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Whatnot Podcast S.1 E.1(Camping 2024 Episode!!!)

Whatnot Podcast S.1 E.1(Camping 2024 Episode!!!)




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PodcastWhatnot PodcastCamping EditionSuper FunnyINCLUDES ALL CAMPING MOM'S AND KIDSwith markThanks 4 Listening

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The podcast discusses an upcoming camping trip to Arrowhead. The hosts interview different guests, including a camping mom, dad, and child, about their opinions and plans for the trip. They talk about the weather, food, activities, and places to visit. They mention some incidents from previous trips and things they want to avoid this time. Overall, they express excitement for the trip and look forward to enjoying nature and spending time together. Hello guys and welcome back to my podcast. We have a special guest host here today. We are going to be talking about the first thing that popped in the chat. So who's ready to get started? Here we are. The first thing that popped in the chat was camping. Today we are going to interview each and every one of the camping moms slash camping kids. First up we're going to interview our first camping mom, Kristen. Hi Sam. Hello. Today we are going to be talking about our trip to Arrowhead. Okay. Okay. I hear there's going to be lots of rain between like 86.8 centimeters of rain in July. What's your opinion? What's your perspective in that? My perspective is that it's February and hopefully we'll be having a dry hot summer. Yeah, that's probably best we can probably get. It's close to Huntsville, Ontario. You know where that is? I do. Have you ever been there? I've probably been there once when I was younger, but I don't remember it, so maybe we can explore that area when we're there. Okay. As a day trip. Yeah, that can be a day trip. There we go. We have some water changes in the area. Some are clean. Some are really, really dirty. If you want, here's a picture, clean, right there, dirty, clean, clean, ish, clean, clean, dirty. You see what I mean? Okay. We can ... They look like turbulent water. Yeah. I'm going to throw you down one of those in the canal. Oh, no. Please no. That'll be a little crazy, but any food you're thinking of and excited for? I'm excited for walking tacos. Oh, that's good. And maybe some of Shannon's back country meals. Interesting. Maybe one of the kids can carry the baguette this year. Chicken pot pies, we need to get that. Sushi? No. I don't like that. If we're making sushi, we make chicken pot pie and lots of it, because last year we didn't have enough. Okay. You can tell. Some s'mores, some chips. Oh, yeah. Cookies. It's good. Homemade cookies. Oh, maybe Shannon's mom's cookies. Oh, yeah. Those are so good. Okay, Kristen, what food items are we not bringing camping? We are not bringing two-bite brownies this year, because we both know what happened last year with the two-bite brownies. Yeah, the puking in the tent. Oh, that was not in the tent, but outside the tent. Oh, man. What are you most excited for? I'm most excited for fresh air, the beach. No screens? No screens. No screens. Yeah. Animal whining while we're hiking. In the car. That's the worst. The car ride? Uh-huh. That's the worst. Yeah. It's not as long as last year. I really hope if Nathan comes, he doesn't throw a shoe in the lake again. Yeah. That was hilarious. Okay. That's a wrap-up with our guest, Kristen. Till next time. Hello, Dad. We are here with audio number six slash our second guest. We are going to Arrowhead. You know that, right? Yes. Are you coming or not? I would like to come. I think I'll probably, I believe I'm only invited for the second half of the week, so I will plan on attending for the second half of the week. Okay. Are you still trying to go if there's going to be lots of rain? Oh, yes. Wow. It's supposed to be around 13, 34 degrees Celsius. Well, it's February, so you never know what's coming. Have you ever been to Huntsville? I've been to Huntsville several times. Yep. Arrowhead is right next to Huntsville, if you know that. I have driven past Arrowhead. I've never been in Arrowhead. Interesting. Some areas are really dirty. Some areas are really cleaner. That's what it looks like in the picture. See, look. That's dirty and that's clean. It looks beautiful. See what I mean? Yeah. Okay. Are you planning for any camping meals? Meals, I think the walking tacos are always a highlight for me. We'll wait for you to go then. Yeah. And I always like the breakfast. I like the eggs and I like the bacon. Dip toast? Yeah. Dip toast, that's always good. I'm looking forward to the meals for sure. Can I know? I don't know. I can't think of anything right now. Any meals you want to avoid? The sushi, I think, would be another meal I would like to avoid. I don't mind sushi. I tolerate it, but it's not something that I crave. Okay. I want to avoid that too, so we can... Avoid that together? Yeah. And what would you eat instead if some people had sushi? I would eat a chicken pot pie. Hmm. I always like the pie irons, so maybe... Yeah, grilled cheese. Maybe a grilled ham and cheese would be really good. Yeah, that would also be good. Yeah. Are you excited for anything this year? I'm excited for the new adventure, to see a new place I've never been to. I'm excited for the beaches, and I'm excited for a little bit of rest and relaxation. Okay. In the Hammock Village. Yes. In a place where I don't have to work. Looking forward to my time off. Nice. Are you excited for canoes? Yes. Yes? I do like canoeing, so I'm hoping we'll be able to do some canoeing there. Okay. Now, are there... Do you know if there are any kind of bodies of water that you can canoe in, or