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The pastor begins with a prayer, expressing gratitude and asking for guidance. He introduces himself and mentions his partnership with Dr. Shirelle Zeno and her husband Pastor Donald Zeno. They have been discussing intercessory prayer and the importance of practicing what they have learned. They talk about the impact of intercessory prayers on individuals and how it changes their outlook on others. The pastor emphasizes that everyone has the ability to pray, regardless of their status or title. They discuss the role of intercessory prayer in listening to God and discerning the needs of others. They encourage targeted prayers and active listening for God's instructions. The pastor also mentions the significance of the holiday Cinco de Mayo and welcomes everyone to the discussion on prayer. of my mouth of meditation of my heart be acceptable to you oh god and just have your way may these words of god that i heard father soften our stiff neck open our ears and open our eyes and help us to see understand and do your word we bless you and praise you and just thank you for another opportunity to be here amen this is pastor tyrell brown senior of shining your life like ministries coming to you again as always from uh missouri city texas and i'm here on behalf of none other than uh dr shirelle zeno pastor uh she's an apostle she's pastor she has she's an evangelist she is everything uh and then her dynamic husband uh pastor donald zeno he's we're partners these are co-laborers in christ we have dr cheney on the land and i know that there are other generals in the army of the lord and so what we've been doing for the last few weeks is talking about going doing the didactic for the the uh the the book work if you will the training work for intercessory prayer but you know in order for for the things that we learn in in uh discipleship training uh to be to be really be active in your life you have to practice it so today we're going to go over some things and and talk about how you have been affected by um how we've been affected by intersexual repressions we started the study and how how has it changed you or how has it changed your outlook on others as we go through so we'll go through some of the same stuff but with this idea that we all are as we said last week we are all uh given the commandment to go and pray for somebody and make disciples so let's do it that way we're gonna open in a word of prayer and dr cheney are you able to to uh to open us with a word of prayer this morning amen well heavenly father we give you glory honor and praise today we bless you and just want to say thank you for allowing us to be in your space in your place in this place we're on in the our respective cities but we are on this virtual airspace that you allow us to be thank you lord god for the air the ground the underground the netherworld everything around us look at we take authority over everything the ground the netherworld the air the water that everything around us that we see and don't see we just plead the blood of jesus over and say in the name of jesus by the authority that we have in your name in you oh god that nothing shall interfere with this conversation that's going on today and no weapon that's formed against us will prosper form they may but they will not prosper because we have authority satan you have to go you have to leave this airway you have to leave that spaces where god's people are listening and even when they listen to the recording in the future you have to leave that place because we've given you commandments we've taken authority we plead the blood now that we bound you you're impotent you're mute you're ineffective in your ways we loose you to go wherever god assigns you away from this people this bible study god this discipleship training we turn over to you as the words of our mouth the meditation of our hearts be acceptable to you let the conversation that we have be edifying and uplifting and empowering to all of us oh god no matter the spiritual the level of what we consider maturity spiritual maturity or immaturity we're all growing there is no i made it i'm there but in you holy spirit we surrender to you open our understanding open our ears open our eyes and loosen our stiff necks that we might receive instruction this morning we love you we bless you and we praise you in jesus's name i pray this morning we pray this morning amen well welcome again this is uh cinco de mayo here in in uh i'm in texas and so uh in in the mexican uh culture this is a holiday it's a big time holiday and there are others who who celebrate cinco de mayo so this is the fifth uh of fifth month fifth day but this is the day of the lord so we just welcome him here and thank you for allowing us to be here so brothers and sisters we've been talking about prayer and we introduce prayer as as this prayer is not just talking to god communicating with us it's our direct line of communication with god and we all can do it saved folk can pray unsaved folk can pray everybody that has the spirit of life the breath of life in them has the that direct link to god if they will pray okay we said that prayer is not just not just talking to god but it also involves listening to god right prayer is communication and communication is not just a one-way thing because one-way conversation have you ever been talking to somebody and you you were talking you were talking you were talking and then you said well what are you doing their mind is somewhere else so when we pray we we also expect god to listen so as intercessors well uh sometimes uh people around us will think that when we when we title the type of prayer that we're praying as intercessory prayer that that means that only certain uh certain people can actually intercede for other people uh not not just those with titles or rather only those with titles but we understand just by looking at our history if you would look at your family you know your mom or your grandmama now