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7 Things to know BEFORE Starting a Faceless YouTube Channel AEFmtConversion1703585939695

7 Things to know BEFORE Starting a Faceless YouTube Channel AEFmtConversion1703585939695

Peterson Abu4



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Faceless YouTube channels can be a great way to start in content creation. They don't require much investment and can make a lot of money. However, it's important to stand out and not just copy what everyone else is doing. Find a unique angle and innovate. There are various niches to explore, such as unboxing and tech reviews, which can be profitable through affiliate marketing. There are also many tools and platforms available to help with organization and communication. Providing value to your audience is crucial for success. Once you start making money, reinvest it back into your channel to grow faster. Consider creating a business entity to save on taxes. Overall, building a successful faceless YouTube channel requires time, effort, and strategic decision-making. Hey everyone, so in today's video we are going over seven things you absolutely need to know before starting your faceless YouTube channel. If you want to get into the content creation space, faceless channels are one of the best ways to start. And if you don't really know what faceless channels are, I'll actually link a video down below that we made. It's a completely free step-by-step course on how to start your faceless channel. But without further ado, let's get into some things that you absolutely need to know before starting. So the first thing you need to know is that faceless YouTube channels don't have to cost much to make you a lot of money. There are so many faceless YouTube channels out there that are successfully run by just one or two people. An example of one of those is Better Than Yesterday, which is an absolutely gigantic channel. You don't need to have a lot of fancy equipment, that is one of the best parts about having a faceless channel. You don't need a super expensive computer. And yeah, many of the things that a lot of people tell you to outsource, you actually don't need to outsource. So we're talking about things like editing, doing a voiceover, scripting, all that stuff. However, what I'll say is that if you can outsource those things, if you can afford and have a budget to, those are all worthwhile things to pay for. But if you are starting out, just know that you don't need to outsource anything. You can just do everything yourself. It's pretty much just like starting up any YouTube channel, but instead of being on the camera, it'll just be you doing a voiceover and handling all the other things on the backend. But yeah, there are so many faceless YouTube channels out there making tons and tons of money, hundreds to thousands of dollars per day. And many of these actually have a very, very small budget, meaning their profit margins are extremely high. So just know that before you start, you don't need to invest a lot of money. But if you're not investing money, you'll definitely need to invest a lot of time. Okay, the second thing you absolutely need to know is that you should not just do what everyone else is doing. Otherwise, you won't grow and you won't build a successful channel. The strategy that this is called is the Blue Ocean Strategy, right? So I actually recommend you guys read that book. That was a very impactful book that allowed me to realize, hey, I can't just do what everyone else is doing. I need to do it better. Because if I don't, I'll just be another commodity that's just competing with everyone else. However, if I can create my own blue ocean, I can escape that red, bloody ocean and build something that no one else has really done. So ask yourself, is there one thing I can do differently to make my channel better than everyone else's? Everyone else is making a certain type of faceless channel. Don't do that. This does not necessarily mean you can't create a faceless channel in the same niche as other people, right? If you do, you just need to innovate. Think of something that you can do better. Think of something that no one else really has done before, and then just do that. The most painful way to create a YouTube channel that just does not do well in the long term is just by copying what everyone else is doing exactly. This is a surefire way to see slow growth without ensuring that you can actually blow up and create videos that a lot of people are going to see. So my biggest piece of advice to you guys, do something a little bit different, innovate, and that will surely pay off for the success of your channel. The third thing you need to know is that there are tons of different niches with different pros and cons. So for example, unboxing and tech review channels, they can make a lot of money through affiliate marketing. And this is just because the products that they talk about, they cost thousands of dollars or more. And when you do affiliate marketing, it's often a percentage of the sale. So if you do the math, of course, if you sell more expensive products, you will make more money per sale. Some examples of channels that do this really well are Top Tech Now, as well as The Relaxing End. So all these channels, they have affiliate links in the description. I encourage you guys to go check them out. And yeah, like I said, these types of channels can do extremely well with affiliate marketing. Another type of niche for these faceless channels are going to be channels that use a lot of animations or stock footage. These types of YouTube channels are extremely good for growing huge channels. Your style can be applied to many, many different niches. Stardom Yesterday does this really well. Practical Wisdom does this really well. Jake Tran does this really well with his movie clips. And just know that there are so many different types of videos you guys can make while making faceless YouTube videos, right? So a lot of people think, hey, there's only like a few different types of faceless videos I can make. That's wrong. This concept of faceless YouTube channels can be applied to pretty much any niche in the world. So you can do evergreen videos. You can do, you know, faceless how-to videos and tutorials. You can do trendy stuff. You can do top 10 lists. Really the list goes on. And