Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Como Fili, Fili. Here, today we have the siblings. You say your names guys. Omar. Did you say introduce yourself? Please introduce yourselves. I'm Omar. I'm Noah. And they are... Siblings. We're siblings. Can you tell me a bit about you guys? Yeah. I'm 22. You're about to turn 21. Your age is not important. No, it's like what you started to be. Oh, I'm about to. Maybe they know you already. Never mind what I just said. Never mind. Damn, this intro is going to go. Yeah. I didn't do it. I didn't do it. Oh yeah, you didn't do that actually. Fuck that intro. Fuck that intro. Guys, I'll introduce you, okay? Yeah. You're very bad at it. Okay. Okay. Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Como Fili, Fili. Today, in today's episode, we have Omar and Noah, siblings. And they are from Denmark, Lebanon, and Denmark. And they speak Danish. They have a very strong Danish accent, as you will hear later. And today, we're going to talk... Well, first of all, I met Omar. I'm going to tell you how I met him. Yeah. I met Omar at the bar. I work at a bar and I met Omar at the bar. Yeah. I worked there too. I used to work there. Yes, he used to work there. And we used to work there. We started almost at the same time. And then Noah, she started working there a year after I did. Yeah, about a year after. And she is my boss now. Yeah. Amazing. I always get so awkward when people just say that. We are friends too, but she's my boss overall. I was actually in shock when I was that told. What? When I was told she was manager. Yeah, me too. Yeah, because I just came in. I was just like, can I get a coke? Were you working there when she got promoted? No, no, no. Okay. I got promoted right after. Okay. I just stopped and then you got promoted, actually. They were waiting for you to leave, so they were embarrassing. It would have been way embarrassing. I've been working there for a bad time. The younger sister being your boss. Yeah, but I spoke with him about it. I don't work for management. I can't take that many people. I'm good at one job, my job, but I'm not to lead other people. I do my job and that's it, basically. I think you need to have a very specific personality to be able to manage people. Sure. And be good with people, I feel like. I'm telling you, I feel like you can be very good at your job, but you're bad with people, so it doesn't make you a good boss. I don't know if it makes sense. You know what I mean? If you were to get promoted, even though you're very insanely good, like you're the best at your job, if you don't have very good communication skills. True. Good. But I was a pleaser also. I just said yes to everything you girls asked me to do, so I would have been bombarded. You would have been the one managing me around, and I would have been the dumb manager running around doing the work. So yeah, good I wasn't a manager. I became manager. You did. Yeah. Are you happy? I am happy, but it is tough. Yes, I can imagine. Mostly because you have to learn everybody's boundaries, every single person's boundaries, and what they're good at, what they're bad at, and then go from there. So now I know what you all are good at, bad at, and where I cross your boundary. I feel like I'm getting analyzed right now. What am I good at? Can I know? Can I know? Yeah, you can know where I would place you. I would typically place you in the inside bar because you're very fast when you're in there, and you're very like, you know, you don't really stop up and think it just flows. Okay. So if it was busy, you would be in there. But I will also make your job to make sure that the runners are doing their job. Nice. Yeah. Thank you. What about me then? We worked a little bit and then I stopped. I want to know because I never worked with you as a manager. I would say I would definitely not put you as a runner. No, that would go terrible. I will also put you in the inside bar, but if it was the summer, I would mainly put you in the outside bar because you're very like bubbly and, you know, you like to like sing and dance. Sorry for interrupting, but a lot of people don't know where we work. We work in a bar called Step In in Nashville. Go to Step In. It's the best place in the world. It is. Hell yeah. And I just wanted to make sure in Step In because you're saying inside bar, outside bar, runners. People don't know what that is. No, that's true. Yes. They want to explain a little bit with a very short context. We have a bar inside. So we have this like, you know, garden kind of where you can sit on benches and there's light and cool air. Yes, and live music sometimes. Exactly. Go to Step In. Go there. And then we have a bar outside. That bar is a little, you know, smaller and easier to be in. And runners, they be running around, cleaning, making sure we are straight. Yeah, and the classes are very underappreciated. Yes. Runners