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Episode 9




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The speakers are recording a podcast during their vacation in Florida. They share highlights of their week, including encountering a snake in their house and witnessing dolphins at the beach. They also discuss spiritual moments, such as going to confession and having a meaningful conversation with a stranger. They recommend watching a movie called "Nefarious" for developing faith. recording okay this reminds me we need to do we need to try out this cord before we leave uh over the summer just i can just try it out and see if it works because i have a mic at home wherever i can reach like okay right yeah sure it's been a lot of minutes because i've been doing more with you i just decided to get a consume cold bit remind me there's a drink in there for me i'm just gonna bring that home and then there i'll take one of them you want to open it first so it's not just like well i want to give him that as you are just let's just keep it open okay here we go ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the lost sheep podcast i'm azaria pangallo and i'm felicit and we are as you can see a whole different scenery well that's because we're in florida for vacation this is actually you know our final few moments this is really the last thing that we're doing on our vacation is making this podcast you know we said we were going to try to do a beach one but you know that never came to pass there was a lot of people there waves sound you know it was just not going to work out you know yeah the idea was not well thought out but you know we tried and we learned and yeah and since you so rudely forgot to reintroduce me back to the podcast i am here again i know y'all missed me last week and he said some very kind words over the last episode that i greatly appreciated so i want to give you thanks for taking the responsibility and the ownership to really put out a heartfelt episode for this audience i know they were so dying to hear it and i really enjoyed it and that is not just sarcasm did you ask because i'm very sarcastic i'm two thirds of the way through i'm really close to the way here well it's very good for like podcasting right to the beach i kind of just laid there with some headphones and just listened to it all right all right well you know we've had a whole week at the beach mr visit at this beach vacation what is has there been any you know prolific things that have come to mind profound things you'd like to talk about or you know just a simple little recap or no that's huge this is like a week breakdown yeah okay cool so highlight of my my week has to be let's just talk about this highlight of this week has to be waking up at around eight it was eight o'clock nine o'clock yeah nine o'clock nine o'clock to the door you're running into my uh well i guess both of our bedrooms and he's like dude there's a snake in the house immediately like normally i take a second to get up out of bed but i saw straight up i was like what he's like there's a snake in the house and i so i walked through the door and sure enough there's a huge really long black racer snake actually and i know those aren't venomous but it was still terrifying because it's a snake so we called animal control to try to get them to come get it out because we didn't want to because it was like this was an aggressive black racer like it wasn't one of those that were like calm and really won't bite you this one was literally trying to bite it um we got a broom and we were sweeping it out and it was poised it was like trying to jab at us um and so we eventually animal control was taking like it was over an hour and we were like we're giving up and so we decided to build a fortress around the snake leading to the door with a little hole do you have to tell them where the snake was oh oh if they're on camera they can see it so when oh yeah so it's under this couch i'm sitting on the couch um and it's just curled up in a little ball there it was sitting there staring at us the entire time so we built a little barrier around the couch to the door back there and his mom got a broom and just swept it towards the direction and then we opened the door and got out of there and it was it was just a crazy snake and so yeah that was probably the highlight of my week i really got my heart racing my adrenaline rush didn't even have to go out on the in the waves on the boat or anything no we did have a really cool moment today i don't know if that's going to be yours is that going to be yours if not i'm wondering what are you talking about the marine life oh no go for it go for it okay so we're just sitting at the beach and we got we went in the water it's freezing by the way but we went in the water and all of a sudden uh majority started screaming that there's a jellyfish in the water and so we took it out of the water um and i was like was it a clear one he was like no it's pink and i was like well that's not good and then all of a sudden another girl started screaming she's like shark shark and i look over there and sure enough there was not a shark but there was just a dolphin just swimming like 20 yards out from shore it was crazy and then all the like a second later you see another one come up and then you see another one and there was like seven dolphins just swimming around us it was really neat so we didn't even have to go on dolphin tours and we got our uh dolphin adventure so that was neat i enjoyed that my moment is a little bit more spiritual if you guys want you like to think about the leak i mean you can totally bring it back but you know can i talk to you okay sorry it wasn't registering that there was audio on there no he looks he's testing his audio now you're good all right go back anyway anyway mine is more of a spiritual moment um so there's there's certain things in life for