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Mr. and Mrs. W are discussing their experience at the Winter Wonderland event. They talk about their journey to the event, meeting friends, and their interactions with the hosts. They also mention their conversations about their experiences and preferences in the lifestyle. They express their enjoyment of the event and their anticipation for future events. They end the conversation by discussing the possibility of attending a fetish or kink night. This is Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Swingin' Adventures. I am Mr. W. And I am Mrs. W. So if you are not over the age of 18, please do not listen as this contains adult content. So on tonight's episode, we're going to be talking about the Winter Wonderland, how we found that, what went on. First of all, I'd like to apologize on my throat today. I have had the worst cold, flu, whatever you want to call it, over the last couple of days, and I felt weak as shit. Yeah, so you may hear a lot of me in this episode, unlike Mrs. W., where she just raps on forever. I might still rap it. I just find it difficult, and my voice just totally isn't how it normally is. So just to clarify, Winter Wonderland, that was a Wanderlust and a Bedhoppers event. That one was in November. And we actually previously spoke about it. Well, not spoke about it, but we said we'd just got back from... An event. An event when we recorded one episode late at night. What a covfefe that was. Yeah, it was a fantastic weekend. Oh, yeah. Like... We go for the weekend. We make a weekend out of it. Yeah, but I would definitely say that that is probably my top event so far. Like, each event we go to only gets better, I think. Oh, yeah. And I definitely... It's because of the hosts. Yeah. When we've been to other events, the hosts disappear. Where in our eyes, with the Bedhoppers and the Wanderlust, they're there. Yeah, they might go off for a play or go off for a drink or something, but you'll see them throughout the night. And to be honest, they don't tend to go off for a play until closer to the end of the night anyway. So you've always got that. They're there if you need them. Yeah. We always go to their events. We have actually already booked the next one. Yep. That is already out to the public, so we can say... But we will discuss that closer to the end. Yes. So, let's start... We're not Wanderlust. So, Friday. Oh, what a nightmare. We drove down there Friday, but we had an issue with our car. We currently weren't... Well, we didn't have a car at our point. Yeah. As you will have heard in the Southampton Social Podcast. About the car deciding to die on us. Yep. We haven't actually got a car. We were trying to find the right car. So, anyway, I spoke to a friend of mine and I said to her, look, can we borrow your car? She was like, sure, no problem. So, Friday, we got all of our shit together. Walked... Walked two days. Walked to the other side of town to pick the car up. And I told you we should have just left the stuff in the other vehicle we've got. The vehicle that we couldn't take? Yeah, the Cambar. Yeah. Because it was too big to go in the car park. But it was just easier. Yeah. Take it with us, go straight on the way, then we're not two and a fro in all around. Bear in mind, I wanted to be on the road by four or five o'clock. What time did we get on the road? About six, seven. Yeah. But I still don't think we... We were on early on that, sorry. We didn't leave till after four. Yeah, and you wanted to be on the road and pretty much there by that time. Yeah. So, anyway, we went and picked the car up, got everything in the car, off we went. We had told a few people our ETA. Yep. And we had arranged to meet a few people to have a drink, whether that was before the pre-pre drinks or at the pre-pre drinks, or maybe even after the pre-pre drinks. Yeah. We got to the hotel. Yep. We'd booked the car park and space there because of our... Because it was our friend's car, I wouldn't have felt comfortable with it in... Just a random car park. Yeah. So we rang up and, lucky enough, they had spaces at the car park. Yes. At the hotel. If we were going on the Saturday, we would not have got a parking space, no. So... So glad. Yeah, so I was glad that we made a phone call, glad that we booked that in on the way, and, yeah, so we got there, we checked in. What did we do when we got there? Did we stay up for a while? I think we had a shower, got ourselves ready to go down, because we met... Mr and Mrs C. Yeah. They actually came to our room. Did they? And we walked down together. Yeah, they did. Yeah. Yeah. So... Sorry, my brain. No, well, it's been a while, hasn't it? Yeah. So we went down for the pre-pre drinks and we sort of kept ourselves... To ourselves. We were more talking to Mr and Mrs C. Yeah, but we weren't in a corner this time. No, we were... We were basically smack bang opposite the bar, so everyone had to walk past us, like, to get into it or out of it. Yeah. So it was quite nice that, you know, where we were sitting, people were passing and like, oh, hi, you OK, you know? And I just... I felt more relaxed. Oh, yeah. Rather than just sitting right at the back in the corner. Yeah. Where when we've sat in the corners talking to the people we've arranged to meet before and have a chat, it doesn't feel... If people are walking past, you'd be like, oh, hi, how are you? Like, you just have a quick five minutes just to have a chat. The one thing I... Was I out? Did me and Mr C go outside? A few times. And then Kate from the Wanderlust come over and sat with you guys? Yeah, so she come over, I sort of said hello, and the one thing I love about her is her memory. She's got a fucking amazing memory. Mm-hm. So the amount of people that she sees... Or interacts with. Yeah. And she had actually remembered the story that