The transcription is about the importance of faith, preparation, and discipline in accelerating one's destiny. It emphasizes the need for faith in God's power and the importance of standing firm in one's beliefs. It also highlights the significance of preparing oneself mentally and spiritually for expansion and being diligent in setting goals and acquiring skills. Lastly, it emphasizes the discipline needed to stay focused and committed to progress despite distractions and temptations. exceed that. Amen? Exceeding abundantly above all we can ask to see. That's what God says according to the power that is working in us. Alright? So again, in my meditation, I kept hearing the word expansion. And even as I, when God places something in my heart, I began to see confirmation of that on the social media or on the television. I began to see confirmation of things. Amen? And so He says, I want you to get ready for expansion. Alright? If you're on Facebook or on YouTube, I want you to type in, I'm getting ready to expand. I need for you to stay with me on today because I believe that it's not me speaking. I'm only the mouthpiece for God, but He is speaking into our spirit on today to get ready to birth some new things, to get ready for expansion. Amen? And we know that whenever there, and sometimes we don't even think about this, but whenever there is expansion, most of the times, most of the times we focus on what we're gaining, but we never focus on the contraction. In order for there to be an expansion, there must be a contraction. Amen? When a woman is getting ready to give birth to a baby, there is something called contractions that come forth. Now, I never felt them physically through childbirth, no man has, but women understand that there is a pain. It's not so much of the pain, but there is a contracting spirit inside of you or a feeling inside of you that something is contracting. Why? Because what's about to come forth is expanding. Y'all hear me? So, there must be a contraction when there is an expansion. So, what are you saying, apostle? What I'm saying is, when you get ready for this expansion, you must also be ready for the contraction. Right? And a contraction means some tightening of things. And even though it seems like you're losing something, contraction actually means that you're preparing for something great. So, when God contracts some things in your life, it is not to your detriment, but it is for your expansion. Are you hearing me? So, accelerating your destiny is more than just speeding up the one year, taking a month, a month, taking a week, the week, taking a day, the day, taking an hour. No, it's not. It's more than that. It requires us to have a deliberate and an intentional approach to achieving our purpose, our unique purpose that God has given us with some efficiency and with passion. Amen? So, in this message today, I want to focus on the principles of faith, the principles of preparation, of discipline, of resilience, because all of these are key elements in our move or our journey towards accelerating our destiny. Some people don't even think about their destiny. They're just coasting along the way. But we as believers, and especially here at Empower Life, we are focused on where we are going. Amen? And when you focus on where you're going, you won't drift off aimlessly into places that you should not be. It doesn't matter how old you are. It doesn't matter how long you've been saved. It doesn't matter your background. God is taking us somewhere, and I believe that He's taking us to a place of expansion. The universe is expanding all the time, right? Even here on the earth, when babies are born, the population is expanding, but there are also people that are leaving, people that are passing away. There has to be a contraction as well as an expansion. The universe is still expanding, but yet it is still contracting. So, I want you to get that in your mindset because you're going to have to lose some friends along the way. You're going to have to lose some personal desires that you have in your life if you're going to go to this place of expansion. Don't get mad when I go because I did what I had to do and you didn't do anything. Amen? Alright, so are you ready to go with me? The first thing is the power of faith. Let's talk about that. The power of faith. Faith is the cornerstone of any accelerated movement towards your destiny. You cannot move towards your destiny without faith. Believing in something that is greater. Our God is greater. Our God is stronger. Lord, you are just stronger than anything in my life. You've got to understand that. You've got to have faith that it is my cornerstone. And regardless of what happens and what it looks like, I'm going to stand on my faith. Are you with me on today? My faith is necessary to understand that I have someone greater with me. My God is greater to help me to overcome whatever obstacle I have in my life. He is here to help me. The Holy Spirit is here to help me to pursue my dreams with passion and determination. Anybody hear what I'm saying? Whenever you begin to lose your passion, that's when you've got to regroup. And you've got to allow your mindset to expand and contract the things that are limiting you. So faith is like a fuel that we need to be confident, to take bold steps, and to trust each step that God gives us if we're obedient, no matter how uncertain it looks. It may not look like what you want it to look like, but you've got to trust God. You have to take every step that He gives you to take because it's going to lead