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Mr. and Mrs. W. went on a trip to VA, their favorite club. They met some friendly couples and spent time chatting and exploring the club. They didn't go into the dungeons because it wasn't their thing, but they enjoyed people-watching and had a relaxed and enjoyable night. It was a quiet night at the club, but they still had a great time. This is Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Swingin' Adventures. I am Mr. W. And I am Mrs. W. So if you are not over the age of 18, please do not listen, as this contains adult content. So on tonight's episode, we're going to be talking about our trip back to VA, our visit from Mr. S, so you can wait and see what happened with him. So we will start. We're going back to VA? We haven't actually been to VA for ages. Didn't we work out it was about two months? Yeah. Two, three months? And considering we were there like at least once a month. All the time? Yeah, and it just, yeah, it was weird knowing we were going back there. Oh yeah. So we had arranged to go for about a month or two. Yeah, about that. We had planned to go on the Friday, so Friday is by night. We had planned to go then because any closer up to Christmas would have been a struggle to get childcare. Yeah, and we'd already knew it was going to be a struggle to get childcare anyway, the end of the year. Yeah, so what we decided was take ourselves there. We had told a few people we were going there. Yep. And a couple actually did. Travel. Travel to VA. For the night. Yes. So we went there and home in the same night. I feel their pain because we did that with Swindon. Yep. And they were coming from about the same, it was about the same distance. Yeah, weren't it? About two and a half, three hours? Yeah. So I'm grateful. Yep, and we would just like to say a massive thank you to them too for coming. And we'll definitely travel down to them. Yep, very soon. So VA, we actually got there and I was excited to be back. It sounds so stupid, VA is our go-to club. Yeah. It's not far from home. Any opportunity we get to go, we go. And I am so comfortable at VA. Yeah. When we were actually there, we had got there pretty much just as doors opened. So there was only literally a couple of people in there. Yeah, because we did get there pretty much bang on opening. Yeah. Because that's our thing, we kind of get there when it opens so we get to enjoy our night. Yep. Where when we've had times where we haven't gone or we've got there a little bit later, it seems the night just goes really, really quick. Yep. And next thing you know, like it's one, two o'clock in the morning and you're like, oh, we better think about, start ahead of time. We'd use our time. Yeah, no, definitely, I agree. So once we actually got in there, we'd done the usual, piece of shit in the lockers. Grab a drink. Go get a drink. I'm sure we had, we'd wandered, not so much had a tour, but we wandered. We wandered because they had, what we had seen from online is they'd redone it. They've redone the smoking area. Yep. Somewhere else I think they've redone. I don't know, but we just, we do it anyway all the time. We sort of go in, have a drink. Just wander, get our bearings again. Yeah. Even though we pretty much know the ins and outs by the back of our hands with our place. So we actually went and sat out in- In the smoking area. For a bit. No, we didn't, no, we didn't, not straight away. We grabbed a drink and sat on the- Yeah, on the little ground. Building alcove. Yeah, we were just people watching. Yeah. As, you know, you can see the door from there. So we just saw people coming in. We also, at that point, we missed out on an opportunity to talk to someone else because while we were at the, like sat back, having our drink, there was a lady. Yep. And I kept on saying to Mrs. W, shall we go over or see if she, I'll go over and see if she wants to come and have a sit and chat with us. And like normal, we bottled it. It's not so much we bottled it. I think it was more the case of, I was like, we've literally just got here. Like, let's just sort of get in a little bit and just take it slow. There was no rush to sort of dive straight in two minutes of being in the door. No. But hopefully when we next go, that lady might be there and we can have a chat with her then. Yes. So that's when we then went out into the smoking area. Yeah. And see that it had all been revamped and it looked a lot nicer. Yeah. Because the last time we went, because they'd not opened a new bit or not finished revamping it, it felt really tight in there. So anyone that's not been to VA recently, you will have to definitely