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Self Hypnosis Instructions

Self Hypnosis Instructions

Nikia Sledge



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Dr. Nakia Flynn, a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, provides important information about self-hypnosis training. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that allows you to access your subconscious and make positive changes. It is a relaxation technique that can help with stress relief and achieving goals. Hypnosis involves desire for change, deep relaxation, and heightened responsiveness to suggestions. It is important to silence the inner critic and use repetition for effective programming. Visualizing goals as already achieved and having faith and expectation are key. Writing out goals and reading them before sleep can help manifest them. It is recommended to use hypnosis recordings daily, eliminate stimulants, find a quiet place, and use stereo headphones. Some individuals may need one-on-one sessions with a hypnotherapist. Hello, I'm Dr. Nakia Flynn, a psychotherapist and a certified clinical and medical support hypnotherapist. The following is important information that will help you to get the most from your self-hypnosis training. This audio is designed to help you in two ways. First, to teach you how to access the state of mind known as hypnosis. And second, by way of hypnosis, activate your mind power and live the life of your dreams. Hypnosis is a natural yet altered state of mind during which you can direct your inner creative intelligence, your subconscious mind. Hypnosis has been used to benefit mankind for thousands of years. Hypnosis is one of the oldest healing modalities known to civilization. It was approved by the American Medical Association in 1958. When in hypnosis, you will never be unconscious. Some people won't feel much of a discernible difference between their conscious state and that of being hypnotized. But on the other hand, most people will be aware of a significant shift in awareness to an altered state. By following the hypnotherapist's instructions, you will experience a kind of relaxation that facilitates focused concentration during which you are in full control. There are three specific identifying characteristics of hypnosis. The first characteristic is an emotionalized desire to satisfy the suggested behavior, a real desire to change. When used as directed, self-programming with hypnosis will help you feel like doing more of what you need to do to succeed. The second characteristic is an extraordinary quality of mental, physical, and emotional relaxation. I use the word extraordinary because the type of relaxation achieved with hypnosis is not found in any other process. I often feel a discharge of accumulated stress from all levels when practicing self-hypnosis. Being in hypnosis will give the systems of your body time to balance their functions. The third characteristic is a heightened responsiveness to suggestions, directions, and instructions. A suggestion is an idea that reaches the mind and stimulates action. I use the word programming. Programming is a message that you choose to reach your mind in order to cause a beneficial change. Hypnosis also bypasses the critical factor of the conscious mind. The critical factor of the mind critically examines incoming ideas through a filtering screen from past experiences and interpretations. It is important to silence this inner voice to facilitate the acceptance of beneficial programming. You can identify your critical factor as the chatterbox in your head that has a continuous stream of inner monologue. If you were to stop the recording right now and listen to your critical factor, the inner chatterbox, you would hear a voice in your head saying, chatterbox, I don't hear anything or something like that. Meditators often learn hypnosis to silence the inner chatterbox and receive from their meditation what they have always wanted, a peaceful, quiet mind. When in the hypnotic state, you are able to amend old negative ideas and self-concepts, replacing them with positive, helpful programming. Repetition is necessary. Use your programming recording every day. Typically, the use of hypnosis recordings is recommended for 30 to 90 days. Before any goal can be reached, you need three inner experiences first. They are desire, faith, and an expectation, and all three will be increased through hypnosis. Desire is the experience of an emotionalized need. So, I want you to pick a goal you feel strongly about. Next, you will need some degree of faith in your ability to achieve the goal. Faith is inner conviction. By visualizing your goals as already achieved, your subconscious creative intelligence will think you can do it because it saw you doing it during your self-hypnosis. Research has shown that the subconscious cannot tell the difference between fact and fantasy. The subconscious mind is directed by images. Simply put, it is a picture of consciousness. When the hypnotherapist instructs you to imagine something, make it up as vividly as you can. By thinking of the goal as already achieved, you program your subconscious to believe you are already that successful person. This expands your self-concept to include the goal as a part of who you are. This releases a magical force from within. It liberates the creative intelligence you already possess to achieve the goal. Next is expectation. Every level of your mind must expect to experience the goal as successfully achieved. Often, I recommend that my clients break the goal into inner, smaller pieces. By successfully accomplishing the smaller action steps that build to the ultimate goal, you provide the conscious mind with some reasonable evidence that indicates the goal is attainable. Also, set a time limit for when the goal is to be achieved. And program what you want, not what you don't want. For example, let's say someone has been asked to do a presentation for their boss and the shareholders of their company in two weeks. And let's say this person has a fear of public speaking. When in hypnosis, this person is to imagine that they possess all the positive qualities of a skilled public speaker. They are to mentally rehearse every important detail of that they want to occur on that specific day. They should see the boss and the shareholders responding in positive ways. Imagine them listening with interest and clapping when the speech is concluded. Alright, the next step is very important. Before even using the programming tape, I recommend that you write out your goal on a 3x5 card and place it near your bed. Be specific and state exactly what it is to occur using positive words. Read this card carefully before going to sleep at night. You see, during sleep, your dominant function is subconscious activity. By reading the goal card before going to sleep, you put your subconscious creative mind to work, manifesting the goal as a reality. When you wake up in the morning, read the goal card again. For some people, repeating everything the hypnotherapist says silently to themselves takes them deeper into the experience. For instance, when you hear the hypnotherapist say, you relax more while counting backwards, you are to translate this into, I relax more while counting backwards. Eliminate the use of stimulants like coffee and tea before self-hypnosis. Select a time and place to practice hypnosis where other people or the telephone will not disturb you. Never use any hypnosis recording while operating machinery or driving an automobile. For best results, use your recording at least twice a day. I recommend you use your programming recording in the morning and again in the evening. Sit or lie down somewhere comfortable. Loosen any tight or restricting clothing. If sitting, keep your back straight and your head slightly tilted down about half an inch. If lying down, try lying flat, arms at your side, and do not cross your legs. If you fall asleep while lying down, sit up for hypnosis. Don't try too hard. You can actually inhibit the process by trying too hard. Let it be easy. The effects of hypnosis are an accumulative and progressive process. Basically, the more often you use the recording, the better your subconscious will respond. The use of stereo headphones is recommended. About 15% of the people who use self-hypnosis recording don't seem to master it. These people will need a one-on-one session with a certified hypnotherapist to fully experience hypnosis. For information about other programming recordings, please call the number on the website and we will be happy to assist you. I hope this information has been helpful. Please email me to let me know about your success with hypnosis and thank you for choosing me as using one of my training recordings. You can now move on to Part 2 of the recording.

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