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inPower Life Global - Word Explosion - 5-12-2024

inPower Life Global - Word Explosion - 5-12-2024

Shyne Your Life Light MinistriesShyne Your Life Light Ministries



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The speaker discusses the importance of asking questions and seeking answers during Bible study and Sunday school. They emphasize the need for open communication and dialogue between individuals and the Holy Spirit. They also mention the power and authority Christians have through the Holy Spirit and the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit. They touch on the concept of intercessory prayer and how it allows believers to pray for others. Overall, the speaker encourages active participation and engagement in spiritual practices. Talked to me about Bible study and so about Sunday school rather specific Sunday school. So I want to start by saying this in the traditional Sunday school what he said this morning was a lot of us learn how to How to go on Sunday and there was a book and the book had a date and the date Was assigned to a lesson and at the end of that date at the end of that lesson Well, guess what if you got it good if you didn't get it good next week we're going to go on to the next lesson we learned that and if you had if you went home and even if you got everything during that time frame and You went home and did some follow-up study because you know We like to say here trust what I'm saying But go home and verify that what I'm saying is what God say so trust but verify through your study But when you study sometimes we know that questions come up or something The Holy Spirit will answer for you, but some things he'll send you back to class He'll send you back into the group to get an answer. So it's important that if you have questions concerning anything we're talking about about prayer and about about Intercessory prayer specifically, but if there's something that that the Holy Spirit brought to you during your study time, it's okay It's okay to bring it up. It's okay that to ask questions and remember that Discipleship training is a lecture discussion, right? It's a conversation Between us right the study time is between us and the Holy Spirit But when we're together, it's a it's sharing of information between us So feel free to ask questions and there's my first grade teacher taught me that the only dumb question You can ask Tyrell is the one that you don't ask, right? The only dumb question is the one that you don't ask. She said it like that But I'm gonna say it like this It's the only way for you to get up get an answer to get to the answer that you need Is to ask the question that only you know, you have so it's okay to ask it. Okay to comment. Amen So let's pray heavenly father. We give you glory honor and praise for this beautiful day that you've given us We thank you for the sunshine and some places that may be raining the wind may be blowing Some places it may be so peaceful and quiet and other places is noisy and busy wherever you have us today Oh God, we just thank you for allowing us to be on this side of glory at this time in your presence We bless you and praise you. Thank you for apostles. Thank you for the prophets Thank you for the evangelist the pastors the teachers the administrators the givers the the encourages the intercessors Thank you Lord God for the psalmist thank you for every gift every skill every talent and every ability that you've said in the Body of Christ for the purpose of maturing and growing your children and also father God We just want to take this opportunity to take authority over the air the ground on the ground the netherworld and everything around us Father God and we bind every thought every imagination every idea every plan and plot of the enemy But God every type of worship that does not offer true honor to Jesus Christ We bind it right now in Jesus name in your authority and not only that but we lose those things those negative things Thoughts imagination feelings, whatever they are. We lose them now to go where God assigns you to go But you cannot stay here. You cannot stay in our circle of influence. You must leave I plead the blood of Jesus over us and in the authority That we have in the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to go and it is so We bless you now, so thank y'all for being here So over the last few weeks and I know some people haven't been here the whole time today. I want to start we've been talking about spiritual resources for intercessory prayer and we talked about We talked about some of the power or the supernatural power Power that we have as Christians not as intercessors, but just as Christians So that we can pray we said that prayer simply put is prayer is communicating with God Somebody just came on if you commute to call that is known in the background, but prayer is talking to God You're like I'm talking to you right now, but I'm talking to you right now and it's one way right? I'm talking you're not but prayer is a two-way communication Between you or whoever is praying and God we said that that every person on earth whether they're saved or not Had access to communication with God, you know, everybody can talk to God We also know that the spirit of life that is in every living person Is the spirit of God so that spirit of God who is in every living person? Is their access to communicate with God you may have heard it say that we're the only prayer that God Hears from unsaved people is a sinner's prayer a prayer to be saved. Well, if that was the case You know my granddaddy and great-granddaddy and all those souls back there who couldn't read right? Who couldn't read but they were they were they were praying for their generations? And I'm the result of their prayers and they want to say right some of them had different religion Some of them had no religion, but when they talked to God in alignment with his will He heard them and not