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Eileen Garcia



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♪ Welcome back to Books, Blackouts, and Brunch. This is our third novella episode. Welcome, welcome again. If you haven't listened before, these are spoiler-free. We'll let you know if there's going to be spoilers. There shouldn't be. These are just for us to chat. So buckle up. Not sure what we're going to talk about today. I'm Megan. I'm Kaylee. I'm Aileen. Hopefully you can tell our voices apart. I know. We were just talking about that. Because apparently, what was it, Kaylee, you said? I have a friend who can differentiate me, but thinks that you and Aileen sound very similar. But I think the thing there is that, like, she knows me. Yeah. She knows what my voice sounds like. I found it funny, because I think Meg, you and I sound a lot more similar. Yeah. And Aileen, to me, has a very distinct, like, radio presence voice. Yeah. Like, it's a very, like, different sound than what we sound like. It's also funny, because as people who know all three of us, because we're obviously here, I find it hard to differentiate between my own voice and Kaylee's sometimes. And then I lean the same between me and Kaylee. Yeah. When I'm editing the episodes, I have a hard time. And that's that your audio tracks are separate. So theoretically, it should be easy for me to be like, oh, Meg is talking, or Kaylee is talking. But when you guys start cross-talking, I will have a moment of, like, who is saying that? We may never know. Who could it be? All right. Well. It's been a week. Yeah, it's been a week. Someone wants to know if Mercury has been in retrograde, or if something else has just been influencing some crazy things, because I think we're all struggling. So true. This week's just been, like, something. But I did get Chris and I got ferns for our front porch, which I'm excited about. And we just went to a little, like, May Mart outdoor flower thing in our hometown yesterday, and we got some really cutesy little plants. Can we have, like, a plant potting party? Oh, my God. Please, please. I have a couple of empty pots, and, like, my apartment's not conducive to potting plants. Yeah. So I would love to come. Oh, my God. Of course. Potting plants. Well, we were thinking about doing some potting of plants tomorrow, after work, if you're free. You're more than welcome. Bring Junie and Mo. Oh, my gosh. I'm, like, literally such a Junie and Mo stan now. All my accounts are Junie and Mo fan accounts now. My freeloading roommates were left alone for a week, and so Meg was so nice to go check on them while I was away. And I think they loved her. They were quite literally the cutest thing. I really cried when you sent the picture, though, because I was just, like, Mo in the picture, and he has this, like, look that's like, you're not my mom. Like, where's my mom? He was like, I guess I'll sit here with you. No, he was literally so – they were both so cute. I walked in, so I, like, made my way over to Kaylee's apartment. I had never been there either, so I was like, what a fun little treat for me to be able to come to Kaylee's house. For the first time, meet these cats for the first time. We've known you for a year. We've heard the lore of Junie and Mo. And the apartment. And the apartment. We've heard the lore, but I was like, I literally couldn't tell you what this looks like. Like, never had a photo in my head of this apartment. And usually you know me. I have a good little imagery creation factory up here. Not an inkling of an image. So I pulled up. I said, okay, cute. I get inside. Well, number one, as an anxious person, I typically like to know the parking situation when I get somewhere. I like to know what door to walk in. I need to know if it's a push or pull. I don't want to look silly, you know. I've done this before. I went and got a spray tan before our wedding last year. I literally pull up to the place. And I see, like, the sign obviously is above the door. But there's a couple options for the door. And I was like, oh, no. So there's little numbers. I went on to Google Maps. And I zoomed in to the photo of, like, very specifically the business I was going into. And I double-checked which door it was. And I, like, counted how many in it was. So then I knew I could go in. So I arrive at Kaylee's apartment. I text her a photo. I said, is this the door? And she's like, yes. I said, perfect. So I make my way up. I find the elevator. Easy peasy. I go into the apartment. Both cats welcome me at the door. That's so sweet. They were the cutest thing. I always worry when they meet you at the door. I'm like, have you been sitting at the door for days? Have you been here for days? Judy was left by the door. I think they