me that make me you know feel like extra guilty or shameful um sin particularly maybe what i mean is like sin that makes me feel worse than other sins i don't know if you guys have that but you know that one of those happened earlier this week and i was like really like shameful about it and i didn't know how i felt about doing the podcast because when something like that happens you feel really guilty about going speaking about god after it because you're like well i just have this certain thing that you feel guilty about it's like oh i can't even talk about this like i'm not worthy of it or anything like that and for me one thing that always helps is to go to confession but you know since we were down here i didn't think that would be possible to go to but yesterday um we went to my mom and i went to the catholic church around here to hopefully go to adoration well when we walked in we saw the priest walking around the dog and we just started talking to him like he introduced himself and my mom and me started talking to him and we had a great conversation we learned a lot about him and then like during it i had this thought i was like man i mean god i really wanted to go to confession all week here's a beautiful opportunity you've given me a priest right in front of me so at the end of the conversation i you know i asked him like would you be available for confession and he was like oh yeah absolutely so then i was able to go and you know since then you know i felt a lot better about everything it's just a very freeing act very freeing sacrament and so now i feel a lot better about this podcast and being able to do it a lot more confident and you know just i'm very glad that that was able to happen before this so do you have a spiritual moment of the week or mine probably was also today i know you're listening today but mine was on top of everything else that's happened today with adoptions everything today we met this really nice family from texas today while out on the beach i was just sitting there enjoying the sun and he came up and he was like sorry man we always forget a football would you mind throwing your football around with us and i was like yeah sure let's go and so we threw the football around for a little bit and he was like all right i'm good and we walked back and he just started talking me out where i was from he said he was from texas and um we just got into a really good conversation about life jobs um and just the future and he gave me a lot of really good wisdom and i just i i felt the presence of god in him i didn't know if he was christian or not but he just felt like he was just a good person and it was really nice to see that and i really loved listening to his advice he had some great advice on finances for the future decisions for the future um being responsible it was it's just really neat and i have not heard that in a long time so it was it was good to hear so that was awesome awesome awesome so that's our week recap we're going to jump into our topic for the week it is not actually one quote but it's going to come from many cole this is you know your thing your movie that you have brought up so i'm going to let you introduce it fully yes and so again on top of all the other things that's happened this week we re-watched this movie again and i'd say it just had the same spiritual impact it has on me every single time i watched it this would be the third or fourth maybe the fourth i think the third though it's one of those two and i just every single time i get more and more out of this movie and i highly recommend y'all watch it um we went to ohio over the summer last summer and the bishop of the diocese recommended us to watch this movie on top of sound of freedom now the movie i am talking about is called nefarious i highly recommend it it's on amazon it's free at the moment it was money but they made it free it is so good for developing your faith it's kind of like those screw tape letters if you're going to put the screw tape letters in a movie that's by tia fluids if none of y'all have read that i recommend that book as well um so please give that a watch and we are going to kind of dissect some of the dialogue so this story starts off and it takes place in a prison with a prisoner who is on death row and there is an atheist professor that is going to our doctor that's going to make the decision whether he lives or dies by by deciding whether he is insane or saying yes and because if he's insane he can't legally be confident enough to take death row um but so the entire movie uh is around that whole topic and it's neat because the guy who's in prison is actually possessed by a demon and so what you're hearing throughout the movie is the view of the spiritual warfare from the demon side and what it's meant to do is arm you with tools and ways to combat that because you get a view of what that side is what they think like what they want to attack you with how the process works and so that's why i recommend it because if you're really wanting to arm yourself in the faith this is such a good movie to really build that spiritual armor um so i'm going to go ahead and start off and we can start with some of the dialogue some of it's very hard to dissect because it's just in huge portions but we try to narrow it down a little bit one of the ones that always sticks out to me because i've seen harry potter some people have different views about harry potter but i like the movies themselves um and one of the quotes that i heard in the movie reminded me of harry potter and it is names are important they have power they let everyone know who we are so in harry potter the name that they they say he who must not be named or something like that along those lines is lord baltimore and they don't want to use his name because if they use his name then they can figure out kind of where you are in the movie and it's kind of sort of getting