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Pastor Paul-The Incomprehensibility of God-04-12-23

Pastor Paul-The Incomprehensibility of God-04-12-23

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Pastor Paul on The Incomprehensibility of God

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The podcast explores the intersection of faith and everyday life, offering guidance and insights. The main idea is that humans cannot fully understand God. People often try to comprehend God's depth but fail because our finite minds cannot comprehend the infinite God. The podcast emphasizes the importance of having a child-like faith and not letting our problems overshadow God's greatness. It also highlights that God reveals himself to us to the extent he chooses, and we should not let our limited understanding limit our faith. The book of Job is mentioned as an example of how God challenges Job's questioning of his wisdom. The podcast concludes that while we can know God to some degree, our knowledge is partial and limited. Welcome to Pastor Paul Abrams' podcast, where we explore the intersection of faith and everyday life. In each episode, Pastor Paul offers insightful perspectives and practical guidance to help you navigate life's challenges with courage, wisdom, and compassion. Whether you're looking for inspiration, guidance, or just a moment of reflection, this podcast is for you. Join us as we dive deep into topics like faith, family, relationships, and personal growth, all through the lens of Pastor Paul and the Bible. This morning, we want to talk about the incomprehensibility of God. Let me read something for you. No human being has the ability to understand God exhaustively. Let me repeat that. No human being has the ability to understand God exhaustively. See, a lot of people amaze me where they try to figure out God. I've met some people who have lost their faith because of the subject of free will. This circle reasoning, how do we have free will if God already knows? How do we have free will if God has already done it? They just go in this vicious cycle of trying to figure out the depthness of God. Let me reiterate, or let me repeat, no human being has the ability to understand God exhaustively. We can't. God is God, and we cannot comprehend God, the depths of God, who God is, the divine character of God. Now, we can read about God. We can look at his word. We have Jesus, who is the expression of God, but we can never truly understand God exhaustively. Listen to this. Once there was a Swiss theologian, Karl Barth, who was asked by a student on a lecture, Dr. Barth, what is the most profound thing you have ever learned in your studies of theology? Dr. Barth thought for a moment and then replied, Jesus loves me. This I know for the Bible tells me so. The students and the room full of people started to giggle at the simplistic answer that this doctor of theology responded with, but the laughter was of a nervous sort as they slowly realized that Dr. Barth was serious. He says, the greatest and deepest thought in my theological studies is that Jesus loves me, and the Bible surely says it. Dr. Barth gave a simple answer to a question of profound thought. In doing so, he was calling attention to at least two vitally important notions. Number one, that in the simplest Christian truth, there resides a deep thought that can only or does occupy the minds of most brilliant people, that why does God love me? I don't care how deep we get into theology, how many degrees that we get, it all goes back to a thought of Jesus loves me, and the Bible tells me so. Number two, that even a learned theologian, sophisticated theologian, we really never rise above a child's level of understanding the mysteries and depths and riches of God's character. No matter how deep we get in the Word of God, we never rise above a child-like faith. As I prayed for Ms. Medina, her circumstance and her situation is going to take a child-like faith. As we prayed for Jim's sister Diane, her situation, even Jim in his prayer, must take a child-like faith. And see, the problem with some people is that we want to think as if we are God. We want to somehow figure out the perplexed problem. Once again, remember a few weeks ago, I talked about we get overly consumed with the details, but when it's all said and done, I respond just like the theologian said. He says in this, he says, I know the Lord loves me because the Bible tells me so. But we can never truly comprehend the depths of God. Listen to this, I repeat, no human being has the ability to understand God exhaustively. There is a built-in barrier that prohibits total comprehensive understanding of God. Within us, there's this built-in barrier that we can't comprehend God. We can't, if you will, figure out the character of God. There's a barrier. We don't have the aptitude and we don't have the ability to comprehend and understand God. We are finite creatures and that's the problem. We are finite. That word finite, I looked it up, it basically means in our finite attitude or our finite, being finite creatures, we eventually will expire. When you're finite, you will eventually come to a close. You will expire. There's a time limit in your understanding, in your ability to comprehend God. We are finite creatures. God is infinite. He's an infinite being. While we're finite, our inability to understand an infinite being is logical. It makes sense. And how many people around here think they have God figured out? How many people