only that but he answered their prayers, you know, so God answers prayers We can't put him in a box of you know, he only talked to the same or the unsaved He only speaks to the Christian not to the the Jew the Gentile the Muslim and all the rest of that God Hears his children when they pray at the point of Adam and Eve falling in the garden The phone line was disconnected and some of you some of us on the line right now I've had a telephone line disconnected for whatever reason you try to make that call, right? And and the last is uh, you you can't place this call at this time Well what a person is in seeing even though God is always there and always speaking when they're unsafe We understand that they may not be able to hear when he's talking to them And so they're in there. That's what we come in That's where the the faithful come in because even when they can't hear What God is saying to them or the instruction that he's given them when they can't hear we still have connection So we still can can hear and understand and discern what even what God is saying for them. So They're in last Intercession, right? We pray for folk. We pray for the ones we like we pray for the ones we don't like sometimes the Holy Spirit will lay something on your heart to pray and And and for that person to pray and you know when I was a young Saying person if I didn't like that person that he told, you know, holy spirit told me to pray. I'm just being honest Sometimes I was like I was like The prophet that he said to them, you know, I would go the other way But I learned over time that whenever the Spirit of God begins to speak to my heart about something or about someone God already knows and so my response ability is to be able to listen and discern what that Conversation means for me and what that conversation means for me and the person that I might be interceding for that I might be praying for all right. And so God has given over the last few weeks we've been talking about what I like to call it the supernatural powers that we have or the the Resources that we have as intercessors, but not just intercessors, but for people who are saved God has released to us some supernatural powers, right some gifts that make it available that make us available To be intercessors to pray and get our prayers through we talked about it I must I'm gonna go over it a little bit and then I'm gonna go over the list and then I'll open it up for Comments so that so that there's questions or comments we can we can get there. So the supernatural powers, right the intercessory Resources spiritual resources that we have for intercessory prayer starts out by the delegated authority, right? We have delegated power and Authorities just as this is a review So we said that the power that we have is the Holy Spirit if you say you're not filled with the Holy Spirit Guess what? You're saved and you have the authority of Christ in other words save people because you're in Christ You have the authority to use this name. You have the authority to walk as the children of God But in order to have the power that we've been given you have to have the power source and that is the Holy Spirit We said that when Jesus Called his 12 disciples together He gave them power and authority over all demons right over all devils and over all manners of to cure all Manners of disease that means you and me we are his disciples. That means us so he we have delegated authority and we have Delegated power we have power over the enemy, right? The sons of Sceva thought they because they they knew Christ. They thought they had power over the over the demons The demon told the father seven sons of Sceva Jesus. I know Paul I know but who are you? In other words, Jesus has the power Paul had the power But where is your power and the scripture said that the demons overpowered the seven sons and beat him up to They ran out of the room with that without clothes So we do have power over the enemy But the power that we have over the enemy as a as a resource is the Holy Spirit. Don't forget that Don't ever forget that children of God are being saved right and there and I love it they're being saved, but they sometimes they were stopped at the point where the Holy Spirit the question about the Holy Spirit the confusion in the body of Christ about do I need the Holy Spirit do I Have the Holy Spirit at the point of baptism Did I get the Holy Spirit and not understanding that makes me has the potential to make you go out there? unprotected Without power and get beat up and beat up and beat him and so many Christians are beat up trying to trying to do Spiritual warfare because they have the authority to do it, but they're not walking in the power And then another thing that we have power To do the Holy Spirit allows us to do is to extend the gospel or to extend the kingdom of God But by telling somebody the good news and getting them saved when a person is saved that increases the number of Enlistees in the army of the Lord, but after being enlisted We must train them up in the way that they should go so they can receive that power and operate as true disciples of Christ And that was that was the Before and then the next thing that we have is the name of Jesus Christ, right? We learned that if that in the name of Jesus we can ask Jesus says If you should ask anything in my name, I'll do it, right? Well, a lot of us were kind of off kilter there because everything that we were asking we were asking Jesus not God Right, and so we learned that we there that we pray to God in Jesus name or in Jesus is authority So the scripture there was John 16 and 23 Verily verily truly truly pay attention observe what I say to you Whatever you ask my father in my name, he will give it to you. So we need to understand All of our resources and how to use them and why they're there and when to use The name of Jesus is powerful it's It is it is the name that is above all name You've heard that before right it is But it's not just the