go look outside once you've had that chance to get back there. Yeah. Because it is really nice. It's open. To me, it was just a different feel, if that makes sense. Yeah, it was a lot more airy, even though it was outside, but it was brighter. Yeah, it was a bit more spacious. Yeah. So while we were outside, there was a couple. Yep, we then started talking to. We actually ended up speaking more about business side of things. So yeah, we got chatting to them. They seemed quite friendly. She was very. Bubbly. Yes. So it was actually her first time going to a club. Was it? Yeah, it wasn't his. No. But it was hers. And it was nice talking to her. She was very excited about obviously being there, which is nice that somebody was that excited to be there. And seeing that bubbly personality, being like, oh, we're here, like, and enjoying their night. Yeah, I think after a few minutes, five, 10 minutes maybe of speaking, it was getting a bit nippy, so we then went inside. We went and grabbed a drink. We bought them one. Yep. And then we just continued chatting for a bit. Yeah. While we were actually sitting there having a chat, we then spotted two people. Yep. Coming through the door and heading to the lockers. They actually spotted that we were sitting there as well. Yep. So it wasn't actually too bad then. It was like, hi, like, you know, sending the waves across the room sort of thing. And those two people, they were... Naughty and Nice, aka Peach and Snake. So I know it had literally only been a couple of weeks since we had seen them. Had it? Yeah, we had, the Winter Wonderland was like halfway through November. Yeah. So yeah, literally a couple of weeks. And it was just nice to see them again. Oh yeah, it's always nice to see them. I think it was because of underlying issues that we didn't go into conversation with last time. And we won't go into. No, but I think because there was a few problems that night, we just wanted to try and spend another night where we were all chilled. Yeah, different atmosphere. Yeah. Because we're all comfortable with. Yes. Like, they're comfortable, they like VA, we love it. So it was just worked out perfectly. After they put their stuff in the lockers, they grabbed a drink and come and joined us. Yeah. With that, the other couple we were talking to, they were like, I will leave you two. And we're like, you don't have to, that's fine. Right, right. And they chatted with us. Yeah, and I think they actually stayed for a little while, didn't they? Yeah, they did. Then they obviously went off and done their own thing and left us with Peach and Snake. Yeah. And we were talking for quite some time. I think we strolled around. Yeah, we were here, there and everywhere. Yeah, and it was just such a nice and relaxed atmosphere. They did go and watch people in the dungeons for a bit. Yeah, see, that's not my thing. No, no. I don't mind going in a dungeon and playing. But there was a lot of wax play in there. Yeah, and I'd say more BDSM stuff than what you're into. Yeah, me and Miran, I can spank and stuff like that. But when you're going into wax play, just send alarm bells in my head. Yeah, which is understandable. Everyone's different. So obviously they spent a lot of time in there and we sort of sat in the bar area, quite happy, chilling. Yeah, well, we was. Again, people watching. And I did tell you, if you want to go sit and watch it, crack on. No, because my thing is, by me watching all of that, I can't sit there and have a conversation with you about it. Like, if we see different play things, or different scenarios, so to put it, I like to talk to you about what we've seen or about what people are doing. Yeah. If it's something we have or haven't tried. Whereas if you're not there and I'm trying to explain something to you, you don't actually get the full picture. No, but at the same time, I can understand some of it. Yeah, no, I get that. I think it's just nice that you can actually picture it and discuss what you've pictured together. Which, you know, isn't an issue if you don't want to watch it, I won't watch it. It's not... A major thing. Yeah. Like, if it was something I'm desperately into or wanted to try, then I'd be like, no, actually, I will go and watch it. Yeah. But I've not really played with candles and I don't think I would play with candles. So it was, you know, whatever it was, I didn't need to be there. So, I think we carried on strolling for a bit. Yeah. We stopped back outside for a bit. Yeah. It was just so chilled. It was actually a quiet night. Like, it was busy, but quiet. Yeah. Once people got off and started doing their own thing, it quietened down