walk around and try to figure God out? Therein lies our problem. We're finite. God is infinite. How shall finite comprehend the infinite? How should we as finite creatures? Now, trust me, we can study God's word and we can know more about God than we can ever imagine. We can study his word and he will reveal some things to us. But when it's said and done, you and I are finite. Now, there's some people that excel above measure when it comes to their understanding of God. There's some people that excel above measure when it comes to theological doctrines. But when it's all said and done, God has revealed some things to them. But they are still finite. How shall a finite comprehend the infinite? Medieval theologians had a phrase that has become a dominant truth for the study of theology. The finite cannot grasp or contain the infinite. Nothing is more obvious than that an infinite object cannot be squeezed into finite space. An infinite object, think about it, God, cannot be squeezed in a finite space. We cannot, we can grasp theology, but the hold, or how should I put it? We can grasp God, but we can never take hold of that grasp. We are so finite that we don't understand the depth and who God is. Some of you, and I don't know about you, but I know me, sometimes we even let our problems in our mind be greater than God. Let me say that again. Sometimes we let our problems, we think our problems sometimes are so big and so terrific or horrific or so whatever adjective you could use to describe that problem. Sometimes we think that's bigger than God. Because why? We have finite thinking. Think about it. And I read again, the finite cannot grasp or contain the infinite. Nothing is more obvious that the infinite object cannot be squeezed into a finite space. God cannot be squeezed into your box. God cannot be squeezed into your finite size. God cannot be squeezed into your micro opinions. God is bigger than all of that. God is bigger than your issues and your problems. I'm not, I don't want to say I don't care, but I wouldn't be overly concerned when the doctor brings the report of the very thing you weren't expecting. I wouldn't be overly concerned when the kids have left and you've not spoken to them. I wouldn't be overly concerned with some things, but what I would do is I would go and present my case to God and trust in him. Do not allow your finite thinking to limit an infinite God. And see, that's where Satan plays. He plays on your finite thinking. Remember, finite means we have a date of expiration. Not, not, not, but every bit of us, we are limited. We're limited in power. We're, we're, we're limited in knowledge and understanding. We are limited, but God is infinite. He's unlimited. There's no limit on his power. There's no limit on his knowledge. There's no limit on his presence. Let's quit gleaning God through our finite thoughts and opinions and an attitude and, and, and exposure and start looking at an infinite God for who he is. He is God and nothing is impossible for God. And not just you, we are all finite creatures. We remain in the image of God. I've heard scientists say, and I don't know how true it is, that we only use a certain percentage of our brain. I don't know how true that is. And I'm sure all of you have heard the same thing, that we only use a portion of our brain. Of our brain. This truth that we are trying to convey is an important doctrine in Christianity. It is the doctrine of incomprehensibility of God. Someone just said we use 10%, I think, that we have to understand the incomprehensibility of God and who he is and what he is about. We must. As infinite creatures, we cannot know God. Now, wait a minute. Someone might say, wait a minute, Pastor Paul. So then if that's the case, if God is beyond human comprehension, does that suggest that all religious talk, conversations, even this is just Bible? Does it suggest that? When you say we can't comprehend God, is it, or do we just have an altar to the unknown God? This by no means is the intent. The incomprehensibility of God does not mean that we know nothing about God. Rather, it means that our knowledge is partial and limited and falling short of total comprehensive knowledge. We are limited. We are finite creatures. We were made in the image of the creator, but we are limited. The knowledge that God gives us of himself through revelation is both real and useful. We can know God to the degree that he chooses to reveal himself to us. See, Abraham had a revelation of God that was far deeper than you and I. Even Jesus referred to Abraham in the New Testament. God chooses how he reveals himself to you individually. Moses pleaded to see God, and God allowed Moses to see the in trails or the in parts of his being. It says when Moses looked upon him, there was a shine or the being in the presence of the glory of God, it radiated out of his face. But God reveals to us what he wants us to know. The thing is, wait, I'm going to really step on some toes here. Hang on, let me take a sip. The knowledge that God gives of himself through revelation is both real and useful. We can know God to the degree that he chooses to reveal himself. The finite can grasp the infinite, but the finite can never hold the infinite within its grasp. Now, though, are you putting yourself in a position that God will reveal himself to you? Let me repeat. Are you placing yourself in a position that God will reveal more of himself to you? See, there lies the problem. Lies the problem. We say we're Christians, but