heard me because I also struggled with the key for a second. Because it's kind of like our front door where, like, the key, it's just right. Yeah. Just the right position to be able to, like, unlock and lock. That's how our front door is, too. Yeah. I think it's everybody's door. But you never know. So I was finagling. I was moving around. They probably heard it jingling. They were like, who's here? And they probably expected you. And they said, damn it. A random woman we've never met. But no, they greeted me. I gave them lots of pets. I was chatting up a storm to them. I filled up their little waters. And I texted you about the litter. I was like, I'll do this, too. So I go and do the litter. And then I roamed around a bit. I did. I was like, this is cute. I, like, went in. I was like, I like cute bedroom. I, like, went to the living room. I was like, oh, my God. Shameless. Like, yes, you do. You gave me access to your apartment while you're not here. I looked around. I didn't open anything. I was like, look around. Well, I did open your pantry. That's fair. That's where the cat treats were. That's where the cat treats. So I did get in there. I didn't open anything else. Don't worry. Well, no, I opened your cabinets. Your cabinets. I'm not meaning to lie. I'm just keep remembering. I did open up things. I opened up certain things because I needed things for the cats. Yes. It's fine. So the pantry for the treats. Your cabinets, I just opened up the cabinets. I said, I'm going to find another bowl. I got nervous. I was like, they need more. They need another water bowl just in case. So they had their three out. I then found a mixing bowl, which I'm sure you found hilarious. Very large mixing bowl. Pretty large bowl. I filled it with water. And then I was like, that should be good. And then right before I left, I said, what's one more? And so I went and I grabbed a coffee mug out of, because the other mixing bowl was even bigger. I was like, we don't need that. So I grabbed a coffee mug. And I was like, I'll fill this up with water too. And I just like set them all on the counter. And Mo seemed to enjoy it. Yeah. There was probably also a ton of cat hair on your counter, because he was getting all sorts of pets. I was going to say, they're shedding like insane amounts right now. And I guess they have winter coats. So they're like getting out of it. But I like got one of those like rubber brushes that like steams water to like mat the fur together. So cute. And I have, they're on a strict, I am brushing you every day until I stop dying, because you're just spitting cat hair everywhere you walk. Like it's an insane amount. I've gotten probably like five or six just wads, like full like handfuls of like packed hair. Have you, speaking of the packed cat hair, this is a very funny thing. Have you ever like, when you've taken out the brush, you can, you can form a little cowboy hat with it. What? You can stick it on there. What? I can't get out. We've done it before. I'll see if I can find a picture. We'll post it. It's so funny. No, you like take the cat hair out, because it's so mad and you can like form it. And we made it into this little cowboy hat once and stuck it on his head. So he just had a hat with his own hair on it. It's so funny. I loved it. We keep, every once in a while I'll do it, because I'm just like, I want to see it again. See, I was pretty unbothered by it. Is that a rose of posse carry thingy at the top of your bouquet? It is. My friend Nicole, shout out Nicole, from my last job, got me that because I love Schitt's Creek. Those are the only gifts I send in like our team strats at work. I very specifically send Schitt's Creek specific gifts to react to things. Schitt's Creek got me through the campaign. Because the final season was airing during the campaign. Oh, wow. So every week, like the comms team would get together at one of our houses after work and we would stream it together and have dinner together. And like quite lit, I got broken up with during that time. And it was literally as we were getting in the Uber to go to the apartment to have a streaming party and dinner. So I'm just like in the backseat of this Uber, like silently crying. And everyone else is kind of like giving me space, like have their back to me and stuff. And then we get to the apartment and one of them comes up to me and he's just like, he dumped you over this phone. Suck it up. And I was like, you know what, you're right. Oh, my God. And I got the drugs that night, but it was okay. I've actually never watched Schitt's Creek. Oh, my God. We need a watch party. Oh, we must. I've seen like a lot of random episodes. I've tried to watch it like just straight through several times and I just get like distracted or bored and it becomes