Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The transcription is a conversation between a speaker and a group of people. The speaker mentions that they had a great weekend and talks about a Bible they received as a gift. They then mention that they will be discussing the book of John chapter nine and have a brief prayer. The speaker talks about a man who was blind from birth and how Jesus healed him. They discuss the man's faith and obedience and how he was able to see after following Jesus' instructions. The speaker also mentions the Pharisees and warns against being self-righteous. The transcription ends with the mention of the Sabbath and its relevance to the story. All right. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Sue, who's going to be our first one on this morning? Who will be the first one on this morning? Who will it be? Who will it be? Who's the first one? Who's number one? Let me see who that is. Is that is that Sothy? Good morning. Oh, Ray. Good morning, friend. Good to see you. How are you doing? Ah, good to see you. Good to see you. Hang on. I don't mean to interrupt him. Hang on. Let me look where I'm at. Oh, there we go in the right place. All right. Oh, we got somebody here from Senegal, Africa. I love it. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Good to see you. Good to see you. Good to see you. Let's back up here. Who do I miss here? Hello? Redbird five. Good morning, everybody. Make sure I get all these. How was your week? Oh, it was great. Church was great yesterday. We had a young man named Ricky preach a young minister that was taken under my wing. He preaches for a second sermon. I'm sorry. Did a great job, but it was a great weekend. Good morning, JT. Morning, JT. I'll be calling you after the live, sir. Good to see you. Bonjour. Bonjour. I'm just making up words. I don't know what else I was saying there, but bonjour. I've seen ratatouille. I think I speak a little Spanish. What's the topic back this morning? Ready to listen. All right. It's really not a top. Well, you'll see. You'll tell me if it's a topic. I think I think it's a cool one. The book of John chapter nine. The book of John chapter nine. I just read this last night and it just just made me like, wow. So everybody, let's get to the book of John chapter nine. We're going to read the whole chapter and then we're just going to communicate it a bit. So there you go. Let's bow our heads real quick. Father God, thank you for waking me up. Thank you for allowing me to see another day. Thank you for grace. Thank you for mercy. Thank you for allowing me to come on here to speak and communicate with regards to your word. Lord, I pray that we will be blessed with regards to reading of your word, that we will be blessed by receiving this word. But Lord, I pray that we allow the word of God to renew our mind. Father, we thank you. We ask this in the name of Jesus and we all say amen. All right. We got 373 on there this morning. I want to say good morning to everybody. It's good to see you on this beautiful Monday morning. I've got my cup of coffee. I've got my word. Check out this beautiful Bible. So March six, of course, is my birthday. March 3rd is Miss Debbie's birthday. But a young man at church named Ricky gave me this beautiful Bible. And I love Bibles. He even got me, he carries all his Bibles in their original box. So he's got me doing it. So here's one of my Bibles in the original box and he got me doing it. Here's another one in the original box. And this one has a box too, but he just gave me this beautiful Bible. And I was just so happy with it for a birthday gift. So praise God. I love it. I know. It's funny. My wife's like, do you have enough Bibles? I've got even a Bible back there that's written in Congonese. I got a Bible that's written in, I think the Annunciation from Hawaii's pigeon. It's right over there. It's incredible. All right. The book of John chapter nine. Let me know when you guys get there. Give me an amen when you guys go to the book of John chapter nine. All right. Book of John chapter nine. All right. Good morning. Good morning. Wow. Yes. Isn't it a blessing? God, God, that's cool. It's a beautiful Bible. And good, good morning, Mrs. Price, LaVoie. I almost said Mrs. Price. Mrs. LaVoie Price. Good morning. Good to see you. Do you have a preferred version? I like an LT. I like ESV. I like new King James. I like King James. So when I really, I'm not using the King James today. I'm going to use the new American standard. I like King James with certain passages because the beauty of the King James language just sounds so wonderful in certain passages. But then again, when I'm reading long passages, I will go with the NLT so that the listeners can really hear the substance of what the, uh, what, what it's saying. So it all really depends. But this morning we're going to, because it is a gift and I wanted to use it this morning, we are going to use the new American standard Bible, but go to the book of John chapter nine. I was reading this last night and I just want you to hear the, this beautiful story. And then I want to jump in. Uh, uh, so anything, but the message I'm not a message guy. All right. I, I mean, don't get me wrong. I probably would, I wouldn't teach out of it or preach out of it, but if I was just reading, I would read the message, but I'm just not a message guy, but I sure wouldn't beat anybody down that if they wanted to do the