we still dabble in the word. We say we're followers of Christ, but we follow some other subjects too. We say we love the Lord. Thank you. We say we love the Lord, but we don't obey his commandments. Then we have found in our position to have a very superficial understanding of who God is and his greatness. Our finite mind is fully engaged, and the barrier that's in place that keeps us from receiving the fullness of God is bigger and thicker and taller than ever, and it prohibits us for understanding or comprehending more of God. Watch this. Look what it says. The knowledge that God gives of himself through revelation is both real and useful. We can know God to the degree that he chooses to reveal himself and the finite can grasp the infinite, but the finite can never hold the infinite within the grasp. There is always more to God than we apprehend. Do you guys know anybody that won't accept Jesus Christ because they want to know more? Do you know somebody that won't accept Jesus Christ because they don't have their questions answered? Do you know somebody that will not receive God or believe in God or believe in Jesus Christ because they're testing God and they want answers and they will not receive God? I'll give you some very simple ones. Someone just did it earlier right here on this platform. They mentioned something about slavery and how it was condoned in contemporary ... I mean, they mentioned slavery and how do we accept a religion that condones slavery. Other people say something like, well, why would God allow cancer in this world? Why would God allow hurt and pain in this world? We know the common answer is because of the sin that has destroyed and rocked this world, but we don't always have the answer to every question, and we won't. There are questions that I don't ponder, but I've had come to my mind that I've said, God, how are you revealed in this? And there's a lot of times that I don't get my question answered, but listen to this. Turn your Bibles to Deuteronomy 29.29. Praise be to God on the MCAT. My niece graduates med school this June, so amen. Amen. Good for you. Proud of you. Good job. You're going to do great. You're going to do great. We prayed on that. You're going to do absolutely wonderful. Look what Deuteronomy 29.29 says. For those who want their questions answered, and one individual said, well, it's easy. There is no God. Fran, I got news for you. You cannot firmly stand on any ground to say there is no God. That is absolutely the nonsense. I'm saying this in the kindest, most respectful way. A fool says in their heart, there is no God. 29.29. Sorry. Oh, look at that. Look what it says. The secret things belong to the Lord, our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and our children forever. There are some things, secret things that we don't know about. There are some things that God has not revealed to us. Matter of fact, I think in the New Testament he even talked about that if the things that Jesus looks on what he has done, but the secret things belong to God. There are things that God has not revealed to us. And for you and I to say, well, I'm not going to serve you, God, because I don't understand this. You are a finite creature. It is impossible for you and I to comprehend God. It is like a toddler arguing with a parent. It is like a baby trying to debate an adult. But the Bible says again in Deuteronomy 29.29, the secret things belong to the Lord, our God, but the things which are revealed, revealed, what God wants to reveal, a revelation. See, there's the hidden things of God, the things we don't know. There's the revealed aspects of God, the things we do know. But God reveals as he wants to us, corporately and individually. But you have to put yourself in a position as a finite creature and say, Lord, reveal yourself to me. And God is willing and able to peel that onion away so that you would know more of him, that you may grow closer to him. Martin Luther, the great theologian, referred to the two aspects of God, the hidden and the revealed. That portion of divine knowledge remains hidden to our gaze. We work in the light of what God has revealed. You know, it's powerful. We just celebrated the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God revealed himself through Jesus. In the Old Testament, God revealed himself through what? The prophets. He revealed himself through signs and wonders and miracles. He revealed himself. I refer back many times to the Red Sea. I am sure, without a doubt, and we remember the young woman in Jericho, the prostitute, she even referenced to the God that extracted his children or his people out of Egypt. I'm sure the reputation of God and his reveled lands that people understood that these are God's people, they are chosen by God, and God allowed that revelation to take place. But God cannot be comprehended. This is bottom line. God cannot be comprehended. He's in... It's impossible with a finite mind as creatures to understand who God is fully, exhaustively. We can read his word, and we can get a lot of revelation. Then we can get in prayer, and we can fast, and we can get more of a revelation. But to really exhaust and comprehend the character of God, it is completely impossible as finite creatures. Now we're going to finish the rest of our session reading the book of Job. Let's look at the book of Job, and we're going to go to chapter 38. The book of Job, chapter 38. We're going to read the whole thing. The book of Job, chapter 38. Once again, God cannot be