like a background show. The first season is like a little bit. You kind of have to push through it. It's also so like kitschy. But personally, like season three is shook. I literally am obsessed with Schitt's Creek. I like have seen a lot of like the iconic moments and like a lot of like the normal episodes and stuff. I just haven't like, I couldn't tell you like the plot development of anything. Yeah. Because I haven't like watched it all the way through. Which to be fair, I think I've seen all of New Girl. All of New Girl has played on my like, I don't know, what's it on, Hulu? I count probably like three times, but there are still probably a ton of episodes that I haven't actually seen. Yeah. Because it just becomes like back, it's like nice little like funny background noise. Right. So I don't actually know what's happening nine times out of ten. I found these pictures. Oh my God. Let's see them. Okay. Oh my God. This is the worst. It looks like a straw hat. Forget the cute template you have for now streaming. That is the now streaming post. Next time to post. You just look so unbothered by it. Look at him. That's incredible. I'm obsessed with these. He sat with it too. Chris like sits on his head. Look at him. Well, glad I found those. But I do think we need to watch Schitt's Creek. Yes. Have you watched New Girl, Eileen? I've seen most of it. I think I stopped, like I never ended up watching the last season. I know that for sure. Because I kind of did get bored of it. At a certain point I was like there wasn't any more character development happening and it was kind of rehashing the same problems over and over again and I was just like getting a little bit tired of it. That's valid. That's fair. New Girl is definitely one of those like comfort shows. Yeah. It has its flaws. Chris hates Jess, like the main character. I like, I get it though. I don't watch it for Jess though. I'm watching it for like Schmidt, Nick. Oh, absolutely Schmidt. I'm watching it for like the guys. I mean, love CC. Like all like the little, like extra characters. Like I know Jess is the main character. Yeah. Lovely. But she's not my favorite. No. I think everybody else is so funny. But like same with like Gilmore Girls. Like I watch Gilmore Girls because it's nostalgic. I've never seen Gilmore Girls. Why? Wait, Kaylee. Kaylee. Kaylee, wait. This fall. We have to start it this fall. Put in those PTO requests now. We're taking like a week off. We need it. Yeah. I've never watched any of it. I have seen like clips on like Facebook. I'm kind of getting emotional. But I've actually never seen a full episode. Megan and I are unwell right now hearing this. Kaylee, I don't think you understand. I've watched through Gilmore Girls probably like six or seven times. I have. It counts. I couldn't tell you. It's such a comfort show. Oh, my God. And again, has its flaws. Yeah. But I love it no matter what. Oh, my God. And there's a whole podcast that I listen to called The Gilmore Guys. Oh, my God. Yeah. One friend, actually. Oh, my God. One friend watched every, he had like seen it many times, like very much like Eileen and myself. His friend who he started the podcast with had never seen it. So they watched each episode. And Kevin had watched it. And he's like, okay, I'm going in as like, this is my like 10th time seeing these episodes. But we'll like watch it and like dissect it. And then Demi would watch it for the first time. Oh, my God. And then they'd sit down and they'd record an episode and talk about it. And they would obviously point out like, this is a flaw. Like what's going on here? Like the continuity. Because there's obviously like it was the early 2000s. There's like boom mics in some of the scenes that like I never noticed because I'm just there. Like I'm just hanging out. Great. But like to dissect it. Obviously they like went into detail. But, oh, my God, Kaylee, we're going to start that this fall. Because I feel like the fall, perfect time to watch Gilmore Girls. Yeah, I just never got it. Like I never picked it up. It's going to be so comfy cozy. We can do a little summer party. It is. It's like a nice little warm blanket of a show. Because it's early 2000s. And you're just like, ooh, this is like the most romanticized version of like a little town. Yeah. Without all like the bad. Like everyone's all up in your business in a bad way. Everyone's all up in their business in the show. But in like the best way. Yeah. I think about Sleepy Hollow probably more than I should. Oh, Stars Hollow? Stars Hollow. It is kind of like Sleepy Hollow though. It does. That threw me for it. I was like, wait, am I misremembering? I wasn't sure about it when I said it. So there you go. No, I don't want to. If you want to call it Sleepy Hollow, call it