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The speaker begins by expressing gratitude for the leaders of the ministry. They then mention that the purpose of the discipleship training is to grow in knowledge and understanding of God's word and to share it with others. They talk about the importance of knowing our spiritual foundation and setting goals for growth. The speaker shares their personal experience of initially thinking they were saved but later realizing they were just a baptized sinner. They explain a visual representation of spiritual growth and emphasize the need to intentionally increase in knowledge, understanding, and obedience to God's word. The speaker encourages Bible study, applying what is learned, and building a closer relationship with God. behalf of all of the brothers and sisters that are part of this ministry all the fivefold ministry gifts that are associated those who who claim us as their own and those who claim us as friends of the ministries we just give God glory praise and honor for you to our dynamic leaders Apostle Shirell Zeno and none other than the great fisherman Pastor Donald Zeno that's fish of men and fish too I love you brother God is great so today we're gonna continue with our discipleship Sunday discipleship conversations training because we know that this is the place this is the time that God has for us to be here for the specific purpose of sharing his word of growing in that knowledge and understanding of his word no other reason than to give you praise and to learn of you all this morning we thank each and every one for being on the line this morning so father God we ask in the name of Jesus that you touch those that have lost love one on this morning Oh God Oh God we ask him that the healing virtues go throughout this morning we lift up our cousin this morning riding banks this morning Oh God we lift up my wife's uncle mr. Henry Bernard this morning Oh God we ask that you touch their bodies Oh God touch their souls Oh God Oh God touch their hearts Oh God that's most importantly Oh God that they're in my presence with you God Oh God we thank you right now for being a merciful God unto us Oh God so we thank you Oh God for what's in store on today Oh God how you going to bless Oh God we ask that you bless the teachers Oh God bless those that here yet learning Oh God of you Oh God we give you glory we give you praise and we magnify we had a conversation concerning we talked about revelations where we were talking about we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the testimony of the Saints and so we had a conversation about well look back over your life and talk about talk to us about what it is that God has done for you what is your testimony what is your story what he's done for you and it doesn't mean that the 70 year old person has more of a testimony or more of a story than the 20 year old person because God is doing something for all of us and everybody there's a song that says as I look back over my life and I think things over I can truly say that I've been blessed I have a testimony I say that there was a time when I didn't even think I had a testimony but the reality is God has been there all alone so today so we share of what he's done the idea of leaving was to think about those things that you have experienced with God what God has done for you and how are you going to share that information with others we say that the word preach does not necessarily mean doing a sermon because it means to proclaim it means so many things above and beyond sermonizing that every person that is saying every person that is saying can't proclaim or can tell or encourage others to give their little bit tell your two cents about the gospel and what God has done for you so today we're gonna build on that the lesson that I have today and the examples that I have today are not new we've gone over them before but in this new year it's so important for us to measure ourselves to determine where we are and if the anything has changed anything about us has changed good bad ugly there was a time when some of us may have been in the club some of us may be drinkers or smokers or whatever some people may have done this and done that but our foundation our spiritual foundation may have been in a place where we were like inside and outside of worldliness inside and outside of carnality at the same time say but not we talked about the after salvation training for the old and new so I want to review some of that and then the foundational principle that we must always look at this is a good time to look because there's so much coming up in this 2024 season they load us up they load the world up with ungodliness leading to the the past so there's so many things that the world does that if we're not careful we'll find ourselves mingling and being friends with the world and becoming enemy to God because we don't know or we haven't assessed ourselves to determine what our foundation is what our where our place is in Christ amen so what that said scriptures are multiple the scriptures are many but we'll focus on on Ephesians chapter 1 and then Romans chapter 10 you know Romans 10 we often go to Romans 10 for the if you believe with your believe in your heart and confess with your mouth you shall be saved but many times we don't go beyond that down to the 14 and 15 how can they hear if they don't have a preacher and how can they preach how can they proclaim how can they encourage how can they tell how can they give their true sense how can a person know Christ without you doing your part you us doing our part today let me start off holy spirit and start off here foundational principle so the foundational principle God we love you we praise you we give you glory and honor and thank you for your word thank you for opening our hearts and our minds to receive instruction from you this is discipleship training so father allow us to grow in our knowledge and understanding but not only that grow in wisdom and grow in our obedience to your word help us to become more and more and more like you foundational principle is this you me we must know where we are in our spiritual life to accurately set goals for spiritual growth and development where are you my story is