name but the authority that you walk in when you stand the demon sees him not you Not me because we're in him He says that if you abide in me and my word abides in you not only is he in us But the father is in us, right? They come and take up residence in us and then if you ask the Holy Spirit comes and dwells too So you are fully and fully powerful fully equipped to operate as as prayer warriors in the earth Every sane person is equipped once they receive all these resources To act as intercessors in the earth and that's our responsibility Is to get everybody prepared to operate as intercessors in the earth I'm gonna I'm gonna pause right there at the the blood of Jesus I'll do this too, but not only that I pleaded the blood of Jesus a moment ago, right? Well, yeah, we have a power one of our resources is the blood of Jesus we can bind and loose things, right? We have a power to the keys to the kingdom of heaven is Binding and Lucy we have that those principles those powers resources, but not always using them, right? I bind you in the name of Jesus, but you never lose it You never release it to go wherever it's supposed to go. So you burn the demon in your house That demon is still in your house because you bound him there. He can't move. He's impotent. He's without power He can't talk but man Oh, man, when he busts loose when you step across the line and do something unclean that unlocks that what you bound He's still in the house. He's still in your car. He's still in your church So we have to not only bind but understand how to use the loosing power that we have to in the kingdom of God Those are the keys to the kingdom of heaven Amen, and then the blood of Jesus The blood of Jesus is what allows us Access to God pray to the father in my name and whatever you pray to the father. He will Give it to you well the reason that we can boldly go before the throne of grace is because the blood of Jesus the pure blood of Jesus has redeemed us from all sources of negativity all sources of sin and all sources of anything that could prevent you and I from Being in God's presence with a clean conscience Got it. So our faith can't be it. I've faith no longer is in what we do. I didn't do but our faith is securely Up aligned and tied into Jesus Christ his faith God's faith We trust their faith not our own faith because sometimes we have faith. Sometimes we have a little faith Sometimes we have no faith. Sometimes you may have walk-in unfamed faith, but God Christ the Holy Spirit has perfect faith and That's love they cast out all kinds of fears So we have confidence to go before the father because Jesus shed his blood We have power I'm going to open it up right there Open it up for comment and for questions and just for for conversation. Amen Who's first? You said something that was so cheap, but I also feel like it may be We need an example when you say when we buy Mm-hmm Somewhere Because a lot of times when we pray and if we're not maturing God we hear the word by You know, I know my terminology after I find and I commanded to go Are these synonyms? Okay. So can you give me just a simple? Phrase that someone would pray say it We we bind in the spirit of pornography You just give us an example, please sir. Well, yes, we know we bind and and loose Give you a perfect example Each a person is depressed, right? So we want and everything that they're experiencing physically We understand I want everybody to understand it has its origin in the spirit and every negative spirit It's not of God. It is of the enemy or one of his his minions the demons. So when I bind Depression and I commanded to go wherever God wants it to go because I don't know what when Jesus Bound the Demon that was the legion that was in the demoniac They actually said are you are you trying to send us? Into the abyss before our time Right, and that was I think that was a trick question because they understood that if Jesus told him to do something That God didn't tell him to do they didn't have to obey him and Jesus was out of line, right? And he says well, they but he didn't he did not respond like he had all the power because at that point He didn't right. So So they said well did us to go into these swine and he said so go wherever so in other words Wherever God allows you to go you got to go but you can't stay here. All right, so when I bind And then they said the man was found in his clothing in his right mind or something like that, but when we buy something Depression There's a equal opposite effect to depression I don't want to leave this person's mind with a void with an empty empty place Depression you got to go, but I'm also going to command a peace peace of mind joy Something God's positive opposite if I am sick and You know the disease. I want to to Bind that disease and cast it out. Tell it to go wherever it's going to go Well, he said he gave us the power not to cast out disease. He gave us the power to heal disease So when I healed the disease when I say be healed in the name of Jesus in the authority of Jesus Christ that I stand in What am I replacing that with So I want this person to his body to be hold. I want his his blood pressure to be Ever in alignment with it with the average. I want her temperature to be 98 6 are normal. I want this person's Jesus said stretch out your your hand and it was here. So I want the positive opposite. It's okay to bind It's okay to lose but remember that whatever Whatever whatever you send a negative thing out of my life out of your life out of his life her life We're responsible Rest of that story is to replace it with the positive with a positive opposite the Christian opposite where there's fear I want to replace it with with confidence where there is lack of hope I want to replace it with the positive opposite whatever that positive opposite is in the Word of God That's what I want to bestow bestow on that person that I just empty just just cured of the disease or Bound and and cast that demon out. I want I want