Sleepy Hollow. It feels like Sleepy Hollow. It kind of does. No, it is giving it a vibe. Is this Sleepy Hollow like a Halloween? No. Sleepy Hollow. Isn't it like a horror movie? I don't know. It's a part of a play. I'm feeling like it's Pooh Bear for some reason. It's a Pooh Bear. But I don't think it is. No, I think it's like a. What is Sleepy Hollow? It's like a play. It's a horror movie. Right? It's a horror fantasy movie from 1999 starring Johnny Depp. Is it another play still? Oh. It is a 1999 gothic supernatural horror film directed by Tim Burton. Loosely based on Washington Irving's 1820 short story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I actually don't think I've seen this. Is this like a horse? Sleepy Hollow, though, is also a village in New York City. Yeah, there's a horse. It's a real place as well. I love that this is a Tim Burton directed Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci movie. Like, what else would it be? Great. Of course. Okay, so we need to watch Sleepy Hollow, the horror movie. Oh, this is. Sleepy Hollow is what The Hellish Horseman is from. Oh, okay. It is confusing, though. Like, we need. Everything's hollow. Sleepy Hollow, Star is Hollow. All the same place, I'm sure, at the end of the day. One's just a little spookier than the next. But now I think about living in that place and working at that inn. I would love to be the manager at the whatever that inn is. What's the inn called? Girl, I couldn't remember the name of the city. You want me to remember the name of the inn? Let's make up a name for it. I think. Well, it was. Oh, God. What was it called? The Butterfly. Wasn't it like the Butterfly Inn originally and then they renamed it? Oh, yeah. Girl's Inn. Is it just like the Star's Hollow Inn? It's kind of boring. It is. Start your weekend at the Mayflower Inn and Spa. Is it a real place? That's the inspiration for it. It's Dragonfly Inn. The Dragonfly Inn. What was it called before the Dragonfly? Because I know there was a name for it. I'm loving this fact-checking of Gilmore Girls. Kaylee's like, where are we? Not a clue. Connecticut, apparently. Mm-hmm. Wait, this is the one that's. You dropped out of Yale? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. You got spoiled. It doesn't say. Oh, I thought there was. It talks about its previous owners, but they don't say the name of it. Okay. We'll just have to watch and we'll figure it out. See if there's a sign somewhere. Okay, so we're going to do that in the fall. We're going to watch Gilmore Girls. You're going to watch Schitt's Creek. We've got quite the list of that because Gilmore Girls has six seasons. Seven seasons? I thought it was like 10. It's only six or seven. I think it's six. How many seasons is it? Hope you guys are in this for the long haul hearing of it. Seven seasons, yes. Seven seasons. I have one little fact for you. Is that the seventh season, I think it's just the seventh, was not written by the original people. Oh, really? And that's why a lot of people didn't like it. I did not know that. Because the original creators had left. Interesting. Yeah, so it was written by new people, and a lot of people had a big issue with it because the vibe changed. I think stuff like that is so funny. In the Twilight movies, I think each movie had its different director, and so that's why the vibes of all those movies are so different, even though it's all the same series. And then Harry Potter, you can tell when the director changed, because I think there was a director shift between three and four, or two and three, I don't remember which one it was. I think it was three and four. But you can tell kind of when the director shift changed, the set changed a little bit for like Margaret's Hut and everything. Even like Dumbledore's actor changed, and that happened because the original actor died, but that was still kind of like a big shift in like portrayal. But I think it's funny that people get really like, it's like a major difference between like who's directing and stuff. Oh my God, yeah. Yeah, like Gilmore Girls, it's like once we watch it, I'm just going to say that we're watching it. That's all my fall plans now. Fall bucket list. Oh my God, we get a projector screen and watch it out back. Ooh! That could be fun. I love it. Let's do it. I'll look on Amazon for it. We can send you the link to the projector we have. Yes, please do. No, that'd be perfect, because then we can just set it up out back. Oh my God. I'm so excited. I'm so excited for fall. Me too. And we are like just barely starting spring. We can shove pumpkins in the backyard. I'm not wishing away this year, though. I'm like time has been flying so fast, and I don't know how it's already May, and I'm like I can't think about fall