you closer to your goal, closer to your destiny. So the Bible speaks of the importance of faith in Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 1, and I'm reading King James, it says, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. And what this verse underscores is that faith is both the assurance and the conviction that moves us towards our destiny, that moves us forward when the destination is not even yet seen. Amen? When there are times of limited visibility, it is our faith that will move us past what we cannot see. And I need y'all to hear this. If you're consistent and if you're faithful, you will reach your destination. Don't give up. The enemy wants to stop you. He don't want you to understand that you are already blessed. All you have to do is acquire that which has been promised to you. Alright? So you've got to understand the importance of faith. And then you've got to understand the importance of preparation. Now God said get ready to expand, but He don't just put things on us quickly. We have to be ready to receive it. Amen? And I can visualize in my mind, even though I can't see the whole picture, I can visualize in my mind the thousands and thousands of people that God is bringing into my influence. Why? Because He has placed something inside of me that people need. I believe it in the name of Jesus. So preparation is important. If you want to accelerate, you have to prepare. Amen? If a farmer wants a harvest, amen, when it's harvest time, then that farmer has to till the soil, have to plant the seed, and pray for rain, amen, and plan for what lies ahead. They have to spray and be able to protect the crop from the insects and things that will come to devour it. Because whenever something grows, whenever God releases something, the enemy is always there. Like a locust and like the bull weevil that will come and try to eat up your blessing. But the devil is a liar. You are protected in Christ Jesus. Amen? The only way he can eat it up is when you don't recognize that God is there with you, that He's protecting you. Amen? That He is the one that's blessing you. Amen? So, I have to acquire the knowledge, I have to acquire the skills and the anointing, and then I have to set some goals. So, what we have to do is both practical as well as spiritual. And sometimes people want to expand spiritually, but they do not take care and contract the things physically that they need to do. So, proper preparation ensures that when an opportunity arrives, a business opportunity, a ministry opportunity, that you are ready to take advantage of. Amen? All of our ministers have to be ready to preach, have to be ready to teach at a moment's notice. Why? Because you always have to have operational readiness. That's my military term. You have to be ready. You can't get ready when it's time to go into battle. You have to be ready. Somebody type that in. Be ready, not get ready. Something like that. Just type it in. I just want to know you're with me. Amen? All right. So, Proverbs chapter 21 and verse 5 state this. The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness, but of everyone that is hasty, only to want. When you try to rush things and hasty, then you just want more. All right? But if you're diligent, when you want to want. When you try to rush things and hasty, then you just want more. All right? But if you're diligent, when you are intentional, it leads to plenty. So, if I prepare myself, I'm preparing myself mentally for spiritual expansion. Amen? So, diligent preparation not only prevents me from failing, but it also positions me for success and abundance. Watch this now. The reason why you may not be successful is because you haven't been positioned to be. You haven't positioned yourself for it. Are you hearing me? The man that was at the temple when Peter and John was going at the ninth hour, he was positioned in the right place at the right time. If he had not been there, he would not have met the man of God who said, silver and gold have I none. In other words, it's time for you to stop begging. It's time for you to stop hoping and wishing. But it's time for you to receive that which is going to change your life. So, you've got to be in the right place. You have to be in the right posture, and you have to be in the right position to receive this expansion that God is sending our way. All right? So, you've got to have faith. You've got to have preparation. And then you've got to have discipline because discipline is the backbone of progress. All right? It is the consistent application of effort. That's the definition. And the commitment to maintaining focus, even in the face of distraction and temptation. So, I want to read that again, the definition of discipline. It is the consistent application of effort, consistently trying, putting forth effort. And the commitment to maintaining focus. So, I'm taking effort, right? I'm making an effort, but then I'm maintaining focus, even in the face of distraction. And even in the face of temptation. All right? So, remember, the enemy wants to throw distractions to you to keep your focus off where God is taking you. I'm headed towards expansion. And so, I cannot be distracted by things to my left or to my right or to behind me, whatever. I am laser focused on where God is trying to take me. So, how do I do that? Discipline involves setting priorities and then following your priorities. It requires you, a lot of times, to sacrifice. And it causes you to postpone immediate gratification so that you can get long-term benefits. Anybody hear