they may not have been entitled to anything they may not even been a deaconess or a deacon they may not have been in church but they prayed for you right they prayed for us they that prayer for them good lord help my children to be better than i am lord take care of my children bring them home safe those are intercessory prayers being prayed for you by somebody that didn't necessarily have a title so intercessory prayer involves a person who is willing to submit humble themselves before the lord and submit to him and to pray right and to and to communicate with him about something or someone in their situation and then to be humble enough to listen to him to try and discern what the needs of the other person is so that we can move forward so with that said i want to i want to open the line right now and just begin to talk to me about your idea of what prayer is and intercessory prayer is and then we'll have a conversation this morning amen so the line is open well i will definitely chime in because prayer is truly a passion of mine and intercessory prayer is when you actually go to god with a prayer target you're praying about something or for someone and you're standing we hear the term standing in the gap well that means in between two things and i want to be very clear because we we always enter uh with a praise but oftentimes i've gotten on intercessory prayer lines and the majority of the prayer is a prayer of adoration or a prayer of thanksgiving and i want to be certain as we team up together with shiny light ministries that when we have the assignment to intercede make sure you have it on your mind to pray about something in particular and what i love about intercessory prayer is because certain things the lord will press upon our heart that's why a lot of times i don't like to give a target per se because i like to hear and allow the people of god to pray what god gives you pray what's important to you and a lot of times the lord will take us to pray about things that he has delivered us from so as we continue forward you know as a group of people that have a desire to pray when we come in with the assignment of intercession get a topic on your mind get some people on your mind get issues on your mind amen but i thank god for this opportunity amen that's my comment god bless amen thank you for that comment dr zeno possible zeno uh is the line still open is there another comment another question i i like what you said that get something on your mind that to pray about enter into the gates with thanksgiving into his court with praise you know jesus what taught us to pray our father who are in heaven you have to humble yourself perform we do that but after doing that intercessory prayer is not just your daily prayer right it's not what sometimes when when uh when folk come together uh uh season people whatever for intercession they'll begin to pray like they do when they're you know in their closet in their in their in their bed or wherever they pray from in their personal space and they'll pray all of the they'll pray from abraham isaac jacob all the way through revelation uh but there's nothing specific right there's nothing specific and so we want to it's important to target your prayers because we also want to not not only pray but we're going to be listening for answers right discerning other people's needs you're in your circle of influence you you see people around you uh sometimes they may ask you for prayer but sometimes you may just god will use you to discern the needs of others and then once we do that we come and brother i met yesterday said he has a prayer wall whenever he meets somebody he and there's a need he'll write it on a sticky note put it on his prayer wall so when he's in when he enters into his gate into the gates in the morning time or whenever what he does is take that that that need and pray about it and then in this meditation he's listening uh for what god is instructing him to do so we not only are we responsible to pray uh during intercession and pray for targeted prayers but we're also responsible to listen because when we when god if you ask him we know that he answers we know that he gives us he gives us answers his answers are yeah and amen but also instruction teaches us what to do and how to do it and even he'll show us in our uh in our meditation or when we're considering what he what we prayed about he'll show us when it's too big for me right sometimes there are things that i'll intercede for but i'm not the one who will meet that need uh it might be you uh dr cheney it might be you psalmist it might be you it might be another person that that's in your circle of influence but all of this information comes to us as we intercede specifically if i go and i pray for breakthrough uh interceding for this person's breakthrough well they make it the breakthrough may come they may get a job but they really need a breakthrough in the relationship between them and their children or whatever so we have to be specific amen we'll open the line for other comments well praise god as she was saying uh about you know when we come together and pray you know what i forget to think about when we say we're interceding on behalf of ourself and behalf of other people you know we are all the prayer requests we're communicating with god and i thought about the scripture what i do to say he make intercession for us you know he's there to reminding god and uh letting god know what he's done for us so when we petition god on behalf of other people you know i'm just going to say the factual urban prayer of the righteous availeth much it's not that we are so so great but but it's the righteousness of god in christ that we are righteous in god uh in christ jesus that when we begin to pray for other people uh playing his word and god moves by his word he see his word and he's like yeah this is what my words say concerning this situation and i'm going to watch it and and uh i'm going to watch it to perform it and uh i'm going to go back