Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Patriots have been struggling in their recent games, with their offense performing poorly. There are rumors about Mac Jones potentially losing his starting job, but Bill Belichick has stated that he is sticking with Mac. However, there is speculation about what changes the team will make to improve their performance. Julian Edelman and Tom Brady have both criticized the offensive talent that the Patriots have drafted in recent years. Edelman suggests that Bill Belichick needs help on the offensive side, while Brady emphasizes the importance of surrounding the quarterback with the right players. The blame is being placed on Bill Belichick for the team's struggles on offense, with criticism directed towards the personnel and scheme decisions. The defense and special teams are performing well, but the offensive side of the team is struggling. Yes, you have a two weeks in a row now Mac has not finished the game now They've been blowout, so are they just taking out their starter or not? But Bailey zappies come in and kind of finish the game is there Obviously Bill's not saying anything, but is there any rumblings around the building of potentially Mac losing the starting job great question great question I think listen what Bill has said is Bill has said That he's sticking with Mac. He's the one I think everybody across the league looks at it and says well They're gonna be doing something. What is it that they're gonna be doing because Bill Belichick is coming off Maybe the two worst losses of his career and back-to-back weeks the offense has been inept It has not gotten the job done So you know that they're not gonna stand Pat that they're gonna be doing something so the question is what is that? What is that's a good question? Yeah, I don't know play levels Oh All right well welcome back to the second episode of the Andy's oh Fucking nerd podcast well, I guess third if you count my crying after the Patriots game. That's an episode but uh Yeah, I've been uh been an interesting week for the Patriots Yeah, you hear in that Adam Schefter clip from the Pat McAfee show Yeah, it sounds like basically the plan is to not change anything. Yeah, they're rolling back back out there They're gonna put a depleted offensive line, I think Cole strange and Riley reef are both not playing in this game and Then they're down to receivers. I think they're lucky probably in a certain sense that juju is not playing but unfortunately, and I listened back and realized I talked about tomorrow Doug was like ten times in the first recording I did but He's also hurt both of them have concussions and they're gonna miss this Raiders game. So I Don't know been an interesting week Kind of just been following along with what people are saying, you know, I do think this is a big big week for both Mac and Bill For Mac, you know, and I think you a lot of people have said this I think if he doesn't perform this week He probably loses his starting job and at this point, it's like What NFL team's really gonna give him another shot like the Patriots are giving him right now you Know I mean, let's be honest maybe you know the Raiders at some point if like Jimmy can't stay healthy would give him a shot, but Yeah, this is kind of it for Mac. I think it's put up or shut up time You know, I think they're gonna probably come out and really dumb this offense down. Yeah, I think you're gonna see a lot more under center running the ball with Mondrian Zeke, but Hey, this is it for Mac, you know if Mac gets pulled in this game, he's done. Yeah, it's over We're on to the next era of Patriots football Now is that gonna be zap your career? It actually sounds weirdly like they want career to get up to speed to play But man, it's just it's sad to be where we are right now You know like this is a team for 20 years played so well and now we're We're talking about starting Will Greer who's a guy that didn't even make the Cowboys They had to sign off like his practice squad or their practice squad or whatever So, I mean definitely like frustrating, you know frustrating week Yeah, I thought there was a couple interesting bites, you know, what let's hear from our buddy Julian again Bill's a defensive guy. Is it a fair? Is it a fair? Suggestion that maybe Bill has a bit too much power and they need a fresh new set of eyes in drafting. I Think he needs a little help on The offensive side. I mean you look at the defensive picks They all look pretty good. I mean they always come out and they they perform The Christian Gonzalez kid before he got hurt and I looked like he was playing good But I mean we we have whiffed and I hate talking about coach like this But we have whiffed on a lot of offensive skill position players, you know starting from I don't call guys out But there's three four receivers When I was playing that we got in top rounds that you know, you knew early You look in in camp you can always see from a guy that's drafted high you see one trait You know, they're raw, but you can see one tray up. Yep. That's a first rounder, you know, you're looking What's going on here? That's not a first rounder. I don't I don't know what's going on. So yeah, so that was Edelman talking to a Colin Coward on his show there, but Yeah, I mean it's tough to hear a guy that clearly doesn't want to insult Bill Belichick I always find it funny because I feel like Edelman still is somewhat afraid of Belichick even though Belichick can't do anything to him anymore somehow Julian still thinks like He's gonna come twirl on that whistle at him and scream at him But even Edelman like it almost comes across worse because of how nice he tried to be and really didn't Come across. Well Because like I mean that that's a damning criticism, you