what I'm saying? So, if I'm disciplined, that means that, hey, hey, hey, I can't focus on my short-term gratification. I have to postpone that. I'm not saying you can't go on vacation. I'm not saying you can't enjoy yourself. But I might have to postpone something right now because I'm working on expansion right now. I'm working on something now, and I can't be distracted by fun. I can't be distracted by family. I can't be distracted by food. Come on, somebody. But I have to understand that my focus, amen, in expanding, in acceleration, is going to benefit me now and in the long term. Anybody hear me? All right? Sin is when you want instant gratification. Blessing is when you trust God through whatever process you're going through that he's going to bring you through it. All right? The Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of discipline in 1 Corinthians 9 and verse 27. 1 Corinthians 9, verse 27, it says, But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should not be a castaway. In other words, I'm going to live what I preach. He says, I have to bring my body under subjection so that when I preach the word, that I'm living the words that I'm preaching. Because remember, words are spiritual containers. If it originates out of somebody who is not even saved or originates out of somebody who is not healed, amen, then those words are not as powerful as somebody who has been ordained by God. So the scripture highlights the need for me to have self-control, amen, and to continue to press towards my goal. Right? So I want you to get expansion in your mindset right now and say, Whatever I have to do to get to that place that God has promised me, then I'm not going to allow anything to distract me. There will be no more interruptions. I'm not going to allow other people's emergencies to distract me and to interrupt me from what God has me to do. Amen? I'm going to remain humble. I'm going to remain committed. I'm going to remain supportive of the leadership that God has placed in me. It's not about me and just me wanting to do. He's expanding us together. It is the whole universe that is expanding. Are you hearing me? It's not that one person is expanding or just one church or one ministry. No, God is expanding the body of Christ. And in that expansion, He's contracting too. He's exposing it. He's getting ready. He's cleaning up some things, even in the body of Christ. Amen? So I got to have that faith. I got to have, amen, discipline. I have to discipline myself, amen, in the disciplines of God, in my prayer and in my fasting. Amen? You have to be able to do that. And then, next, you got to have resilience. You have to be resilient. And that is, resilience means to bounce back stronger. You don't want to come out of a situation and be weaker than when you went in. Amen? I know you may be going through something now, but on the other end of this thing, you're going to be stronger. Amen? You're going to have more power when you get through it. Amen? He's going to be with you in it. But when you come out of it, like the three Hebrew boys, the Bible says when the king threw them into the fire, had the men throw them in the fire, it was seven times hotter. That even the people that threw them into the fire, because they would not worship the king, they burned up, but they were walking around in the fire. And the Bible says that the king looks over, and he says, I thought we threw three men in, but I see a fourth one. He looks like the Son of God. How did he even know about the Son of God? How did he even know who the Son of God was? He had to hear them talking about it. And in their talking, he could visualize Christ with them. But this is what it says. It says that when they came out of the fire, they didn't even smell like smoke. Come on, somebody. Now, I know that's a good place to hoop and all about, but just think about this. You don't even have the residue of what you've been through. Amen? Why? Because you was resilient. You did not allow threats to distract you. You did not allow the fear of bodily harm to distract you, but you went into the fire, the three Hebrew boys went into the fire, knowing that God was going to deliver them out. Why? Because he's there with them. And you won't come out smelling like what you've been through. All right? So, in pursuit of accelerated destiny, challenges and failures are inevitable. You are going to have some challenges. You're going to have some failures. But your ability to rise up after the fall, that's what distinguishes you from destiny seekers. Amen? And from those who don't. See, when you go into it, you got to understand that I'm going to come out with my hands lifted. I'm going to come out with the fragrance of holiness on me. I went through it. And then when I come out, it's going to cause me to expand. Going in is the contraction, but coming out is the expansion. Amen? So, resilience is rooted in the understanding that setbacks are temporary. Amen? You have a temporary setback. It won't be like that always. Amen? Old song said, trouble in my way. I have to cry sometimes. I lay awake at night, but that's all right. Jesus will fix it. Well, I want to kind of rearrange those words. I'm not going to lay awake at night worrying about it. Why? Because he said, just cast it all on me. I'm going to take care of it. All you got to come out of it is with victory. Amen? Because you are more than conquerors. But we're not just here to be blessed. We're not just here to be more than conquerors against the enemy. We're here to expand. Amen? We're here to go