are the best. I started being a runner. Yeah. That shit was tough. It is. You have to like clean so much shit and you have to like handle so many people touching you sometimes. And like, it's really tough. And it's like you get super overwhelmed sometimes. Gabby, she's been in the podcast. She's a runner. She's very good at it. But yeah, she's a boss. I was very lucky that Alberta realized early on that I was asset running. So she didn't want me to do it. So I got off from doing that early on. I think I got good at being a runner because I thought if I wasn't a runner, if I wasn't good at it, I would get fired. Really? Yes. So that's why I feel like I'm good at my job because I really think if I'm not good at it, I would get fired. Also, I'm an immigrant. So maybe that's the thought of life. I think that's true. If I'm not good at my job, I'll get fired. That is very immigrant. It is. It's like I work hard and I need to be good at my job. I need to do this. But it's like, you know, everybody starts. I didn't start as a runner, but everybody starts as a runner. And it's the most difficult part. Like it's so hard to be a runner. Being among people, being in the dance floor, and you have glasses on you and you're like, please don't touch me. Push me. And all the shit you have to clean up. Oh God. The bathroom. The throw up. Thank God I don't work anymore. God damn. I don't remember that. Have you ever had to like clean a throw up? I saw you clean a throw up not that long ago. But you know, after becoming a manager, I always cleaned the throw up. I have never asked anybody else to do it. So nice of you. Every time. And shit. Every single time. But one time we had to be two at it. So I asked Tomas, would you mind? Because I know he's not that like. Yes. Shut up. To him. And he was like, no. And it was so much. So much. On the carpet. So bad. Yeah. And you know, I was about to throw up. And he was laughing. And he was like, no. We're bonding so much over this. And I was just gagging over it. I was like, no. I'm not. But I held it in. Like, I wanted to gag, but I held it in. Because, you know, I can't be breaking face in front of you. Because you're the boss. You have to listen to me. But yeah, that shit was smelly and clumpy. Shut up. I don't mind cleaning throw up if it's in the garden. Because it doesn't smell like. It doesn't smell. No. So it's like, I remember the first time I had to show Gabby how to clean a throw up. It was like right at the beginning of one of her first two shifts in stepping in her life. So I was like, oh, yeah, you know. And then she was like, oh, my God, someone throw up. And I was like, perfect. It's the perfect time for me to show you. And I was showing her. And I was like basically doing the whole job. And I was like, okay with it. Because, you know, there's air and stuff. I don't mind. But if it's like inside, I am very sensible with the smell. And I can, like, throw up immediately after. Like, I can't. And shit, don't get me started. People, when they get drunk. Like, hello. I mean. Hello. Take it. Do you know? Hello. It's so bad. Like, that's probably the worst. But I think you get to a point where you get numb. So now I just do it. Really? Because I can't be asked nobody else to do it. What real leader does that? Says, hey, can you take it? No. Because you don't want to. Then I'm going to take it myself and show an example. Oh, yeah. But you can't do that every time, though. I do it every time. I take throw up or shit every time. You have to tell me, girl. I can go with you. What are you going to do, though? I don't want to do it alone. I typically take Jesper or John with me as emotional support. And I'm like. Emotional support. And I do. John and Jesper. They are our bosses. Owners of the bar there. Shout out to them. I always take them with me to talk to me. And they always, like, you know, just stand there. Talk to me. You know. So it's not as awkward. Because customers come by while you do it. How awkward is it to clean up shit while customers are looking at you? Yeah. Yes. Like, that's probably the worst part. Like, I don't understand why when people get so drunk until the point. Like, I don't know. I really understand, like, people that they know how to get drunk. Like, when you feel like you're very drunk, stop it. But I've seen so many people getting so drunk. And they keep drinking. And they don't care. They throw up. They tumble. I feel like no offense to all those drunkies out there. But they embarrass themselves. They embarrass themselves. I'm not going to lie. You don't even know how to drink. You're 40. Because our bar is, like, plus 23. For everyone there, it's, like, plus 50. About that age. About that age. And it's like, really, you're super old. And you embarrass yourself. No offense. And when they get drunk, too, they're like, what, 30 years, 40 years older than you. And they're like, oh, you