around that in this movie but i think what he's talking about especially for us like we shall not use the lord by god's name and name because that'd be like that's a crime to him we are singing against him we are not showing him the respect he deserves because his name needs to only be used in a spiritual reverence right because he's our god and he's our friend and we need to talk to him like that and not talk down to him and not use his name in slander and i really think this quote this is from the demon himself saying names are important they have power like he's not which is the same thing for satan as well if you talk about it in that way and so it's just you can't be thrown around these names without like stuff to reinforce it you can't use it in a atmosphere that's not right you need to be respectful about these names and really think about it before you throw it out there and it's another part of it is in the movie you know he says this quote and then you also see examples of it when he when he refers to god or refers to jesus and he says you know he calls him either he calls god the enemy he calls jesus the carpenter and he can't use the real name because the name of jesus has so much power and then also i don't know how this relates to power but also you know demons were previously angels before the fall and so when the psychiatrist slash doctor refers them as angels you know he says yes you know technically that is the right term but they despise that name so that you know going back to you know the names so just i like that start there's just so many ways to go with me because there's so much in it but i'm gonna go to later in later in a win james is the doctor's name and so james is like you know i don't think you're a demon like you're just wrong and then because he basically james says like you know come inhabit me if you're really a demon and james doesn't like feel him come and inhabit him so he's like okay then this is not really a demon and then james is like he goes on to say like oh you're not doing a very good job of you know being a demon when he and james goes on to say how you know the world is free everyone's free to you know live the way they want do what they want and there's you can do whatever you want so many different ways and you know we've eliminated so many bad things in the world and that you know demons are doing a just good job because you know we're all free to choose and do what we want and when it's really interesting is this is when the demon cries out he like smacks the table he screams like yes that's it there you go james i love to hear that because it's exactly what they want you know they want everyone to be able to do what they want whatever they want with their lives and choose to do what they want and i'm gonna go back to this as well and it talks about earlier james or sorry the demon nefarious starts you know telling about the beginning and how you know they had a will the angels at the beginning and then they found out about god's will and then it's how we have to choose which will to follow and then he says the demon says how that his creation god's creation becomes basically slaves to god's will it's how he said it now that's not the word i would use but you are either chained and slaves to the devil and to evil into following that way or you are a servant of god and his will and this is where it changed because if you are where you think you are free to choose whatever you want you're not free to choose what you want you are in slave sin and that's the way that the demons portray because they're not going to portray it as something that is bad you are in slavery to sin they don't want you to think that way they know more than we ever could know but then they make it seem like oh it's terrible to follow god's will like it's slavery and there's so many rules and everything like that even though when we are not servants of god you are slave to sin so you have to you have to make that choice between who are you going to follow there's only two ways to follow you're never just going to be your own way only what you want there's just this is not how it works there's either either a slave to sin or you're a servant of god and there's only two ways to be but one thing that's beautiful not really beautiful about it but interesting about it is that if you're a servant of god that god understands that you can choose him and put full effort into it and yet there's still going to be times when you fall and you mess up by being a servant of god because we're never in this life going to be perfect servants of god now that actually seems kind of upsetting but it's also freeing as well because we know how merciful and loving our god is to give us the ability to serve him but still be able to make mistakes so i'm about to get into it has a lot um it's the movie really builds up on this so there's a lot of layers and so this might take a minute to dissect but if we go ahead and start it off uh the demon uh nefariomus is his correct name said we offer up a series of temptations gradually increasing in terms of duration and intensity and the examples of this is first of all they tempt edward the guy who is possessed they tempt edward as a kid with the theft of a toy car and then when he i think he's 13 uh we keyboard and then later on in his life they gradually increase and it's so incrementally that even like the police officers that have caught him doing this stuff just think it's him being him or his family doesn't even realize it like it's that incrementally and the process is so slow over time and uh i think that's very true in today's world and exactly on top of what you just said about how this guy is so ignorant that he believes that the world is at this all-time high that we are completely free of this evil and even the demon after he laughs at him and says exactly what he wants you to think even he says you're