from higher to higher height, from glory to glory. That's why we're here. And this is what James said. James says, he said, you need to embrace your trials as opportunity for growth. He says, my brother encountered all joy when you fall into diverse temptation or various temptations, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have a perfect word, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Amen? Somebody ought to put that in. Just say that. I want nothing. I don't want anything. I have it all. Why? Because I have Jesus in my life. And what this scripture reminds us is that resilience builds character in us. It builds maturity in us. And these are important components for reaching our destiny. Amen? Destiny acceleration. Destiny expansion is what we're talking about. And then you have to cultivate a vision. You got to have a clear vision, a vision of your destiny. That's important for your acceleration. Do you want anything? Do you want your ministry to grow? Do you want your family to be blessed? Some people are just living to die. I'm going to wait until I get to heaven and put on my robe and walk around heaven. I'm going to put slippers on and all this stuff that sounds good. But God is saying, you're already blessed here. Wear your robe while you're here. Put on your slippers while you're here. Amen? Vision provides direction. Vision provides motivation. It's a roadmap that guides every decision and every action that we have. Without a vision, the people perish, right? It's easy to become sidetracked without a vision. It's easy to become discouraged. Why? Because you can't see. That's what vision is. All right? So I need for you to understand that. You have to see expansion. Joshua, see, I have given you the city of Jericho. I need you to see before you go. Amen? So Habakkuk 2 and 2 says, and the Lord answered me and said, write the vision, make it plain upon tables, that he may run that read it. So Habakkuk said, God told me, he said, I waited for what he would say. And then he told me to write the vision that I've given you. Write it down so that you can remember it, so that you can run and read it. All right? Write the vision. Make it tangible. So the vision, amen, you can't just say, I want to save souls, but you don't have a tangible way of doing it. You're just saying you're in the business of saving souls, but your business is not doing good. Your business is not producing because you ain't got nobody saved this year. You haven't been a blessing to anybody but you and yours for the whole year. No, no, no, no. You've got to write the vision and make it tangible. Each month I want to say I want to share the gospel with at least 10 people. Out of that 10, I can expect at least two of them to be saved. You've got to have a plan. You have to have a tangible vision. Amen? I know what God has called us to do in our household. My wife and I, we are called to the nations to teach and to train. And so we have to have a tangible way of doing that. We have master classes. We have Bible studies. We have seminars. Dr. Hammond is teaching on finances. And so that is a plan. That is a tangible part of the vision. It's not the whole thing. But we're prioritizing and we're making strategies to accomplish what God has said. You can't expect to expand, but you have them prepared for. Amen? Your titles don't expand you because there are a lot of people that use titles and not doing the work. They're contracting. They're not expanding. Amen? All right. So the last part of that is that you've got to have a vision, and then you've got to be ready for change. You have to embrace change. Some people are so used to being broke, busted, and disgusted. Some people are used to being abused and rejected that they just settle into that. But acceleration requires change, whether it's a change, a contraction of my habits, of changing of my mindset and my environment. Come on, you've got to change your habits. You want to lose weight, but you never walk. You never change what you're eating. You have to change the habit because your body is used to that. But I want to expand my mindset, meaning that I can think like all the people that's around me. If they think the way that I do, I'll never expand. I need to be around somebody who is thinking higher than I am, right? Ultimately, God, because his thoughts are not our thoughts, his ways are not our ways. But there are people that you can get yourself around that will expand your capacity to believe. I hope that that happens with me. Amen? The people that you want around you are the people who lights up when you come around. If they frown and they go down, they contract when you come around, then that must be an issue with you. Okay, so let's figure that out first. Let's change, change your mindset, change your habits. And then some of you need to change your environment. I'm not saying you've got to cut people off and all that, but I can't hang out with you. You're negative. I don't need negativity in my life. I'm expanding. I can't keep blaming this group of people that came against it. No, it's all true. We have a history in this country, but my mindset is that I rise above that. Amen? Right? What did Maya Angelou say? Still, I rise, regardless of where I'm going. Isaiah 43 and 19 provides an encouragement for all of us who are facing change. He says, Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Some things that have been dried up for you, God, it says, I'm about to bring blessings to it, precipitation. I'm about to bring rivers in the desert. Amen? Deserts