message, it's just, you know, I can paraphrase that. And I do when I preach and teach, I do paraphrase. And I think that's how I see the message. So I'm not a big message guy, but once again, not to, to, to, uh, uh, belittle our, uh, Miss Debbie, a matter of fact, she's doing good. Thank you. I'll let her know. You said good morning. So there we go. All right. Book of John chapter nine. Let me know when you get there. Book of John chapter nine. Healing the man born blind, healing the man born blind. We're going to read this whole chapter and, and I want us just to sort of read it and break down the verses as they popped out to me last night. I want us to really look at that. It says, as he, meaning Jesus, as he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth and his disciples asked him, Rabbi, who sinned this man or his parents that he would be born blind right off the bat. That caught me. That caught me. Who's sin Rabbi teacher, Jesus, who's sin either did this man sin. Is that the reason he's blind or did his parents sin? Tell us what that is, Lord. And how interesting that they would ask that question because even we, sometimes what we do, we will, we will, you know, wonder why a certain thing has happened or why this person has that illness or why, why, why, whatever it could be a negative vibe. It could be a negative thing. It could be a negative situation. And we always seem to think that they might've did something to cause that to happen. You know, I guess some of you would labelize that cause and effect or karma or whatever that is. Sometimes we wonder, well, they must have done something. And that's the reason that happened. We do that. But listen to what Jesus says in verse three, Jesus answered. It was neither that it was neither that this man sin nor his parents, but it was so that the worst of God might be displayed in him. Notice Jesus said it wasn't an issue of sin, even though this man was blind from birth is what right there. He says at the last part, he says, so that the worst of God may be displayed in him. See, sometimes things happen because God is going to do something. Sometimes things happen to people because when it, when we get to the end of that thing, God is going to reveal his glory in that. There's times in our life or my life, Miss Debbie, I've shared with you that we, at one time in a very short period of time of our life, we were homeless. We were living in a camper with two little children and diapers. We were living up and down the West coast near beaches. And I know some would say that's very cool. And it was cool, but it may be understand that when we received our first house and I remember going into the closet and I was in tears because the closet was bigger than I camper. God was showing his glory and what he could do in our life. See in that, in that camper, as we were homeless, we started feeling sorry for ourselves to some degree. We started minimizing ourselves because we were living in that camper. But you must know that sometimes things happen because God is about to do something that's going to what display his glory. Once again, the apostles, or I should say the disciples, Lord, what, what sin caused this? What sin of his parents causes? And Jesus summed it up. Good morning, Brian. Sometimes, uh, Jesus on this. And Brian, there you go. Brian's a great example. We go back to the story. Well, you know, one could say, why did Brian's grandparents get brutally murdered? You know, I'm sure there were some people saying, well, did they do something wrong? They must not have been legit. Whatever that case may be. We go to the end of that in verse three, he says, uh, it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him. See the works of God will come out in a situation and you can't, but say that had to be God. I hope you guys got that. Let's go on to verse four. We must, he says, we must work the works of him who sent me as long as it's day. Nine is coming when no one can work. Verse five, while I'm in the world, I am the light of the world. Notice what Jesus says. While I'm in the world, I am the light of the world. Verse six, when he had said this, he spat on the ground and made clay of spittle and applied the clay to his eyes. So that is very powerful right there that Jesus takes his saliva and he spits in the soil, the soil that he created, the earth that he created. And he takes this and creates a, if you will, like a patch or a pad and he places it on the man's eyes. So last night when I was reading this, even the saliva of God is divine. Even the saliva of God, I know, I know to think about it, but even the saliva of God is divine. And as he takes the dust of the earth, where we were created from and uses this, this combination of God's saliva, the earth that God created, the earth in which you and I are created from, he takes that and puts it on the man's eyes. In verse seven, and said to him, go and wash in the pool of Salome, which is translated scent. I find that very interesting. He goes, go wash your eyes out. You have been sent. Now the man couldn't see he was blind from birth. He couldn't see. He is speaking to, to, to this man. He does not see him meaning the blind man. He does not see him. And he follows the instructions because Jesus sent him. Watch this. So he went away and washed and he came back seeing. He listened to the light of men, meaning Jesus. Jesus uses his saliva to grab the, the, the soil to put