know for a guy that was in the locker room to say Yeah, some of this offensive talent that we've been drafting. Yeah day one. I knew that they were awful Like that that's not that's crazy. Like that's so bad to hear and it's To me if I was craft hearing that I'd be like, okay Belichick's not at least not the GM of the offense You know like and maybe that's what it is You know Maybe you let Bill still be involved in the defense because again they say in that clip I mean Bill hits on first-round defensive picks. He does like Alice every single time. So But it's just then the offense. I mean, I couldn't even tell you a good offensive player that we've drafted Recently, I mean Cole strange looks awful I Taekwon Thornton's glass. He can't even stay on the field. I mean he might come back soon, but No, I mean, it's funny I just think that comes across so much worse as a guy who wants to defend bill, but actually There's no words that he can even come up with to spin around that one. It's it's You know, I think it just shows where the Patriots are at even with a guy that you know Bleeds the colors of the Patriots. He can't even come up with a good way to defend him And then we also heard from another Old friend the goat actually had some comments on Bellacheck on his podcast He's still the same coach. He's doing the same things. He's still coaching the same way. So, how do you think he's dealing with this? Mentally, how do you think that he is handling this when everything that he's about is the exact opposite? I think the results are Different from what they've been from but I know that he's still got the same You know work ethic he's got the same coaching style and you know, I think the thing that I think it As I watch not only the Patriots but a lot of things football is a hard sport You know, it's very different when I was in there because I could control a lot of the outcome You know when I'm sitting here watching from afar, you know, I realized God there's a lot of variables There's a lot of things that need to go right in order to have Team success and I was a part a lot of those teams and you know I didn't take any of those things for granted. I needed a great defense. I needed a great kicker Obviously, I needed a great coach I needed great receivers and a great old line if I was going to be successful as a player I needed all those things and I was fortunate to have a Lot of those things over a long period of time the teams that lose they're putting a lot into it the teams that win They're putting a lot into it. It's a relentless sport, you know, and there's nothing is given to you It's all hard losing is hard winning is hard, you know to being it year in and year out is hard To lose and have a horrible season is very hard Yeah, I think fair to say Brady is a little bit better with his words than Edelman is So I thought Brady had a pretty good defensive bill there And I don't disagree with it, you know, I still think Belichick's an unbelievable coach but You know, you heard it in that clip if you don't surround the quarterback with the right guys, you know There's not going to be any success. You know, he talked about the luck that he had Kind of always having good teams around him good receivers, you know guys he can work with and unfortunately for Mac Jones right now that Fair or unfair. He's not being put in the position that Tom Brady was while he was here and Makes it hard, you know, I mean Mac's a young guy. I don't think mentally he's super strong And I think that's really been the main issue recently because I'll be honest I don't think it's like a lack of talent thing with Mac But yeah, I do think you know the past couple of years we've surrounded him with horrible talent You know, you gave him a defensive coordinator last year So in a way, it's it's tough you know, you don't I don't want to put all the blame on Mac because I do think if you Boil it down. I think Bill is really the one that needs to take most of the blame here just for It's a very strange decision making and it's funny. It's like we're just losing in the offseason right now You know, I I really don't think this is like an in-season issue So I still think our defense is really good. You know special teams wise we do a good job They had that really cool school or block on the kick this year that now like colleges are trying to roll out. So Like the coaching from that aspect isn't a problem It's just you're not It's just wrong personnel Wrong scheme like there's just so many Errors that are happening on the offensive side and I do think you know Bill O'Brien does there's a little Criticism, you know, I really thought when the Patriots got O'Brien he was gonna be able to come in and have a similar impact on Mac that Josh McDaniels had and That has not happened at all You know, they seem like they're out of sync I mean he gets very pass happy which is something I don't think that this team should ever be doing like it feels like every Game now granted you're getting down 14 nothing every single game. So you're gonna be throwing it a lot But I do think you know with Mac and it would the way this offense is built like When we said Zeke, I thought we were just gonna run the ball like every play and I was cool with that Like I thought that was actually gonna be a good strategy just to kind of like use Armand Dre Then spell some of his reps with Zeke I thought that was a great strategy and they honestly they haven't even done that at all this year, which is crazy Every place like Mac just comes out and shotgun and tries to throw to a guy that's got a guy like blanketed on him like I Don't know. It's weird. I mean this week they've been talking about the fact that they're gonna kind of strip down the offense to just kind of really