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Peei Yuu





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The transcription is about a listening test for Grade six students at Tainan Bo'ai Elementary School. The test consists of five parts, including pronouncing words, matching words to pictures, describing seasons, choosing the best response to questions, and answering questions about talks on the Musée du Louvre and the kiwi bird. 台南市東區博愛國民小學 一百一十二學年度第二學期 英語領域期末評量試題 台南博愛 Elementary School One hundred twelve school year Second semester Grade six final exam 聽力測驗 Listening test In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. There are five parts, and directions are given for each part. 第一部分 Part 1 Directions For each question in this part, you will hear how a word is pronounced. You need to mark the ball of each word you hear to make each word complete. Make sure to write the correct ball for each question. Number one Cat I put on my cap when it's sunny outside. Cat Number two New I bought a new book to read. New Number three Row We row across the lake in a small boat. Row Number four Run I like to run in the park every morning. Run Number five Wait I can't wait to see my friends this weekend. Wait Number six Fly The birds fly high in the sky. Fly Number seven Pie I bag a delicious apple pie for you.Pie Number eight Boat We went for a ride on a boat at the lake.Boat Number nine Rock I found a shiny rock near the river.Rock Number ten Sea I can see shiny stars at night.Sea Number eleven Hill The house is on the top of the hill.Hill Number twelve Bay We went swimming in the bay last summer.Bay Number thirteen Tea Would you like some tea with your breakfast?Tea Number fourteen Tuesday Let's meet on Tuesday for lunch.Tuesday Number fifteen Red The apple is red.Red Number sixteen Lake We went fishing at the lake last weekend.Lake Number seventeen Rose She received a rose on her birthday.Rose Number eighteen Kite My son loves to fly a kite in a park.Kite 第二部分 Part two Directions You will hear a series of words.Look at the picture below.When you hear a word,find the corresponding picture and write the number. You will hear each word only once.Pay attention and make sure to mark your answers clearly. Number one Kiwi Number two Europe Number three Break Number four Hot springs Number five Flee Number six Coin 第三部分 Part three In the summer,I always carry an umbrella to protect myself from the sun. In spring,I like to wear a dress. In winter,I always wear a sweater to stay warm. In the fall,I love to accessorize with a colorful scarf. 第四部分 Part four Directions You will hear a question and three responses spoken in English.They will not be printed on your test paper and will be spoken only once. They will not be printed on your test paper and will be spoken only once. Select the best response to the question and mark the letter A,B or C on your answer sheet. Number one What time do you have dinner? Answer A Yes,it's yummy. Answer B I have dinner at 6.30. Answer C You are so cute. Number two How's the weather? Answer A Let's look outside. Answer B It's better. Answer C The weather is great. Number three What do you want to see in Paris? Answer A The Eiffel Tower in France. Answer B The Big Ben in England. Answer C The Great Wall of China. Number four Which old saying represents that time should be precious and not wasted? Answer A Time is gold. Answer B Time is money. Answer C Time is silent. Number five What is the old saying that tell us to eat it every day to stay healthy? Answer A An eggplant a day keeps the doctor away. Answer B An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Answer C An orange a day keeps the doctor away. Number six I am cold. Answer A That's great. Answer B You can wear my jacket. Answer C Do you want some ice cream? 第五部分 Part 5 Directions You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test paper and will be spoken only one time. Please listen carefully to the speaker and mark your answer for question 1, 2, 3. Musée du Louvre used to be a palace. Now it is the most famous museum in the world. Inside, there are over 380,000 works of art, one of the most famous paintings in the world. The Mona Lisa is also in the Musée du Louvre. Please listen carefully to the speaker and mark your answers for question 4 through 5. The kiwi is special to New Zealand. It is a national bird and you can only find it there. You can even see the kiwi on the New Zealand dollar coin. Unlike other birds, the kiwi cannot fly. 听力测验结束 This is the end of listening test. Thank you for watching.

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