we had previously mentioned before about the friend. The vanilla friend that turned on... Well, I wouldn't say she didn't turn vanilla. She's still vanilla. Oh, yeah. But we had discussed with her prior... Previous episodes about what had happened, and she actually said to me, how are you doing? Like, have you sort of not so much moved on, but have you... Dealt with it. Yeah, and how are you feeling about the situation now? And it threw me back to start with until I realised what she meant. And then you straightaway tweaked. Yeah, and... And I think that's not long after I... Well, you two... You three had been talking, and then me and Mr C come back in. Yeah. And obviously you ladies were talking. And I remember once Kate obviously wandered off to go mingle with her other guests, you straightaway went, her brain's amazing. Yeah, but before she went off, like, the conversations we were having, and I actually discussed, even though they listened to the podcast, I discussed about the single male to them. Kate had actually, like, she was surprised that we had got that far after what we had dealt with. And she thought it was going to obviously take a lot longer than we did. And I had said to them about the mum thing, but I don't know if I actually mentioned... No, you didn't mention it in the podcast. They were all a bit like, yeah, they were in shock. They didn't know what to say. They were like, oh, my God, like, tell me more sort of thing. And it was just nice to know that they were excited to listen to our story. And I enjoyed that as much as obviously we listened to other people's. Yeah, I get what you mean. Like, hearing someone... I do think with Kate, because she's done it for so long, it's refreshing to hear a fresh take. Yeah. Like, someone new has had that first experience. And it also then brings back your memories of, like, your first time doing something. And it's always that case. Because even though we haven't been doing it this long, I can guarantee you, four, five years' time, ten years down the line, we might be listening to someone else's podcast and having them same things come back to us. And go, wow. And we'll be able to discuss that and go, oh, can you remember your first mail? Yeah, no, I get that. It's just nice. The people we were speaking to that night, the environment itself was just amazing. Yeah. So, fast forward a little bit. We're still at the pre-pre drinks. Yeah. And Mr. W and Mr. C went outside for a vape, again. When they come back in from having a vape, Mr. W said, right, so we've had a conversation outside. I'm taking you. I'm taking you, and he's taking you. And we were like, right, okay. So... The funny thing was, Mr. C didn't even realise. I just come in and was just like, right. Yeah, you hadn't even had that conversation. No. You just fucking threw it out there. And he just went along with it, which was the funniest thing. He straight away was like, bang. Yep. Yeah. We're like, right, okay. And I think there was a bit of hesitation. I don't know if we got another drink and then decided to all go for a vape and then go up or not. I can't quite remember. I think we did, because we obviously, you had a drink, then we went for a vape, and then we went upstairs. Yeah. So, we were just talking, and it was just quite nice just to... Because it was loud downstairs. Well, it was really loud. And that's one thing we had said, like, should we just go upstairs? You know, we are shouting a bit to each other sort of thing. Yeah. And I understand in that invoice, basically, at that point, you're going to get a lot of loud noises. Yeah, no, I get that. So, once we had got upstairs and we were chatting away, we were chatting about kinks and dom-type things, and it was quite nice. Mr. C went and got their kit. Yeah. And they were showing us a few things, like, just showing us equipment they use and different types of sensations you get from each thing. I found it intriguing. Yeah. You were on the other hand, I think you did. Certain things, I was like, yeah, I could see that. But other things, it was like, no. It's not your thing, though, is it? No. As much as I was intrigued, she has said that they would take us to a fetish night, like a kink night. But I think that's something that we're going to have to really think about. Yeah. We ended up getting, it wasn't the lifestyle cards, it was the other cards. It was the ones that Kate gave us. The ones that Kate previously gave us at, weren't it Bread Hart? Yes. We got them out and we were like, just having a look at them. And the thing is, Mr and Mrs C hadn't actually couple swapped before. No, they'd singled. She had singled. Yeah. Even though there was talk downstairs about, oh yeah, we're going to swap, in the back of my mind I was a bit unsure on if they were at that point yet. Yeah, they were ready for it. I know we had previously said things in a group chat that we've got. Yeah. About, obviously, we didn't want to sort of get in their way at the last event and, you know, things like that. But we took it slow. Yeah. Because this is the thing is, it was their first time. Obviously, playing with a male wasn't. Yeah. But it was the... The whole couple thing. Yeah. So, what we had done is we were reading the cards to start with. Yeah. And they were just questions like, you know, what's your type of play? What's your type of kink? You know, just silly little things like... I think the last card that we decided to read was about something to do with playing or something like, would the people in the room all feel comfortable with play? Something like that. We'd have to find the actual card Yeah. to get it correct. But it was Mr C that had that card. Mm. And Mrs C said... Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I am. I'm comfortable. I was like, yeah, you know, I'm happy to go with the flow if that's what everyone wants. And you basically said the same. Yeah, because at the end of that I felt comfortable with enough to be like, yeah, I'm comfortable. The thing is... I think they knew with us from our previous conversations that if anything ever did happen if they said stop, we'd have to start bed down. And they are an amazing couple. Yeah. Like, considering we first met them on the Discord. That was a Red Hot, weren't it? That was Hot Summer Nights. Oh, for Hot Summer Nights? Yeah, that was their first event. So because we had previously spoke to them on the Discord, we'd previously spoke to them at another event and still kept contact. Yeah. I just think, you know, we clicked for that couple. Yeah, we did. And there was just, you know, there was obviously a desire to want to play ourselves. Yeah. I think we were like, right, okay, well, if that's what everyone wants to do, there's no point in us reading these cards, is there? No. So... Let's just get it on. I think it was, I think it was you. You actually said, well, she's not actually seen him kiss anyone. Yeah. So why don't you kiss him and see, you know, see how she feels to start with? Our relationship, we can do that. We can give their, a couple, their chance to see things and, because we're, we're not bothered on the fact of planning. Yeah. We prefer a connection but if, like, a couple was like, well, we want to try something, would you be willing to, you know, try with us? If we haven't done it, we can try with you. Or even if we have done it, we're happy to try and find connections and routes with other people anyway. Yeah. And I think she was quite happy to be in the room so I did then go and give him a kiss. Yeah. And after, I was like, you okay? He said yeah and I turned around to Miss W and I said, Miss D, not Miss W I want to ask myself and I said to her, how are you feeling? Like, is that okay? And she was like, yeah, like, that's fine. Yeah, she was quite happy and, you know, he would but correct me if I am wrong. So, I believe if she wasn't comfortable she would have said something. Yeah. And the same for him. Yeah. If he, if he didn't feel anything, you know, so, yeah. Um, I think you then kissed her and then at some point before things got very heated I was like, you said, all right, are you gonna, what are you gonna do is give her a kiss? Yeah. So I then give her a kiss. I think I played with her a little bit and then I think that's when we swapped and as much as I was nervous being their first couple Yeah. at the same time I'm pleased that they trusted us enough and were happy enough. Oh yeah, because this is, I think without that level of trust and the connection we'd built over the last four months I think it had been Yeah. like, and I think we had said it to them before we're okay with trying most things. Yeah. We're, as we've always said we always try stuff once if we like it we try it again if we don't like it that's a no-go. Yeah. Um, but they knew they could try with us we could, they could see how they felt. Yeah. Especially in that scenario because we've done it. Yeah. And we are comfortable enough to go and I also think it was the fact that we were closed off so it wasn't like we were all out in public. Yeah. And that is the other side of it is we, yes we play in public but we've never played with others in public. That's a lie. You tell me it's a lie. When, when was the time that we played with someone? When you got busted nose we were all playing in public then. Yeah, but that was dark enough not to. When we, when we took our single female we were playing in public then. Okay, but most of the time but no at the end of the day if it's, if we can't be in private we try and make it private. Yeah, like if we want to try and play if we're not in the mood for, for public play or we're playing for somebody that's not into public then, then yeah we will find a place where you'll see people playing next thing you know the woman or the bloke is looking around while being let out fucked or. Yeah, I don't like that. That's, and I'm, I'm the same with you is I'm focused on you I'm not going to be looking around the club to think oh yeah look at me I'm getting all. I get that and I think that's why I'm more just the fact of I'd prefer to have it's more intimate if that makes sense. Yeah. Um. And it's also a good thing is if it's a private play situation if someone says no stop everyone can hear it. Yeah. You're not then music other people talking. Yeah, yeah I get that. Back to the Friday in the room with the other couple the things they're having their first official full swap. Yep. I enjoyed myself. Yep. So did I. I'm pleased we had that time with them. Oh yeah definitely. I wouldn't ever say never again. No. So, you know we'll just see what happens next and possibly as mentioned with them we can travel down to where they are but we decided we need to call it a night because I think we were tired and we knew the next night was going to be a very long night so that was us we got washed got in bed but we went down for a bath yeah I think I went did I go get a hot chocolate yeah normally you yeah I think it's when we're at that hotel that's when I like it's quiet and down by that point it had quiet and down a bit but there was still a fair few people there but yeah grabbed our hot chocolate had a fave and went to bed yeah so that sums up our Friday yep so next morning the Saturday on the Saturday we got up got sorted went to have breakfast yeah we decided to go for a stroll you bought me a suit I bought you a suit yeah and it was a nice suit yeah definitely it was a nice suit yeah I think it was better than the blue one you were originally going to wear yeah so after we got that we went back to the hotel for a bit we chilled watched a bit of TV yeah had our own little play session yep pictures and videos that were needed got