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cover of Raja Yoga meditation  Mohini Didi I Peace of Mind 2024 I Gyan Sarovar I Mount Abu I 5th Oct 2024
Raja Yoga meditation  Mohini Didi I Peace of Mind 2024 I Gyan Sarovar I Mount Abu I 5th Oct 2024

Raja Yoga meditation Mohini Didi I Peace of Mind 2024 I Gyan Sarovar I Mount Abu I 5th Oct 2024

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Mohini Didi, a special soul in the Brahma Kumaris family, is introduced as the administrative head of the organization. She emphasizes the importance of having pure and positive thoughts and explains that thoughts originate in the mind and influence our words and actions. She encourages the audience to connect with their true selves and cultivate peaceful and loving thoughts. She also discusses the practice of meditation, which involves focusing the mind on positive thoughts and connecting with one's inner self. She highlights the benefits of peace and calmness, such as clarity and problem-solving abilities. Mohini Didi guides the audience through a meditation exercise where they focus on their breath and withdraw their energy into their souls. She encourages them to recognize themselves as souls of light connected to the supreme power and embody qualities such as love and peace. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Aum Shanti. Welcome, everyone. Everyone rested and fresh? Yes? Good. This is a very special hour that we have, and I'd like to introduce you to this very special soul, special to me, but special also in this Brahma Kumaris family, learning community. This is Mohini Didi, and you all know Didi means senior sister, beloved older sister. At one time, Sister Mohini was the regional director for the Americas, North, South America, Central Caribbean, including Canada. She still holds that role, but she was the first of the Brahma Kumaris students from India via London to come to North America, and the place she came was Halifax. So very special to me as the origins, the seed of my spiritual journey. Sister Denise was there at one point as well, and there are others. And now Mohini Didi lives in New York. She went to Guyana, Toronto, New York, many other places to open, to begin the sharing of knowledge of Raja Yoga across the Americas. And now, 28 years later for me, but many years later for her, 50 years later for her, she is the administrative head of the entire Brahma Kumaris worldwide. So a very big role and a very big soul. I've grown up under her love, full, powerful guidance as a spiritual student over the years. A soul of few words, but every word is full of power. So we have the honor of Mohini Didi being with us here today. If you can give her a warm welcome with one hand clapping and a smile. Welcome, Didi. Om Shanti. Om Shanti. Om Shanti. Om Shanti. Do you all know? Do you all know what's the meaning of Om Shanti? If one person says loudly. Yes. So my question to all of you is that, are you all peace? Are you all peaceful? Yes, everyone? Wow. That's very good. Congratulations. Because you have come for peace of mind. So you also have understood about the mind thing. Very, very powerful, very beautiful energy, which creates everything. Someone was asking me that when I talk, is there thought first of everything? Or I just talk? What do you think? First thought comes in the mind, right? Some process the thought and then speak. And some, whatever comes in the mind, they want to say everything. But many people do not realize that the seed of every word and the action is the thought in the mind. So it's very, very important for us to have very, very pure, very positive, very elevated thoughts in the mind. Many, many have belief or a kind of question too. Thoughts just come or I think? Some people say, I don't know. A lot of thoughts are coming in my mind, coming in my mind. Some say, this is what I am thinking. So I think or thoughts come in the mind. It is both. Yes? Sometimes I think and sometimes you just find very positive, good thoughts, but sometimes like a little storm in the mind, a lot of thoughts, a lot of thoughts, many thoughts, some useful, some wasteful. Now that is the time that understanding of who am I will help me to transform wasteful and negative into a very positive and creative person. Very simple. You said you are peaceful, right? So who am I? You all must have heard for these few days that I am a soul. And through my body, when soul is in the body, human being, then that mind functions. But as soon as you say, I am soul, you are peaceful. You have to be peaceful. As you said just now, I am loveful, I am peaceful, I am happy. So you start creating these thoughts. So that thoughts which are disturbing you, it could be unfulfilled desires, it could be anger, it could be ego, anything. A lot of thoughts come, but we can change thoughts. I am the master. I can change. A lot of people say, what to do with my mind? What to do with my thoughts? You give them direction. You can give direction to your thoughts. You can transform your thoughts. And it should become very natural, because you want to be peaceful, you want to be happy, you want to have contentment. And one of the reasons we all want peace, because my eternal nature, my original self, my self-religion is peace. I lost it because of body consciousness. I am reclaiming now my eternal qualities. I have everything acquired, but not in it. And I want to be what I am, that is peaceful, loveful, pure. And there is always capacity to discern, and that is your intellect. There is constant discernment to decide what I want. If I want peace, then I have to transform, I have to let go, and I have to create thoughts. So this is a little bit, a small exercise or practice. The word meditation became known and popular. It's a kind of present lifestyle, a kind of fashion. So I learned meditation, I do meditation. But what is meditation? Not to control the mind, not to stop the mind, not to force mind, not to think. But ability to think what I want to think. We call it concentration, we call it focus. Mind is all the time connected, all the time, with body, with people, with my task. All the time mind is thinking. But I want now mind to connect with my own real self. I want to connect my mind with the true self, so that the experience of my innate qualities begins. A kind of awakening, that I am a peaceful soul. Not only a soul, but a peaceful soul. So mind has enough to think based on understanding of my spiritual identity. Who am I? Generally I don't have to think that I am only me and my father. Remember everything. In the beginning we have to think and that thinking now is becoming your habit, habit of