want to go on a date? You are my number. You have no idea. You like me. You deserve me. You like me. I swear. I swear. They actually think that when you serve them, they think you love them. Also, those creepy old ladies. Do you know how many times, every time, I got, like, PTSD from, like, bending over. Because I got smacked. I got smacked. I got baboozled. I got hooked. Like, bro, I won't even go into what they did to me. But these ladies, they can be wild. Wild. Yeah, but they can't, like, men are more shy about that. Yeah, men won't touch you. Women aren't shy about shit about that. But you know what? You just got to slap that hand right away. Oh, gosh. I can't do it. I can't do it. It's pretty hard to do, especially, like, for me. Because I have, like, I have no impulse control, to be honest. It's not because I'm a bad person. Because I just react as fast as I can. I know if I slap the hand away, it will go way too hard. I will probably just swing my arm around and hit them way too hard. But then they know better. They know not to touch people. Like, what? Don't be touching on my ass. Yeah. Don't be touching on me. It's easier because you're, like, slapping a man. You know what I mean? It's like he will be slapping a woman. It's seen differently. You know what I mean? I just feel like that's, like, so unfair. And some people use that. And, like, really, I talk to the other male bartenders from our work, and they get so harassed. Yeah, true. So harassed. And I'm like, I don't get harassed. I get comments all the time, like, everyone, all the time. But I never get touched by a customer. If they do, they're out. And, like, I've talked to the other male bartenders. I'm like, why are you not telling us this? Why are these women not getting kicked out? It's like, oh, yeah, but, like, you know. You know, like, you don't want to make a big deal of it because nobody will take you seriously. Yeah, truly. Like, when I went out, most of the time I was, like, a woman literally sexually completely violating me. The one time a woman literally put her hands down my pants, and that shit was way, like, she did some stuff. I'm not going to go into what she did, but she did some stuff to me while I was working. I couldn't do nothing to push her away. But when I told the bouncer at the night, he just had a huge laugh, a huge laugh. It's just not fair. Because he apparently didn't get touched enough or something. He would love to get touched like that or something, but I feel like that was way too much. Like, I love getting a compliment and getting called ass or something. That's fine. If you touch me and be, like, you're cute or something, okay. But, like, have some self-respect, though. If anyone ever touched me like that, I would be super— I would never go back to work. I would be super, like, sad. I don't know. Like, at least we don't get— I never get touched by anyone, not even, like, this. I feel like I get touched a lot, but, like, you just got to be quick with saying to people, don't do that. Yeah. Like, I don't like that. Don't do that, or you will get out. But it's more like a sneaky touch. Like, they will put their hand, you know, on your— like, slide it on your ass, like, you know. Kind of like softly. Or going down for a hug and just going down. Yeah. That's probably the worst. I never go for hugs to anyone. Maybe that's why. Never. I'm not a hugger, so I don't go for hugs. So maybe that's why people don't touch me, because I don't touch them. But they typically, you know, kiss your hand, your cheek. Oh, my God, the other day! You know, that's what they do. Yes! Oh, my God, the other day a customer touched my hand, kissed my hand, and I was so grossed about it. I cleaned my hand three times. That's the worst. They just go like this. It looks like they're going to handshake you, and then they're like— And then they kiss, yeah. Oh, Lord. And I was like, gross! I was like, gross, gross, gross. What the fuck? I washed my hands so much. So what, they just take your hand and be like— They're like, mm-hmm. Or they will like, you know, when you take their order, they will go close to you, and you think, okay, they're going to say their order, and they kiss you on the cheek. And they kiss you on the cheek. I had that, too, the other day. The first—the two only times I got touched like that, like kissed by a customer, it was on the same night, and the guy was like, blah, blah, blah, blah, and then he kissed me on the cheek, and I thought he wanted more stuff. Yeah. That's what they do. That's funny you're saying, because I met an old customer that actually used to go to Step In It a lot. I don't know if she does that anymore. But she kissed me while I was in another bar here this last weekend while I was— I just pushed her where it was like, what the fuck are you doing? And she was like, you don't work anymore. I was like, that doesn't mean you can cross my boundaries