are places that are supposed to be dry, and wherever you've been dry in your life, in your ministry, God is getting ready to release blessings like rivers in the desert. Amen? He says, I'm going to make a way in the wilderness. There are no roads in the wilderness. There are no trails. But God says, I'm getting ready to pave some new paths for you, some new roads for you, some new opportunities. But I'm expanding, and I need for you to expand. The worst thing to do is to try to get old wine into new wineskins. Amen? I mean, I'm sorry, new wine into old wineskins. I have that scripture going. In other words, the old skins have already stretched far enough. Amen? But I need to put new wine into new wineskins. So God says, I need you to be new. I'm about to do a new thing, but you can't accept it. You can't expand your mindset and have a paradigm shift in your mind to receive what I'm about to give you. Amen? All right. We have to cultivate excitement. This is what I want to deal with, cultivating these last few points. How do I get excited about this expansion? I hope you can go with me. How can I get excited about this expansion? Amen. I'm getting some comments if y'all see me looking, because I like to see the feedback that's coming. Amen. So, again, Isaiah 54 and 1. Sing, O barren. Thou that didst not bear, break forth into singing, and cry aloud. Thou that didst not travail with child. For more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, says the Lord. He says, even those that would have been barren, there are more children coming forth. Why? Because of my blessing. He said, God is promising through the prophet here, Isaiah, that he's getting ready to cause expansion, even to those who seem to be bare. Amen? Who have seen barrenness in their life. Amen? And so, if you're waiting for the manifestation of an abundant life that Christ said he can't give us, you have to cultivate an excitement for it. Amen? You don't want to give something to somebody that's not excited about what you're giving. So, the barren woman is called to sing in this scripture. Say, sing, O barren. What do I have to sing about? I don't have any children. It seems like those who are not even focused on you got more than what I have. And he says, no, I need you to get excited. I just need you to get excited about what I'm getting ready to bring into your life for expansion. Amen? He says, I want you to think about that. Sing about it. And singing symbolizes excitement and anticipation for the promises of God. Amen? Philippians 4 and 4 says, rejoice in the Lord always. And again, I say, rejoice. Rejoice in the Lord always. If I'm rejoicing always, he says, then again, I say, rejoice. I'm going to emphasize this thing, that in order for this expansion to take place, for this acceleration to take place, in order for the promises to manifest in your life, you have to cultivate an excitement for it. Amen? Get excited about something. I don't like to be around negative, somber, lazy people. Amen? Because what it's going to do, that energy is going to draw you down. So we have to embrace the promises of God with excitement. All right? And then we've got to seek, we've got to see the potential for abundance. Some folks just don't want anything. But do you see the potential for your abundance? That light that Christ said he came to give us. Amen? Can you see it? And then the manifestations of the blessings of other people is an example of what God wants to do in your life. If he blessed them, he can bless you. If they have what you desire, then you can have it as long as it lines up with God's word, not through envy, not through jealousy, but by trusting in God. You can have your dream job. You can be healed. You can get your breakthrough. You can get your promotion. What are you excited about? 1 Corinthians 2 and 9 says, But as it is written, I have not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of men the things which thou hast prepared for them that love him. It says you can't even imagine. Your eyes can't even see it. Your ears cannot even hear it. What I'm about to bring into your life through this expansion. So he says sing with some anticipation. Sing like, oh yeah, make up a song. It's coming. Amen? My healing is on the way. If you can't make up a song, sing somebody else's song, but let it internalize. Internalize and sing it from your mouth. Because singing symbolizes that excitement and it symbolizes the faith in what God is about to do. Amen? Are you excited about what he's about to do? It causes you to get excited for the next level of blessing. Yeah, you're blessed, but there's another level of blessing that God is trying to bring your way. There's going to be some contraction. There's going to be some things you may have to go through. But remember, expansion has happened. Amen? You never breathe in twice. Come on, somebody. So if I take a deep breath, I can't breathe, take another deep breath. I have to expand. I have to release that breath in order to bring another breath into my body. Y'all hear what I'm saying? So that's an expansion. Your lungs is expanding. And then there is a contraction. Your lungs is contracting. And life is built on contraction and expanding. It's always going in and out. But I want my expansion to be greater than my contraction. You hear what I'm saying? I want my good days to outweigh my bad days. Amen? I'm not going to complain anyway. I know it's a good song, but I'm not going to complain. Amen? But remember, your own body is a symbol of what I'm talking about in the spirit