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The GeoSmartPro Air Fryer is packed full of features designed to help users cook smart and eat healthy: the large capacity 8L, powerful 1800W, app-controlled, sleek air fryer. Utilizing Pro AirTech which circulates the hot air across the air fryer basket evenly, uses high-speed air circulation which maintains the foods’ nutritional value while creating a crispy finish, with 80% less fat than traditional cooking methods. GeoSmartpro.com Enjoy! #ColoRadio #YourMomentInTech #ConsumerElectronicsSho


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The interview discusses the introduction of a smart air fryer by GeoSmartPro. The founder, Uzi Rafi, explains that the smart air fryer aims to make cooking healthier and more efficient. It saves energy, cooks food faster, and has smart features that remind users when their food is ready. The air fryer is compact yet spacious and has a window to monitor the cooking process. It uses an eco-friendly material instead of Teflon and is sleek and digital in design. It can be controlled through an app and features Google Voice Assistant. The device has preset settings and a timer, and it also has a hidden tray that allows for two-tier cooking. It is easy to clean and comes with a two-year warranty. The smart air fryer is currently available in the UK and will soon be available in the US, with a price under $200. The following interview took place February 13, 2024, and is a copyrighted production of the Colorado Communications Group. How smart is your air fryer? Your moment in tech is next. The kitchen keeps getting smarter, and we need the time to prepare our meals. But we all want to eat healthier. The rise to prominence of the air fryer appliance in the kitchen answers the health question. But what about its practicality and functionality in your kitchen? At the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, one company has offered a solution. Uzi Rafi, who's the founder of GeoSmartPro, and that's geosmartpro.com, has introduced the smart air fryer. Mr. Rafi, why a smart air fryer? We love cooking, and we love eating. So how can we make it more healthier, right? We have seen traditionally, there are ovens, there are a lot of cooking devices on your shelf. But how can we do two things much better? A, save energy, and B, give your time back. It's more efficient, more quicker. So that's where the smart air fryer comes, as compared to your normal traditional cooking methods, which is in the microwave, oven, and different devices, I would say. Ideally, you would cook any meal into the oven, which would take X amount of time. With the smart air fryer, you would fast the time and also save energy. The smart bit comes in, we all have been there, where we have been busy, we are cooking, and we just, fraction of time, we forget what's happening. That's where smart features start playing it. It prompts you when the food is ready on your app or your smartwatch. And imagine if you don't eat it within 10 minutes, it will also remind you, you haven't served your food, what's happening, you want to warm it up. So that's where the smart feature really helps the lifestyle. And today's lifestyle is critical. If you can give to busy lifestyle parents and a lot of professionals out there, key element where they can carry on doing their day-to-day work, day-to-day stuff, but also let the smart devices work around you according to your lifestyle. Okay, you mentioned app, is it both on iOS and Android? Indeed, it is on iOS and Android, cross-platform. So tell us some of the features about the GeoSmart Pro Air Fryer. GeoSmart Pro Air Fryer is one clever quick hit, I would say. First of all, it was innovative in design, keeping our users' pain points in mind. As the smart appliances, more appliances are introduced, new appliances are introduced in the kitchen, you only have so much space in your kitchen shelf. What you need is more space to do your day-to-day cooking, shopping, and all kinds of things. So how can we reinvent the air fryer industry? So what we did, we took the pain point of air, you need more space. So we designed an air fryer, which is compact footprint of four to six liter, but gives you capacity of eight liter. We give a window inside it, so you can see what's cooking. You don't have to constantly open the drawer, where the heat escapes and the time of cooking prolongs. You may have heard of this term Teflon, T-E-F-O, E-F-O. So Teflon is a cookery chemical, which you normally find it in your pans, cooking pans and stuff. It's food-grade, but not really great in terms of health concerns. So what GeoSmart Pro did, we walked away from the challenge saying, how can we introduce a more sustainable solution to that? So we use organic chemical, which is far more eco-friendly, resistant, and if by mistake you wash it and you put it on a dishwasher, because they are dishwashable, our air fryer basket, and instant or any accidental you have scratched it, you have no harms, nothing not to worry about. Whereas if Teflon is scratched, then it will start giving harm fumes. So we keep always our well-being, our customers' users' well-being in mind and design products in that. It's also very sleek looking, giving a premium look. So it's digital, you do not have any push buttons on that. But most importantly, since you can control with your app, it allows you to access various different features. For example, I'm coming from office and my wife normally tends to say, when you're half an hour away, in the air fryer, you just have to turn it on from your car. I can turn on the air fryer on my way back. As soon as I enter the house, the food is ready to be served. And in busy lifestyle for parents and kids around, she loves it, lives by it, because every time she cooks anything, she's in a different room, she always keeps up with the food. Whether it's cooked, what process is fixed, you can set the settings, temperatures, and also we have recipes. So for food lovers, if you want to look at a creative way of making things, cooking, baking, whatever it is, we are always up to speed, we are always loading new recipes on the app, in-app. So simply you follow the recipe, put the food in the air fryer, it really knows what it's doing then. What size, how much food can we prepare? How big is the container? It's eight liter capacity. Also, you were talking about the app and it also features Google Voice Assistant? Correct, yes. So you can come on with – it works with Google Home. I wouldn't say that work, and suddenly the system would stop working. You can say, hey, Google, and turn on my air fryer. So if you are busy doing something, your voice command will trigger that, and the device will be connected immediately and operational. You had mentioned the word about controls. What can you actually control on the device itself? So the device itself, you have the eight preset settings. You can control any of those settings from fish, bacon, chicken, steak, any veggie stuff. And also you have timer setting. You can time set, preset according to that. We have also introduced light within the air fryer. So one of the key elements in the air fryer is a hidden kind of Easter egg, which is a tray, which you take the tray out, and it converts the air fryer basket into two tiers, top and bottom, mimicking your oven style. So you can have two different items cooked at the same time. And also you have recipe functions within the app, so you can program it to run according to the set recipes or the set recipe you're cooking. And you said it was easier to clean, it's easier to use to clean? Yes, indeed, Jay. It's being designed to keep everyone's lifestyle in mind. So dishwasher safe, so if customers or users want to use and wash with traditional styles, you can do that as well. But it has the basket for dishwasher safe, so you can put it in the dishwasher, wash it, and off you go again. Talk a little bit about the warranty. We are a premium brand, and we have quite a lot of trust on our consumers and the consumer trust on the brand. GeoSmart Pro is received in premium retailers as well in U.K. and international U.S. regions, and we give two years warranty overall globally wherever our products are available. And last, but availability and pricing. So GeoSmart Pro currently has been already launched in the U.K. We have a huge success. We are in the move and road plan to launch in U.S. North America, we are also covering Canada, and we have early plans to launch towards EU region. So it's available now in the United States? It's available in the United Kingdom, but it's soon to be available in the United States as well. Currently, we do have different products which are sold in Best Buy and other places. Okay, so we should keep an eye on GeoSmartPro.com to see when it's going to be available. Watch their face. Definitely keep you updated. Okay, and pricing. Pricing is pretty attractive. Currently, we have launched the GeoSmart Pro under $200. So that's what we are aiming to launch towards in the U.S. as well. So it's time to start cooking healthier and smarter. For your moment in tech, this is Jay Melnick.

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