like that. Yeah. I'm still a human. Like, if I'm in work or not, I'm still a human. Like, we're serving you, but we don't want anything else. Like, just because I was a bartender. But top it over there. Some customers are actually also very good to stand up for you. Yeah. I feel like one time, you know, a woman came to me, and she was like, can you walk with me out in the garden? My friends and I really need to talk to you about that. And I was like, yeah. I go out there, and they're like, are you uncomfortable? Are they, like, trespassing your boundaries? Because she saw, like, the men we work with being very, like, touchy and friendly with me, and that's just how our dynamic is. Yeah. We're very caring with each other. Exactly. So they were like, do you need us to talk to anybody? Do you need us to do anything for you? And I was like, no, I'm fine, but thank you so much for caring. Like, you can tell which customers are, like, there because they appreciate you, and the customers are there because they are being, like, gross and creepy. You know, it's like I can sense it. And it's really when people tip you because they want to and they tip you because they want something, you know, back. Exactly. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's just very messed up, but yeah. But you girls get tipped a lot. I've been tipped. I've worked there in a year. I've been tipped once a hundred crowns. That's it? That's it. Really? Once a hundred crowns. I've been tipped. You don't get started with it. And I only got tipped because I found her glasses and cleaned them for her and gave them back. So her boyfriend actually was telling me to, like, take a hundred over on our, what is it called now, our system so he could go and buy cigarettes, and then he just gave them to me and said, thank you for taking care of this girl. Like, you're a good girl. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. But I feel like I'm kind of sad to only have tried to get one hundred. Yeah, I've only gotten a hundred crowns in one year of working there. I write down, like, I don't have my phone here with me, but every time I finish a shift, I write down my hours and I write down the tips I get that day. Really? Yes, because I want to see how much money I made, like maybe how many hours I worked compared to how many crowns I got and tips. And, I mean, I'm not going to lie, lately people are fucking rats. I was just saying. They don't pay that shit. They are always paying with card. So if they pay with card, they don't have cash to give you. So no tips lately, but almost nothing. Some people at work are getting good tips. I don't know what they do. It depends on the people, you know. When I was, before I was a manager, I would get, like, at least 600 crowns a weekend up to over a thousand a weekend. That's crazy. In tips. A weekend? A weekend. That's crazy. Like, if I worked both Friday and Saturday. But after becoming, you know, a manager. That's my whole paycheck. That's the whole, that was what I would be paid for one weekend. That's what I would be paid. That was literally my payment for a weekend. That's crazy. But, like, after becoming a manager, I'm never in the bar. I don't know if you guys noticed. Like, I'm always running around to make sure everything is okay. So now I don't really get that much tips. I think I get, like, maximum 100 kroner a weekend. Okay. But I don't really be standing in the bars anymore. I just be, like, running around like a lunatic. I'm trying to think. But no, girl, lately I've been getting nothing. Really? Like, I think last weekend I got, like, 30. Last week in total, I can take my phone and check it later. But I think I got, like, maybe 100 the whole week. And I worked every day almost of the week. It's like lately it's really, like, people pay with cards. So they are not giving you anything. And sometimes you pay. I hate when, like, people pay with 1,000 on, like, a very big bill. And you give them two kroner back and they take it. Like, okay, I didn't know you were in that need of money. I'm in pain. I'm in pain. That chick said, right out of your head, 700 kroner for a bottle. But you need those two kroner. So I'm like, okay. The worst part is people would be mad over those two kroner. They would be like, you scammed me, bro. You scammed me. I'm like, bro, what the fuck? That's 50 cents. Honestly. That's crazy. I don't know sometimes if it's better if they give you those two kroner or if they kept them because it's like, well, I don't know. I guess if they give them to you. I appreciate it. I don't know. Any kind of money is good money. One woman once was like, one kroner. She gave me one kroner. And I was like, thank you. You could have kept that. You could have kept that. It almost feels embarrassing to take it. I know. But you can't say no because then you are an asshole. Exactly. I'm kind of in that situation. Who are