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On today's episode of Beaches and Beers, the hosts discuss their weekly recap, including a blackout, Beer Olympics, and completing the Great American Challenge. They also talk about movies, Cabo, and a presentation for a cross-cultural management class. They mention the idea of a Steroid Olympics and discuss their favorite Beer Olympics games. The hosts also mention their experience playing a game called Stump. Welcome back to Beaches and Beers. On today's Beaches and Beers, we have a great show for everyone. We're back, episode two. We have a special guest for the people to get excited. We also have our recap of the week, some breaking booze, probably some sports talk, and then we'll get into some segments. Okay, let's go. If you listened to last week's episode, welcome back. If you're joining us for the first time, welcome. This is Beaches and Beers with your co-hosts, Mike and Mike. Yep, so here we go, dude. I mean, let's just get right into it. So the weekly recap, here's what we got. Technically, it's a bi-weekly recap right now since we didn't do anything last weekend, but I guess I'll start off with my double blackout on Saturday. You know, I blacked out before 4 a.m., or 4 p.m., and then probably sobered up around 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock, and then blacked out again at like 9.30, 10. What else do we got going on? How'd you revive yourself? McDonald's. McDonald's? McDonald's, McDonald's cheeseburger. Yeah, I love a good cheeseburger as a revival. Oh, dude, actually, I had another weekly recap. Beer Olympics was this past Saturday with my teammates and myself. So, and when I got back from that, I also ate a cheeseburger. Shout out, Thomas, for grillin' them drums up. Should we do a quick Mount Rushmore Beer Olympics games for the people? Oh, yeah, for sure, for sure. All right, so clearly number one. Beer bomb. Beer bomb, yeah, easy. Real quick, for all of our guests and listeners who don't know what Beer Olympics is, Mike, could you please enlighten the crowd? Well, it's the Olympiad of drinking games. So, you know, you have your hurdles, your sprints, your gymnastics, and all those different events in the real Olympics. Beer Olympics, you just substitute those real events with drinking games, so. Did you see also what they might do for the real Olympics? What? They wanna do another Olympics. It's just like the Olympics, but you're allowed to use steroids and drugs. Yeah. I think that'd be so sick. That'd be great. You can really see how great we can make the human body. Yeah. Like how well can you actually do it. Yeah, seriously. I've always said for the Olympics, what I want is in every event, a regular person. Just there, so you can really see how they're doing. Yeah, like this is an average Joe. Yeah, here's just what a regular ass dude could do. Let's see actually how good they're going. That's actually a great idea. Maybe it would inspire some people, you know? Like the swimming, people look at swimming like, ah, that's so easy. Then just put a guy in there and watch him get dusted. Can you imagine a running race and just threw some random dude in there and just gave him a bunch of caffeine, got him super amped up, and imagine he's a dark horse plus 10,000 odds and top three podium finish. Yeah. That's the other thing. What if you win? What if you win? Yeah. But the steroid Olympics, P.E.D., P.E. Olympics. P.E.D.s. Yeah, that's coming soon. That's gonna be exciting. All right, back to the Mount Rushmore now. Number one. Beer pong. Beer pong. Number two, I'd say, flip cup. Yep, that's a classic. Number three, I would probably say, I guess beer bowl. I like beer bowl a lot. Who would be the fourth on the beer Olympics at Mount Rushmore? Some people do, some people don't. Shotgun race. Yeah, that's a controversial one, though. Because shotgunning, it's not exactly the pinnacle of beer contests. It's more of a warmup, I'd say. I don't know, I shotgun probably seven beers at beer Olympics, at least. Yeah, how'd you finish? My team won, actually. Team USA won. Nice. Picture, boom, insert. Shout out America. Yeah, Team USA. We will be Team USA. Very good. And please take a note that Andy is patriotic. How many people per team were you doing? I had six people on my team. Okay. I think we had like seven teams. Yeah, we had seven teams. Each team had five or six people on it. Okay. So we did all the seniors for the captains. That's great, and you drafted? Yeah, we drafted our teams. Nice. I would suck going last overall for beer Olympics. Yeah, shout out to everybody on Team USA. Couldn't have done it without you guys. Yeah. Big dubs. Big dubs to the boys. All right, one of my weekly recaps was I recently completed the Great American Challenge. What is that? So that is where you, in teams of four, we only did four, we raced to the clock, you have to drink a 30 rack, you have to eat two pizzas, and you gotta do a puzzle. No way. Yeah. Eat two pizzas? Yeah. Large pies? Yeah, big pies. So we did that, we are now Great American Challenge champions. Did you win? Well, we only, we were the only team to do it. But, so, we beat ourselves. That's awesome. It was fun, I mean, I also watched Tenet for the first time during that, so. Tenet, that movie's crazy. Yeah, makes no sense. You know, the more you watch it, the more it makes sense. Like, if you watch the movie backwards, it would make more sense from watching it forward. Yeah, we did a lot of, after watching that, we did a lot of videos where we would then put the reverse filter on it in Snapchat, and then we'd be running backwards. I was like, oh, that makes sense. Yeah. Shout out Christopher Nolan. I think we might watch Oppenheimer next. Yeah? Yeah. You haven't seen it? No, I've seen it, but my boys haven't seen it, so. I wanna see the Oppenheimer. I heard it ends with a bang. Oh, that's fun. I heard there's like an extended edition, though, which has an actual hour and a half of explosions. Yeah, for Oppenheimer? I wanna watch it. Yeah. And then, the other weekly recap was the invention, or not invention, but my introduction to stump. What is that? So, you get a stump, because we have a stump of, you know, just classic. Like a tree stump? Tree stump. Everyone gets a nail, and you flip a hammer, and you catch it on the down, you gotta hit other people's nails. Oh, I've seen that. And if you do it under the leg, you get two hits. And you gotta, if you nail the last one up, then you win. So, once your nail's all the way in the tree stump. And so, yeah, once other people have hit your nails all the way down, you're done. And what do you, like, was there, you just do it for fun, or? Yeah, you're just the head of the stumps. Head of the stump? Yeah, last stump standing. Big stump. Yeah. Oh, I like it. Yeah, so we did stump. Yeah, that was solid. I also went to Cabo. Shout out Cabo, that was a lot of fun. Got to meet a lot of really cool entrepreneurs there. Really cool people doing cool stuff. Maybe we'll get some of those guests on the show, so. You're always welcome. Yeah, stay tuned. Yeah, Cabo's pretty cool, though. Really beautiful, nice. That's a beach right there. Yeah. The beach of Cabo. Where is that, is that like South Pacific? Yeah, it's like west part of Mexico, down like, you know how it's like the mainland, and then like the little peninsula? Yeah. It's like the end of that peninsula. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, really beautiful place, beautiful views. Yeah, shout out. Shout out food. Oh, it was great, delicious. Shout out Axe Academy, Brian, for putting it all together. That was awesome. The UBC food, a lot of seafood there? Yeah, there was good seafood, really good, like guacamole, really good meats, good fish, yeah. That's awesome. Yeah, so, yeah, Cabo was great. Yeah, you have any other weekly recaps? You know what, I just picked Michael up from the train station after my presentation, which was this morning at my 8 a.m. class, and I didn't prepare any of it last night, and I woke up at 6 a.m. today, grinded it out, and shout out to my group mates, we got it done, and our professor gave us raving reviews about it, so, I think we're starting off today with a W. Nice. This week with a W. You did the presentation live. Yeah. You got it. I got it. Yeah. Do you ever notice, every presentation, there's like, everyone has a role. There's the main guy who does most of it, there's the person who has no idea what's going on in the class, there's the freeloader, and, I don't know, there's one, there's always a good public speaker, too. The procrastinator. Yeah. That was me. Yeah. But I also nailed my presentation, so. What was it on? It's from my cross-cultural management class, like my capstone for my management major. Okay. But, basically, I had to, my group and I did like a study of Saudi Arabia, and it's kind of like the differences between our culture and their culture, and how to effectively manage those people by understanding their values and how to effectively lead and manage them. So I was in charge of, debatably, the hardest part of it, because everybody just kind of regurgitated what was in the textbook and whatever, but I did the access leverage points, which is like, basically, just like, what in their culture can you use as a good