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Manly Minute Ep 11

Manly Minute Ep 11

Pastor Ty CurryPastor Ty Curry



Welcome to Episode 11 of Monday's Manly Minute. Today's wisdom comes from Hebrews 4:12.

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The Bible is described as a living and powerful tool that can transform our hearts and minds. It can cut through the noise of the world and reveal the truth about ourselves and what God expects of us as men. We are encouraged to immerse ourselves in the scriptures and let them shape us. This is the main idea from today's Manly Minute. Hello and welcome to Monday's Manly Minute where we share truth for the man of God. Today's wisdom comes from Hebrews 4.12 which says, For the word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. You know, as men following Jesus, we are called to engage with the living and powerful word of God. The Bible is not just a book of stories and teachings, but it's a tool that can transform our hearts and minds. It has the ability to cut through the noise of this world and to reveal the truth about who we are and what God expects of us as men. So men, immerse yourself in the scriptures. Take them to heart. Let them shape you. Embrace the transformative power of God's word in your life. That's all for today's Manly Minute.

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