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11-02-24 message (Ur Relationship and u)

11-02-24 message (Ur Relationship and u)




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The speaker talks about the importance of love and how it should be rooted in God. They emphasize that love is not just about emotions, but about having a genuine love for God and others. They also discuss the significance of friendship and how it can impact our lives. The speaker concludes by stressing the need to have God at the center of all relationships and to choose friends who love God. I love you, forever I love you, forever I love you, forever I love you, forever I love you, forever I love you, forever I love you, forever I love you, forever I love you, forever I love you, forever I love you, forever I love you, forever Now we declare our love to you this morning We love you The scripture says we love Him because He loves us first We love Him because He first expressed His love towards us The Bible says what sort of a love it is that a man lay down his life for his friends The Bible says while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us He's the peak and the model of our love Lord, we say this morning we love you because you love us And we declare our love to you in the name of Jesus Lord, take all the glory in the mighty name of Jesus In Jesus' most wonderful name, we are prayed Make angels celebrate God and have your seat at His feet Thank you, God bless you Hallelujah Thank you, Jesus I want to appreciate this rare privilege given to me to lead or introduce the theme of today's program Praise the living Jesus I want to celebrate our pastor in the house, the region of Alsea of Mountain of Fire, Miracle Ministry, Prior City Church, Region 15 Can we just please celebrate the grace of God in the life of our pastor Thank you, God bless you in the name of Jesus Can we celebrate our pastor too They are men of grace Please celebrate God in their lives Thank you Hallelujah Praise the living Jesus The first thing I would like to say is that God is love Can we just take someone beside you and say God is love Hallelujah Praise God God is love The crux of everything we are doing here today hinges on that word God is love Because most times the things we have defined as love has gone out of the definition and the scope of love So much that many of us we can't even boast of having experienced love before in our life Praise the living Jesus Because we have different definitions and concepts around love But if at every point in time you can remember that God is love Praise the living Jesus There is a way you can be able to understand around that topic, around that thing That this is how to love my friend Praise the living Jesus The first thing is what? God is love And if we must be rooted in love Then it means we must be rooted in God Since God is love and we must be rooted in love It means we must be rooted in God Praise the living Jesus God is love, God is light Everywhere you see love you see light The Bible says that the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts So what sheds is light Praise the living Jesus It illuminates our hearts So anywhere you see love you see light Anywhere you see hatred you see darkness Praise the living Jesus Let's dive into the scriptures 1 John chapter 1 Please media you can help us to project 1 John chapter 1 verse 5 This then is the message which we have heard of him And declare unto you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all Verse 6 says and if we say we have fellowship with him And walk in darkness we lie and do not have the truth And chapter 2 verse 9 says He that saith is in light and ateth his brother Darkness is in darkness even unto now Praise the living Jesus It's impossible for me to claim I love this brother I love this sister Praise God Based on different criteria Am I right? Based on different criteria I can say I love this sister I love this brother But how I can be sure that What I really have towards this brother is love In the actual sense Is by what? Loving God Praise God Praise God The Bible says that He that saith is in the light and ateth his brother Is in darkness And verse 10 says He that loveth his brother abides in the what? In the light And that was why I said love is what? Light And God is light Praise the living Jesus God is what? Light Because God is love If you love your neighbor you abide in the light So the concept of love that we used to know Emanates from emotions Emotions is just one of the realms of display of love It's not the core meaning and manifestation of love The Bible says that Christ got to Jerusalem and He was moved in compassion And He gathered them together and He taught them That was an expression of love Through emotion He was moved in compassion He wept over Jerusalem He gathered them together and He taught them And He delivered them from all their sicknesses That is emotion But it didn't start from there The love of God in the heart of Christ Was what He expressed towards those people So it is impossible for me to love my brother If I don't love God And also it is impossible for me to claim I love God If I don't what? Love my brothers Praise the living Jesus So we are not only talking about marital love this morning Because most of us The blessing that God has put in our life Is wrapped up in friendship Praise God The blessing that we are expecting from God Is what's wrapped up in friendship I personally, I can tell you for a fact that I've enjoyed more of the God's blessing through friendship Than anything else There was a time I was expecting God for a job And you know I have aunties who have placed in organizations like NMPC and the like And I was seriously expecting One of them even gave me the assurance And I went for it And she told me that don't worry if it's certain Just be prepared for your first vacation abroad And I was happy Though I wasn't