tool to help you? So, like, the Saudi Arabian people are very generous. Like, they're very, like, lavish people, you know? So, and they care more about relationships rather than, like, actual contextual stuff. You know what I mean? Yeah. So it's like, if you have a contract with them, and the contract has, like, a bunch of words on it, then they're like, like, why is this contract so fat? Like, just let us sign on the line. Like, it shows, obviously, you don't trust us with all these contingencies and whatnot, you know? Yeah. So I think it was really interesting, actually, to do it, but, yeah, you know, a day off from practice really sucked. I had to still wake up. Yeah. Shout out Mikey Books. Yeah. Studio Sam, they call me sometimes. Yeah, that's pretty cool. So, what would you say was a big cross-culture point? What was that? The access leverage point. Access leverage point? Yeah, you got through the list. Yeah. Basically, just focused on, you know, like, their culture, and how, as, like, an American, if we were to, if I were to, like, go over there and do business, like, they serve you, like, 12 course meals until, like, three in the morning, and they, like, and it would be rude of you to be like, oh, I'm full, like, I can't eat anymore. Like, you need to overindulge, because otherwise, you're just disrespectful, and they're very, like, like, they always want to save face, like, they're very low risk, because you're a family name, and, like, if you dishonor, if you mess up, your whole family's. Oh, like, yeah, you get chalked, yeah. In a way, it's kind of like Japanese culture. Nice. What would be your access leverage point for yourself? For myself, I would probably go with, like, you know, like, the camaraderie, how they all are very, like, outgoing, nice people. Like, it said in my book, it was like, they would do huge favors for someone who was barely a friend, you know? Yeah. So, I think I would try and leverage my personal ability with them, and, you know, just become friends and form a good relationship with them to kind of leverage whatever business goals we have. Nice. Yeah. All right, one final weekly recap. It just came back from New York. New York is overrated. I'm putting that out there right now. I don't think it's a hot take. Other people might disagree, but New York's not that fun. It's so fucking crowded. Yeah, it's crowded. It's, like, it's really expensive, like. Yes. I don't know. How much was, like, a drink when you went out there? It was a lot. It was, like, the cheapest one was, like, 15 bucks. For, like, a beer, probably, too, right? Yeah, it was, like, a Michelob, it was crazy. It's like, dude, you could go buy a 30 rack for the cost of two beers. Yeah, yep. Yeah, not economically viable. New York is, I don't know, it's just busy, it's really packed. I have one of my friends, he's from Germany, but he lives there now, and he was walking down with an open beer, and the cop stopped him. He's like, what are you doing? And he's like, I have a beer. He's like, open containers is horrible. Like, that's not allowed. Like, that's a finable offense in the city of New York. He's like, I'm very sorry, I was drinking a beer. You're walking through the next place. He's like, you're not from here, are you? He's like, no, I just come from New York. He didn't speak English really well, but he put on the accent, and he was like, all right, I'll let you off for the morning this time, but next time, you're getting tickets. He's like, thank you, officer. That's funny, that's rough. And the craziest part was, we were all laughing about it, and then we got to the line of the place. We didn't go to the main place, because the one we were trying to go to had a line, like, 10 years long, so we just went to this other one. And we're walking up, we get in line, and there's this other group of people who were either walking up, or like, I don't really know, we didn't notice they were in front of us or not, but it didn't matter, you know, everyone's getting in the same spot. But we're still laughing about the time before. The bouncer thinks we're laughing about the people going first or something. He goes to my same friend, the German guy, who's like, what's so funny? And he's like, what, nothing? He's like, the bouncer's like, oh, I don't see anyone else laughing. See anyone else laughing? He's like, do you think this is funny? He's like, well, this isn't, but a little bit earlier, there's something really funny. Oh my God, dude. That's geeks. Yeah, dude, that's why they're gripe is bouncers. Yeah, have some respect, man. Come on, man, like. You're just mad because you're not allowed to have fun with everybody else. Yeah, like, it's, I remember, like, I remember, like, a story about a bouncer I heard one time, it was like, you would always just go, it was down in Jersey Shore, you'd always just go out back and play beer pong instead of doing, with the other bouncers, instead of doing their job. Down at one of, it was, I don't know, like, Dead Dog or something, or like, the O.D., somewhere down in, at the Jersey Shore. Yeah, somewhere in Seattle, but. Yeah, bouncers, just chill out. Like, I know, I'm not, I'm not your, I know, I'm not what you want in the bar, I'm not a hot girl, but, you know, we're all just trying to have a good time. But, yeah, those are the weekly recaps. Anything else we missed? I'd say that's a wrap. Yep. All right, let's get to first team all sports. Let's get into our first obvious topic, you know. It's Monday, and the Celtics beat the Heat, and are first overall in the East right now. Shout out Celtics, that's obviously the biggest. Celtics? Yeah, just kidding. Chiefs, once again, Super Bowl champions. Mahomes wins his third overall. He's at 28 right now, ties Brady when he was at 28. Four Super Bowls, three, one three, I lost one, and, yeah, people are comparing him to the greatest, Tom Brady, which is fair right now to say, I think. It's tough. I wanted the Niners to win. I don't think, I mean, they didn't get it done. They made a lot of mistakes. Big, big mistakes on both sides for the teams, but. You know what's funny about this? I left just after halftime the Super Bowl. We had over a few houses down from here, actually, and I left just after halftime, because I was like, oh, I gotta go work on my presentation, and I ended up just chilling on my phone in the crib. I didn't even care about the Super Bowl, whatever, but around when the game ended, I just hear a bunch of chicks screaming. I was like, oh. Happy screaming or sad screaming? I was like, oh. I was like, oh, sheesh, just won. Yep, yeah, Taylor Swift in her first year in the NFL fan already has a Super Bowl. That's crazy. Yeah. And you know what, Taylor Swift, from running PA, can't rep the Bird Gang, screw your boyfriend. Yeah, I think it's okay for her to be a Chiefs fan. You know what? You know who my first team All-Sports is for this week? Who's that? Kylie Kelsey, Jason Kelsey's wife, refusing to wear any Chiefs gear at the game. She wore a Cincinnati Bearcats shirt, which is where Travis and Jason both went. Wore like that red, a red Cincinnati shirt, and that was it. Refused to put on Chiefs gear, refusing to root for anybody but the Birds. Give her the key to the city. Yeah, that's a good way to get around it, because, I mean. College match? Yeah. Actually, I will say for big sporting events, I will say for Taylor Swift, there's a video of her chugging beer. Pretty good at chugging beer. Really? Yeah, it's her in the box with her friends. Shout out, I know Ice Spice is up there. No, I don't know who else. Ice Spice is up there, and. Ice Spice and Taylor are friends? Yeah, they were in the box together. We'll put in a clip of them hanging out, and she's with some other people up there, too. But there's a video of her chugging beer, and I haven't seen such a good performance since Tom Brady chugged his beer on Jimmy Fallon, so. Yeah. Yeah, Tom Brady was the Taylor Swift pay-per-view beer chugging contest. Chug off. Yeah, million dollar idea right there, but yeah, gotta give her props to, she's a rinser, for sure. I guess. We'll rinse her asterisks. Yeah. Because we're end of football season, you know, thank you, football, you can tell this is a smartly set up pod because we're getting into football talk right at the end of the big game. Yeah, so draft is coming up. I actually saw something, as Pew Research put out a poll, what is America's favorite sport? It's football. That makes sense. Yeah, pretty easily, baseball. But you know what, pitchers and catchers report like this week for baseball, for spring training. I know a lot of the players are already down in Clearwater right now, so I'm really excited for spring training to start back up. Yeah, but baseball, no longer America's pastime. Write that down. Football is here in a big way, and it's here to stay. Yeah, I mean, I'm definitely a bigger football fan than a baseball fan, but you know, there's nothing better than the city in red October, dude. Yeah, we got the end of basketball season coming, too. Yeah. Big Celtics, we mentioned a little bit earlier at the top of this segment, but. Yeah, Sixers or whatever. I don't know, NBA, please come back. Please be healthy. But you know, we got the Buddy Heald trade. I really like it. Yeah, how about that trade, though? What