you to be too good to take my kroner? You better take that kroner. I'm giving it to you. Take it. Take that mini kroner. Yeah, you better take that kroner. That thing is taking you places. That better go in your wallet. Have a special place and everything. You know what I do? I have a coin jar. That's mostly what I get is coins. I barely get any bills. Then I put it there, and then it sums up, and then I go back to stepping to change it for bills. I do that too. But sometimes, the last four months or five months, you gather them, and then you go out to step in and turn it into bills. I think I got almost 3,000 this time, so I was like, oh, nice. Those little coins that I thought was maybe 500 kroners was that much. That was nice. Crazy. You're roasting me here. I was just like, bro, I've been scammed. I was never given that. People, when you don't speak Danish as your native language, it's difficult to get the same service. That's true. People just don't feel like they'd be getting the same service for some reason. I feel like it's true. You know why I feel like it? Because I understand from the sentence that they're saying, I understand two words, one. That's all I understand. I could be like, sometimes when it's a very long thing, I try to talk to them in English, and then we create a small relationship. And when we create that small relationship, they then tip me. However, if they only say two words, classic two, that's all I do. Then I give it to them. Hi, hi. You can't really small talk like that. No, exactly. And they appreciate that small talk sometimes. Not always, but sometimes they do. Sometimes I even move on. After I'm giving them the beer, I'm already talking to another customer. It's busy. I have to move on. I cannot stay with you. Maybe that's why I don't get that many tips, because I cannot create that connection with those customers. That's true, because customers typically always remember you. The customers that tip me, that's because we have built a relationship throughout the time. I know this guy. I helped him once with the police because he was a little bit too drunk. Can we take a break real quick? Yes, actually we can take a break. Okay. Do you remember what you were saying? Oh, actually we can do an ad. Anyone wants to do an ad? I'll do the ad this time, guys, because I haven't done an ad for a really long time. I know the ad, you should do it as guests, but we had some mistakes before this week, some things happening before recording this episode, so I'm just going to say, plastic cup. Get, I hope it's, I'm really concerned about this episode, because I don't know if it's getting full on, well recorded. Anyways, plastic cups. Get your mini, tiny plastic cup, because then if it falls, it doesn't break. That's true, that's true. Just like that. Is it, I just need to know if this, ah, fuck. I don't know if it's, sorry, I don't know if it's like the camera is good, because for me, I don't have my glasses, I don't know. I can't see either. But I was about to say, are you sure it's not just your eyes that's not focusing? Maybe it's my eyes that are not focusing. It's the eyes that are not focusing. I don't know, can you see that the screen is not focusing? I can't see anything. Okay, you know, none of us is, no, if it's not focused, I apologize already. It's the life. It is what it is. You were going to say, do you remember what you were going to say? Oh, yeah. One time, I helped this customer with the police, because he got so drunk he peed himself and shat himself. Like, so drunk. So I helped him so he didn't get arrested, because that's crazy. I was not expecting that. And now, every time she comes in to step in, he tips me at least 600 kroners. At least, up to a thousand. And if I say, like, you always forget that you can, like, on us, you can't go over on the machines, so you have to give, like, cash. So he always goes down to a bank, withdraws money, and give it to me. Really? And I always say, no, I can't, like, you know, I wasn't doing it for the money, stuff like that. And he was like, no, I just ride with you. I like you. Here you go. And we always speak and talk. And he's very nice. Like, he looks like a proper criminal, because he has tattoos and a big and bald and leather jacket, but he is so nice. Wow. Nice guy. Straight out of jail. What? What? What? Straight out of jail? I have never, ever. That's crazy. Never heard that. Ever. No? No. Shout out to, I can't even say his name, but shout out to him. That's crazy. Whoa. Is it like a wish I had that is good? No. When people tip me, it's like, it's either they are very drunk and I look cute, and that time they're like, oh, you're so cute. Here you go. Yeah. Like, whatever. The biggest amount of tip I got, like, in one go, was around, like, 250. Oh. 200 and something. Oh, that's nice. Like, this guy was paying with a thousand bills, and he bought a bottle and something