that I didn't know where I was spiritually I thought I was saved at an early age I was baptized and I thought I was saved at an early age but my foundation was having faith but not salvation because I didn't believe what I said I didn't believe in my heart what I said with my mouth at the point of baptism so I was just a baptized sinner fooled you know tricked by the enemy to believe that that I was saved and if I had fallen to the point of death in that state the enemy would have won but God but God did not give up on me and he hasn't given up on any of us so I have a sheet I've drawn a circle a big circle all the way up to the all the edges of this of the sheet and then in the middle of the circle I've drawn another circle so it's like a clock you know a circle with a circle inside and then I have other circle between the boundaries of the inner circle and the outer circle I have a circle at the 12 o'clock at the 6 o'clock I have a circle at the 1 o'clock the 3 o'clock the 4 o'clock the 5 o'clock the 11 o'clock the 10 o'clock the 8 o'clock and 7 o'clock and in those circles are words let me explain it in order for you and me to understand where we are what our foundation is you must intentionally we must set our goal our spiritual goal has to be the inner circle the big inner circle is our spiritual goal must be to intentionally increase in our knowledge and understanding of God's Word and then after having grown in our knowledge through discipleship right through reading through all these things that that help us to grow after understanding God's Word we must purposely obey him and thereby growing or building our relationship with God with Christ with the Holy Spirit we have a part God has a part right God has done his part in Ephesians chapter 1 he the scripture teaches us that I like to read it for myself it says in verse 3 blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ many of us know at the heart who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ according as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love those on the say haven't predestinated us until the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he has made us acceptable in the beloved so on this side of glory on this side of he said in heavenly places on this side on the physical side of the heavenly places we have a responsibility to grow closer to God to learn who we are to set our foundation and then to begin to not just hear the word and understand the word but become doers of the word more than we just if 50% of my time is is worldliness and 50% of my time is is on it's given towards godliness the reality is 100% of my time is given towards worldliness because there's no in-between with God right it may seem like it's okay you know but it but for real for real God says I'm holy you be holy but we have to determine where we are we have to set that find our foundation before we can build on it right where am I am I in the same place I was last year I can you know I can I can love you today and curse you out tomorrow I can come to ministry today and and not be anywhere close to a ministry for the next six eight nine eight nine months days weeks while I do my own thing it's my thing I do what I want to do you know where are we so I said that inside so the whole circle the big circle is heavenly places right the house outer circle is heavenly places and and the inner circle then the spiritual goal intentionally increasing and not that is on this side of the physical side the earthly side though the world we had the world is all that space in between what other circles are so at the 12 o'clock circle we have to begin to intentionally increase Bible study so we're trying to grow in our knowledge and understanding but not only that but in our relationship with God so Bible study Bible study is not just when I open the Bible and read it that is it but it is also in studying what the Bible has for me or for you we have to apply what we learn see when if I prepare a meal for you and I prepare the table for you and I set the meal before you but you never eat it you don't know whether it's too salty or it's just right or whatever you you have to you have to you have to do something physical in order for you to experience the fullness of that meal the best part of that meal and with God it's the same way with the Bible with the Bible the basic instruction book for life on earth or basic instruction before leaving earth right we have to not only come to know it it's good to know it's good to read it it's good to pray from it and through it but it's it's better to know it and do all those things and to apply it James says faith without you know works is dead or I have faith in all of the things that I'm hearing faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God but to not apply it or to not even know where to apply it where where to find my foundation that's one of the tricks that's one of the tricks of the enemy God wants to manifest his the spiritual blessing that he's already released even before the beginning of time he wants to manifest it in our life but the manifestation part the physical part the work the part that that causes it to come into being on the on the earthly realm is faith with works right it's showing because the blessings are looking for the image of God the image of Christ in the earth and Christ is the word says to for us to become imitators of Christ so in other words when the spiritual blessings can see right can can can look at you or at my lifestyle and begin to see Christ instead of me our goal is to grow in our understanding so that we can become more and more like him but Bible study is not just reading and doing but it's also the the one o'clock circle would be spending quiet time right with God we study we do all of those things but there's there is a time a period a place that is necessary for your growth and my growth that we spend time actually spend quiet time with God not with the TV on now with the radio going not with the children crying not with other people in our in our space but this is God is a jealous God and he desires to spend time with you and to spend time with us by ourselves individually collectively is good great but there's some things that God wants