it on his eye. He sends them and says, you have been sent to go wash your eyes. Verse eight. But before I start the man could see, let's stop right there just for a moment. Last night at my mind was going, could you imagine? We don't know how old this man was. So let's just, let's just, let's just say he was 30. Now let's lower. He was 25 years old, 25 years old and had never seen a thing. Never looked upon the sky. Never had saw a tree. Never saw the people that he, he begged from to just make ends meet. Never saw his parents. Never, never saw a bird. Never saw water flowing down a Creek. Never saw anything. The things that you and I take for granted right now, we are seeing each other. This man had never ever once in his life since birth for whatever amount of years it was, had never seen a thing. And in a moment and in a very moment that the creator of the heavens and earth spoke, he was, he got vision after he washed his eyes. But I think the most important thing is that he was obedient. Good morning, Lambert. He was obedient that he would listen to the Lord. Now watch this. There's something else in here that you guys want to be. We've been talking about grace. We've been talking about mercy, but let's also, let's hear something in here. I think I hear some faith. Let's read it again. That's not all of it. We're going to read it again. He says, he says in verse six, and when he had said this, he spat meaning Jesus on the ground and make clay of spittle and applied the clay to his eyes, meaning the blind man and said to him, go and wash in the pool of Salome, which is translated, sit. So he went away and washed and came back seeing this man had faith. He had faith to never see his whole life and to have an encounter with this man. Now we know this man is Jesus, but to never see his whole life and have an encounter with Jesus, not knowing, not seeing, but being obedient. And how many of us right now are questioning God? How many, how many of us right now are God has, has, has told us it will be okay. God has encouraged us. It's going to be fine. God has told us that we need to do a, B and C and we are questioning God right now. And I'll tell you what, if you say you're not, you're fibbing. Even me, I was just before I got on, I had to have a conversation with the Lord just right now, right now. You know why? Because I was questioning and said, Lord, you know that things are getting tight. You know that I've applied a, B and C Lord. I, and God moved upon me. You will be okay. You will be fine. Right here. This man, we have something to learn from. He was obedient unto the Lord, Jesus Christ. And when Jesus said, go wash your eyes, the man was able to see. And could you imagine at his delight when all of a sudden he washed his eyes and he could see people, he could see the pool on which he had come to, which he had never seen before. He, he, he, he could see, uh, the, the vegetation, the trees. He could see the marketplace. He could see everything he had heard. He can see now. Could you imagine that? But it gets better. Watch this verse eight. Therefore the neighbors and those who previously saw him as a beggar were saying, is this not the one who used to sit and beg? The neighbors, the, the, the, the, the, the, the citizens of the area were like, isn't, isn't this, isn't this the one that used to beg? Watch this verse nine. Others were saying, this is he. So others were saying, no, but it is like him. He kept saying, I'm the one. So we've got some people saying, this is him. Some saying, some were saying, no, he resembles the guy, but he kept saying, no, this is me. Do you know the power and the glory and the blessing that those who just live their day-to-day lives, how amazing this was? Folks, a lot of times we forget that first century Christians or first century early church, it was, it was a sad commentary. You had the Roman empire that as far as I'm concerned was a dictatorship. You had the Greek influence, which was just completely corrupt. You had the religious elite, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes, and, and, and all that went with it. But then all of a sudden this incredible event takes place that this man at whatever age he was, and once again, we don't know, but whatever age he was, everybody saw that now he could see, and they knew that he was blind from birth. Could you imagine that? Watch this, watch this. Verse 10, so they were saying to him, how then were, were your eyes open? And he answered, the man who is called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, go to Salome and wash. So I went away and I washed and I received sight. I love what he said. He says, he says it right there. He says, and he answered the man who they call Jesus. Think about it. He couldn't see Jesus, but he heard his voice. He didn't know who Jesus was, but he was obedient to his voice. He couldn't, couldn't even tell you what Jesus looked like. He couldn't even tell you Jesus could have been in the crowd right there and he could not, but guess what? That's faith. He was obedient and he received the blessing. See, a lot of us, we don't see Jesus, but we're not obedient. We hear the voice of Jesus, but we're not obedient. See, this man was obedient. He received sight and see, and this is how you, this is how you receive a revelation from God. It's when you're obedient. Last night, folks, I was on fire. I was getting ready. You know, I go to my room early and