was that? Yeah, are you? The Buddy Heald trade? Yeah. I like it a lot. You like it? Okay, all right. I just picked Kyle Lowry up off the waivers. Okay. We like bought him out or whatever, so. I mean, he's not even gonna start, but you know, it'll be good veteran leadership on the bench. Campaign trade for Pat Bev, like, you know what? Campaign balled out. Better than Pat Bev did on the Sixers, so you know. It sucks. Pat Bev, loved by the city. Kind of a legend. I mean, he's just got that Dolph mentality. Best of luck in Milwaukee. But you're coached by Glen Rivers, so you guys are kind of fucked. Yeah, I'm one of those basketball fans that don't watch until after football season, so. Yeah. Basketball time, yay! And a draft for the NFL. That'll be big. A lot of big name quarterbacks. We'll talk about it a little bit more when we get a little closer. Yeah, I haven't done any draft homework at all. The only thing I hear is listening to Philly Sports Radio talking about Jeremiah Trotter Jr. getting drafted by us. Yeah? I mean, we need a linebacker, and how crazy would that be to have another prep guy on the team? That'll be three. Like, if we keep Dre Swift, we would have three prep guys on playing for their hometown team. Like, how crazy would that be? Also, shout out the Patriots' third overall pick. Oh, really? Probably maybe gonna take a quarterback. There's Cale Williams, Drake May, and Jayden Daniels, LSU. Is Malik Cunningham your backup still? No, he's on the Ravens now. Oh, really? Bailey Zappi and Mack Jones, it's depressing. Damn. So sad. But Trotman's in there, gonna turn things around. Yeah? I have trust. Other quick first team all sports. We gotta talk some golf now. That happened. Yeah. But this is actually, this is a funnier one. For the first time ever, the Waste Management Open in Phoenix banned alcohol sales because people were acting the fool. So, that's the real story. People were still hammered there. Yeah, but they were still hammered somehow. They just kept, they banned the alcohol sales, and shout out all the piss dogs, all the dudes just peeing their pants, just peeing out in public. So, if you have a guy just sitting on a stool just letting it rip. And his fans? Yeah. Just peeing your pants is the coolest. Yeah, but shout out dudes. Dudes rock. Yeah, dudes rock. Sometimes, like, sometimes you just gotta go. It's like, I remember a story. We had one, we were going to a concert in Philly, or more like an event in Philly. Made in America. Made in America. And, you know, someone just had to go, and sometimes, like, as a barrister from Charmin says, just enjoy the go. And you know what? He enjoyed it. But, you know, shout out U Apparel. Making great shorts. You remember he hopped on the train, he goes, oh man, I'm glad I wore my U Apparel's today. These things dry so fast. Yeah, they dried right up. They were totally dry by the time we got off the train. I couldn't even tell. I mean, find me another shorts that you could pee your pants and then totally bounce back with. 20, 30 minute train ride and then boom. Yeah. But, yeah, the waistband's been open. Shout out, I think, Nick Taylor. Let's go, Nick. Nick's are up. Nick's are up right now. And I think there were some people getting heckled in the crowd or something. Like, I don't know, like golfers yelling at the hecklers and hecklers yelling back. Oh, really? Yeah, like back to Happy Gilmore. It was like, or, oh no, that was Adam Sandler for Philly Madison. Peeing your pants at Philly Madison. But, you know, the scene where he's, like, playing golf and the one guy, yeah. He's yelling at him. Nice shot, you frickin' jackass. Oh, dude, the other guy from that movie just died, too. Oh, the black dude. Yeah, no, it's, he's Creed. Yeah, they did, actually, did you see, he was in a Super Bowl commercial last night? Yeah, oh, Carl Weathers. Carl Weathers, yeah. Shout out, Carl Weathers. Also in The Predator, I think. Is he? Yeah, he was, I've never seen The Predator. I know they do a really cool, like, handshake where they do like that. And then they also, there's the chopper that they have to get to. He's talking about the Arnold movies? Arnold wasn't in Predator, he's Terminator. No, he's in Predator, too. Oh, really? Yeah, but he's also the Terminator. It's with a chopper. Yeah. Yeah, are the, Predator's alien, right? I think it's, like, the same thing. Is it an alien? It's an alien. Yeah, I think so. Is it related to the aliens? I don't think so. Yeah, I just watched Prometheus, so. Got aliens in the mind. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah, not a good movie, though. There's someone out there who's, like, a major alien fan, and they're getting so mad right now. They know all of their chronology. Oh, dude, people, the alien people are something else. Yeah. There's a lot of those movies. There's one of those franchises, that was in Terminator, where they just, like, turned down a million of them. Yeah. Yeah. But, still not as bad as the Fast and Furious, Money Grumps, and the Transformers. They're making another Planet of the Apes movie, too. I saw that, yeah. I thought they were done. Rise of the Beginning of the Dawn. I think Hollywood's out of ideas. Planet of the Apes is the third. Hollywood's out of ideas, for sure. Yeah, they are. It's like, it's 10 sequels. That's my other gripe, and maybe I should save it for, I'm not even gonna save it for, I'm gonna save it for Grindbyte years, but the MCU and all the million sequels, I'm done with it, I'm over it. But, all right. Moving on to some quick. Breaking boos. Yeah, quick, quick breaking boos. Yeah, actually, yeah, we'll talk about it right now, I guess. Deadpool, even though I was upset with the MCU, I think Deadpool could be cool. Oh, yeah, that Wolverine? Wolverine is in there, shout out. What's Wolverine's name? Hugh Jackman. Yeah, he's back in a big way. I saw the trailer last night. It's kinda good. Yeah, did you watch the full trailer? No, I just watched the one that they put up. No, they said the full trailer was all that. There's another full trailer? I was just seeing a clip of it, I think. It was a teaser. You wanna do a live reaction? No. No live reaction to the trailer, but go watch it, a little shout out to Free Press for Deadpool. Yeah, I fuck with Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds, and Hugh Jackman. Yeah. Absolute bros. Yeah, they're dudes. Yeah, they're definitely dudes. But I don't think it's gonna save the MCU. I'm so done with the multiverse of multiverses. So the Ms. Webb movie they're making. Oh, I didn't know that was Ms. Webb. You know who Sidney Sweeney is? Yeah, yeah. They're trying to, what I've heard from the community is that they're trying to take away from her hotness and make her not the hot chick in the movie, and make the hot chick the hot chick in the movie, and that's a problem. That's tough. Let my girl do her thing. Is Ms. Webb like a Spider-Man? I guess. Okay, so another Spider-Man? I don't know. Do you think they'll bring the other Spider-Men back in? No. No? Maybe. I think the dude Spider-Man is all into the Spider-verse right now. Yep. What's the English name, Tom Holland? Yeah. I don't know. Tom Holland, Garfield, my favorite Spider-Man recently. Shout out. And Bully McGuire. Yeah. Those memes are so funny. Yeah, those are great. I love the one where it's like, I'm something of a scientist myself. Yeah, that's our breaking news. Do you have any other breaking news? UFC 300 is this weekend, I think, and, or I don't know when it is. It's at some point, but they're introducing a new weight class, 165 and 175, and they're getting rid of the 170 weight class, and our boy, Conor McGregor's coming in. Fighting at 165 against, who's he fighting against? He's fighting this weekend? I don't know what I'm gonna fight. He's fighting against Chandler. Okay. And he's fighting this, this is his? This is his comeback. First one back since he snapped his leg, or? He snapped his leg. Yeah. Did you see he's in a new, the new movie? The Ryan Gosling movie? What is it? Roadhouse? Oh, yeah. I think he's like the villain. Right? I think he's like the bad guy. That would be funny. Yeah. He is fucking, you can't even read. What is Ryan Gosling? He's Ken, the fighter. Where is this interview? Oh, dude, it's on fucking April 13th. Oh, so it's not Breaking Booze? All right, just kidding. Oh, there's Breaking Booze that they're changing the. All right, so the Breaking Booze is they're changing the weight class. Yeah. But he's not, I was gonna say, I feel like. Dude, that's. Impressive, dude. It's on my birthday. Oh, yeah? Yeah. Not releasing that information, though. Yeah. Uh-oh, I guess we kind of do it already. Well, if you caught it earlier when it is, then it's a little Easter egg. But so the Breaking Booze is that there's a new weight class not that McGregor, actually, we're really early. This is like really, really Breaking Booze. Yeah, early Breaking Booze. Yeah. I think McGregor's gonna, this might be his last fight. I don't think he's gonna win. I know. He's so washed up. I know we like, we have people that really like him, but he's old, he's kind of slow. I think he's gonna be like an actor or something, like. Yeah, I think he'd be better off. Kind of like The Rocks. Or like John Cena. Yeah, he'd get really, uh. Except