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The transcription provides instructions for installing Infinity galvanised steel guttering. It suggests positioning fascia brackets at 915mm intervals and using at least three brackets per gutter length. The gutter and downpipe lengths can be cut with a hacksaw. A bead connector is used to join two lengths of gutter, corners, or prefab outlets. The union is secured by pushing the clasp down and folding the locking tab over it. The fascia bracket is placed over the rear edge of the gutter and pulled up and over the front roll. Different outlets may require additional unions. A stop end with an EPDM rubber seal can be included by matching the front bead edge of the gutter to one ear of the stop end. Silicone is not needed for a water-tight seal. The downpipe should be installed using at least two pipe clips per 3m length. Fuller instructions can be found in a downloadable PDF. Infinity galvanised steel guttering installation. Position the fascia brackets at 915mm centres, so using at least three brackets per gutter length. Allow a slight fall along the run using a string line between first and last brackets, although this system can be installed level 2. Galvanised steel gutter and downpipe lengths can be cut with a hacksaw. A bead connector comes with every EPDM rubber sealed gutter union, used to join two lengths of gutter, corners or prefab outlets. Insert the connector halfway into the front roll of each gutter length. Locate the union over the back of the gutter. Leave a 3mm gap between lengths for expansion. Push open the union's locking tab. Locate the clasp over the front roll edge of the gutter. Pull the union tight to the gutter and push the clasp down to squeeze shut. Finally, fold the locking tab over the clasp to secure the clasp closed. Locate the back of the fascia bracket over the rear edge of the gutter first. Then, pull the front of the fascia bracket up and over the front roll of the gutter. Choose between wrap-around outlet or a prefabricated outlet requires additional unions. To include the stop end with included EPDM rubber seal, match the front bead edge of the gutter to one ear of the stop end and push the gutter in all the way round to the other ear. This rear ear can either be folded back out of the way or snipped off. No messy silicone is required for a water-tight seal. Downpipe should be installed using at least two pipe clips per 3m length. Mark out the clip's locations and level with a spirit level or plumb line. Fuller PDF instructions available for download online.