right now. Fall's my favorite season, but I'm like I cannot. I want to enjoy the summer for sure. Yeah. We can watch Schitt's Creek this summer. Yeah. That's fine. That's a good summer. Gilmore Girls, we have to start in the fall, though, because I just feel like that's the vibe of it all. Correct. Man, we're doing all kinds of crazy things. We're learning a new language. Oh my God, yeah. I was practicing my ASL in the car on the way here. I had like a moment, and I'm like can I still do my name? I think I can. Awesome. Amazing. I am excited for that, whether we do ASL or Dutch or whatever we're doing. Yeah, I mean, I'm excited. I'll do both. I love languages. Yeah, let's do both. Because I want to do the Dutch, so a fun little update. I guess no one actually knows this. I studied Dutch for like a year during the pandemic, because why not? So I did classes with a woman. She lives in the Netherlands now. She's Ukrainian. She spoke 10 languages. Oh, you said that. I did classes with a woman. Dramatic pause. Dramatic pause. Her name was Irina. She was great. What kind of classes did you do, Meg? Oh, sorry, we were talking about Dutch. I did Dutch classes. I studied Dutch for like a year, and I found this lady on Instagram who like did Dutch classes. And so I signed up, and they were like really affordable. She like gave us all these Quizlets. Like, she was great. So I did those for like a year, but I haven't touched Dutch in like a more studying intensive way since April of 2021. And I very recently was like, we were talking about learning languages, and I was like, I want to get back into Dutch. So I found a school near us, and I was like, I want to go. So I messaged them on Facebook. I said, hello. Do you still do adult classes? Because I knew, like I could tell they did like kids' classes. But it's dependent on whether or not they do adult classes, because I get it. It's like either they're like a real school for like children, like K through 8 or whatever. So I was very excited that they had classes. They're going to do one in the fall, but they said they need three people. So we just need three adults in the surrounding area of us to want to do it. I need two other people. So I'm trying to get it. You're going to put Cleveland metro area. Yeah. If you want to do Dutch, email us. Message us on Instagram, because Kaylee said maybe. And then Kat, our friend Kat, shout out to Kat if you ever listen. Kat said she would do it. Really? Yeah, she goes, I'll do it. I was like, slay. I said, let's go, girl. And then we could all do a trip to the Netherlands. But Kat said that we're going to talk shit on the people who wouldn't take the class with us in Dutch while we're on the trip, and then people just won't know. I said, okay. Perfect. But, yeah, we might do ASL classes. I'm looking. I think the ASL classes that we found were hella cheap in comparison to other stuff, because I just found a Spanish class, and those are like $300 for a nine-week session. And the ASL class I think we found was like $135 or something. Yeah, for like eight weeks for the summer. And then the fall one was like $155, which even $300 is not bad. I've seen some where they're like, and I get it, like totally understand that if you're getting all of the books and materials that you need, like totally understand. But some of them I've seen are like $2,000 for a course. And I'm like, I hope I'm like living there. You can take it at a community college and get college credit. Right. Well, I did look at community colleges around here, because I was like I want to know if any of them have it, and none of them have Dutch. I said, okay. But a lot of them have ASL. Tri-Seas is apparently a decent program. Oh, the girlies go back to college. Please, dear God, no. For this three-credit course. Can we audit it? I don't want to like actually get graded. I guess it wouldn't really matter. Maybe like a pass-fail situation. Yeah. Audit's usually like pass-fail, I think, right? That would make sense. July 9th through August 28th, ASL 1 is on Tuesday nights. We would have to reevaluate our climbing schedule. You'd have to reevaluate your library schedule. You'd say, sorry, I'm actually booked that night. But it's not sold out. It looks like ASL Level 1 regularly sells out, though. It was sold out in the winter session and the spring session. Oh, wow. But it's not sold out yet for summer. Okay. But I don't understand why they're all online right now. That might be because I would rather, especially ASL. Yeah. I would so much rather be in person. I want someone to be able to come up to me and force my hand into the position it needs to be because I simply don't understand sometimes where my finger is supposed to go. That's fair. Yeah, I feel like that would be my thing is I