to impart to you and to me that requires us to be still and to be in his presence without distraction I love my wife I love my family I love the great kids but like this morning before this I was studying and reading and I had my granddaughter with me and the thing is she won't pop all the attention all the time she'll sit there and she'll draw and do all those things but at some point she wants to pop all the attention and so my attention then shifts from the study or shift from the prayer it shifts to her so so there are times when God just wants you and me to be in his presence just for the purpose of being in his presence and he'll he always talks to our heart yeah he's always sharing something good he's always sharing something good and it's necessary to be in that quiet space sleep is one of those places y'all God intentionally sets I believe he's to set sleep into our day because he knows that when we sleep we don't interfere with him when we sleep he can get his message across when we sleep but some of us are so so accustomed to the blocks to that quiet time with God that we have to have the radio on or the TV going or the fan or some noise that prevents us from really having sound sleep some people just can't sleep it's like my mind is going too fast I can't sleep but we need to spend quiet time with God sleeping and intentionally while we awake so Bible study includes quiet time with God growing in our knowledge and understanding includes quiet time with God and then at the three o'clock circle in education right education we you're here now to learn or learn things but education is not just spiritual you have to grow he says that in the world we ought to be wise as serpents right but gentle as lambs gentle as doves so we have to grow we have to learn things you have to grow you have to you have to study part of Bible study is studying the environment around us studying the world around us getting to know the things that are around us because if you don't know the things that are good you may shine them and if you don't know the things that are bad you may embrace them so we have to study the word and study you go to school just to learn of your environment God placed us mankind in this three-dimensional environment to have dominion over it and part of our dominion is having knowledge of those things that are supposed to be under our authority instead of over our heads causing depression causing oppression causing all sorts of distractions right so part of the Bible study part of the foundational principle of getting to know yourself know where you are is educating yourself don't stop you know we never stop learning right you never stop growing your mind is is big enough to receive all the information that's out there it your spirit can receive it all there's no limit to what you can learn or to what you can know maybe limits to what you can do but not what you can know so then at the at the four o'clock is giving right is giving as we grow where's your where are you in your giving where are you in your giving not just giving money right people when you say give they most churchful most faithful immediately begin to think of money tithing offering right but this is also giving of yourself giving of your time Jesus says if you've helped that person that's on the cone right you gave him water I gave him something to eat that's giving right that's giving if you shared what you know that's giving if you proclaim the gospel to somebody that's giving what where are you how where are you in your in your when there are opportunities to give to pray to intercede to to sow where are you in your giving and then the next circle of the five o'clock circle would be church right church attendance and I like this one because it is changing so twelve o'clock was Bible study the next was quiet time with God the next was education natural and spiritual educating yourself continuing to grow in your knowledge and understanding then I was giving of time tithe offering self right service and then the next one is church and church attendance today you know post COVID pre COVID church attendant meant I had to be in the seat in the service right every seat in every service field is what we were looking for but but during COVID and post COVID we discovered that God is bigger than just the four walls of the church and he's provided for us this virtual space that we're in which allows us to share his word right the word is not physical I can read the Bible is physical but the words that I'm speaking in the words that you're hearing they're not physical their spirit and so the technology that he's allowed the virtual spaces that he allows permits us to be in the presence of the word to be to sit under the word to study the word to hear the word and to grow as the body of Christ to grow in our maturity to grow in our ability to share to grow in our ability to proclaim to grow as a church now the church what what is your attendance what is your commitment are you committed to being in the physical church sometimes and in the virtual churches sometimes and being the church at all times right at all times when you're in the worldly spaces are you the church can the blessing the spiritual blessings that are released in the heavenly realm find you when you're operating in the world because they see that you're the image the splitting image of Jesus Christ you are imitating him and what you do no matter where you are right the Pharisees and the legalists in Jesus's time they wondered about him because they said he's spending time with the with the with the people he's going in with the with the tax collectors he's going in with the prostitutes he's going in places where we don't we don't go unclean unclean right but everywhere he went they the place changed the people changed he didn't change he was the same he was a split image of his father his conversation was the image was the words of his father he did not change he was the blessings that were released in the heavenly realm could find Jesus Christ because they recognized God when he when they looked at him when they heard him and they'll recognize you when you look when you imitate Christ and when you speak Christ wherever you are you won't be changed as you grow in