I do some reading and I was in this last night and it just blessed me. It blessed me that this example, that this man who was blind from birth and folks, and I guarantee you that first question about Rabbi, did he sin or did his family sin? You can bet your bottom dollar that all these onlookers, all these witnesses thought the same thing. Oh, this, this, this young man must've, his parents must've done something. They must've done a sin. They must've, uh, uh, did something in the past and now this is the payment for them. I'm sure that some of them were listening and looking at him saying, oh, you, I remember you being blind, but now they ask, what opened your eyes? Verse 12, they said to him, where is he? He said, I don't know. Once again, in verse 11, he says, and he answered, the man who is called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, go to Salome and wash. So I went away and washed and I received sight in verse 12. And they said to him, where is he? And he says, I don't know. I don't, I don't know. Matter of fact, he probably said, I don't even know what he looks like. I'm not quite sure. In verse 13, and they brought, and they brought to the Pharisees, the man who was formerly blind. Let's stop right there. Pharisees. The Pharisees to some degree meant well, you know, the Pharisees were basically created because they wanted to really set themselves apart because they thought that the Jewish traditional mindset of the Jewish people were falling short. They, they weren't religious enough. Matter of fact, they, they wanted to be the elitist and say, well, you know what? We're going to do it better. We're going to be more law oriented. We're going to be conscious of the law and we're going to, we're going to, you know, be the religious leaders in society. And we'll sit on our corners with our highfalutin prayers. We'll look all religious. We'll address religious and we'll look down on all those. But see, the interesting thing about the Pharisees is that they couldn't even see Jesus. The interesting thing about the Pharisees, they were so self-righteous that they couldn't see Jesus. And you know, what's interesting, there's a lot of Pharisees in the church these days. There's a lot of self-righteous people in church today. Oh yeah, they get up and they say those incredible prayers. Oh, they sound so, they sound so religious. They got the biggest Bible. They, they've got a Bible so big, they need a wheelbarrow to wheel it in. And they're quick to tell you all the verses they know. And boy, I tell you what, they're so interesting when it comes to their judgmental attitude because they judge unto condemnation. They will judge people and they do it unto condemnation. Oh my, my, my. This is, this is, there's a lot of Pharisees in church these days. And we've got to be careful that, that we never get that pharacedic attitude, that we don't get so self-righteous that we somehow think we have arrived at, well, now we can be the judge and now we can be the juror and then we can declare guilty or not guilty. We got to be careful. And that's what the Pharisees were like. They were religious. But I don't know about you. I want to be like the beggar. I want to be like the blind man. I want to just be obedient unto Christ. I don't need all the formulations. I don't need all the calculations. I don't need all the data, but I just want to be obedient unto Christ. And don't get me wrong, I want to learn of Christ. I'm not saying be, I don't believe that we walk by blind faith, but I do believe that we should learn of God. But don't get so self-religious and you're so full of brain matter that you forget who Jesus is. I want to be like the blind man, that I heard his voice. I was obedient. I went to the pool. I washed my eyes and now I can see. I want to be like that. Verse 13, they brought him to the Pharisees, the man who was formerly blind. Verse 14, now it was the Sabbath. Oh my golly gosh. Now it was the Sabbath on the day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes. And some of you got to say, well, what does that got to do with anything? As you know, the Sabbath, and those of you, my brothers and sisters, I'm not going to beat you up here, but here we go. Those of you who just are so dogmatic about the Sabbath. Some of you are so like, God, it's got to be the, and the Sabbath, for those of you who are listening, is that Saturday. Some of you are so, I've got to go to church on Saturday. It's got to be Saturday. And that's in the Old Testament and this and that and so on, etc. But then when you start doing that, you almost start getting that Pharisaic flavor. Then the Pharisees also were asking him again, how he received his sight. And he said to them, he applied clay to my eyes and I washed and see. But see, the Pharisees couldn't see past the miracle. The Pharisees couldn't see that it was Jesus. They were fixated on the Sabbath. They were fixated on the law. Their vision was on religiosity and being the descendants of Moses. I read it again, verse 14, now it was the Sabbath on the day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes. Then the Pharisees also were asking him again, how he received his sight. And he said to them, he applied clay to my eyes and I washed and see. Therefore, some of the Pharisees were saying, this man is not from God because he does not keep the Sabbath. Are you kidding me? This man, you knew he was blind from birth? It's not