an idiot like the literacy in this world like the people are graduating high school are leading are reading still at a sixth grade level like he he acknowledges sure it may seem that way but it is not like uh he goes on to say so we began steering him without him bothering calling into question exactly who is doing the steering right we may think that we're the ones doing the steering in the world we may think that everything's going the way we want it to and that it's our intention and our will and rather it's not it's the will of satan slowly is creeping into us and we don't even know it comes to the point where we sin without even knowing we without even knowing we are the ones doing the sinning it's ridiculous and it's actually crazy to see how small and how incrementally this process is and like how much effectiveness it actually has i'm just throwing a quote to add on to what you're saying because i think it's perfect timing and so it's at this point where james really gets frustrated at the demon and what he's doing and he says after going james had to really leave the room for him he comes back and the demon says ready for round two and the james says i don't know i didn't know that this was a fight and the demon says that's why you're losing and i think that refers perfectly to what you're saying because they're fighting against us and we don't even know it and we're losing without even knowing that we're fighting so back to you i just thought that was a good time for that quote uh and again this is all spiritual warfare we're all contenders whether we like it or not it's in the movie with this we're all contenders whether we like it or not we are we are in this war right we were created we were born into this war and it's about which side we want to be on do you want to be on a side that like things like that you will end up in hell or do you want to be on the side where you're going to be in the loving hands of your father like that's your decision i mean obviously we're going to fall right but do you which side do you really want to be on like look at it like seriously like take two advantages do you want to live in hell for the rest of your life do you want to live in heaven like like where do you want your soul to rest in the end of its uh time and it's very uh important to be able to recognize that and in the movie this is honestly one of my uh it's probably the most sad parts of this movie uh but one of my favorite aspects of this movie is right when the atheist uh doctor comes in the demon says you're going to commit three murders before the end of this death and he says uh you may not even realize it which he doesn't the doctor doesn't realize but you're going to do it and he's like no no way i don't know what you're talking about there's nobody i know i murdered and he's like okay and then we'll see and so 30 minutes in the movie he's like all right how's your mother doing and he's like what and he's like how's your mother doing he was he was like he pulled the plug she was worth 36 million dollars and he was like oh no she was terminal i had to it was under the laws of organ it was fine it was legal and he was like i don't care it's just assisted suicide it's still murder and there's the first one right there euthanasia and then no he's like but that's not murder and he's like okay whatever you want to think and then 30 minutes later oh luckily he says it's not murder and then or the demon says it's still murder and he's like and he's like according to the responsibility according to who and the demon says according to all of creation yeah yeah he's like you're an idiot dude he's like even we know it's murder and we're like we're evil yeah like come on and then the second one that comes up is honestly along the same lines he's like um he's like okay how's your girlfriend doing and he's like well how do you know that i have a girlfriend and he's like is it showing the way to the clinic right now and he's like yes and the demon goes on and he's like i can hear the baby screaming and he talks about it and he's like even moloch in ancient times this ancient demon they used to throw the priest used to throw these babies into the flames of the altering if you hear their screaming and he says that isn't very different from today james is it except now the priests now wear surgical gloves and they toss them into the fire after it comes out of the mother's womb and you can't even hear the screaming because it's inside the belly and it's always like that always shows me i'm like dude that's spot on like that's so true with comparisons to that and he's like that's not murder it's just uh what did he say uh something termination oh it's um it's a voluntary termination yeah voluntary termination he's like and the demon just goes they just laugh and he was like voluntary termination he's like it's murder and i'm like like it's true and it's like how can you not be listening like the devil is acknowledging that these are things to you and it's just crazy and then um we'll get to the third one at the end of this podcast because the third one is it's a spoiler and we might i might keep that and let y'all that's a good idea yeah you'll have to watch the movie to figure out what the third one is and then you know it all comes back to this you know the demons they know that's murder they know that he's killing that he's killing people and there's these ways that humans kill each other and it's all it all extends from them because there's one thing that things care about and they care about hurting god that is their whole plan is to punish and hurt god and the only way they can do that is destroying with now which he loves which is us human beings obviously god loved the angels at the beginning when he created them still loves the ones that follow them no clue how what the answer would be on whether the god whether god loves the fallen angels that would