to the word factual burden um prayer you know what what's what's important to us you know uh that's what makes it effectual uh make you know when we pray say man this is really important this is really a upon my heart to pray for someone this is really i want to see god move in their life and according to god's word is the word of god said this concerning this situation so when it when it concerns us and we bring it to god god move amen amen when we bring it to god god moves so this is uh intercessory prayer can be defined as holy you said the fervent effectual righteous uh it can be uh defined as holy believing persevering prayer pray praying for others when you you may not even like them pray for you you know pray for your friends that's easy pray for your family that's easy but are you praying for your those who are who despitefully use you are you praying for your enemies intercessor intercession as intercessors we're responsible to put pray for both ends of the spectrum right i can pray for the one who's sick and i can pray for the doctor i can pray for the one who is warring on this side of the battlefield and i can pray for the one who's warring on the other side of the battlefield because god desires that all people be saved he desires that there be peace and he is the source of all peace so we can pray we intercede and and we know that god answers our prayers so paul says that we ought to pray all times for with all kinds of prayer and that means that whatever it is that that is late god lays on their heart every prayer is not something that god lays on your heart sometimes uh what i want to pray for what i'm feeling we have to be careful because the enemy is a counterfeiter right he will have you you know god will lay something on your heart but one of the ways one of the tricks of the enemy who are intercession is concerned is he perverts it you know an example of that would be uh we are to be meek right have you ever seen a person who is so meek that anybody can walk on them and they never say no the perversion is taking that meekness to a point of of distorted distorted response to what god is calling you to do so sometimes he'll lay on your heart to pray for a person in one area but because you see that person uh you may not see that person uh at the at the level at the height that god is trying to take them um there was a city called nine and god sent one of his servants one of his servants to go and pray for that city right but jonah didn't think that they should be that he should do that because of his opinion of the people but as an intercessor he finally got around to doing it after going through a whole lot and then the whole nation repented and and was delivered but sometimes the interference is is us because of what we see or what we think we we know about a person and we can get our our our targeted prayer incorrect or we can we can pray amiss when we get into the get in the way amen come in on that amen amen amen so is it yes i hear somebody talking about me this is yes ma'am um i definitely am taking in a lot from this because over like the past two weeks um just a whole lot has been happening with a lot of the people that are close to me so it's just like because i have been on this prayer line with y'all and doing sunday school i've been how did i say my discernment has been uh heightened if you will hopefully i'm saying that right but it's like god is letting me see things farther in advance for the people that are close to me and you know like i'm able to warn them before the destruction comes because of my faith in christ that's all amen amen that's beautiful that you you brought up some points you said i i find myself on the prayer line and i find myself in sunday school i find myself in places where i'm able to you're able to grow in your knowledge and understanding of god's word and as you grow what's happening is as you're growing in your understanding of god's word you're able to to see things that the the rose colored glasses or the christ colored glasses you're able to see things the way that the spirit shows you things the closer you are to god the more of his word that you put in him the more the holy spirit will bring not just you but all of us the more the closer we are to him building that close relationship through study through prayer right through obedience to his word he he desires obedience over sacrifice as you do that even when you uh take a step and you're not really sure you're not really confident but you you've been around the word you've been in the study and you know that this is the way to go this is the thing to do this is the stuff to pray when you do it you grow uh your discernment does grow because now you have a relationship with him and the holy spirit can speak to you in different ways before as you grow he can just like the babies right they don't they they know how to get your attention but you don't they don't know how to tell you what they need they can cry or whatever but they don't know but there comes a time when the baby begins to speak the same language that you speak and you understand them better and they understand you better as they grow in their knowledge and understanding of your language as we grow in our knowledge and understanding of god his language is holy his language is true his language is spiritual right uh as we grow then sometimes we don't even have to think of things because god is free to think through us he's he's he's free to use our thought process to put into our heart the things that we ought to say and we ought to pray and when you start doing it his way remember we talked about that a few weeks ago doing god's work doing god's will but we have to do it his way when we do it his way then you'll begin to see the benefit of your prayer benefit of your obedience to god working in the life of those that you're praying for you're you're uh you know there's so much that i want to say to you but uh but it is coming it's coming so keep doing what you're doing keep