quite a bit. Yeah. Obviously, we got in the hot tub. Yeah. I did not fall in. Not this time. No, I didn't, thank God for that. So, I think, were we one of the first ones in again? No. Was there a couple of people? No, we were the first ones in that night. So, I think that's probably why. There was no one watching me. I weren't nervous. I just sort of got straight in. I was all right. So, we were sitting in the hot tub for a bit and then more and more people kept coming in, didn't they? Yeah. And I felt like the room got busy. Yeah. But it's not the busiest I've seen that room. No. Or the hot tub. But the other rooms weren't that busy either. No. We got out and we got dried and dressed down. It wasn't a busy night. I enjoyed that though. I think there's more people in the dungeons than we've ever seen before. Yeah. All at one time, yeah. It quieted down right towards the end. But we were looking for somewhere pacific. We were looking for somewhere pacific. But I think we actually went and sat on one of the big beds in the main playroom. Yeah. I don't even know how it started, you know. Was it more like you telling me to fuck your dick? Yeah. And obviously, they started playing as well. Who played with who first? I think you played with, no, did Nice play with you first? I don't know. I'm not sure. But anyway, one way or the other, you were all one of the usables in between each other's legs. Well, I think we both were in all honesty. We sort of took it in turns. And I enjoyed myself. I had, I wouldn't say stamina that day, but my jaw wasn't, yeah, it wasn't locking like it normally does that quick. And I think that was because I was pacing myself when I was playing with you. And I kept sort of stopping, giving myself a couple of minutes and then continuing. Yeah. So after a bit of play between me and you and me and Nice. Yeah. I think Norton may have grabbed my bum once or twice. No, weren't you both slapping it again? Yeah. And you were both going out to Nice. Yeah. So it was sort of, I think I was, I can, yeah, I can imagine it now. So you was there, he was there. She was facing that way and I was facing that way. Yeah. So for those who didn't just see my hand demonstration, Mr. W. Fantastic visual. Yeah, Mr. W was in front of me and I was sort of bent over, sucking him off. And Nice had her bum near Mr. W, leaning the opposite direction, playing with Naughty. So yeah, that was, was where the slapping come into it. Yep. And then I think quite a few people come over and sort of started watching. The Walking Dead come around. Yeah, we hate the Walking Dead. It was a Friday, so. Hey ho. With that, I couldn't tell you how long we were there for, but we. It wasn't long. Was it not? No, cause we were waiting for that other room to come available. I wouldn't say it was a room, it's more a bed. It's the one with the curtains. It's the private one. Yeah. So we actually got back up, I think we went back outside for a bit, come back in, got another drink. Went back in that room and kept playing the game. Yeah, while we were still waiting for the bed with the curtain. Yeah. Yeah, cause like I remember that other couple walking out of there and he was smiling like he was like a Cheshire cat. Yeah, cause I don't think he thought anyone was outside. No. So we were in there a hell of a long time. Yeah, we then got that room. The bed. We got the bed. The bed room. Once it was closed, did it not collapse as a room? No. Alright, so we got that one and we all started playing again. Yeah. Noise went down on you. Well, I can't tell you what order things happened, but I know at one point it was like we were all connected. She was playing with him, I was playing with her, and you were playing with me. This is where our tag team is normally coming into play. Yeah. Because I, at this point, My jaw went. My jaw was going, but I was there a long time. Yeah, and you then, Naughty, was basically your tag team partner at that point. No, he wasn't. Normally, my tag team is you. Yeah, but he took that role. He didn't. He didn't go near her while I was down there. You were behind me, and as you were thrusting into me, it was helping with my jaw locking. Yeah, I was just giving you the ear. Yeah, so you were technically my tag team partner, but didn't, at that point, touch her. So it was the case of I was being pushed into, so I could technically keep my locked jaw as a locked jaw and sort of... Wasn't she sucking him off at the same time? More than likely. I couldn't really see much. I weren't focused on what was going on around me. I was focused on what was in front of me. So, I then asked Naughty, if it was OK, if you played with