be a very interesting question but that's not part of what we're doing quite a question right there yeah that's that's an interesting thought right there but anyways god created us out of love right and he loves us and just endlessly and unconditionally so how do demons you know punish god by hurting which now which he loves which is us and how do they do it they do it through us as well by by getting inside of us and helping us to destroy each other you know this this guy he's on death row he's killed 11 people this guy killed 11 people we don't don't know for sure whether the people are believers or not but that is part of what they asked actually james asked the demon you know how do you feel about these murders he said i'm ecstatic because that's what they want to do they want to destroy and they want to kill and they want to bring these people into hell away from god so that it hurts god because every time someone falls and goes to hell god is hurt because that's one of his trials that's one of the people that he loves yeah i think these exact words are all hell rejoices when uh this is brought to our altar like all hell rejoices and like there's a really visual representation of the demon saying right in front of you yeah so that's just one other part of it it's great to go back and watch the movie a few times when you need a reminder of it and just like how we interact in our daily lives or the way that we choose sin or we choose the will of god and it's like when we're doing that we're either choosing what the loving father wants the best for us or we're choosing what satan wants to destroy us because he does not care about it says nefarious says that we are just a means to an end we are just objects to use to punish god in their eyes but for god we are everything to him we are his children he loves us more than anything and we just we mean infinitely more to him than anyone or anything could ever mean to any of us that we could ever acknowledge and there's been so many people on the earth and yet he still loves us infinitely each one of us infinitely in that moment so it's good to just remind ourselves every time that you know there's tough times and with hard decisions between sins and you know the will of god that you know the will of god it comes from a loving creator and sin comes from demons wanting to destroy us yeah totally totally agree totally agree so now we are going to jump into our shepherd of the week segment and i know you don't know who it's going to be and i don't even know what we're doing we didn't even know we were doing a shepherd of the week but i thought about it and i was like yeah let's do it okay i'm gonna find his name i don't know his name no i forgot you know what i'm talking about though i don't know you don't know what i'm talking about what is going on right now i did not know you're doing shepherd of the week at all and then yeah he said that and i was like what do we mean we're going to another segment here we go and i was just telling you guys right so okay so my shepherd of the week is jamal terry you don't know who that is yes i need to remind you so last night we went out to a a restaurant to eat dinner for live music and there was uh this guy up there that was playing music and it was really neat i love lip sync home he was one of those one man bands that was able to use a lucre pedal and just play he played saxophone i think he played i don't know what it was it looked like a flute mixed with the trumpet i couldn't figure it out um acoustic guitar maracas it was just really sick and what i really admired about him the reason i want to make him our shepherd of the week was his ability to still have fun and enjoy himself while there weren't even that many people watching him i think there were maybe like with people actually paying attention there was probably two people always paying attention to him but he talked like to the whole restaurant like everybody was watching and did not care and was just having a laugh and having so much fun with it and it was just so neat to um see that in people because i know that would discourage me and it would be just so hard to go up there and like especially traveling as a live musician at a local restaurant like sometimes those aren't really the highest paying jobs and it's very um it was very inspiring to me to just sit down and listen to it when we were there we were actually found this first table when we walked in in the back and we were like okay this is good well wasn't good enough for cole business he wanted to be able to sit close to him and be able to watch him do his thing so we were able to go he was able to find a table to go even closer and cole was just his biggest fan ever jamming out and doing things like i was ecstatic we waited i waited 10 minutes 15 minutes just at the bar watching these guys i'm like get off the table and finally they paid their check and i was like yes and i jumped in front of the table and sat down with all their leftovers still at the table and i was like i gotta claim it because we weren't even gonna see the dude i love appreciating good music because as santa gustin says singing is praying twice just saying i'm not sure if that goes well i know it's not but still you can communicate through music i love it um but yeah real quick chapter of the week sideways but i wanted to throw that out there shout out jamas harry josh could listen to him play around desk and he performs at many different restaurants if y'all ever make your way down here i recommend so just look up jamas harry on instagram and see where he's playing at okay so we'll hop right back into it i kind of want to shift the focus a little bit um it's going to be the same still on the fairness but i want to shift it to a different topic so this one's going to be more on the fact of on that he's an atheist that dr james is an atheist and the first thing that the demon tells