realm. You're not waiting to exhale. There are some things you better exhale now. Don't wait to do it. Amen? Because what it's doing is taking up space for what God is trying to release into your life. So sing. Amen? Don't worry about anybody evaluating your voice. Get in the shower and sing. Walk around your house and sing. Drive in your car and sing. And make up a song if you have to, but get some excitement. Amen? Because the next level is on the way. Amen? Not only that, we talked earlier about preparation. Now, let's talk a little bit more about that. In Isaiah, in verse 2 of Isaiah 54, it says, Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch forthwards curtains of thine habitation. Spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stake. I preached a message a few years ago in detail about this. I'm not going to go really into detail. I just want to cover it real quick. Expanding your tent. Expanding your thinking. Expanding your capacity to believe. Enlarge your mindset. Let it expand. And then stop thinking that the broker I am, the closer I am to God. Stop thinking that. And another thing, don't get the big head and think that you are better than anybody else. That's not what I'm talking about. The expansion is not your own head. It is what God is doing. Think bigger. Prepare for what God is about to do, not what you did. Proverbs 23 and 7 says, For as the man thinketh in his heart, so is he. So let me think with what God says and not what I think. All right? So, I got to expand my thinking. The next thing I have to do is I have to remove false restrictions. Extending your stakes, right? Lengthening your cords is stretching out the curtains and removing false restrictions. Some of you have been held back and you said it was the devil. It wasn't the devil. It was you. It was your mindset. So if I can expand my mindset, then I can remove false restrictions. He can't hold you back unless you allow him to. Don't let your past failures or your past doubt limit you from living in the fullness of God's blessings today. Romans 12 and 2 says, Be not conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Amen? Y'all know the scripture. So prepare to control yourself. Expand your tent, your thinking. Lengthen your cords. Get away from fake restrictions, false restrictions. And then prepare to control and get ready to plan for more. Lengthen your cords and prepare to handle more. Can you handle it? Can you handle being a millionaire? Listen, we're going to go bold. Amen? We're going to build some millionaires. Amen? That's right. I don't care how you think about it, but people say, I don't want a prosperity preacher. We're talking about truth. This is what God desires. I don't want a poverty preacher. Amen? Do you want somebody telling you you ain't blessed or you can't be wealthy? Amen? When God said he gave us wealth. All right? So lengthen your cords and prepare to handle more. And if you're listening to me, get ready to go on this journey with us. All right? It's not going to be free. Amen? But we're moving people's mindsets and training with all the wisdom that God has given us over the years. We're going to share it. We're in the legacy phase. We're sharing that wisdom with you so that you can come to a place of expansion that you need to be. Amen? God won't double your business or your ministry until you plan and make plans to handle that expansion. Amen? So prepare for more to come into your life. I'm speaking to you now. I'm speaking to you now prophetically. Expand your capacity. Your capacity to believe and your capacity to acquire. Matthew chapter 9 verse 7 says, Neither do men put new wine into old bottles, else the bottles break and the wine runneth out and the bottles perish. But they put new wine into new bottles and both are preserved. All right? The next point is to strengthen your foundation. How do I strengthen my foundation? That's the stakes that's holding the cords down. So I expanded my mindset. I got rid of false restrictions, and now I have to strengthen my foundation. And how do you do that? By your spiritual discipline. Praying more. Meditating more. Studying the Word of God. Get into those things. Prophet little, but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that is now and of that which is to come. First Timothy 4 and 8. Amen? So you have to be able, amen, to strengthen your stakes, which is strengthening your foundation. Amen? And then lastly, you have to avoid slothfulness. You have to become diligent. Diligent means continuing a course of action regardless of the restrictions or the distractions that may come your way. Be diligent in everything that we do. It's important for us as we go into this place of expansion. Amen? Don't be slothful. The desire, Proverbs 21 and 25 says, the desire of the slothful killeth him, for his hands refuse to labor. Don't want to work. Just want to be lazy. Amen? Last point. I said that was the last point, but I want to make this last point. You have to proclaim your preparedness. Isaiah 54 and 3 says, for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left hand, and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited. What is he saying here? I'm going to proclaim my expansion. Proclaim that expansion is coming to me spiritually. Come on, I just want to know y'all with me, so type this in. My expansion is coming spiritually, financially, and in influence. I've got a spiritual expansion that's coming my way. It's already here. I've got a financial expansion coming my way, and I have an expansion in influence. Not