Naughty, because I like that. So, hold on. What got us to that point was, I think she had to actually say to me, I need a break, like, you know, sort of thing. And that's when you then said about... Well, do you mind if Mrs W plays with Naughty? And she was like, yeah, that's fine. And he was like, well, hang on, what's going on? I was like, do you mind if Mrs W plays with you? Because, obviously, you two had not played at that point. No, we hadn't. So you... Well, yeah, I was still sort of bent over anyway, weren't I? So I just... You just moved up the bed and started playing, and then he went... I think, actually, let's pause, because I think it was actually going to be me and her playing with him. And you actually said to me, don't be greedy, you're meant to be sharing. Yeah. And I think she actually said, it's fine, like, don't worry. And then everything was just a bit of a mix-up. I don't know how we then ended up in the situation we were. But after we played with him, I ended up on my back. He was playing with me. Yeah, because he wanted to give back, basically. He didn't want it one way. Yeah, but one way doesn't really bother me, in all honesty. It was me on my back, him playing with me. I think I was giving you a blowjob, and if I'm correct, she was playing with my boobs. Yeah, yeah, she was. At that point, she went, why have I only just started playing with your boobs? Why have I not played with them already? Yeah. But it was just, a lot happened. In one night. In one night, and it's so confusing on trying to pinpoint who done what at what point. I did end up doing a little bit more than just play with him. Yep, you got the snake. I did, and depending on how routes go and everything else, that may occur again. Oh yeah, hopefully. And, you know, in all honesty, I don't think if it was the point where that didn't happen again. We've still got good friends. I still enjoyed playing with her before I played with him anyway. And we have got good friends, yeah. But after, obviously, I was with him, and we were all, you know, connected still. I think that we spent most of the night all connected in one way or another. Yeah, we did, and then I think, didn't she go back down on him? No, so he then got up quickly, and that was when she was like, oh my God, I'm fucking soaked. Literally. Because I was still playing with her while she was playing with my boobs, weren't I? I'm pretty sure she sat on your face at one point. I don't know, I can't remember, but... I remember grabbing her arse and spanking her a couple of times. Yeah, because she actually said to you at that point, she was like... Fucking spank me? No, when I was playing with her, she was like, I'm really wet. And I went, oh are you? Yeah, she went, yeah, feel. Have a feel, and I was like, oh, hang on, like, hold back here. And she was like, no, it's fine, like, have a feel. And I did, and oh my God, she was so wet. And then I think when he came back, she was like, yeah, they've just had to film me, I'm like, I'm soaked. And he was like, oh, lucky boy then. Yeah. And it was just nice. And then I think he had a feel and he was like, oh yeah, you are. It was just so nice. Like, it wasn't awkward at all, really, I don't think. And the fact that we were all connected together, and it wasn't a sort of separate play. We haven't had that play as of yet where we're all connected. Where we've all played together. Yeah. Like, we swapped. Okay, we had that orgy, for example, right? We were touching different people. Yeah, but we never touched them. But no, but what I mean is like, we weren't all touching. Yeah. If that makes any sense to you. No. So it was like, you were playing with that person, I'm playing with that person, that person's playing with that person. Whereas this time around, it was like, he was touching her, she was touching me, I was touching you, or we were all focused on. So with us playing, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Yeah, I did. Where we've had other experiences. Yeah. Yes, I enjoyed them, but we don't get that opportunity very often to play as a four, but a three. Yeah, I get that, yeah. And a lot of people would say, well, hang on a second, isn't that a bison act? But it's not, because what they, we know them. Yeah. If it was like a club scenario, just met someone and they were like, okay, but you're not playing. Yeah, so in other words, a couple saying I wanna play with your wife, not you. Yeah, then that's a no. I wouldn't be happy with that anyway. With me, I have you as my safety blanket. Yeah. You are there 95% of the time. The only time you haven't been there was my solo or when I went into a separate