instead of WWE, that he's an actual fighter and not like a phony jabroni. Phony jabroni. People like WWE, though. It's entertaining. Yeah. I like the ones, I like the memes of like the one guy, the Undertaker thing, he's like dead, and then he like wakes up. Yeah. That's so funny. Well, I like, my other favorite clip is like, I had a beer, then I had another beer, then three more beers, then I had a tequila tonic. So I'm like, Stone Cold Steve Austin, we'll put that clip in, I probably butchered it, but. Yeah, big, big breaking booze, big, yeah, a lot of, a lot of things happening. No, no new updates on the Xen, the Xen X phase, but yeah, hopefully they're still safe. And yeah, so we'll get to our interview now. All right, welcome to Beaches and Beers interview. Today we have a very special guest. We have Spencer. We have Spencer Fortnight Chidley, lifetime owner of Battle Pass, and my dear teammate here at Fairfield Rally. Spencer, tell us a little bit about yourself. Yeah, so my name's Spencer. I met Mike about four years ago when we started school here at Fairfield University during our COVID year. And I just recently met Mike. I met Mike, you know, a couple times throughout the years, but this is my first time sitting down and talking to the boys, and it's great. Thanks for having me. It's awesome. Yeah, well, welcome to the pod. We all got one thing in common here. We all absolutely love the Jersey Shore. Tell us about your experience as a local at the shore instead of the shooby perspective that me and Michael have. Yeah, so I've lived at the Jersey Shore my entire life. I live in Stone Harbor, or in that area. I live in Cape May, actually. But I mean, there's nothing like it for about three months, and then things get really quiet. So some people like the quiet. I don't mind it, but I definitely wanna get out of there. You know, but it's great, great surfing, good food, and a great tourist spot, pretty much. I mean, that's where a lot of our business comes from, just, you know, the shoobies like you guys. So we definitely appreciate it. Yeah, tell us a little bit about some of your business. What are you up to during the summers? So I work with my dad. He runs a heating and cooling company. So I've been fixing air conditioners for a long time. And then last summer, I was working as a bartender, making drinks. I don't know if you've ever been to the watering hole before, but that was a great time. I love being behind the bar, just, you know, mixing the liquors and serving beers and just talking to people. And you make a lot of connections. You meet a lot of great people, all from South Jersey, Philly area, some people from even further out. A lot of New Yorkers are coming down now. So that's something that I've seen in the last few years. Do we want to get rid of the New Yorkers? I don't know, man. I mean, they're driving real estate prices up, you know. That's true. It's crazy. So yeah, I mean, it's getting wild down there. Like a lot of people from the Hamptons are coming down. I mean, real estate prices are skyrocketing. Beachfront property is like almost 10 million now, so. Maybe one of those high rollers will actually buy the Utz mansion. Yeah, maybe. Is that still for sale? It's still for sale for like how many years now? I have no idea. A long while. I think it's like 20, like seven million and change or something like that. Well, you know, his grandson, the Utz grandson, he bought a bunch of businesses in Avalon. Oh, really? Yeah, he's running like a pizza store and I think a few others. That stuff's gotta be like a goldmine because like just everything on that island's so expensive. So like, Utah's like 20 bucks for a pie pizza. Yeah, there's not really anywhere else to go. So you're kind of stuck with going there. Yeah, they keep all like the fast food places out. So there's no McDonald's. Like, it's all just like local family owned businesses. That's what it's all about though. Yeah. Jersey Shore at its best. Yeah, it's nice when you like go into a store and you like know the owner, you know what I mean? Or you know like the people working there. Yeah. I've seen them so many times. Yeah, it's good for the community, right? Yeah, it's good for the community. What do you guys do? Oh, you guys are lifeguards. Are you also? Yes. I'm the one who got Mike into guarding. Yeah, he is the one who got him. I was a guard for five years. And year after year two, I was like, I need to share the wealth. I need to get my boys in on this. And yeah, they came down and tried out and made the control. And they've been icons and staples ever since. So Spencer, you got any good bartending stories? Oh, man. I've got one that I'm thinking of. Like one. What do you got, Spencer? Pretty crazy story. So it was like, it was a Saturday night. It's my second week working there. And so the way the bar works is there's like four in this area and they all share a liquor license. Because like liquor licenses are really hard. Like they don't just give them out. So. What are liquor licenses for the people? So it's the right to sell liquor in like a restaurant. So most restaurants are BYOB. They can't sell you wine or beer. And most towns only issue like two or three liquor licenses or however many they want to issue. And when a business goes under or they sell a business, they can sell their liquor license. So usually these go up for auction, like $1, $2, $3 million just for the right to sell booze. And so I got transferred to a lower bar. And I was working there. And a girl comes in. Her name was Tina. We'll just say her name is Tina. And she was 25. So we were chopping it up for a little while. But I was working. It was still busy. It was Saturday night. And things started to quiet down. So I go back in the back room to go get more bottles for mixing drinks so you can keep all the liquor in the back room and then replace it at the bar as we go through. You know what I mean? So I go in the back there to the closet. I turn around and this girl's standing right behind me. And so I have no idea what I'm doing. She's like 26, 27, 28. She's older. And she looks at me and I'm like, what do you want? I was like, do you want my number, my Snapchat or something? She's like, no. I was like, then what do you want? She's like, well, maybe kiss a little bit. I was like, how about that? I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like. So nobody saw her go into the back room with me. So we're making out for like 10, 15 minutes. There's no lock on the back room. You know, and if anybody else needs anything, I don't want to get walked in on. So I switched to the bathroom. Everybody in the bar sees me go into the bathroom and like, it's an absolute shit show. So I thought I was going to get fired. Like she's telling me, I'm like, I don't know if I can do this. I'm going to get fired. She's like, I actually got fired from my last job for engaging in intercourse in the bathroom. Wow. It was pretty crazy. So we walk in the bathroom. As soon as we go to the bathroom, she drops her pants. I'm going to cut through. I'm going to cut. I leave, don't do anything crazy. I just leave. And you know, she leaves the bar. I hear a story. She went and banged a bouncer at another bar. So like, yeah, it was, you know, yeah, it was kind of crazy. So I had to tell like, I didn't want to tell anybody this, but Crystal saw me. She immediately went and just told everybody. And, well, she was just gossiping, I guess. I don't know. But it all worked out because everybody thought it was cool. I mean, it was pretty cool. Yeah, it was a fun story. I've had to tell that story so many times. People keep asking me, they're like, oh, tell us the Latina story. Or, you know, somebody will walk in the bar, Crystal will be like, dude, you got to tell them the Latina story, you know? And I'm like, I don't know, man. Latina story. The Latina stories. The Latina story? The Latina cantinas. Do you want to tell that story? That's another good bar story. That is a good bar story. Yeah, I guess I will. Kind of see I have a little bump on my head. Little mark right there. But basically, me and Spence were playing this game called My Friend Thinks You're Cute at the Bar. And- How does one play this game? You have somebody like, hey, a friend thinks you're cute. But, you know, we won't spill any of the crazy details, but this dude's upset about something I said to one of his friends and throws a beer on me. I turn around, I'm like- A full beer? I mean, yeah, but the back of my shirt was pretty wet. So, basically, went outside and Spencer yelled world star and I just clocked this dude. That was about it, honestly. I was surprised he even wanted to go out into the parking lot. It was actually kind of funny, because I was like, all right, dude, like, I was like, you asked me if I wanted to go outside. Like, throw me a one. One, two, he's like, nah. I was like, what, bro? So, you know, I poked the sleeping bear and then I beat the sleeping bear. Sleeping bear got beat after it was poked? Yeah. He's colded. He's colded? Like a lawn chair? Yeah, like a lawn chair. I can't show the video we're recording with it, but maybe we'll throw it in, maybe. Yeah, maybe, perhaps. Could be evidence of a potential- Assault. Potential assault, trust me. You know what, for legal purposes, this is all