comprehended. The comprehensibility of God, amen, the Holy Spirit guides us. And this is how God reveals himself through the deepness of the Holy Spirit. But even in that, we cannot fully, exhaustively understand who God is. But in that, I reverence that. But let's look at the book of Job, chapter 38, starting with verse 1. Then the Lord answered Job out of a whirlwind and said, who is it who darkens counsel by words without knowledge? That right there is a kick in the stomach. Basically, the Lord is saying, you know what? I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I think the NLT does a superior job of expressing this. Let's go to that. I'm going to go to the NLT, if you don't mind. I think that you will be, the way it's worded, I think you'll be truly blessed by how the NLT puts it. Let's do that. Job 38 in the NLT. Let's do that, please. I really want you to hear, once again, our subject matter is that God cannot be comprehended. We can't truly comprehend God. Our finite minds cannot comprehend an infinite God. We are limited. Why? Because there's some things that God reveals to us, we looked at the scripture, and there's some things that are hidden from us. So we operate under the light, if you will, symbolically speaking, not literally, we operate under the light of the revelation God has given us. But look what God says to Job, and I think this is powerful. Let me get over there. Job 38, verse 1. Who is this that questions my wisdom with such arrogant words? Anybody you know questions God with their arrogant words? Anybody you know that questions God, they might have a little easel in their hand. They might be gifted with some education, and they question God with arrogant words. This is God talking to Job. He says, brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer them. God says, and you know the King James Version, when he says I'm going to talk to you like a man, I think what God is implying there is stay in your place. You are just a man. Stay in your place. I created you. Stay in your place. You're finite. I believe that's really the indication here, but let's go back to the scripture. Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer them. Tell me if you know so much. This is God speaking to Job. He says, where were you? When I created the heavens and the earth, when I placed the sky in position, the oceans, everything within, where were you? Were you there? And to some degree, God is really questioning Job's intellect. Not as intelligent to the point does or does not understand, but he's saying you don't know what you don't know, and quit boasting as if you do know. That's all he's saying, because why? God is uncomprehensible. We can't comprehend the fullness of God. We are finite creatures, and I don't care how much education you get, how much knowledge you get, you will never exhaust the knowledge and understanding of God. Never. You might be ahead of the class compared to some others when it comes to your knowledge of God, but you will never truly comprehend the fullness of God, and if you do comprehend some, it's because God revealed it to you. Who determined the dimensions, God says, and stretched out the surveying line? What supports the foundations, and who laid its cornerstone? Once again, God is questioning Job on the creation. As the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy, who kept the sea inside its boundaries as it burst from the as it burst from the womb, and has clothed with clouds and wrapped it in thick darkness? For I locked it behind barred gates and limiting its shores. I said this is far, and no farther. Will you come here? Your proud waves must stop. How many of you have gone to the ocean? Notice how the ocean goes up only so far, then it goes back. Even at high tide, it only goes so far, and it comes back. Even at low tide, it goes so far, and then it comes back. But then again, we might have a tsunami. And the waves go farther, but watch, wait a minute, watch this. For I locked it behind barred gates, limiting its shores. If God wanted to unleash those waves to go farther, he could do it. It's called gravity and physics, but who created gravity and physics, friend? You have a label for it, but who created gravity and physics? You can labelize it all you want, but it comes from God. It comes from God. Watch this, verse 11. I said this far, and no farther. Will you come here? Your proud waves must stop. Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east? Have you made a daylight spread to the ends of the earth to bring an end to the night wickedness? As the light approaches, the earth takes shape like clay, pressed beneath a seal. It is robbed in brilliant colors. The light disturbs the wicked and stops the arm that is raised in violence. Have you explored the springs from which the seas come? Have you explored their depths? This is God. This is God talking to you. He's speaking to you and I. We are God, and to try to comprehend God, you take your science, you take what you do know, and it's finite in your finite passion, and you try to labelize a deep God, which you can never comprehend God. You can never comprehend God. I had a physician. I forgot his name, but he was a vascular surgeon. He said, you know, Paul, every time I go into surgery, I thank God for using me to be a surgeon. I said, praise God. He said, but you know what's powerful? I said, what? He goes, I make the incisions. He takes a scalpel and he makes the incision, may it be the heart, may it be the appendix, may