else, I don't know, a bottle of alcohol and stuff. And then the rest he gave it to me. And he was like, you can keep the rest. That's nice. I really like that. When people are like, you know, I'm like, you can keep the rest. I'm like, thank you. You're helping me pay my paychecks. I just used to give my – if I got anything, it was just, like, small crowns that I would find or give, if they didn't want them. You know, actually, we have people that find a lot of money. Yeah, I heard that. Yeah, we have somebody finding those money all over the floor. All over the floor. I've heard about that. That's crazy. I bet that, too, when – can I say his name, our worker? I don't know. When somebody used to be closing, he wouldn't always sweep the floor. So I would always find, like, 50 kroners, 200 kroners, and I don't know why it was always after his shift, I would find so much money. So even though I knew it was never clean when I came in – You were like, I don't care. I was like, give me that extra paycheck right there. Because at that time I wasn't the manager, so I wasn't getting as much as I do now. It was still fair, but you always want, like, 200 kroners on the floor. That's crazy. That's crazy. I've been sweeping the floors so many times lately. Every time I sweep the floors, I think because people are telling me, oh, I found 100, I have 50. One day a coworker told me, I found, yeah, 500. I'm like, I go there, nothing. Where? Nothing. I've never gotten anything. Nothing. Like, I found maybe 20 kroners. I used to just give them to the other girls, like the ones that used to work around me, like you and the others, because what am I supposed to do with this? In my little glass, like this little glass jar, this little tiny glass jar, let me tell you guys, all our glass jars are beside each other. There will be, like, 200 kroners and 300 kroners, and there will be my little tiny-ass glass jar with, like, two kroners and 50 pence. When we're working as bartenders, we have to put our stuff, like, I don't know, your lip gloss, your pills, whatever, on your tips on, like, a glass. And, yeah, his was empty. Yeah, mine was always empty, so I just used to, at the end of the shift, just take my glass, just see how much there was, and just some random one of the girls would just get the tips because I wasn't feeling about it. Exactly. Because I would be so sad just standing there, 10 kroners, 15 kroners, just looking up, looking at you with 100, 500 kroners, standing there looking. Now I can't say anybody's names, but I saw a girl, literally, I looked up from my 10 kroners, looked at her, and she was standing there with, like, 500 kroners. I was like, do you want this? And she was like, yeah, I'll take it. I was like, take it. Like, you got all the money anyways. I mean, I would say that you cannot compare, otherwise you get depressed. No, exactly. I cannot compare. It's like if I start looking. Some girls just have it easier. Yeah, some girls, some boys, like, in general. Some people are just very good at talking to customers. Some people are, like, just naturally nice. And the camera isn't focusing because I'm checking, and it's not me, it's the camera. Anyways, I'm so sorry, guys, it's what it is. But I wanted to say that I do not look at other people's chores. I never do. No. I never. Otherwise I get, like, depressed. It's like degrading to yourself sometimes. Exactly. It depends, you know, and you also have to remember the circumstance. You are a man. Yeah, I'm a man and you're a girl. And I'm not you. Exactly. Yeah. And I'm not behind the bar anymore. We will not get as much. No. You know, and also, like, what I'm saying, lately people are not paying with cash anymore. No. This is like, I mean, our boss told us once that back in the days, before COVID, people would get 1,000 crowns every week. Minimum. Every week. That's crazy. We don't do that anymore, for sure. Like, that doesn't, people are, like, all with their credit cards. This is not Copenhagen, you know. Yeah, like, you could be a bartender living back then, apparently, like, with that shit. I wonder, actually, if, because we're in a small city, it's just like this, if we go to big cities, if we're getting more tips. I think in Copenhagen you get the bank. Yeah, probably. I think so, yeah. Wow. Like, also, I don't think Denmark is big of a tipping. No, no, no. It's not. And I'm happy about that. Yeah, me too. Imagine if every time you went out to eat, you had to think about tipping, too. Yeah. Like, you have to pay for two people. Like, I don't understand American tipping culture. I think, if Sophia was here, she would explain us, but I think based on TikTok and all the knowledge I have on, like, social. But I feel like you should get tipped by what you serve, though. They get paid very bad. But how bad? They don't get paid. Like, some places you don't get paid, only with your tips. Yeah, just, like, you