room back in Swindon. But you know who I'm with, what I'm doing, and I would much rather you be with me, whether that's watching, playing with others. And if it's not that, you will be playing with me. Yeah. And that's how I see us always being. Unless it's the case of you're going off for a solo play with the other person's partner, like, do you know what I mean? Yeah, so if it was the case of, you know, a couple that weren't full swap, it could be the case of two of you go for a drink, like you and the other person, and I go off with one of them. Then, yeah, that's a different situation. And that would be something we'd cross if we ever got to that point. But, you know, we're not at that stage yet. So back to that night, that was probably my- One of the funnest we've had in a while. Yeah, one of my top sort of nights. Yeah. Chilled, relaxed, no pressure, just comfortable laughs and giggles. So after all that, and we realised we were pretty much the last ones there. Yep. We decided to get our shit. And wrap it up. Yeah. But on the way out, I think you and Naughty were behind, and I was walking out. I think she was on a high at that point from what just happened. Yep. And we had a bit of a conversation, and she was like, all right then, well, give me a kiss. So I was like, hang on a second. So I went to give her a kiss on the cheek. She was like, no, kiss me. And I was like, okay, peg on the lips. At that point, we were literally paid our bill and walking out. And as we were leaving, like in the cars, we went up to the other thing, and it was like- We were one way, they were another at the junction. Yeah, and it's a bit of a sweet thing, because we, yes, we've had phone calls with them, chats and everything, but we're hoping to see them again soon. Yeah, hopefully. So on to the next part. A visit from Mr. S. Yep. This time, it was different. Yeah, it was. So the plan originally was he was just gonna come over and chill. Yeah. Although things had been mentioned about me, you, and him, it was the whole situation of our dynamic is more women-based. Yeah. Well, that's our original dynamic. Yeah, it was, but we've- Since then, changed slightly. Yeah. So I'm still into my women, massively, more than I am into my men. But the whole four of you and Mr. S- Playing with you. Was, yeah, was a different thing, because I had experienced Mr. S by myself. Yep. So there was talk about it, but there was gonna be no pressure. No, we were gonna see as if it happened, it happened. And if it didn't, it didn't. No. But he had actually said to me, he wanted me to get changed. He wanted me to put a tank on. Yeah. He said that on the way here, didn't he? I can't remember. And I had actually sort of put it off and put it off. Because the thing is, when you're in a club, you can dress down. Yeah. And sort of peacock, so to speak. Whereas when you're at home- You can't really do that? You're dressed down for what? Someone to look at it and then take it off. Yeah. So I was like, oh yeah, maybe in a minute, in a minute. And in a minute, kept getting put off. Yeah. And then you disappeared. Yeah. And got changed. Yep. And then I actually come downstairs. I think he was outside at the time. And I come downstairs and I said to you that I had got changed. Yeah. And you were like, well take your dressing gown off then. And I think you were like, no, hang on. Yeah, I was really hesitant. Yeah. And then I actually went and sat on the sofa waiting. Yeah. For him to come back in. Yep. And then, I don't think he twigged to start with because he come and sat on the sofa where you were. Yeah. And I was like, oh fuck you then. Yeah. Like, I won't sit over and wait for you. No. And then, I think that's when he didn't realise I had got changed. Yeah. He was like, so let me have a look then. Yeah. And then, I don't even know how it started from there. Nor do I, I can't even remember. But I think you two were on the other one. Yeah. And he obviously was admiring what you were wearing. And then you two just started. Yeah, it was weird, like my head wasn't fully there because I knew this time around you were there. And not that that was an issue, you've been there before. It was just a totally different thing. It was the case of, it was the first time a single male had been here to do that. Yeah, and I think it was more the fact that normally we're in a club, it's a different situation. We normally have some form of female involved. Yeah, but this time it wasn't. No. And I think that's why I was more nervous. Yeah, and we just got on with it. Yeah, so me and Mr. S were playing for a bit. Yeah. And you actually walked over, and sort of stood there