it be whatever the case may be. He goes, I make the incisions, but he goes, I am still amazed that God heals the person, that the incision that I made now is restored. And while this is a trained physician, he was still amazed that God Almighty in his infinite wisdom could heal that person. Let's go on what God says in verse seven. Do you not know where the gates of death are located? Have you seen the gates of utter gloom? Do you realize the extent of the earth? Tell me about it. Do you know Job? Do you know? He goes on farther in verse 19, where does the light come from and where does darkness go? Can you take each to its own home? Do you know how they get there? But of course, you know all this, for you were born before it was all created and you are so very experienced. Think about it. God is basically telling Job what he doesn't know. That last part, that last part, he says, can you take each up to its home? Do you know how to get there? Then God says in verse 21, but of course, you know all this. Job, you know all this. You were there from the very beginning when I created the heavens and the earth. You were there when I created the ocean. You were there. Job, please tell us. What do you know? Verse 22, have you visited the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of hell? I have reserved them as weapons for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war. Where is the path to the source of light? Where is the home of the east wind? Who created a channel for the torrents of rain? Who laid out the path for the lightning? Who makes the rain fall on barren land? These are deep questions. Now, we don't want to rob science because they can answer a lot of questions, but then again, we have to get back to the origin. Someone once again said gravity. Who made gravity? See, that's finite thinking. I can't comprehend. He understands gravity because he created gravity. Verse 23, who sends the rain steadfast to the parched plain? Have a father? Who gives birth to the dew? Who is the mother of the ice who gives birth to the air? Who is the mother of the ice who gives birth to the frost from the heavens? For the water turns to ice as hard as rock and the surface of the water freezes. Can you direct the movement of the stars, binding them to clusters of the palisades through the seasons or guide the bear with her cubs across the heavens? Do you know the laws of the universe? Can you use them to regulate the earth? Can you shout to the clouds and make it rain? Can you make lightning appear and cause it to strike as you direct? Who gives institution to the heart and instinct when the parched ground is dry and the soil has hardened into clods? Can you stop prey from lioness and satisfy the young lion's appetite as they lie in the dens or crouch in the thickets? Who provides the food for the ravens when their young cry out to God and wonder about in hunger? God says to Job from the very beginning, and I love the very first part, then the Lord answered Job from a whirlwind. Who is this that questions my wisdom? Who are we to question God's wisdom? Who are we to question God's infinite wisdom? We are finite. We are finite. We're finite. We are frail, fragile, finite creatures. We are created. Who are we? Who are you? Who am I to arrogantly pop off with some knowledge that we were cheering from someone else and boast as if we know better than God? Who are we? Who are we to question God's infinite wisdom? Who are we to question God's infinite wisdom? And like he says there, brace yourself like a man because I have some questions for you and you must answer them. I guarantee you the posture of Job as God asked him the questions was this. I don't know. I'm not sure. Gravity? The big bang? I don't know God and that's what it boils down to. We don't know because we are finite. We are finite. So what is my final analysis? It's this. Know God is God and know what revelation God has given you. Run with it. Run with it. If God has revealed himself to you in certain arenas in your life, go with it. What you don't know about God, it's okay. You keep studying, you keep praying, and you apprehend him. And if you do that in due season, God will reveal small parts of his being. But know this. We cannot comprehend the fullness of God. We can't. There are questions that are going to go unanswered. There are going to be some why's that never ever in this lifetime will get answered. But that does not dismiss the fact that God exists. To make this cell phone work. But you don't dismiss it. Matter of fact, you don't leave home without it. You don't fully comprehend how your phone works. But you do not leave the house without it. Take that same energy and that same motivation when it comes to the creator of the heavens and earth. I might not comprehend the fullness of God, but I know what I know. Now here's the beautiful part. One day we will be in the presence of God. One day he will meet us in the sky. Hang on. I saw somebody mentioned something and I'm going to. One day we will meet the Lord in the sky. And we will be in his presence. We can ask and we can listen and we can receive and we can be. We can have revelations that will blow our mind. But until then, let us study his word. Let us stay in prayer. Let us stay in prayer. And let us operate in what we do know. That Jesus is the king of kings and the Lord of lords. And that he has all authority. And the only way that I can get to the father is through Jesus. That right there. Right there. You don't, if