putting my trust in her actually Somebody was just telling me Guy, don't put your trust in this person Praise God But my first job was given to me by a friend He just said Hi, can you be available for an interview tomorrow in Lagos What job am I coming to apply for? I don't know And I go there and I was like What's up? What is the job role? Praise God That was what friendship did for me Praise God But right there and there I was able to prepare And everything was easy So friendship can take us far And also many a times we have also learned to define friendship wrongly You just see people randomly and you call them your friend Because you share the same common space It's wrong Someone can be It's allowed that someone is your colleague Right? But it's not allowed that you call the person your friend Praise God It's not allowed that you call the person your friend That anybody just ran into you and you had good moments together And you are free with the person Doesn't make the person your friend Praise the living Jesus Friendship is more destiny oriented Because every relationship is a ship Every relationship is what? A ship And when you step into a ship It carries everyone to the same direction You can't be going to Bega And you enter a Bega bus And you expect to land in Ibadan It is not possible So no matter how small you think a relationship is Once you agree that you are in a friendship with someone You have joined yourself with that person onto a common cause Praise the living Jesus Love was Every relationship with Sodom It was only the grace of God that There was a higher friendship with God That he was saved Praise the living Jesus If you are in a wrong relationship with someone By virtue of extension What happens to that person can be your loss That was the experience of Jonathan Jonathan was in a wrong relationship with his father Praise the living Jesus He had the chance to cut down the old ship And join the camp of David But he left And that was what led to his downfall So while his father was dying He was also what? Destroyed So relationship is a ship Who you join yourself with Can determine your destination Praise the living Jesus Praise the living Jesus And that is why in the scriptures James chapter 4 verse 4 Please can we have it projected That you adulterers and adulteresses Know ye not that friendship of the world Is enmity with what? With what? You can't have dual friendship Mode activated Friendship with the world Ah he just smokes Ah he just Is a good girl at heart But a party rider She takes drugs All those things You have seen them But you still call the person your friend Is difficult My heart depends on how I associate If it is possible I avoid such Praise the living Jesus Do you know what the bible says The bible says Do not make a foolish man your friend Proverbs Do not make a friend of a foolish man Lest he influence you And ensnares your soul Praise the living Jesus So it means It is possible To make a wrong person Your friend And because of that You are getting influenced The person that calls you every time The person that you like sharing moments with Becomes your friend Whether you like it or not And if those people are wrong set of people They be commanding wrong set of results Around your life Praise the living Jesus Praise the living Jesus I pray God will help us in the name of Jesus So the first thing I said is that God is love And that must be the basis And the core of every relationship Every friendship you want to establish Understanding that If I love this person There will be a friendship with the world It is enmity against God So it means if I want to call someone my friend I must also consider first Does the person love God Praise the living Jesus Will this friendship take me away from God If God is at the center of Every relationship you want to establish You can be sure of safety Praise the living Jesus But if at any point in time You are establishing a selfish motive Behind any relationship You just like her because of her body You feel like okay She is going to be a good model around you When you become the president She will be a very good first lady And you know And you have those kind of things in your mind Of course It might work out for a while But if the crux of the matter Is not that you have the love of God in your heart Then you will be truly on the very dangerous path I pray God to help us in the name of Jesus So first is what? Love God First is what? Love God For God so loved the world And he gave his only begotten son That whosoever he was Believed in him should not perish But have everlasting life Love God Love God Study about God Be obsessed with God Praise God If I love you I will think about your emotions Before I do something against you Praise the living Jesus If I love you It will be difficult for me to say I want to come and hurt you intentionally Even if I hurt you And you come to me I say I meant no harm Because in your sincerity of heart You are incapable of hurting someone you love Praise the living Jesus Love God Where should love God to be easy to express that love to a fellow man Praise the living Jesus I pray God to help us in the name of Jesus Say God will help us in the name of Jesus And secondly I want us to look at some scriptures together Every relationship is a sheep And that is the second point I would like us to open up Courtship Friendship Marriage Anything Each of them takes us to a destination Proverbs 22 verse 24 to 25 Say make no friendship with a furious man Lest you learn of his way And you get your soul ensnared Proverbs 22 verse 24 Proverbs 27 verse 17 says Iron sharpeneth iron So a man sharpens the continence of his friend Praise the living Jesus So it means your relationship matters a lot It can be very intentional about it Choose your friend by virtue of defining your purpose Praise the living Jesus Choose your friend consciously Not everybody can be your friend I'm