your in your knowledge and understanding as you grow in your obedience as you grow in your doing not just your hearing those blessings that are in the heavenly realm will manifest in the earthly realm because you're there signs and wonders and miracles follow you right they follow me they follow those who believe not only who believe but they manifest when they see Christ instead of you when they when they experience what you're doing what you're saying who you're being but when they see you they don't see you they see the Lord who has worked in you during your study during your time during your during your your imitation of him your obedience to him and they manifest and they manifest whether you're in the worldly situation be in the world but you're not of the world or you're in the church situation so church committed to attending and being committed to not only attending but being the church and then when we go back to the 12 o'clock the the 11 o'clock circle is left blank right it just it doesn't have a word in it it doesn't have a phrase in it it's just blank and that blank is there because you are the only person that will that something I don't care who it is there's something that you have that you know you have that the Spirit tells you that you have that you need to work on to grow in your knowledge to grow in your obedience to him to grow in your likeness to him in your holiness so you have to fill in that blank at the 11 o'clock hour you have to speak you have to write it you have to say it you have to know it you and only you can fill in that blank at the 10 o'clock there's non-family right spending time with non-family those people who are in your circles of influence right Mardi Gras happens I have cousins in Mobile every year during the Mardi Gras season is when they do their family reunion and their sister's trips right and when they in the in the early days they would be the party animals you know party party party but in the but after salvation as they grew in their knowledge and understanding now wherever they are they with the some of the same people in some of the same environments but their conversation and their behavior is different and the people that are around them are drawn to them because of that difference amen because of that difference because because people who are not your family they only receive you or accept you based on the truth that you exhibit you know you can say a whole lot of things but it's what you do when your audio and your video lines up they'll listen and and they will imitate you they'll ask you what it is about you that causes you to be different they'll ask you okay and then at the 8 o'clock the next circle down is family all right as soon as you need to interact with nine family members and and know through know how to interact with them the Bible teaches us how to go in and out among them right but also with family members husband wife how are you to treat each other how are you husband to love your wife and respect her how are you wife to love your husband and respect him and how are you to stand in agreement with over the children in authority over the children right the children how how are you in obedience to your parents how are you in loving your parents how are you and in being in learning through their example to be a godly person or a wild person what what are you learning so in our interaction inside of our circle the family circle how do you apply the principles the precepts the statutes the instructions right the admonishments the warnings right the commandments of God in your everyday life husband's wife families we're responsible there's in the Old Testament it says that every time you sit down that there should be that there should be the breaking of bread there should be some teaching you know and one scripture it tells us to write those things that you can't remember the stuff that you don't know to write it down to prove you know hanging around your neck but in other words to to keep reminding yourself of the godly things and measuring you must know where you are in your spiritual life to accurately set a goal for spiritual growth and development so in the family where are you are you are you rebellious father are you rebellious mother are you rebellious child right and what area of the rebellion is because of what you do or what they do so families Bible study are growing in our knowledge and understanding intentionally building our faith intentionally maturing in Christ after salvation right it's not it's not enough to get saved and then leave yourself in the same place doing the same thing living the same life it's not enough that's not enough that places you and me in danger in danger because in the kingdom of light everybody can see including Satan and he's able to recognize that the rebellion he knows because he was rebellious right he recognizes your rebellion and he attracts you do the things that you like to rebellion or you like to do he he's able to weaken your family he's able to weaken your example as mother father sister brother because of your lack of knowledge or your lack of intentionality and purposefully applying the things that you learn in your Bible study the quiet time the education spiritually and naturally the giving the offering the time the service your attendance your commitment right and the seven o'clock and almost finished the seven o'clock circle is prayer right all of this before during and after waking up pray study in the Bible pray setting your goals pray because the prayer that quiet time that prayer time is your communion with God that's where your instruction come from that's where your power comes from that's where your your ability to obey comes from because you know what the instructions are you know what the explanations are you know what the encouragement is and you apply it you do it and as we apply the things that we come to know and understand and experience we grow in divine wisdom in God the wisdom knowledge understanding experiencing God it God's way helps us to mature and grow in our godly wisdom right wisdom godly wisdom not worldly wisdom you don't have to really try to grow in worldly wisdom all of the things set around you to draw you away from God they teach you