like there was a bazillion people there. They knew this man was at the most public places begging for just a coin to buy some bread. They knew who his parents and family were. And now he can see and all they're consumed with is the Sabbath? The seventh day, Saturday of worship for the Jews? This is all they could see? See, that's the problem with a lot of folks in church these days. We don't see the breakthroughs, the deliverance, the victories. We don't even experience them sometimes. Because why? We're consumed with legalistic stuff. I don't know if you guys were on my live the other day, but check this out. I talked about as a kid growing up in our church. Amen. Somebody said, I worship Jesus every day and good and bad. Come on, you spoke volumes there. But watch this. I talked about historically in my father's church about legalism. And I said that there was a day associated, the fifth Sunday. So if there were three fifth Sundays in a year, every fifth Sunday, the ladies would always wear all white. I talked about that. And I said, thank you so much. And I said that they would do that religiously. And my father didn't preach a doctrine that you had to wear all white. But this took on a doctrine within itself. And on fifth Sundays, the women were white. And so one day, my wife came to church, and they said, why aren't you in white? And she says, where can you find in the Bible that I must attend church in all white? All of a sudden, that white on this Sunday became a legal demand, a religious legal demand. And that in itself is a problem. Now, someone sent me an email and said, Pastor Paul, I want to show you in the book of Revelation with regards to, and they had white gowns on. That is not a doctrine. It was describing that those white gowns in Revelation was talking about their purity. Now, maybe on fifth Sunday, maybe that's what the women were displaying, that the purity being cleaned by the blood of Jesus. But the problem is, that's not that how they presented it. They presented it as on fifth Sundays, you have to wear white. And they made it a legal process. Back to this. The Pharisees were so consumed with legalism, that they forgot to analyze that this man was able to see who was blind from birth. Therefore, some of the Pharisees were saying, this man is not from God, because he does not keep the Sabbath. But others were saying, how can a man who is a sinner perform such signs? And there was a division among them. So they said to the blind man again, what do you say about him, since he opened your eyes and he said, he is a prophet? The blind man said, he is a prophet. This is his analogy. The blind man, this is what he feels. This is what he's experienced. He's been blind his whole life, and now he can see. The Jews then did not believe it of him, that he had been blind and had received sight, until they called his parents of the very one who had received this sight. Now how interesting is that? They refused to believe that this man was miraculously delivered from blindness. They refused the miracle that only God could have done, and now they are questioning his parents. Watch what they say in verse 19. And they question him saying, is this your son, who you say was born blind? Then how does he now see? How interesting is that? Is this your son that you claim that was blind from birth? How is it that he sees now? Give us some insight. Verse 20, his parents answered them and said, we know that he's our son and that he was born blind, but how he now sees, we do not know. Or who opened his eyes, we do not know. Ask him. He's of age. He will speak for himself. So they're being very careful here, because why? Because if they answer the wrong way, they can be kicked out of the synagogue. And remember, the center of worship was very important to them, to be affiliated and associated with the synagogue. So they said, wait a minute, stop. Our son, that's our son. As for him being born blind, absolutely, he was born blind. Now how he gained that sight, we don't know. But guess what? He's old enough, go ask him. Don't put us in this. Go ask him. Go to the source that received the blessing. Don't ask us. So watch this, verse 22. His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jews. For the Jews had already agreed that if anyone confessed him to be Christ, think about that. Christ. You know, the word Christ is Jesus' title. It's not his name. And the word Christ means the Holy Anointed One to come. In this case, the Holy Anointed One is their Christ. And if anybody admitted he was the Christ, the Messiah, the Holy Anointed One, guess what? They would suffer the penalty. So they weren't going to say anything. But they said, go speak to our son. Right? Verse 22 again. His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jews. For the Jews had already agreed that if anyone confessed him, meaning Jesus, to be the Christ, he was to be put out of the synagogue. This verse 23. For this reason, his parents said, he is of age, ask him. Wow. Verse 24. So a second time they called the blind man. They called the man who had been blind and said to him, give glory to God. Now I find this very powerful. Give glory to God. We know that this man is a sinner. So they're saying, give glory to God. Tell the truth. We know the man that you're talking about, meaning Jesus, is a sinner. Watch this. Oh, wow. Now it gets deep. Because the blind man has got a revelation. And now he's going to