get paid by tips. But that's, okay, I'm not going to say this, but that's slavery. Like, if you work for free, that's slavery. I don't know. It's like you get paid, like, super low, so you live out of tips. So, it's like that's the tipping culture. Yeah. Because you know that people are not getting actual money, so you have to tip them. But that would be worrying for me because if I, like, let's say I have to go out on a date, take a girl out to this fancy restaurant, like, bro, I'm already paying bank for this. Like, I have to focus on tipping my waiter every time I go out. Yeah, I know. I eat out, like, nearly every day, especially with the prices now. It's much cheaper to just eat out than just make it yourself. Almost. So, if I had to tip out every time. I don't know which world would you live. I promise you, almost. But, like, for example, buying, you know, durum or going out to buy groceries, they have to pay, like, now 250 to buy groceries to a meal. But I'm not paying. I'm not eating durum every day, guys. Like, I would die. We're not either, but, you know, they like eating out. We're also eating dada, you know. Yeah, we eat durum. We can eat dada, though. Okay, dame. That's the dame part of your life. Like, you have something. You have dame. That dame, it's there. I think we're big foodies. Like, why? We are really big foodies. Okay, I wish. I wish I could spend the money there. So, tips. I go out once, twice, three times max in a month. Really? In a month? What? Yes. In a week, bro. Yeah, I do that maybe a day. Like, what? Okay, guys. That's how we socialize. Yeah. I have a job, and I have work. When I wake up, the first thing I do is, like, buy food from 7-Eleven. That's true. Yeah. They have good taquitos. Yeah, taquitos is bossing. I think we're going out on a different track now. Guys, I think you would save more money. Listen to me. You would. I think so. I really think so. But, you know, what would you rather do? Go out and eat and have fun and sit and talk, or you want to make the food yourself and I mean, I live in dorms, so I cook with my friends. True. It's like, we can't really do that. We don't do that, though. We choose not to do that. Yeah, I can't cook with my friends. They don't eat anything that I eat. Okay. Well, other life, I guess I wish. I mean, I would love to go eat and be like, I feel like that would be such a nice lifestyle and be like, oh, I'm going out to spend. But I literally, like, last week, I ate twice out, and I feel it in my wallet so hard. I don't know how much money do you spend out. But I spend, like, if I go, I go eat good, so I get, like, 200 crowns I spend every time I eat out. Depends. I think I have a privilege that somebody else mostly pays for me. Yeah, you have that privilege that somebody else mostly pays for you. But I eat at mostly, like, normal restaurants or something like that. You always choose the most expensive thing. Yeah, I mostly eat the most expensive thing. I don't even know why, but it's mostly what I like. I like steak and stuff like that, and it's just expensive. That's how it is. But yeah, I eat out a lot because I don't see the time to just go out and do it because I work. I wake up from four in the morning. I just stop at six at p.m. We just ate Burger King before we were here. Yeah, we just ate Burger King before we were here. I still got some in the bag, though. I'm going to finish it when I go out of here, let me be honest. So I just had pasta today. Do you want a burger? We got you. Okay, guys. You know, that's healthier, too. So we probably should eat like that. But right now, it's not the time. It's like, I get it. I guess I get it. I would do the same. But also, I live in a very small city, so I don't get that many places. But yeah, I wanted to ask you guys, have you ever got any crazy customer story about working in the bar? Like, what is the craziest customer story you had? You'll go first. I think you guys probably know mine because our boss posted it in our group. Oh, yes. I wasn't in the group chat at that point. No, you were. You quit. You get fired. No, I quit. I quit. Okay, okay. I didn't get fired. What? He fired me. That's crazy. I don't think I can get fired. I don't even think he fired anybody. Yeah. Only if you're still, you can get fired, or if you tell a bad lie, you get fired. Like a really bad lie. But did this man just expose somebody? Like, come on now. You know, I can edit it. What the fuck is wrong with the camera? Okay, let's take a break, and I'm going to fix that. Is it zooming in and out like this? Yes, that's what I'm saying. Because I'm like, is it my eyes? Am I tired, and are my eyes just doing this? It's the camera. Okay, just one break. So, oh. Fast. So we, unfortunately, because the battery is running, because it's a long day here, even though it doesn't look like it, we are going to close with your crazy story, and then we are going