that TV radio school books all of that will teach you that amen and then finally at the six o'clock it's service right all of this that we're doing all the found the reason that we need to set a sure foundation is that we are responsible to minister we're responsible to serve ministry is service to the community service to your family service to the church service right what are you doing to serve you're getting a lot you've been given a lot but what are you doing how are you giving yourself away how are you giving your Christlike self away amen so our foundational principle for today you must know where you are in your spiritual life to accurately set goals for spiritual growth and development or maturity and that spiritual goal must be we must intentionally increase intentionally increase in our knowledge and understanding of God's Word not just to know it but to understand it and we grow in wisdom by applying it right we must purposefully obey him and thereby grow in our relationship with God and our maturity and relationship with Christ the Holy Spirit and others amen so God is great God is good and that's all I have bought by faith I pray I know that the Holy Spirit has been speaking to you because even during this conversation he's still speaking to my heart so I bless you and I open it up Apostle pastor others amen amen one of the things that the Lord pressed upon my heart even as a mandate to enlighten question or even catapult individuals in our walk concerning this very topic but one of the things you hear and will hear me talk about all the time is number one what are we doing what we have and we must examine ourselves and in order to know if you're growing we must set some goals to see where you can have something to go back to measure so one of the things even in my fitness endeavors I have everyone write something down I said because it must be trackable in the only way it's trackable you know we must have some starting point amen so I really enjoy the lesson on today and one of the things we were talking about last week about our testimony I actually got a testimony back from one again a principal that I teach and it was from my brother he was in a treatment group and he shared with them one of the things I told him is the enemy cannot turn this up with something that we've already exposed so in other words don't be ashamed of your testimony yes we have to you know be mindful that we might can't tell it all in certain settings but many times when the word of God says when we were recapping that we overcome by the blood of the lamb in our words of our testimony but the enemy sometimes will try to have us embarrassed about where we came from so that was one nugget that I wanted to just put out to everyone don't allow the enemy to make you ashamed of where we came from because you'll be so surprised how blessed things that we find small and Pastor Brown you mentioned that and that did bless my heart when you said you thought you didn't have a testimony but truly it's a testimony to have over 30 males all in one setting and all of you all had a two-parent home except one that was phenomenal amen so I enjoyed the lesson and I will continue to always check my growth and I believe you guys with this I was listening at a man of God he was teaching and he said often we'll say who I've been going through for 10 years and he said he said I want to correct that he said you haven't been going through you've been selling the same test for 10 years because when we go through then there's some growth so again if you've been and I was teaching this in the revival about two weeks ago to say if we are still stumbling over the same issue that we had 10 years ago this lesson will be very helpful to say let me put something in place so when I get faced with you know and I was using anger for example to where if I once I get angry angry and I'm still responding to in a place where people don't even know if I'm safe I can put something in place to ensure that I'm growing in that area amen so let's continue to grow it's open for someone else God bless you you praise God I just thank you for this lesson on today you know how God made you to go that way no even on you know the times and hours even on this morning you know oftentimes we don't set do that set aside that time for God where you specifically want time with you and I was just talking with I think was my wife and someone else about that 3 o'clock hour you know where in the morning where I was saying well I was getting up at this time to what he wanted that time I said well I hadn't gotten up in almost a month now you know but this morning there it goes again you know where you're up in the morning thinking that hey it's because of this but God is requiring that time with you and he's asking the question will you watch with me will you will you sup with me would you you come and be with me even though that you're tired at this hour will you come and so I could commune with you so I could impart in to you so I could minister to you so uh and knowing who you are you know like say who are you who are you in Christ so we have to sacrifice some things and boy you pointed out this thing here where you say everywhere Jesus went you know they changed he didn't so I thank God I thank God for the lesson up on today that you know we're learning and you know it's something that's been ingressive in my heart you know at times you know when we're at a point to where you say you're going through extra thing going through no I'm not going through that. He reminds you okay this is what you know the word says concerning you. Amen. Amen. Amen. So you're not going through the Apostle said you're not going through for 10 years you fail for 10 years. It's time to do something else. Amen. Amen. Next person. Any other input? Any other input? Amen. But just know another important thing that you say Apostle is that the enemy can use the stuff that we try to hide. Nothing's hidden from God but the stuff that we try to hide is that stuff that we find to be either we don't want we're not ready to give it up right we're not ready to stop because I love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I don't love you or I 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