share something. But watch what he says in verse 24. The blind man. And he answered, whether he's a sinner, I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see. Oh, my, my, my, my, my. He said, I'm telling you, I don't know if he was a sinner. But what I can tell you, I can see. See, that's with us. You know, a lot of folks, Pastor Paul explained this. Pastor Paul explained that. I can't explain everything. But now I can see. I understand what I know. I was telling people the other day, I, it was when I started really studying the Word of God, that God opened up my heart and my mind. My, my, oh, how can I put it? My ability to see what's going on in the world became crystal clear, because God gave me the ability to see it. There's so much I can't answer. But I know what I know, because God has allowed me to see it. Watch this. Watch this. Verse 26 again. So they said to him, What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes? He answered, I told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you not want to become his disciples too? Do you? And this man's like, Do you want to become one of his disciples? Do you want to follow him? Disciple meaning disciplined student. Hang on, let me take a sip. Now, he shouldn't have said that, because watch what happens in 28. Verse 28. They reviled him and said, You are his disciples, but we are the disciples of Moses. Once again, the law came from Moses, but grace comes from Jesus. They even said it. Do you want to be his disciples? What they're really saying is, those of us who follow Jesus are under grace. They said we follow Moses, and there's nothing wrong with that. But why? The symbolism is the law came through Moses, and the law cannot save. This is why we keep talking about unmerited favor, grace. Watch this. Verse 29. We know that God has spoken to Moses, but as for this man, we do not know where he is from. Look at him. They said we know God spoke to Moses, but as for this man, the Messiah that was promised. They're talking about Jesus. Everything about Jesus was spoken of in the Old Testament, and they were so blind that they could not even see who Jesus was. He was right there in front of them. He performed miracles. He restored. He healed. He forgave. And you know what's interesting? I'm going to step on some toes with somebody here. This is why it amazes me some of you in your religion that you deny who Jesus is. Why? Because you don't want to see him. Because why? If you acknowledge him, that commands that you honor him, that you worship him, that you praise him. But what do you call him? You call him a prophet. That's all you give him. You don't call him the king of king and the Lord of lords. You won't call him God. You deminimize his position, even though he fulfilled the role as a king, as a prophet, even though he fulfilled a role as a priest. But you won't accept that. Why? Because you don't want to surrender. You don't want to humble yourself, just like the Pharisees. They did not want to humble themselves. Why? Because they loved being praised. They loved being looked at as the religious elite. And some of you in your false religion, you minimize, and you know who I'm talking to, you minimize Jesus to just a prophet, the same way the Pharisees did. Watch this. Watch this. Verse 29 again. We know that God has spoken to Moses, but as for this man, meaning Jesus, we do not know where he is from. Now though, this blind man who's been blind all these years is about to speak a word. And I want you all to hear this. This blind man, who probably could not read, I can guarantee you there was no braille. He was not educated. The very means by him just begging is the only way that he probably got through day in and day out. But now he's about to speak a word to the religious elite. And I'm going to show you why. He knows where his help comes from. Verse 30. The man answered and said to them, now this is life. Folks, I was in my room, in my bed. I was like, hallelujah, Lord, this is deep. Look at this. Oh my gosh. Oh, this wasn't a seminary articulation. This was a man anointed by God. Watch what he says in verse 30. The man answered and said to them, well, here is an amazing thing that you do not know where he is from. And yet he opened my eyes. Look at the man. He's looking at the Pharisees, the religious elite in front of the people. He says, isn't this amazing? Is this not amazing? You don't know where he's from, but he opened my eyes. You're supposed to be the educated one. You're supposed to be the religious one. You're supposed to be the one with all the answers. But guess what? He opened my eyes. And look what verse 31 says. We know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is God fearing and does his will, he hears him. This man is speaking a word, y'all. This is the blind man speaking. Think about it. I'll read it again, 31, because I know I'm the only one excited here. We know, we know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is God fearing and does his will, he hears him. Verse 32, since the beginning of time, it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a person born blind. Verse 33, if this man were not from God, he could do nothing. Folks, this is the blind man speaking to the religious elite. He is breaking a sermon down. This is, this is what, maybe it probably took him a whole 30 seconds to say all this. And that last verse, if this man were not from God, he could do