for a few minutes. No, I'd come over and give you a kiss. Yeah, and then stood there for a few minutes. And then you were like, fuck it. Like, and you just got your dick out and started playing with it. Yeah. So I was playing with you while he was playing with me. And I was like, in the back of my head, I'm sitting there thinking, the fuck? Like, this isn't normally. I think. Yeah, and I was just so confused on what was going on. Yeah, see, at that point it was the case of we needed to do it to see how we both felt about it. Yeah, and we knew that with him, if any of us were like, no, this three-way is not working. We could have put a stop to it and. And we could have all been normal. Yeah. It wouldn't have been like an awkward person. But at the same time, we could have stopped it and been like, all right, well, you two, you and Mr. S carry on and I'll just shut up. Yeah, but I was happy with the situation of the three of us. Yeah. I knew that at any point I could stop touching one of you, if not both of you. Yeah. So majority of the time, I was probably on all fours. Yeah. With one in front, one behind. Yeah. But at one point, I was sitting on the sofa and I had you both standing in front of me. Mm-hmm. And it was literally like, play with one, swap to the other, back to that one, back to that one. Yeah. And then my jaw locked up. Yeah. And I was like, no, I can't do that no more. And you actually started rubbing my jaw, didn't you? Yeah. Because I think you felt it locking. Yeah. That's what I love. The fact that you automatically know the signs of how my body's going and you can just sort of like... Step in. Yeah. But you carried on, because I was obviously rubbing your jaw and you were still playing with Mr. S. Yeah. You didn't, not, obviously you stopped playing with me because I was doing something else. And I remember you, then obviously it eased up on you. So you started going back on him, obviously playing with him. We then, I think we then got you back on all fours. More than likely. And he then started to fuck you again while you were playing with me. I remember at one point, he actually come and sat on the other sofa and you were behind me. And he actually, he was watching. Yeah. And he was like, go on, like, fuck her. And I was like, the fuck? Yeah. But that's the thing is, that's where our relationship with him, is he felt comfortable enough to do that. Yeah. The first initial, like, situation of him coming here and the potential of that, I wasn't sure how one, I felt, and two, how he felt. Yeah. And I had discussed that with you because the thing is, yes, he's a single man. He's not necessarily in the lifestyle. No, he's not at all. You know, so he can just go do what he wants. He's a single bloke. Yeah. So for him to then come and join us. Was a big step for any person. The thing is, it's one thing that he had come here. Yeah. You know, because obviously I'm with you, but, you know, in his head, it's, oh, I'm just gonna go sleep with someone. Yeah. You know, how most single blokes think. But then at the same time, it's the case of where you, where he would probably see it is, the only awkward side of it is, is you're a married woman. The thing is, he got over the fact of sending pictures and videos. Yeah. That was another thing we even done, the three of us. Like, while we were having the MFM, you actually got your phone out. Yeah. On the thing, pictures and videos. You actually asked him though, didn't you? You were like, is it all right if I? Yeah, are you all right with this? I was like, yeah, he don't give a shit. No, but it's still the case, you need to ask just in case. Because he might have been like, well, no, not tonight. Yeah. Obviously had that play. Yeah. And then he turned around and said on the way here about, was there gonna be a chance where it could just be the two? Yeah. And you got home and discussed that with me. And I said, yeah, that's fine, we'll work something. I think this was originally, while when it started off with me and him, I weren't sure how long you were gonna leave it because of obviously me discussing that with you. Yeah. So part of me did. See, this is where it's hard because with a woman, I could just bury my fucking head in between our legs and I'm fine, right? Whereas with sharing a blow or sharing you two sharing me more to the point, it's then the fact of, I've got to try and split myself into two. Yeah. To make sure I'm giving you the attention I'm giving him and him the attention I'm giving you. You know, you can't pick one over the other. And I think that was the hardest thing for me to try and grasp where I was positioning myself at