Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker begins by expressing gratitude to the Lord for helping them overcome challenges. They believe that listeners are hearing the podcast because God has a purpose for their lives. The speaker encourages listeners who are experiencing pain and suffering, assuring them that they are about to birth something amazing that will bring them joy. They then read a passage from the Book of John that talks about sorrow turning into joy. The speaker explains that even though we may not understand what God is doing behind the scenes, He is in control and working in our lives. They emphasize the need to go through trials and battles in order to experience victory and joy. The speaker concludes by reminding listeners that God is always with them and that they should embrace their darkest moments as they lead to their destiny. Hello everyone. It is 10 a.m. September 6th, 2023. Can somebody out there just shout out and say, I never would have made it if it had not been for the Lord on my side, fighting my battles. I never would have made it. Woo, Jesus. Come on now, somebody. You're hearing this podcast because Jesus woke you up this morning. You're hearing this podcast because God still has a purpose for your life. You are hearing this podcast because God hasn't given up on you. Sister Melissa here. Oh hallelujah. I feel the presence of the Lord in this place and I believe the Holy Spirit is going to move through the sound waves. He's moving in the atmosphere and God wants me to let you know today, yes, today in this day, that although you have felt the pain of your labor, but God says you are getting ready to birth something that is going to take you away from all the pain you've been suffering, from all the pain you've been encountering, because it is the hour that yes, you're going to have to push because you're about to birth something. Something amazing is about to come out of you because God says the time has come. Oh hallelujah. For a while, those who were watching you, they may have been rejoicing. They also may have been keeping their eye on you because they too, hallelujah, know that there's something inside of you because of all the birth pains you have been signaling to them, letting them know that there's something, something within me, hallelujah, that's causing me pain, but I'm still walking and I'm still talking and I'm still breathing and what's inside of me is about to become manifest in the mighty name of Jesus, the word of God that I will be reading from this morning. It comes from the book of John chapter 16 and the word of God reads like this. Now Jesus knew that they desired to ask him and he said to them, are you inquiring among yourselves about what I said a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me most assuredly. I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy. A woman when she is in labor has sorrow because her hour has come, but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish for joy that a human being has been born into the world. Therefore, hallelujah, you now have sorrow, but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice and your joy no one will take from you. Hallelujah. There is a word for somebody out there who is hearing this podcast, who will hear this podcast because God wants me to let you know that yes, there were seasons you had to go through where it felt like you could not see the hand of God moving and it felt like you could not, hallelujah, hear the voice of God. You felt like God has abandoned you. You felt like God was not there for you. You felt like it was all over. It was all over for your life and that there was no way out, but I want to let you know when a person has to be processed, this is because God is reforming. He is reconstructing and he is doing something greater in you that you cannot see. Take a pregnant woman, for example. We know that when she goes to the sonogram, you can see what's inside, but you cannot see the development that is taking place because that is a sacred place. That is a place where only God and that person is able for a season or for seasons, they are able to withstand the growth that is taking place. That does not mean that they understand what is going on because take the baby in the womb. The baby has no idea what God is doing, but we see the finished works. When we see the sonogram, we see what God has done in that time frame, but we cannot see the growth taking place because that is a sacred place between God and what God is doing. Oh, I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. There is a season where you have felt that you could not get through it. You've been asking God to help you. Let me tell you that although you could not see what was taking place, God is saying there is growth taking place in places you cannot see, in places that you are not able to comprehend because the fact remains God in his eternal mercy will not allow us to see it taking place because God in his eternal mercy wants us to continue crying out to him and asking him to help us. Although we cannot see what is going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm, God is in control. God is sovereign and God knows what he is doing. So when God spoke to the disciples, he tells the disciples, are you inquiring among yourselves about what I said because they were a little perplexed. If we have Jesus, then how is it that we are going to go through trials and tribulations if he's the healer? How are we going to go through so many things if he's with us to deliver us? Well, Jesus let them know that while you may feel like you're in the silence, while you may feel like you're not moving, while you feel like nothing is happening, I want to let you know that the world will rejoice, but you will lament. You will have sorrow. The reason why Jesus said this is because he knows that before we can have joy, we must have sorrow. Before a victory, we must go into battle. And in order for us to fight in battle, it's going to cause us to go into the battlefield. It's going to cause us to feel the pressure building up on all sides of our enemies closing in on us. But whatever was inside of us becomes more intense. The screaming may become more intense, but this only means that God is telling us that time has come, that whatever you have been suffering with is getting ready to make its way out. And when it makes its way out, it gives birth to joy. It gives birth to happiness. It gives birth, hallelujah, to something that inside of us was there. It just needed to grow. And when something grows, it expands. And when it expands, it makes no room for whatever is within the walls of whatever God is causing to expand. Oh, I know somebody's hearing me right now. I know your season has come. I know that God is telling you, soon your mourning will turn into rejoicing. Oh, soon your sorrow will be turned into joy. Oh, hallelujah. Praise the Lord. And through it all, Jesus never leaves us. Through it all, God never forsakes us. Through it all, He is with us. He is with us, letting us know that no matter what we go through in this life, we must become processed. We must learn to embrace our darkest moments because through them and out of them is birthed the destiny that God has for your life, for my life. We must understand one thing, that in this life, we will have many trials and tribulations. But Jesus tells us in His Word to take heart because He has already overcome the world, which means whatever we face in this life, God already has the outcome. God already knows the solution to the problem. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Oh, I pray that this message has blessed and ministered forth to your heart as it has first ministered and blessed my heart. Until the next time, bye-bye for today.