saying again Not everybody can be your friend Praise the living Jesus I pray God will help us in Jesus name Proverbs 17 verse 17 says A friend loves at all times A friend loves at all times When you have a friend that only celebrates with you When he or she is happy And when you are down, the person is gone The person has no investment in that friendship Praise the living Jesus Then you can't call that person your friend You don't have a friend yet Praise the living Jesus A friend loves at all times I pray God will help us in the name of Jesus Hebrews 10 verse 24 says Let us consider one another to provoke unto love And watch unto good works A good friend provokes you unto watch unto love Praise the living Jesus A good friend encourages you Supports you to watch unto love It doesn't brew competition Praise the living Jesus A good friend doesn't watch brew competition A good friend provokes you to love And unto good works So look at around your life Your circle of friendship and influence What are those What is everybody connected to you doing Praise the living Jesus It is good at times to start doing correct examination of our lives And start screening out some people It is okay if you tell some people I think it is over Praise God I think I think you don't have to tell them You just have to start withdrawing If the person say Are you at home I want to visit You just say I am not available I am not at home It is not the same thing as I am not available I may be at home I am not available for anybody Am I right Am I right So that you won't say Father don't be teaching me how to lie Am I right You can be at home I am not available Am I right So you are not available It means you are not You are not ready to Accept any visit Praise the living Jesus So Consciously be intentional About who comes around you Hebrews 10 24 Praise the living Jesus And the last one I would like to talk about Is not showing godly friendship And I think this is where the cross of the matter is The first thing is understand The golden rule of friendship And which is what I said in the book of James chapter 4 verse 4 That friendship with the Lord Is what I want to tell the person beside me Friendship with the Lord Is enmity against God Friendship with the Lord Is enmity against God It is not me that said it It is James 4 4 Inspired by the Holy Spirit It means you can't claim to love God By establishing a strong bond with the Lord You can't claim to love God By establishing a strong bond with the Lord So understand the golden rule of love Be God-centric That is the first thing when you want to nurture a godly friendship Let it be focused on God And the second thing is understand the law And the principle of attraction Understand the law of attraction Proverbs 13 verse 20 Proverbs 13 verse 20 Praise God Praise God Praise God Praise God Bible says eat and walk it I want us to Do you have our Bible? I'm interested in you reading please Do you have your Bible? Can we read it together? Eat and walk it Eat and walk it Eat and walk it with the wise shall be what? Shall be wise And then But a companion of fools shall be what? So it means by just mere association with someone Someone can be destroyed But by also associating with someone You can be called wise So it means when someone works with the wise It takes wisdom to support a wise man And it also takes wisdom to retain friendship With a wise man So by virtue of that you become wise Praise the living Jesus By virtue of that you become what? Wise I pray God to help us in the name of Jesus Amen So understand the law of attraction The law of attraction is saying you attract what you become You attract what you become You can't be a mean person And you are now getting negative vibes all around you And you are now complaining Praise the living Jesus You can't be someone who doesn't Who doesn't care about people You are not empathic Then you are expecting that everybody should shower love to you It is like Expecting what you are not giving It is difficult Praise the living Jesus So that love you want to receive from people Praise the living Jesus Become that thing And you will be able to easily attract it The third one is be empathic Praise the living Jesus Be what? Be empathic Empathy means putting yourself in another person's shoes Praise God Before I say this thing to this sister Let me imagine If she says it to me Praise God Before I do this kind of thing to this sister Let me imagine that If she was the one who did it to me How will I feel? That is empathy If you can do that, it builds respect Praise the living Jesus Praise the living Jesus We are talking about not showing Godly words Friendship Your friends become who you are If you are giving a wrong vibe You get it back So be empathic Tell the person beside you to be empathic Put people's actions Put people's feelings in mind Praise the living Jesus At times It is not even important what you do to people But it is more important What you make them feel How you make them feel Praise God It is not even as important As what you do to people As how you make people feel It might make people feel bad And that impression will just last That this person is a wicked person Praise the living Jesus So mind be careful Select how you treat people I pray God will help us in the name of Jesus And the fourth one is invest in friendship I don't know how Aynor did it And it became so much close to God That a time came They were walking and they never returned Praise God I don't know how Abraham did it That it became so close to God And God himself said Will I do this thing without what Telling my friend Abraham See if you don't model these things If you don't go and look at how this thing works It might not really be playing out in our lives Praise God So there is an intention behind it Praise the living Jesus There is an intention Behind it Invest in friendship Invest in friendship If your friend has an issue