them is that design implies a designer it's true right like you can't have a painting without somebody who painted it i mean obviously you can ai paint it but there was no like ai didn't exist millions of years ago like that just isn't like that's not real if you think about it like god created the world and whether you like it or not that's how it happened we were created with such interest intricacy intricacy and image likeness of god that it is just it's impossible to say we just came out of nowhere we had somebody or something doing that for us and that somebody is god and even demons recognizes that and i remember the first time watching this nazario was like why is he like trying to prove that there's god and i was like because he doesn't want like he's a fool like this guy is a fool and the demon's trying to prove it and you're like you're just an idiot dude and he was like it's just sad and so he was just trying to say it and recognize that and then he goes on and he was like well how have y'all failed why what's the reason y'all failed and he's like the cross was our greatest mistake the cross was our greatest mistake all right they thought by killing off jesus that our morale would be gone christianity would be gone they would have ridden us of christianity we lose hope our savior died no one's here we can't see it yet what exists faith faith still exists and that's what carries us today is faith and hope and love all three of them and it's really um crazy because even the demon recognizes that and his goal is to try to get this doctor right in his manifesto when he dies kind of like he was trying to do what jesus did as um when jesus died on the cross essentially like we have the bible he was trying to do like die and have a book being written but i won't talk about that more because it leads towards the end of the movie um but it's just so unique that this even this demon recognizes the existence of god the way they not like it he's like whether i like it or not he does exist and it's like i can't deny that like he does exist uh but he's like you're just a fool you're a fool no i like how so the demon kind of gives us kind of a recap like oh god created the angels and then they had their own will which meant that you know they were able to choose and then they thought about god's will and they're like oh we don't want to follow him and then eventually god creates the world and human beings and he's like yep god created them with you know free will as well and he talks about how you know because he gave us free will he has to let us choose to do whatever we want and choose who to follow which one we want to follow and then it's like we the demon gets upset because he's like well god didn't play according to the rules because he didn't just sit there and let us choose who to follow it says that the demon says that god cheated how did god cheat well by sending down jesus to die on the cross for and in reality that is kind of cheating the system because now what happens we can we unfortunately sometimes fall and choose the other side but we have our cheat code cheat code of jesus forgiving us of our sins and saying okay you know we should be punished for this decision of choosing sin but oh somebody already did that for us that's jesus jesus came down and died for our sins so that we don't have to face those consequences if we continue to choose him and choose them and one beautiful thing about it is the more you continue to choose and choose and choose one side it's the more that you're going to sway that side and the easier it becomes to choose that side i've talked about gradually you know becoming the demon controlling more and more opposed by his decisions the other way the more and more we conform to the image of jesus and the easier it becomes to follow his will when we choose him more and more each and every day and that's why faith isn't just a sunday sunday morning thing you know it works both ways that's exactly why it is not just a sunday morning thing it's an everyday thing because you can't just expect to show up for an hour and expect your faith to be at an all-time high just like you can't expect to you know play one intramural sports game except to be knocking down 10 three-pointers you know you've got to that's why people i thought intramural sports instead of professional sports because you're not working at it every single day because that's how you get better at something and that's how you work on something that's why faith is an everyday thing and that's why that's how you can bring god into your life every single day because sometimes you may be sitting there like how can i pray about some like things all the time when instead of that's learning you know pray constantly is that the word step actually i don't know there's multiple but like pray constantly pray without teasing there it is that's what i was looking for pray without teasing but you may be wondering like how do i pray without teasing you know i don't can't think of so many different things to pray about and pray about well it can simply be bringing god into each and every moment saying okay god help me to choose you right in this moment i'm going to choose you i surrender myself to your will which is my favorite one to say or just jesus i surrender myself to you and just every day you keep choosing and choosing and choosing it and keep bringing god into each and every moment each and every moment that he just becomes a part of you that it's more than just a oh i'm going to church it's a lively life it's what you do and jesus lives in and through you the holy spirit lives in and through you all the time instead of just you know certain times you know and that's it's a choice it's a choice and it's a beautiful choice that even though we keep choosing it day in and day out that even if it takes a month oh you fall well we have jesus to die for us move on from it