them to have something to feel that space. Hey, man Did that how was that? And going into some Clarifications, so in other words when we find and lose a Easy way to remember when you find something loose the positive biblical Opposite. Hey, man, glory to God. You teach it. I'm excited. It's open for anybody else to make the comment or Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute I'll be waiting on your voice. This is my friend y'all. I love it. I'll be waiting to hear that boy. So, thank you, sir Go ahead Awesome You know, it's it's nothing but a blade It doesn't do anything until it's hooked to the power source, you know The fan out and we have the capability to do things More than what yes, yes providing that trick, you know, that's a Providing that system, you know, but once we're hooked to the power source, then we're able to do that Which was God has called us to do. Oh my god. This is just like oh, it's this good. This is good. Praise God Yeah, man, thank you Thank you for that comment. I know God is great. You got to be connected, you know We're connected to this power source that we'll call in discipleship training on Sunday morning. Believe it or not I Everybody got to know that it's not Tyrell it but it's the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit that is in me that is in you that allows us to come together and And and empty ourselves so that he can say Say whatever it is is coming across the airways because this is his time. This is his voice. I Don't belong to me. I'm a slave and I'm a happy slave, right? Jesus Christ is my Lord He's my master and the Holy Spirit is my power source. So our power source. So a man, thank you for that comment, sir I have a real time a real-time real-life example right now We are with my son just started a ministry in Houston, right? And so the area the room that he's in doesn't have air condition So we had to go and get the the in-room air conditioners, right? Well, one of the air conditioners Only only produces cool air if you add ice to the reservoir It blows it does everything it appears to be functioning, you know, according to the design But no, no cold air comes out so Christians appear to be functioning according to the design but without the Holy Spirit But that fire doesn't come out. They their words are empty. Our words are empty. Amen Are you are you available to comment? To a place where I just find it, you know, I'm into a place. Oh I've always taken that with me and when I buy something I say I find it That's in a picture there because this is not a car So I mean, I'm enjoying this this morning Amen. Amen sister. Where's Wilson? Are you there? Do you have a comment? Thank you for that comment Amen amen So so so we've we have a lot of power we have a lot of resources But like sister Evan said you have to we have to you have to learn it first of all You have to be in a place where you're learning and then you have to be bold enough I want everybody on the line, right that hasn't asked You're saved, you know, you're saved, you know, you've done this Romans 10 and 9 thing You believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord You've done that But you may not have asked at the point of salvation You did you did receive Holy Spirit But the Holy Spirit that you received was a seal he sealed you to identify you as God's children until the end of time but the power that you need is the the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit the third person of God operating in your life if you're on the line and you have an One second Pastor Brown, hold on This is crucial what you're getting ready to give us So let's see whose phone is not being muted. If somebody has their TV on in the background, please mute your phone Because this is a nugget because many people are walking around powerless without the baptism of the Holy Ghost So and Pastor Brown is going to give some instructions where people made you think you have to carry forward Just to give Amen so yeah, so we are saved when we're saved according to Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 It says that once you're saved the Holy Spirit seals you right? He seals you To identify you as children of God and that seal is so that every demon every devil Every every spiritual source will know that you belong to God your seal until the day of redemption Their redemption didn't happen yet. But one day Jesus is coming back again however on earth We are required Without the baptism of the Holy Spirit You are a light sitting on the top of a hill that everybody can see every spiritual Every demon every angel everybody can see but you're on top of the hill drawing All these spiritual forces to you, but you don't have any power to protect yourself from the negative sources that come, right? So God has has given us a free gift. Jesus says I'm not gonna leave you by yourself When I go I'm going to send to you the promise of the Father The promise God Promise to send the Holy Ghost or to send you power or to send himself to operate in your life with you It's a free gift. All you have to do is ask for just like you had to ask to be saved Jesus come into my heart Be my Savior forgive me am I saying you asked for that he didn't force you to do it The received the gift of the Holy Spirit is a asking it's a free gift But that gift remains under the Christmas tree. All right, it remains in your closet until you Understand that you have to ask for you have to be saved But after salvation you need to you need the baptism of the Holy Spirit Jesus told his disciples to go and And carry or go and wait until after they received the power of the Holy Spirit Well, guess what they were doing in the upper room when they received the power, right? They were fasting and praying They were in the upper room Fasting and praying they were not on their faces or doing they were just fasting and praying and they were on one accord They were doing the same thing at the same time They were on one accord and