practicing practicing practicing prayer practicing being obedient practicing being in the studies practicing being in the presence of god around people who of all spiritual levels of maturity those who are who know more than you those who know less than you because those who know more than you will draw you to a higher plane of existence those who know less than you will be drawn to a higher plane of existence because of you and so uh praise god praise god some of us thank you for being on the land we love you and god loves you too he loves you more amen amen amen so open the life for more comments come on this is the day this is the hour amen amen and so let's let's let me put another thought out there so when we practice doing we're responsible we are responsible in our our lifestyle our christ likeness right to provide opportunities for people around us to grow to let me say it like this to make an effort to see the life and power of christ jesus resurrecting in the hearts of the lost and of those who are saved but are not yet spiritually mature we're responsible as we live our lifestyle in our circles of influence to provide uh safe environments where people can actually talk to us and feel comfortable uh sharing their needs with you some people will share you know if they need money they'll share it pretty quickly but if they need uh if they need their soul healed they really won't come to you right away sometimes they'll wait and wait and wait until it gets so bad that they just can't they don't know what to do and they'll cry out for help but we provide a safe environment in our in our in our conversation in our lifestyle so that people can come they if they want to worship they can worship with us if we need to go to them through evangelism we're available if it's fellowshipping that we need to do if it's discipling is we want to we create our responsibility as a body of christ is to create uh exit opportunity for exponential growth and development spiritually the person who's not saved begins to grow and develop spiritually as you share your story we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the testimony of the saints as you begin to share your story and they begin to see your lifestyle evangelism not only are you seeing it not only are we seeing it but we're living it then they'll be able to be uh to be to be drawn and begin to grow spiritually and ask what i what must i do to be saved what must i do to be delivered what must i do to be matured what must i do to become part of the of the workforce the army of the lord that you are part of what must i do to do that so we want to want to be that we do pray and we do listen but we want to also practice we must also as eminences practice doing the right things on purpose and intentionally when we're not praying you see one in order for us to get our to get through you know to get our prayers above the ceiling we have to be and we have to be right too because we stand before god before we stand between god and that person that we're praying for so we have to make sure that we intentionally do the right thing as intercessors so we sharpen ourselves there's a scripture that says friends sharpen us we use steel to sharpen steel but friends sharpen friends right jesus calls us a friend of his if we keep his commandments so we are and we sharpen one another as we study together work together in god's word and grow so we sharpen ourselves and we unite in to study god's word to pray we unite to spread the gospel to win souls right to get that harvesters out there and we we want to draw closer to god through our obedient consistent obedient work we are we are we are humble we are we are we are teachable we are reachable and we are in order right the apostle said when we come to pray i want i direct you i give you instruction wise wise direction to come with a focus come you know you don't have to wait for me to give you uh the focus because you have the same connection with god that i do so what i want you to do is to pray not just on tuesday evening at seven but we have a lifestyle of prayer right jesus we have a lifestyle prayer so when we come together holy spirit has already told you what what has already you know get prepared you for what when you open your mouth he'll just speak for you he just it'll just flow so we want to make sure that we have a lifestyle of prayer and that we work together to draw closer to god and closer to each other and and and operate in sync with each other because we are we have a like faith and we have a like mind amen the line is open so dr brown have a question what can the people that uh are not comfortable praying out loud if you have any recommendations for them because you um you don't really appear like uh being like say it's real outgoing maybe you experience being shy at one point if you can just uh encourage those that may not have a naturally like outspoken outgoing personality what can they do to become comfortable praying out loud amen well you you know you hit it you hit it on the head with me um not necessarily uh shy but introverted i i always prefer to you know to be on the other side of the room rather than in the crowd and uh and when when it comes to praying or praying out loud or even i had to i had to study or practice that by reading the bible out loud when i got away from people i went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror and opened the bible to a certain you know a scripture because i'm going to tell you something it's uncomfortable um saying words that you haven't said before or telling people stuff that that you're not you know you you've never said before you never heard yourself say before so one of the best ways i think and i recommend for folk who are not comfortable yet praying in front of folk is instead of trying to come up with your own words to pray uh do as i did and that is pray the words of god so i can remember when i would pray they said or gave me an opportunity to pray my daddy taught me the moral