all times. So then, yeah, I obviously wanted to spend time with him for the fact of, I didn't want him to think, oh, I've come there just literally for the freedom. Yeah. Even though we have said that we would like to try with a bi-male because it's in the case of we can all play. It isn't just one person having to do everything. So we got on with that. And the alone time. Yeah. So he actually at one point, no, that was after. So Mr. W actually got tired. Yeah. And he was like, do you know what? I'm going to go to bed. And I said, no, that's fine. I'm going to go to bed too. He, Mr. S, then went outside. Yeah. And he had actually sent a message going along the lines of, I hope you're not tired. I want to be back in between your legs or phone, go on it. Yeah. And I was like, babe, like, he's just messaged this. And you actually said to me, you're going to sleep, but if I want to continue, then so be it. Yeah. So when Mr. S come back in, we were just sitting there, the TV was on and we were just waffling about whatever the hell was on TV. You were a family guy. Yeah, I think so. And then things started. I was asleep by this point. Yeah. And I sort of, I felt awkward because it was the fact that you were asleep. Like if you were just sitting there watching, it's different. Yeah. And, you know, as I stated, I wanted to give him that one-to-one because I knew I could give you the one-to-one either later or the next day. Yeah. And we sort of had our time in between, halfway through the tent. Teddy was going fucking funny and we were like, what the fuck is going on? Yeah. So, you know, it just wasn't awkward. That wasn't funny, so you two fucked. No, it was funny like halfway through. So after we then finished, Mr. W actually woke up. Yeah, actually I was awake. Awake, but you didn't like notify. You know, I could have felt a bit more at ease that you were asleep. And then this is where an issue arose because as I said to you on the night, is because I'd gone to sleep and when you wake up, you don't know what time it is, you don't know. How long you've been to sleep. Yeah. So obviously I was like, hang on, have you still been at it the whole fucking time I've been asleep? Like what's the time? Is it like two, three hours after? It just completely chucked. So I then said to you, like afterwards I got up, went and got a drink, went outside, got up late, and I was like, what the fuck? You actually told me not to speak to you. Yeah, because I thought that you'd been going at it for hours, when realistically it was like half an hour, an hour. Probably not even that, no more than I'd say half an hour. But then when you have the case of that in your head, you're then sat there going, well, hang on, what's going on? Yeah, no, I get it. I couldn't understand after we spoke about it, but I couldn't understand on why you weren't talking to me and why you were telling me to leave you alone. Because at the time I was like, the fuck you told me, that if I wanted to have that alone time, to have that alone time. Yeah, I know I did say that, but at the same time, I just didn't know. I didn't know what time it was, how long you'd been going for. Yeah, I think Mr. S sensed that there was an issue, so he went back outside for a bit to have a fag, and we had actually sat there speaking, and we together realised that you had only been asleep about half hour, 45 minutes. Yeah. And I actually said to you, I'm glad you're awake in all honesty, because I wasn't yet finished with you. No. And I was pleased to work back up and didn't have to wait until the next night. Yeah, so we then got our chance to play. Yeah. We then got on and we had a laugh, and I turned around and said to Mr. S, do you want to get in front of Mrs. W? And he was like, I can't be honest mate, I'm shagged. Yeah, I can't do no more. And that is the one thing that I wish we would have done, but there may be an opportunity in the future to do that. Wish we'd done what? Like he was in front of you. He was at one point. Yeah, but for when I... Oh, okay, yeah. So we're hoping there is that opportunity in the future. Possibly, if not with him, I'm sure we could play somebody else. Yeah, I want to also look again for another female, because... So we actually obviously had sex, just the two of us. And again, it was like the sort of, it was the reclaim, I think, and I think that's why I craved for you to still been awake. Yeah. Because the last time I was with him, the last time I was with him, I never got my reclaim. Not for two days, or a day? Yeah, about three days, I think it was. And that was when I said that the reclaim didn't feel like a full reclaim. So I'm glad