hypothetical, hypothetically. Hypothetically, me and Spencer played this game, you know? Yeah. Hypothetically, I did. It happened in Minecraft. Yeah, in Minecraft. Spencer, big Minecraft player. Big Minecraft fan? Yeah, I dabble in Minecraft, so. I've been playing for a long time. Yeah? Spencer, was that Saturday night when we were all, like, super framed up and we walked into the house? You were just playing Minecraft on Terry's Xbox? Yeah. That was so funny. Yeah, we were just hanging out. What makes someone good at Minecraft? Knowledge, you know? Knowing what's going on. But again, it's not like a good or a bad thing. You know, it's just to have fun. You know, build what you gotta build, be a little creative. Spencer keeps clowning me, telling me he thinks I should do a Minecraft Let's Play, because he doesn't think I'm capable of crafting a pickaxe. I'm just saying that it would be funny to watch you, like, struggle through a Minecraft Let's Play and just livestream the whole thing. What's a Let's Play? It's when you just, you know, you start a new world and you just play. Just play? Oh, nice. You're not allowed to use the wiki. You gotta figure it all out yourself. No wikis? Yeah, no wiki. No wikis? Just straight figure it out off the dumb piece. Yeah. We do one where we could do, we all get in there and it's the survival and then you die, you die, so you last the longest. In Minecraft? Yeah. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Good to see everyone. Spence, this is a popular question that we ask all of our guests. What is your favorite beach and beer and why? Oh, man. Well, obviously my favorite beach is 109 Stone Harbor. Yeah. Nothing like it. I've been going there since I was like, you know, yay big. And it's also, I mean, it's not the best surfing beach down at the shore, but it is one of the surfing beaches. So can't really hold it against that. Yeah. And then the beer, I mean, it really depends. Like if I'm gonna sit down and just drink a beer just for the sake of drinking a beer, I'm gonna have like a Guinness or, you know, something smooth, like a Smith Wicks. And then if I'm binge drinking, I don't even know. I've been on the Millers recently, as far as light beer is concerned. I used to drink a lot of Heinekens. But yeah, I'd probably say like either Millers or Guinness. Regular Miller or the High Life? Oh, regular Miller. It's the Miller Lite. Nice. Yeah. Used to be a huge Bud Light fan. Yeah? Yeah, used to. What happened? I mean, I don't have anything against their political stance but I was just, you know, I was on the hate train just because it was fun. But now that they're partnering with the UFC, do you think that changes your perspective on it? Now they're trying to be like super like dudes, America. I think they're, yeah, they're trying to come back. They're trying to backpedal. So they released like the camo green cans to show support for the troops. Like they're trying to go the other way with it. You know what though? I mean, they did bring back the Kelly Green Sko-Birds models. Yeah. I loved Bud Light, like during the Eagle Super Bowl and throughout high school. Like Philly, Philly. Philly, Philly, yeah. That was all great. The Bud Night. The Bud Night. And it's crazy how one PR mistake can just like destroy one of these companies. I mean, their sales are down 20% permanently. Yeah. I mean, I sold maybe three Bud Lights at the bar. Yeah. Exactly. That's it, yeah. Yeah, like for the whole summer. People just didn't drink them. Yeah. What are some of your favorite drinks to make and why? And then on afterward, least favorite. Okay, so a lot of bartenders clown on the espresso martini. I don't mind. It was a $15 cocktail. So I'm making like $2 off of every one I make. I was so with it. I probably made 20, 30 of those a night. And they are kind of a pain to make, you know, just cause like you have to put the Kahlua, vodka, you have to make the espresso, you know, shake it up, put it in a glass, like a martini glasses aren't fun to carry. No. But my favorite drink to make Oh man, I don't know. Probably the espresso martini. I like making espresso martinis. Are they hot espressos? Like, can you make an espresso cold? Yeah, so we'll make the espresso. It comes out hot and then we'll chill it in the fridge and do it that way. So it's kind of ice cold by the time you get it. I get it. And then least favorite drink. Oh, I guess like a mojito. Yeah. Anything mojito, cause you have to muddle the fruit. I yell. I yell. I yell. There's the glass, there's the muddler, and there's the fruit. All right. And how do you muddle? And how do you muddle? Can you do the muddle motion again? I yell. All right. Didn't have a lot of practice with muddling. Yeah. He's the muddler. Yeah. The muddler. Muddler. What's your favorite bar? Ever, Jersey Shore bar. How come? Favorite bar. I recently went down to Key West. Okay. And that town is all bars. And so it kind of puts the Jersey Shore to shame. Damn. Just the fact that like you walk out of a bar and you look around, there's like six other bars. You know, everything's a bar. So we went to one, my parents took me to one. They didn't tell me anything about this bar. It's a regular bar downstairs. You go upstairs, it's a nude bar. What? Wow. Yeah. My parents were like, we're going to play a joke on him. We just want to see his reaction. Yeah. And one upstairs, everyone was naked. I was like, what the fuck? And it wasn't like people you wanted to see naked. No. It never is. No. And I was like, all right, I'm not touching anything. It's like, I'm just going to stand in the corner. You didn't want to do a lot of muddling in there? Yeah, I was muddling. So that was a ton of fun. The downstairs part was. Upstairs, not so much fun. Not your scene? Yeah, not my scene. But at the Jersey Shore, I'd say like the Princeton's, classic, Seattle definitely, like the Oar House. Yeah. Shabooms? Shabooms, yeah. I like Shabooms. I don't like shenanigans as much as like the O'Day. Yeah. Or something. Like I'd rather go there. And I've never been to the Dead Dog, but I heard it's fun. Oh, dude, you're dead to me, dog. I've never had a shirt without a design on it. Like I've always walked by and I'm like, nope, we got a dress code. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I just don't like, but you need to be wearing like a plain shirt, like you can't have anything on. Like, that doesn't really make sense though, you know? I don't really understand that. You could buy like a plain white t-shirt just from like Marshalls and go in, but you can't have like a logo on your shirt. Yeah. Yeah, that's silly. Maybe they're sponsored or something. I have no idea. Isn't this one of those quirks? I like bars that have like fun quirks. Like the bars that have the bells. Like when they do like, there's a bar in Philly and they do sink or swim. And they'll like play like the, same thing with, same thing with shenanigans, but they'll do a bar for like when all the drinks are a dollar, or a bell for when all the drinks are a dollar. What bar is that? Wizz. That was one that we always go to, the Penn guys. Wheels? No. Bonners? No. Smokey Joe's. Smokey Joe's. Jerky Joe's. Every time we go to Jerky Joe's, we would bully the DJ into playing, what was it? I'm a Boss by Meek Mill. And we'd be like, yo, you gotta play this, bro. Like, it'll get everybody electrified. It would be like so dead in there. Then you'd get like seven of like the homies just freaking like going nuts to I'm a Boss. And then somehow it would spark the electricity and the vibe in there would just change and everybody would be out there raging. Man, that's crazy how it works. Yeah. It's like one little. One group of people and everybody's energized. You're going, what goes into a good bar? I'd say like atmosphere. That's probably why dive bars are so popular, because worse is better. Good service, really. Like I hate waiting at the bar for an hour to get a drink. That's the worst. Yeah, it sucks. And I don't understand why more bartenders don't hustle. So you'll be at a restaurant and then there will be bartenders and they just won't be hustling as much. And it's like the more drinks you sell, the more money you make, you know? So, and the faster the time goes by when you're just in the trenches. And then just good conversation. I mean, I guess that goes into atmosphere, but as a bartender, when you're not making drinks, you're just talking to people and just, you know, just listening to them. Yeah. You never crack any whys? Crack any whys? What, just like chop it up at the table? Yeah, all the time. Like drunk people love to talk. Yeah, that's true. They come in here and I just sit there and then just listen to them. Do you ever eavesdrop on people's conversations? Nah, I mean, they tell me everything. Like they'll tell me like the craziest stuff I've ever heard. What kind of crazy stuff? Oh man, like it's nothing crazy, crazy, but it's like divorce stuff. And like people will tell me like how disappointed they are in their children. And I'm just like, yeah, all right. You want another drink or something? No, like something you really like to strike up a conversation with a stranger, but because you're giving them the booze, maybe they... They loosen up. The booze loosens them up a little bit. And so they