prayer it's always uh on time and then uh he talked about us uh uh 23 right the lord you know lord is my shepherd but i learned that psalms four and five is a night prayer and a morning prayer and i began to pray them out loud so when so give ear to my word oh lord consider my meditation those aren't my words i've learned to say them and because i've learned this i placed that word in my heart my my confident level speaking out loud it came without me even knowing that it was there so my recommendation is to read read the bible out loud in your in your private time so that when you get in a public space and it's time to pray if all you do is read scripture out loud as your prayer press start right there amen amen amen that was an awesome awesome that that was actually a you know we know very effective example because praying the word is definitely a perfect prayer and i've had somebody say this to me they had difficulty just hearing themselves out loud uh so i think it's safe to say maybe fear uh maybe uh a hindrance but do you think the not really knowing the correct pronunciation of words could hinder and what would be your recommendation for you know the these the vowels and all of the hebrew and greek how do we get around being embarrassed if we don't quite say the word correctly and and are there some substitutes that we could possibly use amen amen amen well there are always substitutes to use right um one of the ways that i i've done i like to you're a word person i'm a word person so i like to define the word right when i have a greek word or hebrew word or aramaic word or something that i don't know even another language i i look it up in a dictionary that defines it for me in my words and i and then i i'll write the scripture out i'll write that that line out and i'll put my definition in and throw that word that i can't pronounce i'll just throw it away and use the definition and you're saying the same thing you didn't change the word but it's understandable for you let me share this though we are in a spiritual battle right and whenever there's confusion whenever there's uh the scripture in romans 10 and 9 i think it's uh not 10 i think it's around 11 it says after you've you know confessed with your mouth and believe in your heart the lord jesus it says they who do that will never be put to shame so whenever whenever thoughts or ideas come to embarrass you you have to immediately recognize discern uh some as you have to immediately discern that this is not from god because he said i would never be embarrassed i'll never be put to shame that's from the enemy so begin to bind those things begin before you pray before you even pray on the prayer line go ahead and cover yourself seal your room in the blood of jesus cover yourself from head to toe in the blood of jesus and confess that no weapon that's formed against you will prosper because you are one with christ and and run the enemy away drive the enemy away because i promise you he does not want you to hear yourself pray out loud because where two or more agree concerning anything the word of god teaches us that it is established well wait a minute i'm just one person how can i when you are more than one person you are spirit soul and body so when my spirit and my soul which are which are invisible right which are spirit here's my physical self saying the same thing that with your eyes you're reading they agree the spirit of god always agrees with the word of god so as you and the enemy does not want that that's confidence that power to be established in your life so he's going to fight you young person or whoever you are that's having a difficult time praying because you think you might be embarrassed know that the the goal the trick is to keep you from praying because when you stop praying you're going to get so powerful that all the stuff that he had planned for you no more should have got me when you could devil because now i'm i am there i learned and you are defeated amen amen so that's all i have uh today uh apostle and i'm going to say okay one more question that's wrong and i'm gonna let somebody else ask the question yes ma'am so when i asked because we substitute and you said absolutely which i agree because i'm asking questions that those that are a little shot the other question is for the bible scholars and the critics that say we can't add or take away is that being considered adding or take away taking away when we substitute yes okay so did i comment yes sir you have time yeah i i agree with professor brown when he said you know the deities and the thousand you know the different words that uh there's english words that we do not uh know the definition of that word so uh as dr brown was stating about getting a dictionary so we would know the meaning of that word uh and there are different translations of the bible you know there's uh i hear a lot a lot of bible scholars say well i like using the niv version of the uh of the bible because it's easy for me to translate it easy for me to understand or the uh the living word uh bible because i believe earlier that was when i first got saved that was one of the issues that i had to uh i believe in that stuff you know uh it'd be hard for you to understand the bible but as pastor brown was stating you know you read it out loud you read the bible out loud and words that you don't understand no you don't neglect it uh but you you find out what that word means and then uh there's different um how can i say a different uh avenue that you could use to learn the word and say well this translation means this that translation trans uh translation means that so uh that's i totally agree with what was what you're what dr brown was saying and the question that you're asking yeah there's many out there that say well i don't really understand the bible like that and then when you're not in a setting of being taught what what it is and then you go back and you study the word uh so this is why a discipleship and a study school is important that