when they say that the new year will be difficult it doesn't mean that money will be lacking central bank will still be central bank they will still keep printing money but money will not flow into your pocket because you are a christian if you flow into your pocket because you have values to communicate and you have an excellent spirit and that is why when people are prophesying about the new year it doesn't move me the purpose is not for the kingdom it's for the world so when they said in 2024 will be difficult here it has been difficult is this year not difficult this year was difficult than last year it's not the problem is not the year the problem is what is your strategy for the year because central bank will keep printing money but the money will not come to you because you are a christian it will come to you because you have value to command to communicate or to share with the public and we need an excellent spirit even in that coming year in 2024 where they say it's going to be difficult some people will become popular that 2024 celebrity new celebrities will rise up the same year too no matter how difficult it is those who have structure will be lifted up the bible say that the gift of a man make it a way for him it makes a way for you even when there is no way the gift of a man makes a way for him hallelujah we must put more effort towards our career we must put effort towards our jobs towards our skills we must develop them and pray for an excellent spirit an excellent spirit goes alongside with sincerity it goes alongside with what sincerity the word is not sincere it's not sincere to have an excellent spirit is for you to be able to be unique in doing things and it is a gift that makes your type to be rare to find if your type can be easily found you don't have an excellent spirit your type must be rare to find the way you carry out your business must be rare to find one thing i love about the Igbo people some of them are so unique in the area of business i went to a computer village to go and buy something and the owner of the shop he kept following me inside the market looking for another thing for me to buy carried my load owner a man that had been buying load from from outside Nigeria but he had to buy my mind today he had my contact his contact contact contact you must be able to do it see anything you are doing people have done it before but the ability for you to do it in a unique way is what is more important the business you are you are doing that somebody have done it before the ability for you to do it in a different unique way is what make you very excellent in it the school you have gone people have gone there before when we were very young we do what we like am i right now we are growing old we do what we need two of us i read electrical engineering school so when i was through with electrical engineering i started desiring what i hate then so i see people that say and what i saw there is just one of my shorts no when you were small when you were young most of the shorts you made was boys some of the things you are doing today was not what you read in school you need it that's why you are doing it and that is why we must be excellent in peace we are doing must plan with reality of life not just from the infatuation of desire we have engineers today that are working as bankers today am i right engineers are working as bankers normally somebody to to be a president supposed to be someone direct political scientist but you have to be a president to be a president to be a president you have to be a president to be a president you have to be a president to be a president you have to be a president to be a president you have to be a president to be a president you have to be a president to be a president supposed to be someone direct political science but today you can see presidents who are engineers so we must be intentional in making ourselves excellent in things we are doing life is too short train yourself in that particular thing like i told you last week to be excellent is to be understanding and distinguish operating above the level of the very best some of the news i'm hearing today from our brother are very nice is just spinning me that men of are not around today the powerful testimony which that came last week my prayer is that this church will be a church where in every area we are working will be marked will be marked at the best will be the best in jesus name many of you are not around the powerful testimony that are coming because when they are giving awarding companies your name must be there i say your name must be there i'm even surprised that the whole girls are going to come today i don't know because let us assume it's a coincidence or lack of finance praise the lord to be an excellent sprint so we talk about the two operations of excellent spirit the two operation number one is knowledge number two is understanding for you to be an excellent person you must have knowledge on what you are doing number two you should be able to understand what you are doing knowledge is the ability for you to know something understanding the ability of you applying that things to apply it is what understanding you know what what we went to school to to learn is knowledge am i right yeah yes but the application that is the problem nigeria has nigeria have many head knowledge people but our our university never taught us how to apply what we have learned and that is why they say the best education is entrepreneurship everybody's running back to entrepreneurship because the educational system of nigeria teach you on how to get a job but entrepreneur teach you how to make the world his job so you discover that somebody go to school and carry certificate looking for job and that is why we have many jobless people with good certificate first class but they were not taught on how to make work how to create work how to create businesses so the educational system of nigeria is such a system we have somebody we see as an advantageous to go to school and yet the people that never went to school but they are able to apply knowledge and understanding that we're making it in life go and check the correct content creators again praise the lord content creators go and check out their cashing every week every month using youtube and many other business but youtube do pay every 22 22 or 21st of every month some of the cash in millions every month and they didn't go to school they apply knowledge together with understanding to command wealth praise the lord so before we close we're talking about the channels for excellent spirit how do you have excellent spirit is it by mistake number one it is by the spirit of god it is by what by what the spirit of god you can have an excellent spirit number one by the spirit of god so when we talk about the spirit of god talk about the the ability and the possibility ability and the possibility through the influence of the holy ghost to empower you to be able to become unique in your areas of life number two channel that you can use to contract this spirit is true discipline of searching for knowledge reading books praise the lord believe i don't read books reading books studying books there are many books you can go to the market to buy you are reading about those things it can make you to become excellent it can make you to become unique lastly as we close advantages of having excellent spirit advantages of what of what of having excellent states what are the advantages number one it makes you the best of the best it makes you the best of the best when this spirit has come upon you it makes you to become the best of the best number two it makes you to stand before the great the bible said that the gift of a man may get away for for him so when this spirit comes upon you you will stand before the grace number three it directs you to a life of discipline and self-control the excellent spirit does not make you to be frivolous it doesn't make you to be careless it makes you to exercise discipline and control over your life over your appetite number four it gives you dominion and power over the sector of life that you function it gives you dominion and power as a fashion designer it makes you to to dominate in that way it gives you dominion on what and power over the section of life that you function the last of it all it brings prosperity when an excellent spirit comes upon the person it gives you the spirit of prosperity you will start prospering in your life that would be our portion in jesus name i said that would be our portion in jesus name as we enter the year 2024 we shall all prosper i said we shall all prosper anything we lay our hands on to do shall prosper our business shall prosper our business shall prosper in the name of jesus i say our business shall prosper in the name of jesus every member of this church shall prosper every member of this church shall prosper shall we stand up on our feet you are going to talk to the lord say oh god my father

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