just like let everything go, you know? That's true. Let it all hang out? Yeah, it's like therapy for people. Yeah, I guess. So... That's one way they've gone about it, but you know, to each their own. Yeah, to each his own. To each his own. What, um, have you ever had anyone try to fight you in the bar? No, I mean, I've witnessed a couple of fights. I've been throat chopped before. Oh. So one of our bouncers, I don't even know, he had a knee injury, so he couldn't actually bounce, but he's a big guy, so we just kept him at the door for intimidation's sake. Yeah. And we had like a Marine. He was piss drunk. He was like, he was like yelling at people, screaming. Anyway, he goes in the back room. I walk in the back room, he's just pissing in the back room, peeing in the corner. It's not getting on anything, but I still like, I was like, all right, I gotta clean this up. This is a sanitation problem. I clean it all up. He's on the dance floor going crazy. The bouncer's like, you gotta help me remove this guy, because I can't do it. My knee's all bummed up. So I'm like, hey buddy, we gotta leave. He's like, I'm a Marine! I'm a Marine! I'm a Marine! And I'm like, all right, I'm gonna grab this guy. I grab him. He chops my throat. I'm on the floor. I'm ready to pick you out. Dude, it came out of nowhere. Yeah, blackout down. Yeah, it was like, it was like one in the morning. I'm tired, I've been working since noon. And I just got throat chopped out of nowhere by a Marine. And so, me and a couple other guys, couple good Samaritans from the bar, you know, picked him up, and then pushed him out the door, threw him out, told him to stay the hell away. Was this at the water hole, or was it at Rum Row? The hole. What did that dude do the karaoke at? We did that downstairs on Thursday nights, yeah. Is he got karaoke down there? Yeah. Dude, we should have rinsed that. Yeah, yeah, karaoke's so fun. What's your go-to song? Need You Now by Lady A. That's a fun karaoke song. Or Before He Cheats. Yeah. That one's a weird one. What is that one? I never, yeah, I never know the full words. Yeah, what about you guys? What do you sing when you go to the karaoke bar? Like the Beer Never Broke My Heart, just like screaming into a microphone. ♪ Long day, ice cold beer that broke my heart ♪ That's about all I know of this song, but I love it. And then I Will Survive by Gloria something, I don't know, it's like a, kind of like a 80s song, like 70s, 80s song. Oh yeah, yeah. I like to do Kiss From A Rose by Seal. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah. That's a great duet song, great group. Any song you can get like a big group of people singing. Yeah. That's fun. Yeah, shout out karaoke. Gotta get back on that. Haven't done that one in a while. Did they, do you remember the Jersey Shore and all we had, Spence, and I was inside of whoever's house it was and I had the microphone attached to the speaker and I was doing my own version of karaoke? Yeah, somebody needed to take the microphone away from you. That went on for like a little bit longer than it should have. People were like, oh, this is funny, and I'd be like, oh, somebody get the fuck out of here. Wore down the joke. Dude, I've ran it straight, I grabbed it. It's pretty funny though. Excited for The Knots to come back. Yeah, I know, it's warm out. Yeah, it's nice. I might be like an expert at getting a joke that's always funny and then just beating it until it's funny, you know. No, do you know what a knot is? Have I told you about them? No, what's that? The knots are, it's like a tradition the Fairfield University seniors do. It's like everybody puts up like 30 bucks or something like that at the beginning of the year in your grade and then like pretty much every Thursday, there's like a rope and like each house takes a turn having like a kegger for the grade. Oh, really? That's fun. And it's coming back? Yeah, I think we're waiting for it to get a little nicer up. I think honestly like, I mean, the way it looks right now, I feel like we could have one right now. It's like dirty weather right now. No, it's so nice. But it's supposed to get cold, there's supposed to be a bunch of snow. Oh, really? Yeah, three to five inches. We go back on the water in like two weeks, three weeks. Yeah, we're supposed to go back this weekend. This weekend, you guys are going back? Just for like a day, yeah, until like end of February and then we're just doing some rows in between. Yeah, it's pretty much the same process. Our spring break's like the first week of March, so that's when we go back on. Yeah, it says we need to talk about your rowing career, how you met Mike. Tell us a little about rowing for Theo Field. It's good. The program's come a long way, I'll say that. I mean, when I look back where we started, I realize that we have come a long way. We started off with just our freshman year putting out an eight and a four and now we have four eights that we can put out. Yeah, I mean, our team's, it's not that impressive if you look at it now, but then when you look at even just last year, it's a lot better. I mean, our erg scores have gone down a crazy amount. We've got, I think we had what, like 14 kids on the team freshman year? Now we've got like close to 40, so it's great. We got a new erg room, we got a new boat. Well, we've had the two boats for a while, the USPs. Yeah. So they're nice. But yeah, I don't know. I mean, it's great, great close team. Yeah. I think what the direction the team's going right now is it's like, we are great and our group used to be the team. We used to be the majority of the team, you know? And now that we've got like some really fast, good underclassmen in here, it's like, now they're starting to become the team, but we're still the culture. And I think right now we're doing a pretty good job of teaching them young bulls the culture. They still got a lot to learn. They still need to, they need to rinse more. Yeah, yeah, they need to, we need to teach them how to act. We do, I'd say that we set a pretty good example of how to work hard and play harder. Yeah. It's hard sometimes. Yeah. It's a good mix of both. Yeah. Can we get any predictions for this upcoming season? Man, I mean, it's hard to say until we get on the water, but I honestly don't even know where I'm going to be. Just like based on our scores, looking at like the second eight, I'm just going to be out of the top eight. But Sean Searles is the champion of three minute pieces. Yeah. Seat racing. It's weird. Our only seat racing we ever do is three minute pieces. For some reason, I'm just like built for three minute pieces. Yeah, you're just goaded for three minutes? Yeah, I'm just good at just yanking it for three minutes. Nice. I don't know. I'm undefeated currently for seat races. So I don't know. Hopefully the trend continues. No. Heck yeah. What about team predictions? How are we looking for, how is Stagg going to match up against the competition? I don't know. I think our one V could have like a D, I think our one V could definitely medal at Bales. We are top eight. If we grind it out, I don't know. Figure it out. That's being pretty hopeful though. I don't know. I'll probably be in the second eight unless we do a lightweight four again. We just got second last year at Bales. So I don't know. If they do that again, I'd probably just rip that. And I think we'd have a pretty good shot at winning it with the lightweight that we have available. But I think our biggest thing is our freshman eight is probably going to win Bales. Yeah. I think they want us to be in the eight because we won the four last year at Bales. Yeah. So they're like, well, you can't just win the four. Yeah, they won the V4 last year. Yeah. Yeah, step up your game a little bit. But it'll be interesting because some of our fastest kids, like probably like, there's probably three or four kids that could be in the one V based on our scores who are freshmen. So it's like, throw together like a really good freshman eight, you know. Because there's not too much of a drop off with the top eight freshmen, like speed wise. I think they could probably win Bales, you know, if we put them out there. But I'm interested to see what we do because so many of our top guys are frosh. Nice. All right, Spencer, final question. What was your favorite event or is your favorite event that takes place at Fairfield and why? Oh, hands down, SantaCon. SantaCon. SantaCon is sick. Everybody from like all different schools come down. It's the weekend before finals week. So it's like the semester's pretty much over at that point. And just like a bunch of kids from all around come over. It's like known in the area as like a huge event. Everybody's wearing Santa hats. We're all gathering on the point, playing music, getting rowdy. It's a great time. Yeah, we'll put some clips in of people dressing up. Good clips. Yeah. No, I went two years ago. People show out for it. Yeah, how did you like it? I liked it a lot. I was sad I couldn't go. I had scheduling conflicts this year. Otherwise, I would have been back. But I liked it a lot. It was a lot of fun. All right, thank you, Spencer. Thank you, Spencer. All right, let's get to some segments. First up, we have Scam of the Week. For our new listeners, Scam of the Week is where we go over some scams and