that you had woke up and I was able to get that back. Yeah. Because then I think that actually felt like the reclaim, even though it was a weird reclaim, because he was still there, if that made sense. Yeah, we still got that time together. Yeah, so we have discussed, you know, as we said, the potential of looking for... A bimal. A bimal, that we can sort of share together, so to speak. And we are in the hope of finding another single female. Yeah. Because that's something that we both enjoyed. And because I am still very much female orientated. Yeah. I think it's just sort of, I like to have my cake and eat it, have you and have them. We have come up with a scenario, but if that will ever happen, we'll have to see. You can mention a scenario. What with Mr. S. And a unicorn. And the second unicorn. Yeah, so that would be a perfect, a perfect match in a way. Obviously Mr. S is straight. So, you know, it'd be a bit different, but I'm sure you're not complaining, having two women. No. As much as we hope that the unicorn would be up for it, we just have to wait and see. Yeah. And see where it goes from there. Us in the meantime, it doesn't stop us from exploring different routes. We have said, our next one hopefully will be a bi male, if we're going to go down this route. Yeah. Obviously, if we find another unicorn, we'll do that. Yeah. Possibly, a, another couple. Yeah, well we've got different routes that we can go down. We've got different places that we're going to try and get to over the next couple of months. We have a couple of socials, and club visits. Yep. That we are planning to go to. Yeah. So we've just got to realistically see sort of what's out there. But I think the hardest thing is trying to find anyone in the lifestyle around here. Yeah. It's like gold dust. Yep. Even on Fab or Swing Hub, I just feel like they're miles away. I think it's the location where we are that's, there are people in our area. Oh yeah, and we're aware of people in our area. But, it's like, there's not really options. No. I'm not saying everybody needs options, but like, you know, different people have different dynamics. And the people that you are aware of, their dynamics, are different to our dynamic. So, trying to find something that works is just a bit impossible, which is why we said about venturing out, seeing other places. We are hoping to actually attend The Social in Norwich. Yeah, because that is the only... The closest social to us. Yeah, it's still a good hour. Yeah, 45 minutes to an hour. Yeah, but we're looking forward to that one. Yep. That's gonna be... Hopefully. The first week of 2024. Hopefully. Yeah. If not, we have got another social booked in January as well. So that'd be two socials. Yeah. We're trying to do next year as more socials, more meeting people. Not so much just the more socials, but we want to actually find more connections and different routes that we can explore because things have changed this past year. Yep. Which we're not gonna go into detail anymore. No. With tonight because, you know, we're gonna do another episode, sort of recap. So, what we will actually do is end that there tonight. Yep. And hopefully, possibly on the next episode, we can do a recap. Yeah, we'll do the recap. And then that means we are up to date on our journey. So, thank you for listening. If you want to head over to our socials. Which are... Swing Hub. X. Twitter. FAB. Instagram. And TikTok. As normal. Feel free to drop us a message. Request to follow. Anything you wish. Feel free. I'm still doing good, I think. Yep. You're doing a lot better. I'm still on the socials. Discord, I'm finding still a struggle because there's too much going on on Discord. Yeah. But I'm getting there with Swing Hub, FAB, and Instagram. I don't deal with X. You deal with that? I don't really deal with it either. It's kind of just sat there. So, I don't really message on X because... Well, no. If I see a message, I will jump on and respond to it. But your best bet to get a hold of us would be Instagram. Or Swing Hub. Or Swing Hub or FAB. Yeah. Realistically. But, we are open to you to message on whatever media platform you wish. Yep. And if you're in the East of Angabat area, and want to drop a message... Just drop us a message and go. I'm local. Do you want to meet for a coffee? Or a beer? Or... I don't do coffee, but I can come for a cup of tea. Yeah. I do hot chocolates. Don't drink tea or coffee. Okay. So yeah. Anybody that wants to join us for a cup of tea or a hot chocolate, feel free. Feel free to send us a message. So, thank you for listening. And goodbye. Goodbye.

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