you learn that that the word is being taught and taught properly amen amen yes sir yes sir yes i think thank you for those comments hey let me just let me just touch on this and then i have somebody else to bring it if i make a comment um for the bible scholar right um it's easy it's easy for me because i i realized that the bible was not written in english so every train every all of those translations that we're reading somebody took the either the greek or the aramaic or the latin and translate well greek and aramaic is what jesus taught right taught or spoke they're translated in it into a language that we that we can read and understand here in america and one of the comments there is the alphabet that they had didn't even have a j in it so uh yahweh is a word that we understand but jesus is the name that we know because because it's been translated into a language that we can understand so to translate there are there are bible so understand that when you talk about niv and all the other hundreds of translations that they're being translated from the holy scripture remember that that we're we're responsible to know to read and to know and to follow the holy scripture it the holy the bible doesn't even call itself the bible it always refers to the holy scripture so the scriptures have been king james translated the the the bible into his language the these and the vowels because that's what they spoke that's how they taught but the king cambridge bible which was which was translated around the same time well that was in like london like uh scotland or somewhere and they they use different you know phrases so we who are as we grow in our knowledge and understanding of god's word one of the things we have to do is to make sure whatever translation we're reading actually lines up with scripture and the holy it lines up with scripture and if it lines up with scripture i i'm this morning i was uh i pulled up some scriptures out of the good news translation if but it's easy to read for me in english and i recommend to people who are just getting in the word don't try to go and get king james because usually you have to learn a whole new language right but some religions have have made it so that if you read another translation other than the king james translation you're wrong so we have the holy spirit we have we have the holy spirit to teach us and to lead us and to guide us into all truth so we we use the the words that are written and the holy spirit that we study with to lead us into all truth so if i have a word that i do not understand you know it's a 13 letter word i can it's okay to go and and find the synonym and that's smaller and that means the same thing and to use the smaller word right so it's okay it's okay to study the word and to break it down into bite-sized pieces for yourself to understand but you can't understand it by yourself the word translates the word and god has given us people men who will use their power and their influence to help us to understand better his word but the spirit of god is the is the he is the the author and the finisher of all that word amen amen i'm sorry no i was gonna ask if you had anybody have anything go ahead yes ma'am um uh good morning everyone apostles and everyone else this is white and i totally agree i love that the question was excuse me i told you if you were pastor brown with our pastor vino as well um when i heard the question the first thing that came to me is in the bible where it said that because i didn't forget an understanding and another thing is the second thing that came to mind is when jesus would speak to some people he had to speak within a terrible because they didn't understand his language they did nothing for one it was hard for them to receive who he was so he had to speak them within a language that they understood and then another thing that came to me is like being of age christmas um i think it was i don't know if it was pastor you know pastor brown speaking on the different versions of the bible when i saw it um well i was ready you know holding it um you uh possibly you know you know how daddy is within in pasadena you know how my family and you know we in our hearts it was just the king and james version however when my life to the lord i had to understand god outside of the way i was brought up because my examples were my parents and my my siblings so when we were transferred to germany that was my first time not being connected with god through my you know through watching my family so i had to learn how to understand god on my personal level and i started off with the amplified version because i under i heard the vows and the vice and you know stuff like that i heard it but i didn't get an understanding of it because a lot of people have to realize that there's a difference in hearing something and understanding it because it took me back um when um as a child you you you ate the food of a child you like the bible says you drink the milk but as you grew you ate the meat the meat is when you can possibly you know your body your spirit is strong enough to receive and understand the king james version so my theme is um comes to people um giving their life to the lord and they're experiencing their um sin and reading the bible um it's the times i had to call up my casino and i'm like i text her and i'm like well um the bible says what does that mean and with her being so empowered with the spirit of god she knew that i knew what it meant but i wanted to get it under i wanted to get an understanding because we have to remember too that the word of god says lean not to thy own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge him and with with everyone else that you know for the scholars that says um you know you can't add to it and you can't take it away my understanding on that because i heard it all my life because i came from church of god in christ and christ was sanctified i heard it all my life but when i removed to another country uh my understanding