expose them for all their scamminess. My first scam of the week, and this is one that I've been cooking for a while. I've been on this since day one. Chapstick. Chapstick. Chapstick is such a scam. How is it a scam? It doesn't work. It makes people's lips drier. I have no science or data to back this up, but I think it's big chapstick, and they make your lips just good enough, and then they dry them out, and it just doesn't work. All the people who I know who are religious chapstick users, just, they keep doing it, and it's not as good for the lips. So are you talking about the brand Chapstick? No, no, all Chapstick. Or like Lip Balm in general? Yeah, all of the Lip Balm things, but if it comes in a little squirrely little tube, squirrely? Tube, and you can put it on your lips. What about tubs? Well, the tubs, see, the tubs are different, because there's Aquifer and different stuff, and I think that's real. I think that stuff is good. Like, anything you get, and you have to actually manly apply, but those little eggs that people get that have anything that's like, it's like silicone-y, and, or Chapstick, and you twist it, all that, total scam. Makes your lips worse. So, no, not backed by science or my own research, but one of my roommates is the biggest Carmex hater of Ulta. They said it's because they have addicting chemicals in them. So, it's like, only Carmex will make your lips unshaft once you start using it. Once you start using it? Yeah, see, it's all a scam. It's big Chapstick trying to get us to use their products, as always, and I'm sick of it. I'm done. I'm shouting it out. I'm shouting out big Chapstick. Yeah, if you're a religious Chapstick aggrier, please, I'd love to have you on the show and debate or put in the comments, but, yeah, Chapstick's a scam. That's my scam of the week. Yeah, just use, I don't know, there's other stuff, there's like good stuff, like I mentioned Aquifer, Utrend, that's all good stuff, but like, because once people start using Chapstick, then they can't. I think Vaseline's honestly the best one that you can do for yourself. Yeah, that's a good one. Like, just Vaseline. I like Aquifer. I use Aquifer. Just petroleum jelly and stuff, but, yeah, Chapstick, big scam. I'm calling it out. Yeah, all right. Overall, my scam of the week. My scam is GoPuff and like Instacart. Like, these services, they charge you, I'm pretty sure they're upcharging you on your groceries, like a dollar every item or like 50 cents every item, and then you gotta pay a delivery fee and like the service fee for the person delivering it. Are these the ones where it's like Uber Eats for your groceries? Yeah. Okay, and you give them a list, right? Yeah, and it's like someone goes and shops for you. Now, I get why it costs so much because you're too lazy to go to the freakin' store yourself, but it's a scam, dude. Like, would you rather have somebody do all your groceries for you or would you rather go get it yourself and it costs you like 20, 30 bucks less? Yeah, I mean, it just shows that like people will pay anything now not to get off the freakin' couch. Yeah, I know. People will go out into the world. Yeah, I know a lot of people who love Uber Eats, Postmates. All that stuff, they charge a lot. It's a hefty fees. I've never done the GoPuffs or Instacarts. GoPuffs, more like a snack. Yeah, it's more like snacks. It's like a Wawa run compared to like a grocery run. Okay. Yeah, shout out Wawa. That's the one thing that's sad about being up in Connecticut, no Wawas. No Wawas. You know, actually, some dude I work with for this moving job I do told me that there were Wawas up in Connecticut which I don't think is true. He said there used to be Wawas? Yeah. And why did they get rid of them? I don't know. That's what I was saying. I was like, if there's a Wawa up here, it would never go out of business. I feel like it would get a lot of customers. Yeah. Especially in like this area? Yeah. That's crazy. So I think he's confused. Okay. About what I was talking about. We can verify. We'll need to investigate. We'll investigate. We'll get our best men on it. Yeah, we'll get the Wawa investigators. Yeah, I mean, dude, honestly, there are so many damn Wawa enthusiasts that somebody's gotta know, right? Yeah. Somebody's gotta know. I mean, a lot of them are in like Florida. I know that. Yeah. A lot of down south where? Well, they're about to start opening up some in like the Midwest. That's their next target. They pretty much covered all the like southeast coast. Like the, I guess we're in the northeast in the greater Philadelphia area, New Jersey. But North Jersey doesn't have any. Are they in New York? No, no New York Wawa's? No. That's sad. Sorry, New Yorkers. Not even, there's not even a Wawa in the city. I guess maybe it's too oversaturated with other similar brands, but. I feel like, I don't know. I don't think Wawa, I think Wawa is honestly better off going to the Midwest than to New York. Yeah. For like this part of the northeast because, and everybody thinks Cumberland Farms is like the greatest thing ever. It's like, dude, Cumberland Farms sucks. No, I've never been, and I like Wawa better. Yeah. I just know. People don't get it. People think it's like, people are like, oh, it's a gas station, but like go in there, get your hoagies, get your smoothies. What's your go-to order? I go a buff chick quesadilla with bacon or I get the southwest chipotle turkey panini. That's good. I love a good Italian or feel spicy, I get a meatball sub. What about the mac and cheese? Do mac and cheese go to your side every time? Yeah, that's a great side. I like getting chips too. I'll do voodoo chips. Yeah, voodoo chips, classic. Yeah. Voodoo chips on the stand, just like chilling. Yeah. Just grabbing a good bite to eat, and then. Sending the rookies to Wawa on their break. Yeah, get me some stuff. I didn't used to have those breaks back when I was a young lad. Yeah. You know, technically they were supposed to always have them. Yeah. It's illegal if you're under 18 to work without a break, I think. Yeah. But, yeah, I need to have a couple years of breaks that I missed. Yeah, didn't they, I don't even know. What was the backpack thing that they did? So, that was for. That didn't have to do with the breaks, did it? No, that was like breaks adjacent. And I'm adjusting my mic here for people in the video. Just. Yeah, also people in the video, we moved our seats for the sake of lighting. Yeah, for aesthetic purposes, so you're welcome. Now you can see our beautiful faces in even better light. And because of the earlier video, it proved we were at the beach. Yeah. That's the best part about this pod. We always have half of what we need. Yeah. We either have the beach, or we have the beard. And both. And both. Maybe we'll have both one day. Next one. We'll see. We'll see. Maybe we will do. Maybe if we're not recording on a Monday morning, shout out Mondays, though. We went up, we got up and got after. But, no, the breaks, the reason, or no, the reason there was a backlog in pay was that basically we had no overtime. Oh, that sure was. Yeah, and we were working overtime hours, technically, and so you got all that compensation for what time half of overtime was. So, shout out the legal system. I still haven't seen a dime of that overtime yet. Need that time and a half. Yeah, shout out rookies getting breaks, getting us food on their breaks, because, yeah, I would've. We need it. Yeah, we do need it. Sometimes you're just so hungover and you just need a Gatorade or a Monster or something, and you just don't have it. Yeah, you just can't get it. Yeah, well, not all of our streets have nice people that bring us food and snacks. Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, all right, switching gears. Our next segment, we're gonna do Grind My Gears, so. I like what you did there. Yeah. Switching gears to Grind My Gears. That's the wordplay that you get for Beaches and Beers. So, for Beaches and Beers, we're about to grind our gears. Yeah, what's grinding my gears this week is a little personal item. So, there's a certain Chiefs player and a certain former Patriots player that are getting compared a lot recently, and I don't think it's fair for Travis Kellison to be compared to Rob Gronkowski. Really? Yeah. How's his performance on some of your stats? He played well, I guess, but he doesn't play the same position. Gronk, and I saw this earlier where people were like, Gronk and Kelsey are the same age right now, which is also crazy. Yeah. They play different positions. Kelsey is like a bona fide receiver. I mean, he's great, really good pass catcher, big dude, like strong, but if you watch Gronk, like, he gets in the trenches in the run game, run blocking, like, he would just body people out there. The reason he kept getting hurt is because the only way to get him down was people had to, like, try to injure him every time they tackled him. Like, there's just, maybe we'll throw in some Gronk highlights or something, but he would just bulldoze people and he was so much bigger and stronger. He changed the game for the Titans, yeah. He came in there, took over the league, wrecked the league. He's also more of a fun guy. Like, he's just a happy guy. There's a video last night of Kelsey, like, shoving Andy Reid because he wasn't. Oh, yeah, I heard about that. I didn't see that. That's really fucked. Yeah, we'll put it in. Oh, in big red? Yeah, I mean, it doesn't matter now because he won, but like, come on, man. Yeah, there's a lot of really funny memes of, like, like, ones where he's like, I'm like, she wears short skirts and I wear sneakers. Yeah. People clip it in a lot of really funny quotes for what he was actually saying. Yeah, I saw one that was like, me, it was like Andy Reid, it was like my Monday alarm. