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Ep110 audio

Nick Boddington



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Multi-advertiser ads are a new feature on Facebook and Instagram that allow businesses to show their products to users who are in a shopping mood. These ads appear in a carousel format and are personalized based on the user's interests. By enabling the multi-advertiser ad option, businesses can increase their visibility and reach potential customers at the right time. It's important to take advantage of this feature to make advertising easier and get products in front of the right audience. Hello and welcome back, so what is multi-advertising, 3, 2, 1, welcome back. So multi-advertiser ads is a new thing from Facebook and for a while now people have been asking me what's it about, what is it? Well the easiest way to tell you about what this is, is to tell you to go to Google, search for pearl necklaces and have a look what comes up. Now what you'll see coming up as you scroll down that page is lots of different types of shopping ads that are coming across which look basically like carousels. So when we're in a shopping mood and we're Googling something, we are looking for something. So if we're looking for pearl earrings or we're looking for black jeans, I always say black jeans, but let's say we're looking for black jeans, we can go into the shopping view. Now I don't often do this, I stick to really the first page of the results. Now we all know that we get the sponsored results on Google and below that we go into the normal results of where we might see top brands. Now during this shopping process, as we're scrolling down that page, we will see carousels of different types of items of black jeans or pearl necklaces or whatever we might be looking for. Now that is what we're doing in a shopping point, in a shopping mood. So Google is trying to put in front of us everything that we might want to look at and giving us ideas. So from a Google point of view, it's about getting your ads in front of the people so the text is right, the headline is right, exactly the same thing that we're doing on Facebook and Instagram. What this particular feature does on Facebook and Instagram is create essentially the same kind of carousel looking product feature that we would see in Google. So how do we do this? Well let's have a look into Meta now. So if we go into Meta and we're going to go down into one of our Facebook ads, we're in Ads Manager, I've already pressed the big green button and created a campaign. Now when we go to the new sales ad campaign, you can see here that we've pulled through some images of the carousel. So on this ad sales page, we will see a button here which is right underneath format which says multi-advertiser ads. Now by default, this is already ticked so you may or may not have noticed this button being already ticked. But what this is saying is I want to be part of or I want my product to show up when someone is in a shopping experience. So let's see what it says. So if we open up Learn More here, this is what Facebook is saying. The feature is being gradually introduced and may not be available for you. If you don't see it, then that's okay. Multi-advertiser ads help people discover and compare products from multiple businesses. This ad unit available on selected placements on Facebook and Instagram gives advertisers the opportunity to be discovered by people who recently shown an interest in related products or businesses. In the multi-advertiser ad, personalised ads from different businesses are shown in carousel format beneath. So what this happens, what's happening here, it says an ad for a wedding dress might appear beside another brand's ad for a wedding cape, for example. So if you look at the example I've got on my phone here, what is happening here is I've been looking for a watch strap, well I haven't been looking for a watch strap, someone said I needed a watch strap for my iPhone, okay, for my iWatch, not my iPhone, for my iWatch. So I've been looking at different brands and they showed me one, I went through to the website, that website I know has got a pixel on it, I see this popping up through my pixel helper and that's now shown me other types of watches. It's not shown me just watch straps, it's shown me anything to do with watches. The other thing is I'm looking for some new pots and pans for cooking and there's been a particular type of pots and pan that I've been going back, I've been watching YouTube videos, I've been doing all sorts looking for these pots and pans. Now you can see here on my phone that I've got an ad which is for a different type of pan and you can see there on the right hand side that I've got an ad for the actual watch. Now if you're listening to this on the podcast then don't worry at all, follow the description link in this podcast episode and it will take you through to the YouTube video so you can see exactly what I'm talking about. So by clicking this multi-advertiser ad or un-not, well it's default so by not un-clicking it you're going to make your products show up in other people's feeds. Sorry Michael, just doing the Loom video, that ended, thought this might go in the amount of time but it's not so I'm going to keep everything recording and then I'll just start another video and I'll do a clap. So by clicking the multi-advertiser ad, so by clicking the multi-advertiser ad you will see, start again, 3, 2, 1, so this is a really important area for, it's just I think, start again, 3, 2, 1, so the important thing we need to remember here is that we have an amount of money we're trying to get in front of the consumer with, ok that's our ad budget, our media budget, our ad budget, we've chosen our products and we're trying to get this out to our marketplace. Now as far as I'm concerned, people are saying to me, oh do I press it or do I not? You are going to benefit more by having that multi-advertiser ad ticked, ok? We want to put our products in front of the marketplace. If someone is looking at, here we go, Solomon boot covers or trainers or whatever we might be showing on this ad, then if someone's looking at anything similar to that area, they're going to see it in their feed. It's an absolute, as far as I'm concerned it's a no-brainer. Why would you not want to make your advertising easier for you? Because what we've got to remember on all of these platforms, but specifically Facebook and Instagram is that we're trying to stop someone on a feed and pay attention to what we're doing. And all we're doing is renting those eyeballs from the platforms. We don't own them. I believe that when we've got someone's email address and we've got them registered to a newsletter or a voucher, 10% off something on our website, we own that person. We can actually start retargeting people through email and things like that. But whilst we're showing ads on the platforms, we're just renting those eyeballs. We're just asking to borrow someone's eyeballs and get them in it. So what I want you to remember is that your ad, that we're spending so much time on creative and copy, et cetera, all they're trying to do, they're not going to buy your product from that. They're going to buy your product once they've got to the destination. So anything that we can do during the actual process of getting our ads in front of people is just a win-win. So I would keep that multi-advertiser ad on, keep it ticked and let's get your product in front of the person at the right times. And that's what I mean. We need to get them in front of the person at the right times. And if Facebook has recognised that they are in the shopping mentality, then we need to get our ads in front of them then. I hope that helps and I'll see you in the next one.

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