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Radio Production Class | Halloween PSA Project

Radio Production Class | Halloween PSA Project




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Suffolk Community College Radio and the National Safety Council offer safety tips for Halloween night. Plan a safe route and time for kids to return home. Avoid masks that block vision and don't go into strangers' cars or homes. Check Halloween makeup for safety. Inspect candy for holes before letting kids eat it. Following these tips will keep kids safe, but there may still be unknown dangers. Boys and girls, ghosts and ghouls, you must make sure to look out for danger this Halloween night. Suffolk Community College Radio and the National Safety Council want to give you these ghoulishly good safety tips. Make sure to plan a safe route around the neighborhood with your little demon, along with a safe time for them to return home. Avoid masks that block your vision. You don't want to get hit by a car, do you? Don't go into a stranger's car or home. Only trust your parents. Make sure any Halloween makeup you buy is non-toxic and tested in a safe area first. You wouldn't want your kid to melt away like a witch, would you? Make sure to inspect any candy your children get for holes or openings before letting them snack away. As long as you follow these safety tips, you're sure to keep your kids safe on Halloween night. Although, you never know what's truly out there.

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