to close the episode for today. I hope the camera doesn't die. So you have to be fast. Okay, so it was the craziest story ever. So I came into work, and it was like a Tuesday, probably, night. And this man and his wife, girlfriend, comes in, and he's old, and his wife is young. And he orders and is very talkative and stuff, and said his wife has just experienced life. And I was like, okay, people say some weird shit sometimes. He goes up, and he comes down and asks for a little straw. He was very specific that it should be little. And I was like, okay. And he comes down again and asks for another little straw. And I'm like, oh, my wife deserves to be happy, too. She deserves that. And I'm like, yeah, here, get your straw. Bye. Don't talk to me, kind of wife, right? And I'm like so curious. So I look up there, and I'm like, what are these people doing with this straw? Because they bought one beer. So I was like, what the fuck? Are they sharing the beer with the soldiers? And I look up, and these people are taking limes on the table. And let me tell you, cocaine, guys. It was crazy. I go out, and I'm like, what the fuck do I do? Do I go up to them and say, hey, I don't appreciate this right now. Can you leave? So I go out, and I call my boss. And I'm like, hey, what's up? Like, I just experienced this. And he's like, I'm going to call the police right away. The police comes in, the two hottest men ever. Wow. Mm-mm-mm. They were beautiful. They were beautiful. They came in, and we went out to the kitchen. I was like, can we go out in the kitchen? And I explained to them what I just saw. And they were like, okay. And keep in mind, this man came up to me before when he came in, and I said he was very talkative and stuff like that. He talked about birthing turtles and how he just had given birth to turtles. He gave a birth to a turtle. To a turtle. Like he birthed a turtle. And he was like showing it with his hand. And I was like, how weird of a day this is. And he just kept talking about that shit. And I was just like, I thought it was a metaphor or something. So I was like, oh, nice. You really are living life, you know. I was vibing with him with that crackhead. Come to find out, they found two bags filled with this much ketamine on them. That much, that's expensive. And let me tell you, we talked, and I know his name, and he knows my name. So he just, as soon as the police came over to him, he just started yelling, Laura, Laura, save me. Save the turtles. And I was like, fuck them turtles. And then I got called into court to be a witness in their case. Wow. Yeah. How don't I know that? I did not know that. I don't know that either. What the fuck? To be a witness in their case. So I got their full names and stuff. And the worst part is, the day they got arrested, like put in handcuffs and followed out and everything, right, the worst part is, the next day on the station, and I'm never at the station because I drive a car, I saw the woman. And she saw me. And as soon as she saw me, this woman ran. She ran? She left that place immediately. And I was just like, girl, I'm not going to call the police now. Like, you know. But that was crazy. That's crazy. But, you know, some people got married and slept in too that night. What? Some people got married inside? Inside. Inside. And we made like mini Guinness shots and cheered on it. It was like, thank you for today. That's crazy. That was a good shift. That's a wild night. You know how some shifts are like deadly on Tuesdays? That's a good shift. That's a good shift. That's a shift to remember. And it was so funny. But that like whole police arresting them and patting them down and stuff took like over an hour. Because I don't know if she had hit it in her ass or what she did. Like, it was a huge bag. How could she hit it, you know? But that woman hit it. And yes, no, our boss called me. And it was like, he checked the cameras. One of the bags are hidden in the sofa. I told the police. And I was like to the police, it's in the sofa. And they looked and they found a huge bag. And he was just like, you know, he was just, before they found the bag, he didn't think they would find it. So he was just sitting there so unbothered like he was the king. Like, I didn't see him take those lines. Whoa, that is a crazy. Infant karma. I love that day. It sounds like a very fun day. Anyways, unfortunately, we'd love to talk about more. Because I have stories. Omar has stories. And we'd really love to. But unfortunately, we have to let it go today. Maybe we can do a part two. We should maybe. Maybe we can do a part two. But not for today. So thank you very much for today. This episode is going to be called bartending experience. Or something like that. And thank you very much for coming here, guys, all the way from Nashville. Thank you for having us. And that's it for today. Thank you. Bye. Do like this. Dance hands. Okay.