people that just follow me on social media, but people that are being blessed by me and growing. Amen? Not people that's watching incognito, people that are just watching what you're doing on Facebook or whatever, but they're not a part of growth with you. That's what I want, people that's going to attach for growth. Amen? So, proclaim it. My expansion is spiritually, financially. We're going to raise up some millionaires, and influence. Are you hearing me? And in that order, today you can expand your mindset. Dearly beloved, I desire above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. Get that mindset right now. Spiritually, I'm expanding. I've expanded my capacity to believe God for anything. And then, financial expansion. God, this time, remember I just said it's not going to take a year, but this time next month, my finances is going to go to another level. Don't worry about credit. We're going to get credit and all that. That's a part of it. Amen? But we don't want to live off debt. We want to live off abundance. Are you hearing me? And that's what God wants us. So, we can bless the kingdom. We can go around the world. Amen? When we're financially expanding. All right? And then, my influence. Who's going to go before a poor man? No, people go before kings. Go before people that know something. Go before people with value. And that's where we want to lead you. You're going to have some master classes. Listen, you're going to have to invest in yourself. But verses 2 and 3 says, Enlarge the place of thy tent, or thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left. Listen, that means you won't be able to contain the expansion. You can be ready to handle it. But it's going to expand beyond your imagination. Why? Because this is generational. He says, We shall inherit the seeds of the Gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited. Things that were dried up is coming to life in your life now. So, get that generational expansion mindset that God is getting ready to expand. He's already done it. We've got to get ready. Spiritually, financially, and influentially, in my influence, in the name of Jesus. Are you ready for expansion? Can you cultivate an excitement? I need for everybody that's listening to me to get your song. You say, I want my song. Get you a song. Learn the song. Sing the song. Not for anybody else, but this is for you. Something that's going to excite you. Amen. To get ready for the blessing. Are you ready? I'm excited about our future, our near future, as well as our long-term future. I'm excited about what God is releasing into our life now, in the name of Jesus. Listen, I pray that you have been blessed by this message on the day. And I want you to share it. Listen, share it with somebody, because I believe that it's a life-changing word, in Jesus' name. God bless you. Dr. Hammond is going to come and share some information. But God bless you. May he keep you. Here's my prayer. We pray that you were blessed by that powerful word from God and that you've taken some life-changing notes. But listen, there's one more decision that you need to make today. If you have not already accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, we invite you to do that right now. Or maybe you feel like you've gotten off track in life and you need to simply rededicate your life. Again, this is a great opportunity for you to do that. So I am going to lead you in a word of prayer right now. And you just simply raise your hands right wherever you are and pray this prayer with me. Father God, I am a sinner in need of your grace. I thank you for the life-changing word that I've received today. And I respond by committing my life to you. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he gave his life that I might have life. And so today, right now, I receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. And I repent of my sins and I turn my life over to you. Well, listen, if you pray that prayer, we want you to know that you are saved. You are saved. You are saved. And there's absolutely nothing that can break that relationship that you now have with God. And whether you've given your life for the first time or you've rededicated your life, I encourage you to send us an email at Again, the spelling is I-N-P-O-W-E-R-L-I-F-E, We want to know that you've made this life-changing decision. And we want to be able to pray with you. We want to send you some more information on how you can continue to build your relationship with Jesus Christ. And, again, if you are not following the ministry and you are in need of leadership covering, we would love for you to be a part of the Empower Life Church family as we're taking the gospel around the nation. And you can be a part of that. So you can contact us by email or you can just send us a message right here via the instant messaging app. So whichever way you reach out, we look forward to meeting you. And until next week at this same time, we encourage you to go and think. Remember, you can join us Monday through Friday at 7 a.m. for our Powerless Prayer Call. That number is 563-999-1764. Again, that number is 563-999-1764. We pray every morning, Monday through Friday at 7 a.m. And then you can join us again for our midweek recharge service on Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. And right where you are now, our worship experience every Sunday at 9 a.m. Listen friends, we are excited to have you as a part of our family and we look forward to growing in grace together. God bless you and keep you until our next broadcast.