simplify it and obviously I think that's something that needs to happen, but You know, it's gonna be interesting I think you're gonna see a lot more Zeke in from Andre and that that I think is gonna be good for the team But I you know Just kind of where where the season's gone. So also kind of an interesting clip I feel like I'm just getting all the classic Patriots in this one But uh Gronk actually had an interesting clip from the Rosillo podcast right now on a Sunday to play it What would you want to play? Oh, man. First off. I would love the New England Patriots offense It's my style of offense and then another crazy offense that you're saying to this date that that I would play and I know that Was a surprising answer I would say it would be pretty cool to play for the Miami Dolphins on that offense the side of the ball Because it's a whole different scheme Mike McDaniel. He's taken there that style of offense He's implementing implementing it to a whole nother level. He's taken what he has learned He's taken what he sees is a successful office. He went out and got his guys. He needs speed The only thing he's missing is a tight end and I feel like I would be able to adapt to that situation What are we doing? Go get Gronk Isn't that that is like the most stunning audio? That I had heard in a while Gronk said he would want to play for the Patriots right now Like that that is shocking Robert on Koski and Travis Kelsey are the same age I get which is a crazy fact, but it is true Gronk could still play we need weapons when I heard that I was like stunned I was shocked to that a he's even watching the Patriots right now because obviously, he's kind of had his battles with the team since leaving but I Guess he sees enough good in the offense where he said he'd actually consider playing for the Patriots if he was playing this year. I Stunning honestly But that on the other side I didn't love that he's saying oh, but it would also be fun to go play that for the Dolphins Yeah, Gronk. We don't need to see you. I are well, especially when I go down to Miami in a couple weeks I really don't want to see Rob Gronkowski on the other side that See him in a Dolphins uniform would be a hundred times more painful than seeing him in the Bucs at least on the Bucs he's in a different conference and he could kind of just ignore him down there, but Yeah, but I just thought crazy audio that Gronk would actually if he was you know Considering playing this year. The Patriots actually would be high on his list I I'd never never in a million years thought Rob Gronkowski was ever going to say that again All right, but all right. So let's hop into the Raiders game here. I just wanted to read a few numbers. So Let's see here game started 13 Targets 96 reception 67 yards 804 and six touchdowns Yes, that is production that we are not going to get back this year welcome to a Jacoby Myers revenge game If you don't think that Myers is going to go just cook these guys that we have in a secondary right now I mean, hopefully JC is looking a little better, but we all know he's gonna be on Devante Adams Myers is going to destroy Any of the corners that we have out there right now. I mean we're down to like Shawn Wade Myles Bryant. Oh It's gonna be ugly and and I just know that McDaniels will probably enjoy just sticking it to bill a little bit with Having his guy. I mean our guy that we signed for 33 million isn't even playing in this game because he has a concussion Yeah, I mean the Patriots Decision to sign juju over Myers to this day is still confusing and there's been some really weird reports here where they're saying basically like Belichick came out and said, you know He was a top priority for us to get back and then Myers is saying, you know The team basically told him that they didn't want him obviously those two things don't really go together very well, but yeah, I mean it's gonna be uh, I Don't know. I think Myers is gonna come out with a little bit of vengeance here And if I don't know any of our gamblers out there if there's an over-under for Jacoby Myers yards catches Whatever you want to call it. I'd be uh, I'd be hammering those and we also get the return of well, we're going to Vegas, but We got to go see Bill's golden boy there and Jimmy. I mean, he is the most handsome man in the NFL, but Yeah, I mean the Raiders team that hasn't Hasn't done too much yet this year Yeah, I mean they're sitting at two and three, you know, they Came out the gate Kind of beat the Broncos by me. They got destroyed by the bills So whenever you get destroyed by a team like that that just shows you're not really a team that's competing for the Super Bowl and at two and three, obviously, this is a team that You know, maybe they could turn it around. Obviously. I'm sure they're viewing this game is a good get right game for them Against the Patriots, you know a team that obviously they have a lot of internal knowledge about in theory The Patriots would about the Raiders as well, but you know We'll see, you know the Raiders team. I mean they played a lot of close games this year. Yeah, I mean really you know their average margin of loss is like other than the bills obviously is like six points, so Yeah, I mean it's a team that you know when I was looking at the schedule earlier this year back when I uh, Had a little bit more hope It was the team that I definitely thought hey, you know what the Patriots can go in there and get a win Yeah, we almost beat them. I mean obviously speaking of Jacoby Myers Doc Collins out on defense. He's all the way back As Stevenson Authority flips it back Stanford band nowhere in sight God yeah, that one just Hurts to hear again. I remember I Was with Grace's uncle Bill and he's a Raiders fan and I was telling him I was like