you never understand anything else, you are ahead of the game right there. If you believe that Jesus is the only way to God, you got, you received the greatest revelation that humanity could receive. If you understood what Jesus did on that cross, understood what Jesus did on that cross, and how he gave his life for you and I, that we deserved the penalty that came with our sin and sin nature. If you can understand that, that right there. We had a deep subject this morning. Somebody's like, well, I'm scratching my head on a pass ball. That was, that was, that was a deep, I wasn't really jiving with that. I couldn't understand it, or I did understand it, but you know, but if you understand what Jesus did on that cross, that one could have. All right, everybody, I got to get, I got to get to work. I get over there to Ace. Um, may God bless you all. May he watch over you. May he keep you. I, I, I thank God for this opportunity that I may use the gift that God has given me to share with all of you. Uh, thank you for your time. Thank you. Um, what I would do, and I'm, I'm, I would look up Jesus Christ going through this temptation. Look at when Jesus, of course, the book of Matthew, Jesus is, uh, uh, about to start his earthly ministry and he's drawn out. Pastor, I've tried to make an account. It won't let, so I can donate. Please let me know another donation. Oh man. Um, it won't let you donate. That's, I'm sorry about that. Um, if you go to, and I don't know if you're familiar with, I don't know what our, oh wait, I got my other phone here. Hang on. Let me look here. Um, the other option that you could probably use is, um, so if you, if you were to go to a thing called cash app and I don't know, but if you go to cash app, it's, it's a basically, can you see that? It's S A N B C church. It's S A N B C church. Um, and that's the, that's one of the apps that the church uses to donate. And we created that during the pandemic. So if you want to go to S A N B C church, you should be able to, uh, uh, go ahead and donate that way if that works, man. So I'll, I'll show that to you one more time. Anything in the, and I know that's hard to see. There you go. Um, ACE is doing beautiful guys. God is using me. My manager the other day got on the, you know, we wear these headphones. Well, here's one right here. Perfect example. I gotta get off and get ready, but let me share this with you. We wear these so we can talk to each other in the store, maybe a customer. And my boss on the headphone asked me, he says, Hey Paul, can you give us a scripture today? And I did. And I said, Hey Paul, can you give us a scripture today? And I did. God is really using the ministry there at ACE. I haven't had to Uber at night. And I think all of you, um, I haven't had to go Uber. Uh, people have donated 10 here, 25 there. And you know, so if you do the math at $50 times five is $250. People have donated where I didn't have to go Uber in the evening. So that enables me. And then our friend Bo, friend of the ministry who blesses our ministry, this is all very helpful. So I'm able to work at ACE that, um, doesn't pay what we're used to, but I'm able to do it. And our needs are being met. So I think each one of you mean enough of all that. Um, thank you everybody. May God bless you. May watch over you. Keep us in prayer because my son is getting married here on Saturday. And I tell you what, I pray that I don't start crying during the ceremony as I do this ceremony. I'm I'm I'm praying for me cause I might bust out in tears. So there you go. Uh, you, you are so lucky if someone mentioned Jesus here, you would be fired. Oh yeah. Right. God is really blessing at ACE. It's amazing what God is doing. And you know, all I do, everyone's are, cause we have a lot of young people there. There might be a half a dozen, maybe a dozen that are under 23 and they're, they're looking at me and, and, and, and they'll see me in the corner and they may, you know, read the Bible and stuff when I got my 10 minute break or stuff and it's powerful. It's powerful. It's, it's, I'm a blessed person. I'm a very blessed person that God is using me in every aspect of my life. And I just think, all right, everybody, God knows we love you guys. I want you to have a great day. Allow the Lord to use you in a powerful way. All right. Father, God, thank you. We praise you. We honor you. We lift you up. Father, I pray that you would just watch over us, that you would keep us, that you would just bless us, that you would show favor upon us. And Lord, I just thank you. Thank you for all the blessings you've bestowed on me with my beautiful wife and family, my children, my church family, all these beautiful people. Thank you, Lord. Father, and I pray that you would just bless us and keep us, watch over us as we honor you with our lives. We ask this in the Thank you for tuning into the Coffee with Pastor Paul podcast. We hope today's message has been inspiring and uplifting for you. If you would like to stay connected and receive notifications for new podcasts, please visit our website at pastorpaul.tv and register with us. We believe that through this podcast, we can continue to spread the word of God and reach more people with his message of love and hope. So make sure to sign up for notifications and share this podcast with your friends and family. Thank you again for joining us today. We look forward to having you tune in next time. Until then, may God bless you abundantly.

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