became um when they said to don't take away it came back to proverbs when it says uh don't lean to your own understanding of it in all thy ways acknowledge him acknowledge who i am you know i can't just answer in the bible i am who i am when he forced a different prophecy introduced that i am you know and this is what i feel like that's what the bible meant when it said don't add to it and um don't take away amen so amen i like your comments and thank you for it for that you were in germany the first printed bible is in um uh mites it's the gutenberg bible a latin scholar uh translated from the from the holy scriptures into the language that they spoke over there the latin and it's called the gutenberg bible the oldest printed bible in the world uh and it wasn't it wasn't king james it was before king james so uh somebody had to read that bible to king james right they had to read the scriptures from that uh from that translation and he decided that he wanted his own translation but whatever translation we use the the next piece of that the logical word the written word the bible that you can open and read is only part of it right uh because everything that the holy spirit can teach you and lead you and guide you into all truth concerning is not written there bible tells itself that about everything that jesus did and taught could be written in a book that the whole world wouldn't have room enough to to uh to hold to contain it so uh when we study whatever bible that you're studying from hopefully the man or woman of god is uh is is humble enough to be able to give you the word and then follow the holy spirit as they teach you what to teach you teach them what to teach you but it's important that uh we're not using six or seven different versions of the bible so sometimes you'll go into a church and they'll say well for bible study we use this bible uh we use that bible on sunday but in your personal prayer time in my personal prayer time or in my study time i might have three or four different versions of the bible open because because of is it a direct translation it is a literal translation of the bible is it is it how what type of bible translation is it because sometimes it'll take that word i'll take that phrase you know be told be careful with your children children's bible are notorious for taking the word and just changing it to whatever the world wants it to be so um it's important that when you're using a version of the bible that it's a version that can be trusted every the word of god is infallible it's without error but every every translated book that we call the bible every one of them has a typographical error in it right somewhere so they may miss a period or they may may add a letter i can't call it up right now but i remember there was a error into a one word translating in king james in the old testament where they were talking about the young the trans i don't want to get too too the the way that the uh described would make sure that they translated what was written accurately they didn't translate they didn't write letters like we do you know they didn't copy the and write it out like that but all of their letters had a number so when they were transcribing they would write the numbers down right across the page numbers uh t would be three h would be another number e would be another number they would write the numbers down and the person that received that document was supposed to was supposed to find those numbers and add the alphabets to it well there's one word in the old testament in in king james that one alphabet one letter right was was uh was miscommunicated and rather than it being the young uh princes and and the young princes and young maidens leaping it translated the young maidens and donkeys right it's an error right it's an error the word of god is not an error but man make mistakes and the more they translate the more do they change and copy and paste and do all the things that they do it's possible that something written in ink might be there might be a mistake but the holy spirit will make sure that whatever is the mistake will be highlighted almost like putting a flashlight on it for you when you have a relationship a close relationship with him uh as we communicated with uh with the psalmist that as you grow closer the holy spirit will become the one who shines in the light on your path and and a light for your your understanding your feet so uh translations uh without reading the bible studying the bible without the assistance of the holy spirit is dangerous it translating studying the bible without the holy spirit even when you're listening to other people who are maybe considered teachers or preachers or whatever if you don't lean to the teaching the surrender to the holy spirit i asked him to open our understanding and open our eyes and loosen our stiff neck because some of the things that we've learned through religion that's hard to break the strongholds that we learn through religion now that the truth is coming out now that you're studying when you got away from your family church and all that and you begin to hear the truth you were able to receive uh what the holy spirit was saying where before the power was the people who were closest to you so our responsibility here is to is to teach the synthetic word of god just teach the word of god and if we can't find an answer in ourselves we go to the word of god to get that answer because the answer is always in god's word amen amen so i'll turn it over to you apostle that's all i have for today god bless you hallelujah before we get offline i know a couple other people chimed in do you have any questions or comments at this time amen because i know dr cheney was online and she was praying but she was muted so be sure when you're ready to make a comment you unmute your phone because we don't want to we don't want you to have a question or a comment if we not get to it amen well we thank god for this time amen go ahead i hear somebody was that dr cheney i'm