want to make sure I'm, like, positioning it correctly. Yeah. And there's a lot with, like, facial expressions, too. What if, like, there's a lag? Like you're supposed to make it real fast? Yeah. Like, you know, what if there's, like, what if, like, your Internet, like, buffers, but then, like, they miss some of what you're doing where, like, it's, like, you know, some people, like, their voices are still going, but, like, their video's lagged. Yeah. What if they, like, can't see that, like, you're making the correct, like, facial expression? Yeah. What's the, like, the signs? So I just feel like in person would be better. I also feel like in person, to me, I feel way less stupid asking questions. Yeah. Because it's not, like, in writing or, like, you don't have to deal with it being over a video. Yeah. I don't know because, like, for the Dutch, I'm like I would rather be in person because then I can be like, hang on, what's going on here? Instead of, like, having to message, like, hi. Right. I don't have to deal with writing. I don't want all my questions in writing. No, I feel like. Because then it's silly. Yes. I just got super excited because I saw, like, the CCPL had, like, American Sign Language, like, three-week course and I, like, clicked on it. Really? It was in 2018. Oh. It was an actual event from 2018. I was about to say because the last time we were talking about it, I had mentioned that CCPL does classes and then I went home and I looked for it and I realized they are all English classes for speakers of other languages. So they'll show up categorized. Oh, okay. The example that I was taught in training was, like, apparently we have a large community of Romanians. Oh, cool. At least where my library branch specifically is. Yeah. So that's, like, the flyer that we hand out often is, like, oh, if you speak Romanian and want to learn English, like. Yeah. This is where the classes via CCPL are offered. But, yeah, they're all English. That's really cool, though. Yeah. That's, like, a really nice resource for people who are, like, I really want to do, like, a language class. And they're free. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. I love that. Again, back to, like, our first episode. I love a library. I love the library. I finished my training. Did you? I'm officially good to be a substitute librarian. Woo-hoo! Oh, my God. That's so exciting. You're so cool. I'm, like, scared. You are so cool. None of the available substitute slots right now are, like, at my home library. I would have to do it at a library branch I haven't been to yet. I mean. And that's, like, so much anxiety. So, like. No, you don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. You don't have to. That's all I've got. Or we could go to Crocker and get chocolate apples. Oh my god. We could also get food there. Yeah. Do we go to Cheesecake Factory? That's always such like a rogue place. I do go there sometimes though. My friends Isabella and Hannah and I, shout out Hannah and Isabella, I've shouted a lot of people today. We used to drive to the Cheesecake Factory and we would very specifically go at night and we'd get decaf lattes and a slice of cheesecake and then we'd bring it back to our apartment and we'd eat it. I would go to Cheesecake Factory just to get a slice of cheesecake, god damn. I really like their white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. That one's great. But no, we could get chocolate apples too. But then they also have that Italian place or there's Condado and get tacos. Oh, we could get tacos and then get the apples and like. Yeah. We could do that. That could be fun. I think that's what we need today. I think that's what we need to do. After our week that we've had. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I love it. Oh my god, I'm so excited. On that note. On that note, I think we've got to go get some tacos. And chocolate covered apples. I hope you guys enjoyed our, I don't even know what we talked about. It was a dream of consciousness. It was very strange. It really was. But you know what? That's what this is for. Yeah. And if you're along for the ride with us, that's all we can hope for. If there's something specific you want us to talk about, let us know. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes we do better with an outline. Yeah. If there's any topics you're like, I just want to hear them spew info or thoughts about something. Like, I don't know. If you want to hear Meg's controversial opinions on the new Taylor Swift album. So yeah. I'll happily give them. We could talk about fences. Chris and I want to replace our fence. For a second, I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried. I cried.

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