if you can build a catalog of videos that continually get views, your channel is going to do extremely well. There are so many resources and platforms and websites online that can help you automate, be more efficient, and save you more time. If there's one thing I'd tell someone that was starting a faceless channel, it would be to take advantage of all the different softwares out there. For example, TubeBuddy is a must-have for any YouTuber, and it gives you a ton of important video data as well as tools that can help you grow your channel. Anyone that's curious about growing their YouTube channel needs to have TubeBuddy or VidIQ. That's another popular alternative. And while the premium versions do cost a good amount of money, they also have free versions that still are very, very helpful. So at least get those free versions. There's also platforms like ClickUp, Notion, or any other project management software that can help you organize everything. So with faceless channels, you know, there's a lot of organization. There's a lot of coordinating with different people, especially if you've hired things out. And yeah, having a project management software like that is extremely helpful. There's also platforms like Loon and Slack that can help you communicate faster with your team. In terms of hiring people, right, there's so many platforms out there, such as Upwork or Fiverr. These are phenomenal platforms that allow you to find talented people overseas, and they can help you do a lot of the tasks that are needed for your faceless channel. Overall, invest some time, learn these platforms, learn these softwares, because I guarantee you, it's really going to pay off and save you a ton of time and money. Next thing you need to know is that if you're not giving value to your audience, your channel is not going to do well. The key to a successful YouTube channel, especially a faceless one, is always putting out value. This can be either done through information or entertainment. And yeah, pretty much there's always a way to give value to the viewer, no matter what niche your channel is in. So if you focus on giving as much value as you can, without asking for anything in return, I think you'll be guaranteed to succeed. Now, of course, nothing happens overnight, but if you are constantly giving value, people will sense that and they'll subscribe and watch your videos. If you're just putting out videos that aren't really valuable, right, like they're just repurposed videos that aren't entertaining, don't really have that much information and are not innovative, then your growth is going to be so much slower. So that's something that you guys should really focus on and that will pay off in the long-term growth of your channel. The next thing you need to know is that once you start monetizing and making money through your channel, you need to reinvest back into your business. Many people make the mistake of taking profits and not reinvesting back to the channel. Once they start making their first $100,000 on YouTube, they get super excited, they take that money out, and they spend it on things that, you know, are not necessary. You need to think of YouTube as a business because it is one. And then a little side note, but once you reach $40,000 to $50,000 per year in net profit, if you guys are in the US, consider creating an escort business because this is going to actually save you a ton on your taxes. I'll actually link a video down below showing you exactly how to create an LLC or an escort. I'll basically just show you the platform I use to create all my business entities and how you can create one as well in under 10 minutes. Yeah, so running away from the business entity and tax stuff, just know that when you start making money, put that money into hiring more people, hiring script writers, hiring video editors, any job that will save you time. You'll also want to invest into different softwares and platforms that will make your life a lot easier. And that's really going to help you take your YouTube channel to the next level and help its growth. For example, one of the first things I would do is reinvest the money back into getting TubeBuddy's legendary plan. And this is just basically because it allows you to A-B test. Right when this channel started making money, the first thing I did was I paid for TubeBuddy because I understand just how important A-B testing is and it really is vital for the growth of your channel. That's just one example of how I've reinvested back into my own business. And just know that the money you make with your channel can help you actually grow a lot faster. And then finally, the seventh thing you need to know is that it's not too late to start. There are still a ton of niches to be discovered. There is still so much innovation to be done within the YouTube faceless channel space. And the most important thing that you guys need to do is just take action. Don't get analysis paralysis thinking, hey, it's too late to start, everyone has created a faceless channel already. That is a surefire way to lose and just know that that's not true. There's still so much opportunity within the space and there still is a piece of the pie for you guys to take and dominate with. The number one reason why most people fail at faceless YouTube channels is because they don't take immediate action or they just give up after a few weeks or months. So don't expect results right away. It took me over 50 videos to get one that did really well and it's likely going to be the same for your channel as well. Don't focus on being perfect. Just focus on getting your first videos out because I guarantee you, as you do more, you will get better. And so don't expect perfection from the very beginning. Anyways, those are seven things you need to know before starting your faceless YouTube channel. I really hope you guys got some good value out of this video. We invest a lot of time and effort into these videos and if you enjoyed it, you guys can support the channel by hitting that like button and also subscribing for more videos just like this. This whole channel is dedicated at giving you guys free guides and tutorials, helping you to start up your own business. Anyways, that's it for today. Thank you for your time and I'll see you in the next video.

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