nothing. Have you ever heard that phrase, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me? Come on now. This guy reversed it. He said, wait a minute, wait a minute. He said, if this man were not from God, he could do nothing. But we go back to the rest. He goes, I don't know who he is, but I'm able to see now. And watch in 34, and they asked him and they answered him. He goes, and they answered him. You were born entirely in sin. And are you teaching us? So they put them out. He broke it down for them. Look at that in that, in that versus from 30 to 34, he broke it down too. He said, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm sorry. I can see. And if I can see, and this man healed me, he must be from God. And I'm going to add a little to it. So, so Mr. Pharisees, are you telling me the devil did this? Are you telling me the enemy of God did this? While I, while I sat in the, in the public square and I, I pleaded and I begged and I, and I, and I was blind from birth and no one would help me. And then here comes a man who spits in the dust of the earth, who puts it on my eyes and tells me to go to the pool to wash my eyes. And now I can see, are you telling me this man is from the devil? And here goes the religious elite. They answered him. You were born entirely in sins. And are you teaching us? You know what? You ever come to my church? I have an open door policy. If I teach something that's not of God, call me out on it. Joshua, good morning, sir. I like the fire in your video. That's cool. See, these guys were unteachable. They didn't want truth. They didn't want to surrender their power. They didn't want to surrender their authority. They didn't want to give up their gowns and their ephods and walking around looking all religious. Why? Because they wanted to be worship. They didn't want to lose their position. They didn't want to lose their authority. They wanted to be worshiped by men and honored by men. But this brother broke it down to him. And I'm going to read it one more time. The man answered and said to them, well, care is an amazing thing that you do not know where he is from. And yet he opened my eyes. What's he saying? Because I know where he's from. He's from God. And only God could have done this. Only God could have opened my eyes. Only God. And those of you who don't believe Jesus is God, he is telling you right there, only God could have done this. Watch this. Watch this. Verse 31. We know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is God fearing and does his will, he hears him. He's breaking it down here, folks. Since the beginning of time, it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a person born blind. Come on now. I'm taking y'all somewhere. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing. This guy broke it down. Come on, y'all. This blind man who never saw has just went to the mountaintop of revelation while the Pharisees who knew the law, who knew the messianic prophecies, who understood it left and right, could not see it. And all they could come up was what? Verse 34. They answered him, you were born entirely in sins and you're trying to teach us. You're trying to tell us something. Watch this. Verse 35. Jesus heard that they had put him out because they put him what? They put him out of the synagogue. Watch this. In the last part. And they said to him, you were born entirely in sins and are you teaching us? So they put him out. They put him out. They dismissed him. But Jesus heard it. Jesus heard that they had put him out and finding him, he said, do you believe? Look what Jesus said. Jesus found him again. He didn't know what Jesus looked like. Jesus walked up on me. He didn't know what Jesus looked like, but he knew that voice. And Jesus said, Jesus heard and said, Jesus heard that they had put him out and Jesus and find him. Jesus finding him said, do you believe in the son of man? Uh-oh. Watch what the man says when he answers in verse 36. He answered, who is he? Lord, that I may believe in him. Why? Man had never seen Jesus. He said, who is he? Lord, who is he? I want to believe in him. Who is he? Now to what Jesus said in 37, Jesus said to him, you have both seen him. And he is the one who is talking to you. Wow. You've seen him and he's the one who is talking to you now. But how many we got on here? Cause those of you who stuck with me, here we go. 213 of you, you stuck with me. Give me a quick amen. Let me know you've been listening. Give me a quick amen. Cause we, we, we're going to really, we're going, we're going to just, just, we're going to nail this right now. Yes. Yes. All right. Give me a call. Amen. Amen. Are we good so far? Everything good so far? Let me know. Are we, is everything going good so far? Are you listening? Come on now. Come on. Somebody imitate me there. Good. I love it. Come on now. Watch this. Watch this. Verse 38. For sure. Look at, look at last. You said for sure. Look at 38, 38. Oh, 38. You know, when you get a cake, my mama, she used to make what? Thank you. Thank you. My mama used to make a lemon cake when I was a kid. My favorite. She'd make it from scratch, lemon cake. And she'd get real lemon, real lemon icing. And she'd frost that cake. And you know what was good? Watch this. Come on, come on now. When my mom put extra frosting and that frosting, cause the cake would be a little high in the, in the middle and would slow down. And that frosting would like get in the