the way that season had gone I was like watch they're gonna blow this and he's like, oh, there's no way and then when we both watched Jacoby Myers throw the ball like 20 yards back directly to Chandler Jones who By the way, I hope is doing all right because his stuff on Twitter's not looking great. I don't not sure what's going on there, but Like just I was just in shock, you know, I I knew it's gonna end badly I just didn't think it was gonna end like that badly but You know, so now we go into Vegas again, and we'll see We'll see if it can be different this time. Yeah, I'm obviously not feeling like This team's really built to go in and win anywhere at the moment. I actually saw a couple Rankings where the Patriots were actually listed at 32. I Mean I for a while. It's like oh the Patriots are always gonna just be with Belichick, you know At a minimum in the middle of the rankings. I never ever thought in the Belichick era We would see the Patriots listed as 32 out of 32 teams But that's where they're at now, so I think the Patriots are you know, like three-point underdogs this weekend That honestly feels like a spread that I would definitely be taking the Raiders minus three because I again I don't know who on the Patriots can even score a point at this time. I If anyone has any ideas, please let me know because that I would love some form of hope but you know at a minimum we We got another game to watch this weekend, it's a four o'clock game so Yeah, at least we'll get to watch the one o'clock slate on red zone. Yeah, I'm sure a Good majority of us are probably just watching red zone over the Patriots at this point anyway, you guys know I don't do that because I like pain I guess but um But you know what enough of that sad shit let's uh, let's hop into Thanks to the great Brendan O'Connor, let's hop into Simpsons week All right, let's do it so looking at what uh happened last week I Was able to take down Pat we have You know, it's funny I think looking back on this this is just gonna be my slow downfall to Jarn winning this whole thing but uh, Jarn absolutely smoking Sabati and I think no Bo was able to put up a few more points than him But still a horrifying like hundred forty six point performance from Jarn Ben Gordon 141 point performance you'll love to see it. Sorry Daniel sorry, Daniel, there's a rough week for you, but Great job, Ben. It's way to Get back out. I don't want to see Ben come in last. I want someone else to have to do something this year And we got Bo I mean this game Tom Bo this game was just a shootout the whole time But Bo takes it 151 to 143 Yeah, I mean that YouTube put up crazy points. I mean look like I mean chase went off for Tom and then I Mean Nakua has just been the pickup of the year obviously for Bo and I think that's gonna be true in all fantasy leagues and Then kind of the final one James Dean Sean and Kind of low scoring affair here, but Sean able to take home the win at 106 to 91. So We think about full picture here Bo remains undefeated very impressive stuff It's honestly winning I feel like being undefeated in fantasy football is almost like harder than anything else just because You can have weeks where your guys just literally don't show up and so far Bo has done a good job not having that happen Yes, I'm trying to jinx him And then yeah right there Jarn Right there in second at four and one still just plugging along Again, if anyone wants to start beating him, that'd be that'd be cool. I had the stupid trophy and then we got a Actually a host of three and two teams. So We got me we got Sean and we got Jimmy all at three and two and then Driscoll and Bennett two and three and then Wow one and four guys. Come on You got to get it going. So body Matt's a body in last place right now That's kind of like based on kind of historics of this league that's honestly pretty shocking because I feel like the body traditionally drafts an unbelievable team that then just falls apart at the end of the season and So man buddy to see you down there. I don't like it need to uh need to get you back up yeah, and then we got a Dan and Pat both down there too and Pat usually has a pretty strong team, too And I need to start seeing Dan be more active on the way for wire Dan I feel like every year Kind of starts with a team that like doesn't do as well and then he like picks up a couple guys You're like, I don't even know who these guys are and then I end up playing really well for him. So Yeah, so those three are kind of the bottom of the league right now So, we'll see see if anyone can start to turn it around at all interestingly Looks like Dan has the lowest playoff percentage odds according to ESPN. No idea what that means, but Jarn has an 80% chance. So that's that's really it's really fun. I'm having a lot of fun with that But yeah, so You know what? Let's let's do this I'm gonna I'm gonna call out what I think my game of the week's gonna be in fantasy You know that one to keep a little extra eye on in this week It's Ben Gordon going in and pulling the upset over Brendan O'Connor handing him his first loss and Ben Gordon gets two wins in a row We're already off to a pretty good start here. Got my homes getting 17 and Pacheco getting nearly 16 points I like the start now sure. All right bows projected higher But let's be honest sometimes things are about heart and Ben Gordon's team after my harsh words has pulled it together and they're gonna keep going and Pull the upset giving Brendan O'Connor his first loss of the season All right, but that's it for me. So I'll send you guys out on I don't know I'll find some Simpsons Being you instead of a one-dimensional character with a silly catchphrase Hi, Leo Excellent If anyone wants me I'll be in my room What kind of catchphrase is that