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty true also. But it's random ideas that people compare them because you can't. You mean, they're just not comps. They're not comparables. They're almost different positions. Like, again, Kelsey's a very big, very big part of the Chiefs and the reason for their success and the reason for their Super Bowl win last night and the past three years. But, I mean, again, Gronk was something else. He was special. Insert that meme right again. He was special. I think, I don't know, I think you just are probably a little biased for it. I don't think so. I think this is the most objective I've ever been on anything in my life. Did Gronk come out of retirement to play with Brady and Tappan Baye? Yes, yes he did. And he was another big part, he caught a touchdown at Super Bowl. Did he? Gronk, or Kelsey last night, knew a touchdown. No doubt he's. Nope. Still won though, they still won though. Well, you know what's been grinding my gears, Michael? What's grinding your gears? Connecticut drivers. Tell me about Connecticut drivers. So, you know, at a lot of intersections, I'm just, this place is just so much more polite than Philadelphia in like every aspect. When you're driving around the city, like it doesn't matter if you have a stop sign before someone you're not, whoever moves first goes. And up here, it's like someone will pull up, I'll be on my left turn signal, someone will be pulling up at the stop sign before me, and then they'll be going straight and they'll hit their blinkers to let me go charge in front of them. Like, dude, what are you doing? Like, just go. There's no need to like, be polite, like, you know what I'm saying? It seems like what's grinding your gears is the niceness of Connecticut drivers. No, no, but they also, I don't know, man, because then when you're stuck behind people like that. Oh, they're letting all the other people go? Yeah, they're letting other people go. Like, I'm not even like, I'll give them a wave when they let me go, but I'm like, dude, why are you letting me go? What's going on here? Plus, like, they're always in the left lane on the highway, going the speed limit. It's like, you could easily just keep going the same speed and just roll through the yellow light, but instead you gotta yam on your brakes right before it, like the second the light turns yellow. I don't know. The Connecticut drivers gotta be bigger assholes. And they suck at parking. The parking thing, yeah, that's tough. Yeah. Yeah. I think a fun thing is we do the next time we get some stats to back it up is rank the drivers from every state. Yeah. Either we could do like best to worst or like nicest to meanest, fairest to not fairest. I think off the top of my head, some terrible drivers, New York, easily, easily up there. Kind of Jersey, a little bit. It depends. In Jersey, you're either going 10 miles to the speed limit or 50 above. Yeah. And there's no in between at all. No in between. No in between. We had Spencer get some comms on that when he got set up. Yeah, for the driving, but yeah, I don't know. That's not, that's fair though, I guess. No. Yeah. But all right, final segment. Let's get to our mansplaining. This is where we have some questions from the listeners and we're gonna mansplain our answers to them. We haven't seen these questions yet. They were from our favorite viewers and yeah, please. We'll put these out every weekend or every week. We'll try to get some new questions to cover, but you know. Yeah, we'll start putting out the Q&As out there one more. We got a few questions of people asking if there's a form you have to fill out to be a guest or where they can sign up to get on there. So right now, we have no forms. We could put out a Google form or something. You know, we want as many guests as we can, as we can accommodate, I guess. Yeah. I mean, right now, we've been kind of just doing it live with interviews, but. Yeah, just being like, yo, who's around who wants to. Yeah, maybe we'll do a formal process for interviews. That could be fun. Yeah. Yeah, actually the form is, the form is you have to write a cover letter, send us a video, this is why I think you should be. Like the, what's that, the internship? Yeah. I actually just watched that movie one last time. That's a good one. Oh, you should have them ask what happens if you're trapped in a blender. You're shrunk down. I love those hypotheticals where it's like, like how many ping pong balls could you fit in a Boeing 737? A lot. A lot, that's the right answer. Oh, geez. Well, that question was asked by Emma Wong and. Oh, we're doing name challenge? I think we should. Probably Quinn Sully. I think we should keep them anonymous. Oh, should we get those out? Yeah, bleep them out. We'll edit that. The name challenges are funny, though. All right, next question from a codename. Okay. Q&A question. How can you dog in your roommate's bed without him getting mad? Keep up the good work, boys. All right. Gonna take that one. Don't tell him. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, just be sneaky about it. Yeah, don't let him know. Probably stay above the covers would be. Yeah, yeah, don't go under the covers. Yeah. Lay a towel down. Yep. Or if it's your roommate, probably should use your own bed, but maybe if it's someone else, it's just really hypothetical. If it's like your friend's roommate, like, I don't know, maybe you could just stay on top of the covers. Be quick. Maybe wash the sheets after. I heard apology videos are really good. All right, what's the next one? Moving on. Can Maybach Mike give us his take on inflation? Well, I don't really know much about it, but I know because of certain things that are going on and certain people in charge, they're the reason that inflation's up. No, you know why inflation's up? Because we're printing all this money and we're sending it to other countries. I don't have no problem with supporting the Russia, Ukraine, and the Israel, Palestine. I'm not up to date with that stuff. I think there are a lot of massive things going on in this world, but before we start printing money and sending it overseas, we should look at the own problems we got in America. We got an insanely high homeless population. Let's do something about it. And you know, I saw this thing, like in California, they're gonna start finding and incarcerating homeless people because they're homeless. It's like, well, why are we donating like billions of dollars to other countries? Like imagine if we just poured all that into the problems in our world. In our country. In our country. Yeah. Yeah, that's inflation. Good tackle. So that is my take on inflation. Let's see if we have any other questions. A question for you, Michael, from a former SHVP guard. Is there an age requirement to listen to the podcast? No, I guess. We, I mean, it's, no, just. We got a clap back response to that from our boy, Geoff. Shout out, Geoff. No, won't be into that, but he knows who he is. He said, no age requirement, just an IQ limit. Yep, just gotta be minimum of 80 IQ. I don't even know what that would mean. No IQ, no age, just, you know, for everyone and everywhere. Just be our friend. Yeah. Then another question from one of our hometown boys. Only things from your weekly lives? Is there a separate podcast for your daily lives? No. No, that'd be a lot. Too much. Yeah. You guys don't wanna know what we do. Our daily lives aren't interesting enough. It's too repetitive. Yeah, it's like practice, school, and. Work out again. Work out, yeah. Sleep, hang out on weekends. Yeah. Yeah, you don't. During the week. You don't wanna see our daily lives. It's boring. Yeah. Yeah. But maybe we do a full day, like any big events. That could be fun. That could be fun, yeah. Yeah. Like a weekend, like one weekend. Yeah. Like document. Yeah, there's a lot of events coming up. We can start doing interviews and other things for it, but. Stay tuned. Yeah, get excited. Is that all of our questions? That wraps up our questions. Yeah, all right, keep asking them. We'll keep answering them. Yeah, didn't mansplain anyone's problems. I think really what we want is hypothetical problems you're having that we can solve. Because we're really good at solving problems and giving advice. We give good advice. I mean, those are good questions. You know, keep them coming, but you know, if you have any other things you need to get answered or advice on, let us know. Yeah, and that's our show. As always, thanks for joining Beaches and Beers. Best podcast for years. Stay tuned for next Monday for the next episode. Yeah, we won't have any football to talk about, but we'll get some other good sports out there. And yeah, that's it. Yeah, so remember, rinsers unite. If you don't rinse, you're rinsed. We out.

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