mind, or nature we call it. Very natural for me to be peaceful, because I am a peaceful soul. But until that becomes natural, we give ourselves certain thoughts for my own self. Is it clear? Yeah? Yes? You can do it, right? Yes? It's very soft now. We want to experience peace, and in our training it's becoming more important to be happy. So what comes first, peace or happiness? If you are peaceful, you are happy, or if you are happy, you are peaceful. What comes first, happiness or peace? Because when I begin the practice, that I am peaceful, then I start feeling happy. Peace is one of the very important powers, because it could be silence, it could be calmness, calm nature. Inner calmness brings clarity. When you are in hurry, worry, right? When you are a calm person. Even when there are challenges, when you are calm, you find solutions. The mind is so clear. So no problem, no worry, right? The mind is calm. One year we were given the practice to become image of solution. Very good practice. There is a problem, there is a solution. The capacity increases when you think of solutions, even while listening to problems. Many capacities increase when mind becomes peaceful and calm. Many. Clarity, everything. And concentration definitely. You know? So, how we begin it? We sit straight. It's good to have your legs also straight, your back also straight, so that the flow of the oxygen in the body is better. You can breathe better when you are straight. Whether you have to inhale or exhale. Lot of people, even doctors suggest for the lungs to have pranayama. Prana means breath. Yama means regulate your breath. So they take deep breath in and then out. So I suggest just take breath in and out. Deep breath. And let body be relaxed. No tension in your hands or your feet or any kind of muscles. Just relax. But remain awake, right? So sit straight, relax. While you are listening, you are using energy. But now, as I go inwards, I could easily, the main power, superpower to withdraw. I can withdraw. You know, like a tortoise. You have seen? It's like a shell. Like a shell. And when it has to do actions, then opens limbs and starts moving. Same is... We have done actions, now we are quiet. So I withdraw each part of the body and bring it in soul consciousness. And then I will leave. Yes, I use every part of body, every organ of the body. So while breathing deeply, bring all your energy upwards, from the feet to... Keep going up, up, up. So that all the focus is in the center of all it. I bring in the middle center of all it. And that is where I, as a soul, I have my seat, my throne. So the first thought I have, I am a soul, a point of light. I am peace. I am love. I am... My body is a vehicle, is an instrument. I, soul, a conscious being, use this body for action, to play my role, play my part. With a peaceful mind. And... I am soul, separate from body, two entities, but I am in body. I am living, conscious. Body is from five elements, air, water, earth, sky. The whole universe is five elements. Every thought I create, it has vibrations. It has vibrations. When I breathe, I am using air. And I want to contribute peace, peace in the whole atmosphere. Drinking water for the body. There is water in the body, and in the whole universe. So I think positive. Water becomes positive. So purifying every element. And all that comes back to me. So soul has connection with the body, and with the whole universe. So I, soul in the body, through my mind, go beyond withdrawal from the body. So I am point of light. I am point of energy. I am child in the monster. I am child of supreme soul, the parents of the soul, the creator. Feel ocean unlimited and constantly strong. Constantly. Give. Like sun, moon, everything in the universe is constant. Give us, don't us. So I connect my mind with love. To us, my parents, the creator. And become the master. God's child and also the master. So the qualities of the creator ocean unlimited. Infinite. So the qualities of the soul is also like my father's qualities. Inherent, naturally in me we have those qualities. So my mind is completely merged in the ocean of love, ocean of peace, ocean of purity, knowledge. So that I have to be the embodiment of love. This connection, this union, this meeting, I meet. So I recognize that he is the supreme light, and I am also light. So Connecting with one supreme. So looking at the whole universe and be in awareness of true self as a soul, a point of light, a peaceful being, a loveful being. Every thought I create is connected with reaching the whole universe. Especially at this time the world needs peace. So no conflict, total nonviolence. So we send our vibrations to the whole world. To all my brothers, all my sisters, long to actually be together and gradually I connect again with the body, gradually move my feet and hands in my self-awareness. I look at everyone as a soul, a peaceful being. So that pure love spreads. Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti So are you able to experience your own qualities? They are eternal. Many, many qualities, but seven are main. Seven are innate qualities. You want to know seven qualities? Yes. First is knowledge, not as information, but knowing the truth. The truth is important. All the information outside is of body. That's spiritual knowledge. Second is purity. Purity. Unadulterated. Third is peace. We always keep peace first, but you need knowledge, purity and peace. Then fourth is happiness. Peace and happiness. Fifth is love. Even if you keep love first. Love and loving Love brings a blissful state of mind. Very happy, very blissful. And last is power. When you have power, you are not weak. So when you are meditating, you should take one by one, concentrate on one quality, another quality. You can sit half an hour and you will feel it for two minutes. Dictionary meaning of meditation is to think or contemplate. Then comes reflection. Then emerges insight. So make it natural, easy and consistent. Every few hours or every hour we do traffic control. Down we have what we call as campus Shantivan. Every hour we have music for one minute. Power of peace. Shanti hi shanti. Every hour. So that it's not in the morning and peaceful and evening that the day I lose my peace. OK? Yes? Yes? OK. When you make things simple, it's easy to do that. But sometimes when something is simple, people don't believe, how can it be so simple? It is simple. But it is what you are. OK. Om shanti. So simple is powerful. Yes? Do you feel? Concentrated energy of the soul in Deity. Thank you Deity for that. So Deity will be with us now for a gift giving ceremony. More

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