the Bible says that the Holy Spirit came he fell on them right when he he fell on them and We have the power We have the we have the authority to ask God for the same feeling they will feel with the Holy Spirit at the point at the point of being on one accord and at the point of praying and at the point of Surrendering themselves to the instruction of God, right? Wait, let's see after you receive power He didn't tell him to go and carry so that they could go He told them to go and wait till they receive power so that when they went when we go we have power to do what he's commanded us to do and what he commanded us to do was to go and make disciples and baptize people in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and To teach them whatsoever. He taught us and he's with us always at the end of the times. So we have Response ability right the ability to respond to that commandment or receiving the power That he's given us for that purpose, right? So you need if you're on the line and you if you think you receive the Holy Spirit, but you're not sure You you hope you receive the Holy Spirit, but you're not sure when the Holy Spirit is in you You don't have doubt that you receive the Holy Spirit You know that he's yours, you know that you're one and I need you to understand this on the day of Pentecost There were Some scholars say 120 some say over 500 disciples in the room Didn't say all of the disciples started to speak in the unknown Tom, right? but they all were baptized we all were filled with the Spirit, but it did say that the the That that some Peter Specifically began to the apostles of 12 the ones that Jesus the 12 Began to speak and everybody could hear them in their own language There were disciples there that were of all creeds and all colors and all everything But the Holy Spirit began to give them The ability to speak in an unknown tongue the unknown tongue that they began to speak in doesn't mean shabba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Right, it meant that they were able to say languages moon-top, right the gates They were able to speak languages that were real languages That they didn't know prior to the power source coming upon them So the Scythian heard him speaking in Scythian the Greek the Roman heard him speaking in their language, right? The Indian heard him speaking in their language. They were speaking Languages that were unknown to the people in the room But they were known to the men that were around to the people that were around them So sometimes the spiritual language that we speak that you don't know and I don't know. That's God's language She did a holocaust. Did I have a couple bosnian? If they see monarchy shot the holocaust nation monarchy high level, I don't know what I'm saying, right? but when I say that I understand that I'm speaking directly to God and that the The spirit that is in me is speaking for me the things that I don't even know that I ought to be talking about Know that I ought to be asking so so it is imperative that you are Sure that you have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit Because that is your power source to do what you're attempting to do as a Christian and without it You there's no way for you to put on the whole armor of God Without having the armor of God, right and he his name is Holy Ghost. His name is Holy Spirit. His name is God Amen, so if you don't know ask right now will be a perfect time. Just just you don't have to tell me just just look just Communicate with your God and say God I am saved and I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit feel me I ask you to feel me right now with the Holy Spirit and if you want the evidence of speaking in song ask for that But Thomas is one of the one of the the fruit of the spirit after you a feel healing administration pastoring Evangelizing there are so many giving there are so many different Fruit of the spirit that comes when you are baptized in the spirit. Amen open for comment All right, all right so I'm going to Open up one more one more of our resources superpowers if you will supernatural powers and you may not have thought of it as a supernatural power But I need you to understand that when we are in when we are entering into And I know my time is almost fit, but I want to start this one and we'll finish it next week we're entering into prayer and Fasting There is I let the cat out of the bag We're in into intercession right prayer and fasting, you know There's some that only come out with prayer and fasting, right? So I want to I'm going to give you a snippet right now, but next week we're going to talk in detail about how How we are required to fast and why we are required to fast and what fasting does for us as intercessors or as prayers or as children of God because remember the Responsibility to do all the things that are required to go you therefore and make disciples all of those things It's what every person that saved not just a preacher. I just a teacher not just a five-fold ministry But for every Christian the five-fold is given so that every Christian can mature right to the point where the Holy Spirit can say Separate for me Sister Evan separate for me pastors, you know separate for me Whoever you are sister Wilson separate for me for this purpose that I'm sending out to do All right. So so the five four we're gonna we're going to teach you we're going to encourage you We're going to bring new truth God divine truth into your ear gate that will that will call some of the erroneous teaching from past religions from past ministries from past times those will bump up against the false teaching and Calls your spirit man to begin to rise up and ask questions and the questions that you ask Are the response of the Holy Spirit? Leaping inside of you leaping when it recognizes the truth of God in Your ear in your heart in you. Amen just like when I when Mary went to Elizabeth's house the scripture says that the baby in Hope in Elizabeth's womb Leaped