sorry apostle it's just the word again go ahead you know how i am about the word of god i get so excited about it i just love this sunday school lesson because um we do have to be careful this stuff that the different translations and different understands and all that stuff is it's written in the bible it was going to happen before you know um the end of time and um and like pastor brown has been saying we have to be careful with uh translations because if i'm not mistaken i think disney bought um a publishing firm i believe it's the niv version and they they've taken some of the scriptures totally out of the bible and the author who's rewriting that version is the who is the creator if i'm not mistaken of harry potter so we really have to be careful and um you know when we're out uh with people and we you know talk to them about christ they decide to dedicate or rededicate they might be ignored to um let you know if you get these money for the different versions they're out there because he goes back to the past by talking so about uh being um added to and taken away except what they're doing you know some versions are actually taken the king james version that pastor brown said you know in in germany so when we minister we have to also minister you know to them about that because they're scared because they're hungry for the word of god you become so hungry for the word of god and they want to learn sometimes the food that you eat may not be the food that god desires for your soul you know but we have to be careful and y'all just please excuse me apostles you don't know and pastors you don't know i get so excited about the word of god and i love sharing it so y'all be blessed and i love teaching everyone let me just make this comment for for new newcomers that i'm glad you brought that up it's so important you know sometimes people will get saved and then they try to go off in their corner and teach themselves uh that's that's really dangerous it's like somebody buying a gun for the first time and then trying to go out and teach themselves how to fire you know eventually they might uh they might you know learn how to shoot real straight but if i don't know the if i don't a newcomer it's probably um probably safe to say that uh satan knows a whole lot more tricks than they than this person knows or understand the word so it's important when we get a person to to convert to give their life to christ that we make sure that we offer them not if it's not my church offer talk to them about going to a bible teaching uh ministry so that they can learn uh learn what what to do next we taught a lesson uh a while back and they will revisit it uh i'm saved now what well so we the phrase um work out the after the after the cross what do we do after the cross what is necessary for the person after they've had their cross encounter and gotten saved so that's why that's why we that's why discipleship is so important and that's why we're here so thank you for bringing that up yeah when you get them saved you're going out there and evangelize but don't just leave them saved and and and uncovered because once they they their light shines so bright that every unclean spirit can see them right away and they're uncovered so we want to make sure that they connect up with a body of believers that will train them and fight for them also hey man this is so good and we bless god that we have dynamic teachers that not only study but i definitely give my stamp of approval as a scholar uh pastor brown know that i am definitely a word person and i definitely will go out and search it out amen so i bless god because i had an opportunity to uh take a profit the other day the v.a and she kept talking about the apocrypha being omitted from the word but of course uh we had this conversation we'll talk a little bit about that in the future uh if there are really books of the bible that was omitted and why uh we're growing in god bless the lord uh any last minute comments uh from anybody that has not yet had an opportunity yet minister white she'll go on and on she is a lover of the word and evangelist and we're just doing great things for the lord and i'm excited about that perhaps anybody that has not made a comment if you would like to before we close the line amen it's okay it's okay thank you amen all right we'll get your questions i'll get some text messages can you ask that pastor brown this and i don't mind doing that because we're going to bring you out of your shell but we're going to let you go at your place at your pace i'm just good we're thankful that you are continuing to join and grow amen so at this time that's as you know who only closes out in prayer sir well gracious lord father we just thank you once again for what our ears have heard oh god oh god we thank you for the word oh god we thank you for the teacher of honor we thank you for the comments and everyone that that's joined us upon today oh god oh god as we take this word oh god and hide it in our heart oh god that we may not sing against thee oh god oh god we give you glory and we praise you and we magnify you that your word is true oh god we thank you oh god that we can study your word and show our self-worth by not being ashamed but rightly dividing your word oh god we thank you and we praise you and we give you glory this day and it's in jesus name amen amen see y'all next and then there's power and prayer join us on tuesday for your accessory prayer 7 30 p.m central time and for those in court that is 8 p.m for you and then join us back again next sunday at 9 30 and until next time you matter to god be blessed and you are somebody's answer we praise our power dynamic teacher pastor brown all the way in missouri shakes that he is the senior pastor of shiny light ministry where he's married to a dynamic woman of god evangelist golden looking cold and i'm sorry brown amen so we just give y'all we just thank y'all for joining until next round god bless you

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