taken yep we don't take enough pictures and videos yeah so we just chilled and enjoyed ourselves yeah so I think that's about it yep so I think that's about it yep so that's about it yep so that's about it yep so that's our special guest coming yep so the peach and the snake yep naughty and nice aka so we thought right ok let's quickly go upstairs sort a few things out make sure like the room's all been sorted for him yeah because we had it really cleaned even though we hadn't messed it up but it's nice to go into a fresh room yeah so we had actually had a chat before we actually had in my old kit where I worked for Anselmo's yep so we had something in my kit and I was messing about saying I was going to give it to naughty yep and he was unaware of it no yeah well not aware but so what we'd done was we had put I wish we took a picture yeah we had the little bags of popcorn and we'd put them on the bed and it was going to be the case of you boys watching a show yeah we had discussed in a group chat prior that me and Nice were going to have your playtime our playtime for you you know you boys can sit and watch eat popcorn and the two double beds and that was what we were going to do we were going to share that room with them yeah because they were unsure if they were going to come so we said well we're booking it and at that point the only rooms there were family rooms yeah so we said to them we've booked the connection we had as like just friends yeah so that was all it was based on it was going to be based on friends vanilla friends yeah well not really vanilla friends but lifestyle friends so it was the case of we were just going to share a room with friends group chat got a bit heated a few times leading up to it and it was like I'm going to call her Mrs L obviously the other couple yeah but in the group chat we won't obviously discuss that too much and who was in it but in the group chat it was like right you have my consent ahead of the event you know and it was just nice it was a chilled group chat it was lovely like we had a good group in there yeah so anyway we were waiting for them to arrive and as soon as we got there right we're a couple of minutes away shared location yeah so what we done was we went downstairs and nice came in you jumped in the car did we you waited yeah because if you because I said I'll take her up and put things and you went no we'll wait for them oh yeah yeah and it was really nice I was like right we ran to this car park that's where we dropped left the car at the hot summer night yeah safe car didn't didn't get touched that they thought that was funny I'm glad they liked it little private joke sort of thing going on I think we then decided to go head down for a quick drink didn't we yeah we went down had a quick drink because we were still waiting for the others to arrive so once the others actually arrived I think us went over to Weathersuit which was literally just around the corner and we actually ordered four cocktails yeah like actual pinches and we thought everyone was going to drink some didn't it turn out only five of us five or six five I think I think we were like wow there's like at least three and a half left what the fuck we need to drink these before we start walking back we we probably should have just left them nice I think she she got a bit drunk yeah I think even we was like aye I stay ready to go so we got showered we still had a bit of time before the room crawl yeah I can't remember whose idea it was but we were like fuck it we need to take some pictures right let's make a train yeah I was sitting on the bed by the pillows yeah nice got in between my legs and nice turned around and was like no you're going to get your head in my ass but I think it was because of their dynamic yeah so with their dynamic they don't involve men no so I think it's not that she's not attracted to men but she's they just don't play with men and I mean yeah so what we done is we all got in this line and naughty decided to take some pictures here it is but he was getting into it but as he went to start taking the pictures I think nice was like no hold on a minute and next thing I know her face is not just in between my legs but it's not that I'm straight in and you obviously were then behind her and then didn't one of them say just grab her bum cheeks or something and you were holding onto her bum was I yeah I think so I'm sure in the pictures you're holding onto her ass probably am but I'm sure then he was deep in that ass he was then heading and the pictures we've got are actually live pictures so they look even better don't they so it was then I think after the pictures got taken I think it was just me and her weren't it because we then swapped I was worried on playing with you and I was sat beside you then we swapped yep and I think Naughty was sitting on the other bed looking like he wanted to come over offering him a sweep because obviously I know their dynamics I knew there was no way of me being able to be involved so I was just sat on the edge of the bed and I think to me that puts me off yeah so I was eating sweet so and I offered I'm not stingy I offered everyone if they wanted a sweet so whilst I have my head buried in between her legs you're sitting like anyone want a sweet I was like ok ok it made everyone chuckle it did yeah and then Naughty went away with that yes but I think we all had a point to prove the fact of this weren't no wife snatching this was generally me and Nice yeah having some time like girl and girl rather than you blokes being involved yeah we didn't need you men to be involved no we're not so I'm grateful that I'm grateful that I'm grateful that I'm grateful that I'm grateful that I'm grateful that I'm grateful that I'm grateful that I'm grateful that I'm grateful that I'm 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