is it... Oh, yeah. Rivers or lakes? There's lots of rivers, lots of lakes, but the rivers aren't the best because they're very low, but... Yeah. So we'll avoid taking the canoes in the river then. Yes. Mostly just the lake would do. And by the looks of it, there's lots of different... You see there's lots of different places to jump off of, or it looks like it. I'm not sure if it's too safe to do that, but... Good spot to park your canoe and go adventure and everything. Is that just a round lake? I don't know. In the picture? It kind of looks like it, kind of doesn't. Almost looks like a donut lake. Uh-huh. It does. That would be cool, a donut lake, yeah. Okay, anything else? I do think we should also this year make our s'more trail mix that we've done in the past. We should make a big dump before the trip and save you one the way there and back. That would be great. Make my own for me and I can just keep it here and then... Bring it when you're ready? Yeah. Uh-huh, that would be good. Okay. That's it? I think that's it. Okay, thank you. And that's a wrap up with our guest, Daddy. Thanks for having me. Bye. Hello Lucy and welcome to the What Not Podcast. Today we're going to interview you, okay? Okay. Are you excited for Arrowhead? Yes. What do you think you're going to be most excited about? Probably sleeping. Sleeping. In. Yeah, in the tent and everything? Yeah. I'm excited for long Uno games. What foods are you excited for in the food? I don't know what we are having, so I don't know what I'm excited for. I don't want any more two-bite brownies. Me either. Yeah, because Livia puked in the tent last night. Uh-huh. Yeah. Uh-huh. So, are you excited for the beaches? Uh-huh. What do you think our day trips would be? Like, we could, like, play games, go to the beach, have a bike ride. I mean, like, day trip if we go outside of the camping. I think we should go to the town next to it. There's lots of fun stuff there. Yeah, me too. Yeah, okay. And is that it? Yes. Okay, bye. Bye. Thank you, Lucy. That was Lucy right there. And we're going to have a new guest, Livia, coming back next. But first, we have something that's going to be so sad, but so happy at the same time. We just got our music, DJ disc, slash, yeah, kind of music in, you know what I mean? And now, we're going to play a couple songs. We're going to play a song, kind of, for you. And then we're going to get with our next guest, Livia Sheardown, okay? Thank you. Thank you. So where I got a flex, you think I did Pilates. I call my quote-unquote friends. Do you got plans? Turns out everyone's free when it's dinner in. Then they dragged me to a party out in Mandeville. After 30, I knew it was pretty cool. Tried to shoot my shot. She told me that she had a shoot. Bye, bye. Don't fall, show her up. The sun is killing my blood. They call it morning. Thought I was strong enough. Threw my bottle at the sky. God, that's a warning. Don't fall, show her up. Try to keep it inside, but I just want to pour it. Thought I was strong enough. Got a lot of shit to say, but we did it in the quarry. Stumbling down the corridor, came across an open door. Throwing up is easy, and who put on the Commodores? That's a nice tile floor. Wish I got to know you more. Who am I talking to? Nobody. Take me outside. I'm a little too high. Paid a little too much. You're on the top of my list. Money ain't a problem. Everyone's right. Even when I tell myself that I don't. Don't fall, show her up. The sun is killing my blood. Why they call it morning? Thought I was strong enough. God, that's a warning. Don't fall, show her up. Try to keep it inside, but I just want to pour it. Thought I was strong enough. Got a lot of shit to say, but we did it in the quarry. That was Morning Post Malone on the podcast. Here's our special guest. Hello, Olivia. Hi. Okay, we're going to talk about some camping today, okay? Got it. We're going to Arrowhead. You know that, right? Yep. We have some spots around. What do you think we want to do for a day trip? I don't know. Maybe go to the beach? We already have a beach there. We could go to a couple towns. There's a town really close that actually looks like it's one of those beachy kind of towns with all the ice cream. I'm not sure if there's a beach or a lake, but we can find out when we get there. That's cool. My opinion, since it's February, you don't know what weather it's going to be. It could either be, the weather network says 14 degrees or 34 degrees. So you never know with that kind of range. Are you excited for any camping foods? Yeah. What kind? Probably the chicken burgers. Yeah, I love those, especially how they make them each year. I'm excited for the bacon dip toast, the walk-in tacos, and no two-by brownies. Yeah, last year we had a little incident with that. Yeah, we already mentioned that a lot during this podcast, as you listeners can tell. Anything we're not bringing besides the two-by brownies? I don't know. We have a special request for a kid to carry the baguette, so we can see who's carrying that. Hopefully it's me, but whatever. And we have lots of things coming. There's a big donut lake, it looks like. What's a donut lake? It's land on the outside, and a big lake with land on the inside. And it looks like a donut, actually, from the pictures. I can pull it up for you later, but it's pretty cool. That's really cool. Yeah, very cool. We can canoe there, and we'll rent some. What canoe songs do you want to sing? I don't know. Rock the boat? Yeah, sure. That was really fun. We were yelling from each other's canoe. Rock the boat, don't tip it over. Okay, that was really fun. Anything else you want to add? Not really. Okay, thank you. Bye-bye. Bye. That was Olivia, everyone. That was great, but