he's freed us you know repent confess of your sins you know through penance those kind of things but then go right back keep choosing and keep choosing him he will transform you a lot and allow him in and invite him in to you know transform you because what does in the movie it says you know he invites the demon in at one point but in reality that's what we should be doing with jesus we shouldn't be inviting him in each and every day you know i don't remember exactly where this reference is in the bible but it talks about how you know god will knock on the door for us he's waiting for us he doesn't barge in through the door but he's knocking on the door waiting for us to open it so open it each and every day and just let him and allow him to come in because there are certain things that we can't do you know but he can do it and that's the part of it allowing him to do it allowing him to change us and allowing him to transform us it's our choice if we allow him to do that yeah um i think there's something i wanted oh was it okay oh i can't remember the wording of it god god whispers in our conscience god talks in our god whispers in our conscience god talks in our um pleasures but he shouts in our pain i see it louis screw tape letters same uh scenario but it's important to recognize that right god god is whispering us in our conscience and it's important to recognize that and choose that so because you don't want to fall into the pain part right because god's going to shout in the pain you can be like a big dummy get back here like like come on like i'm telling you this is the better side like just trust me allow me to love and that's that's essentially what that quote is saying now it's going back to what you said i wouldn't necessarily call necessarily call the jesus move cheating i'm not going to call it cheating and here's why i'm just saying yeah yeah it's what the demon said but yeah it's what the demon said but um in war you have enemy spies sneaking in other camps right so this time it's an enemy spy openly declaring that he's an enemy spy sneaking in enemy territory and they just let him preach for like like a long time i don't really specifically know how long jesus's ministry was on earth before about three years three years well they let him speak for three years and commit to like do all these miracles in front of all these people and they're like dude let's just kill this guy off and they finally killed him off but what happened jesus left a legacy on earth and so i think i think god just did a in a soccer player's turn did a cheeky move and sending jesus to earth and it happened to work really well in uh god's favor in our favor and so yeah i just want to talk on that just say some stuff on that but there was one more thing that you had said that brought something in my mind i'm completely forgetting it what did it have to do with about um it was i remember it one second one second what was it about what you're gonna say anything special i'm gonna go with a little more thinking about he's figuring this out you know i gotta learn to stall you know but anyways earlier this week you know i was playing cards with you know some of my friends with him with my mother and you know i was talking a little trash okay and you know it might have gotten it did get a little bit far at times and i ended up feeling bad about this i was like yeah no definitely was not the best moment for me but then yesterday or yesterday at confession i was able to go confess about it and my penance god is an absolute comedian the priest says for my penance is to do something nice for somebody so you know i thought about this but then when you when i was talking trash i was able to do solid and win some games then last night i come back after confession i'm like okay we're gonna be nice we got no more no more this guy's nice so then we start playing again and absolutely everything went wrong for me like worst games of 500 rummies that i've ever played you know i would have something sitting there waiting for it and then he'd get the perfect card so you don't get four in a row and then go out immediately and i'd be down negative i lost by like 500 to 170 and it was just like here's your penance son you came back you said you you confessed that you wanted to be nice that you were weren't being nice and now you need to be nicer you know how you're going to do it you're going to flip and lose so he was like you know what you're not going to lose just once you're not going to sweat i lost like every game we played yesterday i was like here is your penance lose humbly i was like this absolutely sucks and there was complete and utter silence for both of those games there was no talking i didn't talk i was like i could tell he was sitting there and i brewed it and he was like control he says i deserve this control and then uh i did end up talking a little bit of smack not a lot a little bit of smack once his mom joined us and we both decided to harp on him a little bit because he harped on us a lot the previous day and i didn't win that game but his his mother came back from like negative to absolutely kill us it made no sense but you know that's how it goes in cards sometimes and you can't really do anything about it so but i love i love god's comedy i think it's great yeah did you think of your thing so he did not think of his thing ladies and gentlemen are you are you good yeah i'm good i'm perfectly good so all right guys this has been the vacation episode hope you enjoyed please go watch nefarious we beg you we can only get through so much in our podcast there are plenty and plenty of things more that you guys can get from this movie by just going simply watching it sitting down listening to the dialogue but we hope you like our insight into this movie and we'll be back next week god bless fun stuff that's solid that's fun

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