Will you be the first person at the line of call Praise the living Jesus If your friend When you are talking about investing in friendship It might not be monetary It might be I know Toby is always available to hear me I know Toby is always giving me that moral support I know Toby is always there for me When I need him the most Praise the living Jesus If you are not that kind of person The day that you need people You will find out that you are so poor That you don't have anybody around you Praise the living Jesus So invest in what? Friendship Invest in friendship Your degree might not matter tomorrow Praise God Your degree might not matter tomorrow You just see a friend that says I have interest in you, what can we do together Praise God I have seen you consistently You have been loyal to our friendship I think we can work together And that will solve all your long time Questions and puzzles I pray God will help us in the name of Jesus You have a friend That you know is a good person And you have not really been reaching out to for a very long time Why not after this service Call the person and say I appreciate you so much I know I have not been doing so well in this friendship But just let me let you know That out of sight is not out of mind I really appreciate you That will open up a new channel Of what? Of connection for you I pray God will help us in the name of Jesus I say God will help us in the name of Jesus And the final one I would like to say is Be highly intentional Be highly what? Intentional Can the people at the back say be highly intentional The people at the back Can you say be highly intentional Thank you Don't just go into friendship By virtue of random selection Be intentional Be intentional Look at what you want to achieve in life Look at your purpose Look at your destiny direction Praise God And trust God for friendship in that line It is not bad like I said To have people around you and not name them a friend Because a friend is so far More than what we call friendship I pray God will help us in the name of Jesus I say God will help us in the name of Jesus The best form of friendship to have Is friendship with God Am I right And Bible has said that Friendship with the world Means enmity against God So no matter how much we claim That we love God And we are still bonding Seriously with the world It means we don't have a relationship And if you know That on the day of rapture Jesus Christ is coming for us Only one set of people Who are the people His friends Am I right We are not responding Am I right Jesus Christ is coming for his friends Am I right So please if you are here today You don't really understand Where you stand with God yet Maybe you are a friend with God or not You don't even understand You know you don't have a friendship with God I think it is this moment You just have to speak to God I want to start This connection with you today I want to go into a new level Some of us We don't have a friendship with God We are in today we are out tomorrow We are in today we are out tomorrow Those kind of relationship don't grow Because you don't grow relationship by a consistent fellowship It is by consistent what Fellowship Can you just pray and say Lord Help me in the name of Jesus As people are giving their life to Christ And renew their bond with God If you are here As long as you can remember You are not even giving love Any kind of Reference in your mind Because you don't receive it You don't receive it from your parents You don't even have it in place in your mind It is not a concept That you want to hear about It is affecting a lot of parts of your life Can I just put your hand on your chest And pray and say Lord Let this affliction be over I receive the grace of love into my heart In the mighty name of Jesus I receive the grace of love I receive the grace of love into my heart In the name of Jesus I receive the grace of love into my heart In the name of Jesus I receive the grace of love into my heart In the name of Jesus I receive the grace of love into my heart In the name of Jesus Help me Father take away every seed and root Of bitterness that corrupt my soul In the mighty name of Jesus In Jesus mighty name we pray If I have just given my life to Christ Can I pray with you Father in the name of Jesus I pray that everyone who Has started A friendship journey with you today Their experience shall be like that of Enoch In the name of Jesus Going stronger and stronger and stronger Even unto the perfect day In the name of Jesus In Jesus mighty name we pray Hallelujah I want us to be on our feet Just one song before I go It is a song of commitment to God Yes Don't say I'm too fanatical and I'm mentioning God When I ought to be talking about friendship You can't get it right with man If you don't get it right with God Take me deeper Deeper in love With you Jesus Hold me close Do we know the song? Choir do we know the song? Take me Take me Do you? Does anybody know the song? Anybody that want to come and back me up I want us to sing that song just Two times Before we go Thank you Jesus Take me deeper Deeper in love With you Jesus Hold me close Do we know the song? Choir do we know the song? Take me deeper Deeper in love Deeper in love Deeper in love Deeper in love I just want to love you more and more I want To be deeper in love Do we know the song now? Can we sing it together? Take me deeper Deeper in love With you Jesus Hold me close In your embrace Take me deeper Deeper than I've ever been before I just want to love you more and more I want To be deeper in love One more time Oh Take me deeper Deeper in love With you Oh Jesus Hold me close In your embrace Take me deeper Take me deeper Deeper than I've ever been before I just want to love you more and more I want To be deeper in love I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more I just want to love you more and more

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