I think my favorite one so far was Lucy. If you agree with me, go in the comments below and say so. If you put it down, I'm going to pick it up. Consciously, it's just me and you. Pan around the cube, that's my point of view, babe. All about me, that's the energy. That's the limit, that's the thing. I'm a ten-piece, baby. Back home fully in a bando. He gon' make it flip, do it with no handles. Never switchin' sides, only switchin' angles. Ooh, we gon' play it like Rambo. What it is, oh, what's up? Every good girl needs a little love. Every black boy needs a little love. If you put it down, I'm gonna pick it up. What it is, oh, what's up? Every good girl needs a little love. Every black boy needs a little love. If you put it down, I'm gonna pick it up. Hit him up, hit him up. In the truck, gotta talk. He get it up, I can talk all night. I like, you ain't gotta say it when you know it don't die. Back home fully in a bando. He gon' make it flip, do it with no handles. Never switchin' sides, only switchin' angles. Ooh, we gon' play it like Rambo. What it is, oh, what's up? Every good girl needs a little love. Every black boy needs a little love. If you put it down, I'm gonna pick it up. What it is, oh, what's up? Every good girl needs a little love. Every black boy needs a little love. If you put it down, I'm gonna pick it up. I don't care if he run the streets. Long as he come and come to me. I love the way you walk and the way you speak. He gon' keep it real, that's the deal. That's the reason that I'm free. Down, down. I put that all on my knees. Yeah, that's an even-eight sheet. Stay on your tail. We gon' tell him, we gon' tell him, baby. What it is, oh, what's up? Every good girl needs a little love. Every black boy needs a little love. If you put it down, I'm gonna pick it up. What it is, oh, what's up? Every good girl needs a little love. Every black boy needs a little love. If you put it down, I'm gonna pick it up. Back it up and do it like that, yeah. Back it up and do it like that, yeah. Back it up, back it, do it like that, yeah. Back it up, don't do it like that, yeah. What it is, hey, what's up? Shay White did it. Boy, it's on the way. Yeah. We need a little love, you know what I mean? Ride it. That was Doty. What it is, and Kodak Black a little bit. But we are going to interview the Banerjee family next. We have completed the Sheerdown family. We're gonna interview everyone that camps on the Banerjee family after this. Let me tell you. Girl, you my little boo-tay. So I'll do a little work for you, do a thing, girl, I know. You a little boo-tay. I'll be shooting that shot like you think, girl, I know. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on Hey girl, you and me, we can do this all night, I can get my way, just like you, oh, oh, oh, you got the best of my life, oh, oh, oh, you got the best of my life, oh, oh, oh, you got the best of my life, oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, that's the way You my little boo-tang, so I don't give a hoot what you do, say girl, I know, you a little too tang, I be shooting that shot like you can, girl, I know, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on Hello everyone and welcome to the What Not Podcast. Today we will be talking also about what not, but camping too. So, if you would like to tune in, please keep listening to this, our special guest right now. I know we just finished Olivia, but we got to do another one. So, hello, Raiden. Hi. What's up? What's up, Raiden? Good. Yeah, yeah, okay, good. And we are going camping in July. You know that, right? No, I do not. At Arrowhead. You don't know about Arrowhead? I never heard of it. We're going to Arrowhead. It's our camping trip. What? I don't know. I'm told me this. Okay, okay, Raiden. So, are you excited about any camping foods or anything? I'm excited for walking tacos. Walking tacos. Oh, I love walking tacos. Yep. Any foods we offer again? Two-by-brownies? Yeah, yeah, definitely two-by-brownies. No two-by-brownies in here. Maybe three-by-brownies, though, so that you can not eat as much. Or one-by-brownies. You never know. Not two-by-brownies, though. So, are you excited about the beaches? Yeah. Do you think, have you looked at any pictures? Oh, wait, no, because they don't know about them. Are you excited to swim in them? Excited to shovel, dot, dot, dot? Shovel, shovel. Ooh, swim in the pool. Yeah, at the pool. Oh, my gosh. And the hot tub. Hot tub is better. Hot tub. Yeah. Hot tub is so much better. Hot tub with pool. Sure. Whatever. Big hot tub. Big. Warm pool. But not the warm pool. Not the warm one. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't be in the pool. Yeah. Uh-huh. And you excited about canoeing? Ooh, canoeing. Rock the boat. Uh-huh. Don't tip it over rocks. Okay, yeah. Anything else you're excited about? The hikes? Ooh, hikes. The four-hour car drive? Yeah. What are we going to do for our day trip? Go to the town next door. That's what we've seen some requests for. Town next door. There's a town close by. Yeah. Hopefully, it has a bunch of ice cream shops and a beach that we can go to. I hate ice cream. No, you don't. You love it. I know you. But anything else you want to add in? How do you know all about this? Because I know that we booked it, Raiden. Clearly, everyone else did, but you. So, anything else you want to add? See a peep? See a peep and a buh-bye. That was Raiden on the camping episode of the What Not Podcast. We are going to listen to a song called Can't Handle Me featuring David Guetta by Flo Rida on the camping podcast or the camping episode of the What Not Podcast. Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida

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