in her womb right when the Spirit of God in Elizabeth's womb Recognized the Spirit of God in Mary's womb it leaped with joy when the Spirit of God in you Recognizes the Spirit of God in the air in the air or in what you're reading are in your circle of influence the Spirit of God in you leaps and Attempts to connect up with the Holy Spirit because it recognizes that what to or more agree concerning anything the spirit in you The spirit outside of you that is God You can do anything we can do it all so fasting is necessary Fasting is another one of those spiritual resources that we need for effective Intercession right in the most simple definition. Yes fasting means to go without food Or to go, you know to go without food. So fasting is one thing that That that can approve us Now he was fasting is one of the things that approves us as ministers of God. You can go to 2nd Corinthians 6 Verses 3 through 10 to see that fasting and prayer is necessary So praying and fasting was practiced in Jesus time and it must be practiced in our time Remember that that when Jesus was on the mountain and he came down from the mountain He had left some of his disciples down in the in the city with the people and when Jesus came down from the mountain one man one father came to Jesus and said You know, I went to your disciples. My son. He's a He's a he's a maniac, right? He has a demon and I went to your disciples and Asked them to cast it out, but they couldn't do it They were powerless and then Jesus cast the demon out right and later the disciples asked. Well, why couldn't we do that? Jesus says this kind comes out only through prayer and fasting So you were praying but you hadn't fasted so prayer and fasting go together It's like binding and loosening right prayer and fasting go together And we'll talk more about that and the purposes for fasting On next week, amen, so that's all I have for today Apostle I turn it into your hand Um When you keep that scripture and Second Corinthians again. Yeah, second Corinthians chapter 6 verse verse 3 through 10 And you can also find Find out you also write down X chapter 14 verse 23 Yes And you Yes, I did give you Ephesians I gave you Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 you can read Back up to you know, 10 are and read down through 13, but that's going to tell you that at the point of salvation You were sealed with the Holy Spirit and became identified as children of God So that's Ephesians 1 and 13 or 110 to just read that area. Mm-hmm Then another in You know when that when they made disciples right when I wrote it rather when they made Deacons in the church, right? First Corinthians 7 5 comics It says we they give ourselves we give ourselves the prayer and fasting but the reason that they made disciples was so that the the The leaders could spend their time Praying and fasting when they needed to pray and fast so prayer and fasting is necessary Amen Okay, excellent, yeah, there are different types of fast and we're gonna break it down and Yes. Yes So be here next weekend by somebody I Didn't know you there The mic is yours And I'm just feel feel feel That's been on the on the part of being connected to the power source And just looking at the function of different things that uses power and how useless that it is that they are without the power source and then if I am God has created me to be this person To do these things like they're loosening and binding it and healing all sickness of man and disease and I've given you the authority. I've given you the power and We and we're not connected. Oh Man, you know, we're living a life. That's just useless to say I come that you may do greater works, you know He said these work that you see I'm doing, you know, you're going to do greater, you know, I'm connecting you're connected to me So you're going to go out, you know, you're gonna produce when you're gonna you're gonna keep it cool for the people You're gonna you know I'm just you using this fan thing because it's all my mind. Yes, but Barney's just awesome. If anyone else have anything else to say You could close this out It's just awesome Amen amen Thank you, sir for that So what we're going to do then is stop right here close right here and remember that next week you can do some studying on fasting and we'll come together and we're going to we're going to deal with fasting as the biblical examples the type of the purpose of fasting the myths of fasting and And public versus private fasting and the results of fasting so next week we're going to talk about fasting and As it is related to intercession and to our prayer life. Amen. So God we thank you so much And also, I want to invite everybody back next Sunday at 930 and invite a friend but also we in at 6 o'clock There is tips global global ministries. They are interceding the I think on Thursdays Apostle and pastor, you know are there but every morning on the line every morning There is an accessory prayer going on and then promised land here at 7 p.m On Tuesday evening every Tuesday evening. We want you to come out and and practice what we what you've learned We want to come out at 7 p.m. We intercede at 7 p.m. So in your prayer time between now and Tuesday evening It kind of focusing in on what the Holy Spirit is saying to you to intercede for and then when you come to the line On Tuesday evening, don't be afraid to pray, you know, if all you do is say Jesus well, right? Then that's a prayer right? If all you do is read the scripture, that's a prayer. So come on out and we're going to intercede The way that God has given it to us at 7 p.m. On Tuesday evenings and that's every Tuesday evening Sunday mornings Discipleship every Sunday morning at 930. So just just be blessed and we'll see you here on Tuesday Happy Mother's Day to all the mother and y'all go out and have a wonderful time dad Go ahead and treat them all of them. It's okay. It's their day. Amen. Have a wonderful day

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