corners. I'd get that corner kind of good because the frosting was thick. This was the frosting right here. You ready? This is the frosting. It's running to this point. Verse 38. And he said, Lord, I believe what did the man do? And he worshiped him. Now that some of y'all like, Hey, what's that for? Wait a minute. Is that, is that a big deal? Watch this, watch this, watch this. Cause once again, we go back to 35, Jesus heard that he had to put out, uh, out and find him. He said, now I love that. I love that. The world puts you out. The religious people put you out. The, the, the, the, the folks that don't care, put you out. But Jesus came and found them. See, watch this. God came to find which was lost. He's searching out that which was lost. Remember the story about the hundred sheep 99. He had one got lost. The Lord went to find that one. See, that was me folks. I was lost, but Jesus came and found me. But watch this 36. He answered, who is he Lord that I may believe him. Watch this 37. Jesus said to him, you have both seen him. And he is the one who is talking with you. And the moment that man heard that, and he had received that healing, that restoration, he wasn't like the religious elite, but watch us. He says, and he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshiped him meaning paraphrasing the man believed Jesus. He believed God and he started to worship him. All right. Now we're going to look at at least four scriptures because that got me. This man, the blind man worshiped. Y'all got a homework assignment real quick. Please take me to that verse where it says we bow before no man. Somebody find that for me while I take a sip. You're going to give me a little, little time to drink my coffee. We bow before no man. Give me that please. Please. That's good. We bow before no man. Let me put my marker here. Okay. Take me that verse. Somebody give me that verse. We thank you so much, Paschal. Uh, uh, glad we found it. Thank you. Come on. You're on a roll. I am, but wait, I'm not done yet. Y'all think I'm done. I'm not done yet. Oh my, my, my, my. I was excited last night. Folks, this is how you read the Bible. You get into it and you start, you start all of a sudden, you get in that word and God starts showing you no great revelations, but we just see the elementary of theology right here. But what's where's that verse. That's the verse I'm looking for. We bow before no man. Where is that? Anybody give me that. Somebody helped me out here. Thank you. Thank you. Where's that verse that somebody, you know, pastor Paul needs a little help. Where's that verse. We should bow before no man. No, we should, we should bow down, but to no man, somebody give me that verse. Come on, Joshua, help me out. Somebody. Hey dad, what's up. I'm just saying, what's up. That doesn't look like my son, but I guess we could say son in the, in the, in the faith. Is it, is it Ephesians 3 14 or Exodus 24? Let's go to Ephesians 3 14 and we'll break over and see. That's it. All right. Ephesians 3 14. And I'm being honest. I really want to know. I'm not sure. Uh, for this reason, I bow my knees before the father. Nope, nope, nope, nope. Okay. Let's find it. That wasn't it. Somebody Exodus 25, Exodus 25. Okay. Let's go there. Exodus 25. Oh, but you, now you're going to watch them and call it. You're going to the 10. Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Let's see. Let's see. You shall not worship. We'll go with that. I'll go with, Oh wait, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody got me here. 14, 11. Was that Romans 14, 11? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on. Come on. Come on. Y'all helping me out here. Okay. For this, it is written as I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall give praise to God. Oh, Nope. Nope. That's good enough. That's good enough. But here, hang on. I should have, I I'm sorry. It hit me right now and I should have had it ready. Hang on. We go, we're going to figure this out. What is that? Oh my, my, what is that? Second Kings 17, very fast and do something. I'm saying you shall not fear other gods nor bow down to yourself. Okay. We're going to stop right there. Well, let's just put it this way. Let me read that last part and then I'm going to take you all for the spin here. You ready? Jesus was speaking to the man. The man realizes now he says, well, who is this Lord? Who is this Jesus you're speaking about? All right. Now watch this. He says right there in verse 38, he says, he says, and, and, and he said, Lord, I believe. And the man, he says, and he started to worship him. I'm going to tell you something right now. People who serve the Lord. And we know this dude, cause he said right out there, he said, right there, he said right there, this man said right there in verse 31, we know that God does not hear the sinners, but if anyone is God fearing and does his will, he hears him. All right. This man knew who God was. This blind man understood who God was. Watch this verse 32. Since the beginning of time, it has never been heard that anyone had opened the eyes of a person been born. So this gentleman understood who Jehovah was. He understood the power of God and he knew he would bow down and worship. No man. He knew that he would never do that. Hang on. I'm going to try it one more time and see if we, and I should, I should have been prepared. I was so excited. 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